Maybe you're mine

By malecsd_magical_luv

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By malecsd_magical_luv

"Did you meet Magnus Bane?" Underhill asked Trevor who was writing something on his notes. "Nope.. Once I went to his office but he's not there.." He said without looking at Underhill who looked at him suspiciously. "I don't think it's a good idea to interfere between them.." "But you said like you're gonna make them live together" Underhill asked with a smirk.

Trevor twisted his lips "Yeah but now I'm working to make one person fall on me.." Underhill was surprised. "It's Alec isn't it?" Trevor shook his head as 'no'. Underhill thought a second but he didn't see Trevor talk to anyone in the office more closely. "Who's that?" He asked unable to contain himself.

"You'll know soon" Trevor said and winked at him. Underhill rolled his eyes and came back to his work. Suddenly both of them looked at the way where one man walked like a model with makeup on his face. Trevor opened his mouth at the sight. Underhill looked at Magnus with his shocked face.

"Woww.. Who's that hottie?" Trevor stood up on his foot. Most of the people who worked at the office looked at Magnus with an open mouth. Because Magnus looks more hot today. Magnus smirked without looking at them. He knew if he entered into any place he got all the attention on him.

"He's Magnus Bane" Underhill said closing Trevor's mouth. "What the fuck? Is it true?" He asked before sitting on his chair. Underhill nodded his head. Magnus saw Rachel who sat in front of Alec's cabin.

"Magnus" she stood up once she saw him. "Stay" Magnus said waving his hand and entering Alec's cabin. "Get out" Alec said without looking at Magnus. He already saw him when he walked like a fashion model. "Why did you take her here?" Magnus asked before sat on the chair which is placed on the opposite side of him.

"I've to investigate her" "For what?" Magnus asked to lean on the table. "George Mao filed a case against her.. He thinks she was a girl who can easily trick anyone so this case went straight to me.. Is this information enough for you?" Alec said looking straight into Magnus eyes.

"What case?" "He accused her of take his documents which belong to his business" Alec said looking at the papers. "He planned everything" Magnus said still looking at Alec. "I don't care about that" "But you can't act against her". Alec inhaled his breath before leaned on the table.

"Listen Magnus oops Mr. Bane.. I'm not a lawyer.. I took her here to investigate.. You're her lawyer so you can stay here but you've to know that I can't do anything other than do my duty.." He said and looked at Magnus who nodded his head. "Now I'm going to investigate her so wait outside" Alec said calmly because he doesn't want to deal with him now.

Magnus looked at him suspiciously but stood up before walked out. "Rachel I talked to him.. It's just an investigation.. So don't panic just answer whatever he asks.." She nodded her head and went inside. Magnus waited for her outside and crossed his legs.

He felt someone watched him continuously. So he looked where the gaze was coming from. It was Trevor who was staring at him. He wiggled his eye brows at him so Trevor looked away. That made Magnus smirked.

It's been fifteen minutes so Magnus couldn't stay outside anymore. He stood up and entered Alec's cabin. "What do you want?" Alec asked annoyingly. "Just to know what's happening.." He walked inside and sat next to Rachel who looked at him nervously.

"Do you find anything?" He asked Alec who shook his head. Magnus smiled and sat comfortably. "Did you ever threaten him?" Alec asked Rachel who suddenly felt sweat on her face. "You can't ask questions like that.. It's like we're at the trail.." Magnus said after noticing Rachel's expression.

Alec didn't listen to him. "Answer me Ms. Rachel" Alec said again. "I um.. Yeah but I said to him if he didn't pay last month's salary I would file a case against him.." "It's not a threat by the way" Magnus said and closed his mouth once he gave a death glare from Alec. "I don't think you're saying the truth"

Alec said and leaned back on his seat. Magnus raised his one brow. He looked at Rachel who tensed. "Mr. Lightwood you believe or not it's the truth.." Rachel said and stood up away from. "I didn't say you can go.." Alec said looking at Magnus.

"What do you want to know?" Rachel asked. Magnus stood up and said. "Alec you asked everything.. Don't make her uncomfortable.." Magnus said looking at Alec who stood up. "You can't order me Magnus" he said sternly. "Alec-"

"I didn't do one thing to you.. George also filed a criminal case that she tried to kill him.." He looked at Magnus who was shocked. "That bastard" Magnus cursed. Rachel knew that because Alec already told her that.

"You can leave Ms. Rachel" Alec said without breaking an eye contact with Magnus. "Alec she's innocent.. I knew he would do anything to make himself prove as innocent but it's not going to happen until I'm on her side.. But I want you not to disturb her because she was affected mentally.." He said looking at Alec.

But he didn't get the expression he expected from Alec. "I don't think she's innocent Magnus.. But I think you're wasting your time.." That made Magnus angry. "What the fuck are you talking about?" He asked harshly. Alec chuckled at Magnus angry face.

"I heard your fee was high.. But she didn't look rich.. So why are you working by her side?" Alec asked to come in front of Magnus. "That's none of your business" He said unable to understand what Alec's expecting from him.

"Yeah that's none of my business but I can tell why.. You slept with her that's why you're doing this to do that thing again.." Magnus grabbed his collar at the words. Now their faces are only inches apart. "I slept with most of the NY people but she's not one of them.. Watch your words before speaking or I'll cut your tongue.." He warned him but he didn't receive anything other than chuckle.

He let go of Alec's collar and said "I didn't think you're this much cheap Alec.. And I would never sleep with my client because I respect my job.. But I think you would sleep with guys who worked outside.. They're looking at me like I'm a candy shop so it doesn't surprise me that they ate you too.."

"Stop your filthy talk.." Alec said looking disbelief. Magnus laughed "It goes the same for you too bitch.." "Fuck off" Alec said waving his hand to Magnus who's laughing and stood up more closely to him. So Alec looked into his eyes and waited for his words.

"I'll win the case and prove that she's innocent.. If I did that what do you do Alec?" "Stop your imagination" Magnus laughed sarcastically. Alec smiled at him. "Let's make a deal.. If you won I'll do anything you say but.. (He moved his face more closely) if I won you'll do what I say.." He said and pulled his face back.

"I don't think I'll accept" he said looking away because he knew what Magnus was gonna say if he won. "So you knew I'm the one who's gonna win" he laughed devilishly. Alec rolled his eyes at him. "Okay.. I accept your fucking challenge.. But mind it Magnus.. I'll make you pay for what you did to me.." He said like a warning.

Magnus smirked but he also had no idea what Alec would do if he won. But he strongly believes he's the one who's gonna win this. "Let's see what will happen.. You idiot" he said and walked away but he stopped when Alec pulled him back by his wrist.

"I'm waiting for that day you bitch and don't think high of you.. You just looks different because of your makeup" he wishpered in Magnus ear who felt shivers in his skin but he held his hand back. "You mean Beautiful?" He asked. Alec could sense smirk on Magnus lips but he didn't say anything he just looked away. Magnus walked out after pushed Alec by putting his hand on Alec's chest..!

Oh challenge..

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