Mothra - Ben 10: Omniverse (O...

By AlexNeko_990

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Mothra (Ongoing) ⏳ --- Lunaris Frost, or Luna has a lot questions, that are just left unknown to him. Why was... More

Meet My Character
Chapter One: The new Trio
Chapter Two: Undertown Chase
Chapter Four: Spark Ignite
Chapter Five: Mutant Ants
Chapter Six: Heatwave
Chapter Seven: Screegit
Chapter Eight: Quartilloptus Soup
Chapter Nine: Told you so
S2|Meet My Characters
S2|Chapter Ten: Temporarily Back
S2|Chapter Eleven: Half Naked
S2|Chapter Twelve: Short Squad
S2|Chapter Thirteen: Mr. Smoothy Night
S2|Chapter Fourteen: Bullseye
S2|Chapter Fifteen: Meeting the Family
S2|Chapter Sixteen: Ninja Time
S2|Chapter Seventeen: Engagement Ritual?!
S2|Chapter Eighteen: Exploding Moon
S2|Chapter Nineteen: Forgiving Yourself
S3|Chapter Twenty: Aliens & Cryptids
S3|Chapter Twenty-One: Middle Ground
S3|Chapter Twenty-Two: 23 Reasons Why
S3|Chapter Twenty-Three: Prisoner Escaped
S3|Chapter Twenty-Four: Time Portals
S3|Chapter Twenty-Five: Ducktales
S3|Chapter Twenty-Six: Saving Revonnah, Again
S3|Chapter Twenty-Seven: Incursean Invasion
S3|Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hybrid and the Revonnahgander

Chapter Three: Patrolling Night

323 12 0
By AlexNeko_990


[Plumber Base - Hanger]

Rook, Luna and Max are in Max's hanger, the three of them were waiting for Ben, who is nowhere to be seen.

Luna is wearing his signature Light Brown Jacket, Black Sleeveless Turtleneck and Grey pants.

Been soon entered the hanger, while drinking a smoothie from Mr. Smoothy. "Sorry, I'm late." He apologized, once he reached the three.

"You're not on your own schedule anymore, Ben. You can't keep your partners waiting." Max said, gesturing towards Rook and Luna.

"It's okay, Mr. Max. I'm okay with waiting." Luna said, shrugging. "Not like, I've been waiting for a few years for something exciting to happen. No at all." He said, giving Max a smirk.

Max laughed a bit, shaking his head.

"I was..." Ben trailed off, thinking of an excuse. "Off saving the universe!" He said.

Max looks at the smoothie that Ben is holding, disappointed. Ben looks at the smoothie, and hides it. Max smiles and walks away.

Ben sighed. "Come on, Rook, Luna. Let's go. I'm parked over here." He said, pointing at a direction.

"We'll take mine." Rook said, gesturing towards an impressive patrol vehicle.

Ben is amazed, until the vehicle drives away, revealing a normal looking truck with "Max's Plumbing" on the side.

Ben is disappointed. "Wow. I bet the girls all start screaming when they see this ride rolling down the block." He sarcastically said.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad." Luna said. "It works as a normal disguise."

Rook smiled at Luna, before turning towards his vehicle. "Females are not afraid of my vehicle. But they probably should be." He said. He got out a remote, and pressed on the button.

The truck begins to transform, and it turns into a spaceship.

Ben's mouth was opened-wide shocked. "Sometimes, you're actually kinda awesome." He said to Rook. Rook smiled. "Sometimes." He said, and walked towards the spaceship.

"Don't worry, I think you're awesome all the time." Luna told Rook, truthfully, smiling and went towards the spaceship. Not noticing that his words had made a blush to appear on the Revonnahgander's cheeks.

The three heroes are now in the spaceship, and Rook drives the spaceship out of the hanger. The spaceship transformed into its truck disguise, and went out onto the highway.



The three heroes are on Rook's vehicle, the Proto-TRUK.

Rook was in the driver seat.
Ben was in the passenger seat.
Luna sat between the two.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Ben continues drinking his smoothie, slurping a bit. He was bored.

Luna sat at his seat, leaning his head onto the headrest, closing his eyes.

Rook was observing Ben. "I'm not familiar with human emotional cues..." He said.

Ben looked towards Rook.
Luna opened his left-eye, and looked towards Rook.

"But are you angry at me?" He asked, looking towards Ben.

"Nah, just bored." Ben said. "I'm feeling more like a tour guide than a hero, lately. Over here on your right, you'll see a city. Over here on your left, you'll see what we call 'water'. Careful, it's wet." He said, pretending to be a tour guide.

"Water is wet. I'm familiar with that." Rook said.

"Okay, but seriously, what kind of tour guide is that?" Luna asked, now having both his eyes opened, and looking at Ben fully. "The only time when water isn't wet, is when they're solid. And we call that ice." He said.

"I'm sorry that I left you two waiting around." Ben told his two partners. "I just don't wanna change how I work. I've saved the universe a million times, at least!" He said.

"That is why I look forward to this. I hope the real Ben Tennyson lives up to the legend." Rook said.

Ben was slurping on his drink, and his eyes widened at the word "legend". "There are legends?!" He asked, excitedly.

"Well, technically, they're more like rumors." Luna said, making a so-so gesture with his hand. "Not a lot of them are confirmed, since at that time, no one can really ask Ben Tennyson himself."

Rook nodded. "Luna is right. They can't all be true, though." He said. "For instance, Alien X. That's just a rumor that a fan made up and put on the extranet, right?" He asked, turning towards Ben for a bit, and looking back at the road.

"Oh yeah, that rumor." Luna said, remembering hearing about it. "Not sure if it was true though." He said, shrugging.

"Alien X is real." Ben told the two.

"He is? Show me! Change into Alien X right now." Rook said, looking at Ben.

"I'd better not. It's a whole thing." Ben said, looking out the window. He continues drinking his smoothie.

"Just as I thought." Rook said, a bit saddened.

"Look, find us a little heroing to do and you can tell me if I live up to the legend." Ben told Rook.

"Let's go!" Luna said.

And the three drove towards the city.


[City - Road]

The three heroes almost drove past three small aliens, who're eating a car.

Rook reverses the truck, and Ben sticks his head out looking at the aliens.

The aliens looked towards Ben, who prepares his Omnitrix. They became scared, and spat out the car parts, smiling at Ben.

The aliens even tried to fix the car.

Ben and Luna looks at Ben, who retracted back to his seat. Ben pointed forward, and Rook drives away.


[City - Alleyway]

Ben, Rook and Luna are now currently chasing after an alien, who appears to have a stolen handbag.

[City - Streets]

As the three heroes continue chasing after the alien, they appeared out of the alleyway. The three saw the alien going towards an elderly woman sitting on a bench.

The alien went behind the elderly woman.

Ben prepares his Omnitrix.

Instead of doing something to the elderly woman, the alien returns her stolen handbag back.

The elderly woman grabs her handbag back, looking behind her, and seeing the alien who smiled at her. She screamed, and went away, passing the three heroes.

Ben closes his Omnitrix, looking down, sadly.


[City -Alleyway]

In an alleyway a larger alien seems to be cornering a smaller alien.

The three heroes arrived, Ben went out of the Proto-TRUCK and stood in front. Rook and Luna stood at the side.

Ben prepares his Omnitrix.

It turns out the larger alien is actually the parent of the smaller alien, as it feeds its child the baby bottle.

Ben noticing what he was doing, raised his arms, and moves back towards the truck. He looked towards Rook and Luna.

Rook went back into the truck. While Luna shrugs before following Rook.


[City - Streets]

Ben, Rook and Luna are now seen at the side of the road, inside of the truck.

Rook was seen eating some snacks, handing some to Luna who gratefully ate it.

"Some heroing so far. At least the world is safe from car-munching aliens." Ben said, putting his head on his arms, which were on the front. "Look, some normal dude." He said, pointing at someone who walks by them on the phone. "Maybe we should arrest him for jaywalking."

"Wait, something's different about his phone." Luna said, seeing as the person's phone was connected to his backpack by a tube.

Rook nodded. "Agree. His phone shouldn't be able to be powered here on Earth. Is that normal?" He asked.

"Not that I know of." Luna said.

The three heroes observes the phone closely.

"No, that's not normal." Ben said.

[City - Alleyway]

The dude that the three heroes are now following, Corvo went into an alleyway.

"Well, you tell her that I'm part of something big." Corvo tells the person on the other-end of his phone. He turns around. Ben, Rook and Luna hides behind the dumpster. "I'll call you back." He said.

Corvo converts his phone into a weapon, and fired at the three who're hiding. Ben saves both Rook and Luna from the blast.

Corvo begins to run.

"You're welcome." Ben said to Rook and Luna, before he begins chasing after Corvo.

"Come on!" Luna said to Rook, the two got back up and chased after Corvo.

As the three turns a corner, they saw Corvo in a car, driving away. The three dodged.

"Finally, some action!" Ben said, and he runs towards a wall. "Big Chill will let me cut right through these buildings." He said, and transformed, but instead of transforming into a Necrofriggian, he transformed into his Pyronite Alien, Heatblast.

Ben(Heatblast) crashed into the wall. "Heatblast... Seriously?" He said, seeing what he has transformed to. He stood back up, and looks up he building. "Time to improvise." He said, and propels himself up.

Luna looks at the wall. "Rook, can you help me out of my jacket?" He asked, not taking his eyes off of the wall.

"Sure, but, I do not understand." Rook said, he helps Luna out of his jacket, and blushes when he saw the half-human's bareback from the diamond-shaped cut of his turtleneck.

"It's time to spread my wings." Luna said, he transformed into his Alien Form. "Frost Moth!" He announced. He looks back at Rook. "I'll phase through the buildings, and chased after the guy with Ben. You get back on the truck, and try to cut him off." He said to Rook.

"Got it." Rook said, nodding.

"Oh, and, please keep my jacket close. Cause I'm gonna need it to transform back." Luna said. He turned back towards the wall, hw starts to fly and begins phasing through the buildings.


[City - Car Chase]

Corvo as driving his vehicle. He saw Ben(Heatblast) behind him, and Luna behind Ben(Heatblast).

Corvo tries to blast both Ben(Heatblast) and Luna, but the two easily dodges by maneuvering in the air.

Rook tries to cut Corvo off with his truck. But failed as Corvo drives around him.

Rook converts his Proto-TRUK into its spaceship form, and goes after Corvo, with Ben(Heatblast) and Luna behind him.

Corvo turns a corner, and the three heroes follows.

Ben(Heatblast) boosts himself, closer to Corvo's car. He melts one of the car's tires, making Corvo losing control of his car, slowing down and eventually stopping.

Ben(Heatblast) transforms back to his human form, mid-air. "Aw, this one's going to sting a little!" He exclaimed, landing on the road painfully on his behind.

"Oh, that's gotta sting." Luna said to Ben. Him and Rook flew by Ben, and towards Corvo.

Corvo saw Rook and Luna going towards him. He got off his car, and tries to run away.

Luna who turned invisible just before reaching Corvo, turns visible in front of him, and did a flying-kick, kicking the male back.

Rook who got out of the truck to chase after Corvo, caught the male, as Luna kicks him back.

Ben got back up, he dusted himself off, and walked towards where his partners Rook and Luna had captured Corvo.

"What is your deal?" Corvo questioned, he was cuffed. "I wasn't doing anything!" He said, standing up.

"Except shooting at a Plumber." Rook said.
"And running away from one." Luna said. He has his wings around him acting as a cloak.
"And a superhero!" Ben said.

Ben examines Corvo's equipment. "Alien communicator, alien weapon." He noted, seeing the equipment. "Please tell me you work for someone big and dangerous so I can kick his butt." He said, getting excited.

"You guys wouldn't last a minute against my boss." Corvo stated.

Everyone heard noises coming from Corvo's car.

"This doesn't sound like a typical Earth combustion engine." Rook said.
"Maybe it's a hybrid." Ben said.
"Or its not." Luna said.

The three heroes starts making their way towards Corvo's car.

Corvo got worried. "There's nothing in there. I swear!" He said.

Rook opens the engine, that is at the back of Corvo's car. There was a yellow cylinder there, that has a crack. The cylinder breaks open and a battery-like alien known as Nosedeenian, appeared out of it.

Corvo became nervous. Ben gasped in surprise.

The Megawhatt that was freed went towards Corvo, who tried to run. The Megawhatt reaches the backpack, and released his friend that was inside.

"Megawhatts?" Ben said, surprised. "I haven't seen any of these guys in years." He said.

"Well, I haven't seen them in months." Luna said.

The Megawhatts were zapping around the light poles, mischievously. They got back onto the ground, and looks at Corvo angrily.

The two went towards Corvo, knocking him onto his back, and begins mischievously zapping him.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop - ow - that!" Corvo cried in pain.

"I have never faced a Nosedeenian." Rook said, he brought out his Proto-Tool. "Any advice?" He asked, looking at both Ben and Luna.

The Megawhatts turns their attention onto Rook, they went onto his Proto-Tool, and starts zapping him.

"Ow!" Rook exclaimed, as he was zapped.

"Try not to let them zap you." Ben said, with a blank expression.

Rook was struggling against the Megawhatts. "Duly noted." He said.

"Hey, there, little guys." Luna greeted. The Megawhatts looked towards Luna, the two Megawhatts went towards him.

Rook became worried, but it was proved pointless, as him and Ben saw the Megawhatts standing on both Luna's shoulders communicating with the half-Necrofriggian.

Both Ben and Rook stood shocked, confused at seeing the two Megawhatts actually communicating with Luna.

Luna hummed and nodded, as the two Megawhatts gestured around, telling him something. "Okay, got it!" He said.

The two Megawhatts got onto the electric lines.

"What just happened?" Ben asked.
"I would also like to know." Rook said.
The both of them were looking at the half-Necrofriggian, waiting for him to explain.

"Let's just say, I had a few run-ins here and there with the Nosedeenian, for the past year." Luna calmly said, smiling at the two.

The two Megawhatts zips away on the electric lines.

"Stop them!" Ben said.

The three heroes begins chasing after the Megawhatts.

They forgot about Corvo, who silently escapes.


[City - Crossroad]

At the Crossroad in the city, the Megawhatts causes the traffic lights to go out, causing havoc on the streets.

The three heroes stops and looks around.

"Which way?" Ben asked.

Rook points up at the Megawhatts, who seems to be taunting them. The two Megawhatts zips away.

"I'll keep after them. Give me some eyes in the sky." Ben told Rook and Luna, as he continue chasing after the Megawhatts on the sidewalk.

Rook grapples onto the top of a building. While Luna flies up there.

[Top of the Building]

Rook and Luna got up, they saw the Megawhatts' path.

"They seem to be moving towards the water-port." Rook told ben, though his Plumber Badge which also has his communicator.

"We better follow." Luna said, looking at Rook who nodded in agreement.


[Water-port - Outside]

Ben(Clockwork) who was in his Chronosapien Alien Form, arrived outside of an warehouse in the water-port, panting tiredly. Rook and Luna arrived, just as Ben(Clockwork) transform back to his human form.

"Are you hurt, Ben?" Rook asked, seeing Ben panting tiredly.

"Gimme a sec... so I don't hurl." Ben said, catching his breathe.

"It's a miracle they didn't escape a Chronosapien." Rook said, looking at the warehouse.

"That's the thing. I think they wanted me to follow them." Ben said, he was sweating.

"You would be right." Luna told Ben, looking at the warehouse.

"Wait, you knew?!" Ben asked, looking at the half-Necrofriggian.

"More or less." Luna said, shrugging.

"Do you need more time?" Rook asked, looking at Ben.

Ben waves his hand, telling Rook he doesn't. "No. But if you two see my face turning green, step back!" He told his partners, and begin walking down the stairs.

Rook and Luna follows Ben.


[Warehouse - Inside]

The three heroes sneaks into the warehouse, there they saw a machine with a bunch of Megawhatts trapped.

The two Megawhatts that were freed by the three were trying to help their friends. One of them saw the three, and waves telling them they need their help.

"So that's where the others are." Luna said, seeing the other Megawhatts.

"I see it but I don't believe it." Ben said. He looks at Rook and Luna. "The Megawhatts need our help." He said.

"Someone has set up a factory that uses them as a power source." Rook stated.

Rook spots someone, he pulls both Ben and Luna back.

"Hey, two of the batteries got out!" One of the thugs said, seeing the two Megawhatts. He jumps onto the ground level.

The two Megawhatts tried to escape, but were captured by the thug's equipment.

A thug tries to sneak up on Ben, Rook and Luna.

"Better do something soon, if you two know what I mean." Ben said, quietly.
"I do." Rook said.
"Let's hurry." Luna said.

Ben did a low-sweep, making the thug lose his balance.
Rook and Luna knocks the thug back, making him crashed into the wall.

Ben, Rook and Luna were captured by an electric bubble, by the other thug.

Due to the size of the electric bubble. Luna is leaning forward, his head was on Rook's chest. Rook looks up, making sure his chin wasn't resting on top of Luna's head, and the Revonnahgander was trying very hard not to blush, especially with the situation at hand.

"Great." Ben sarcastically said.

A bigger guy, who seems to be the boss, Fistrick arrived, with Corvo behind him.

"You better be worth interrupting my workout for." Fistrick said, standing in front of a punching bag.

"Look like spies, Fistrick." The thug that has captured the three told him.

Fistrick punches the punching bag. "We got spies in my house of business?" He questioned, and continue punching the punching bag.

"There's no sign out front." Ben said. Rook took out a device, both Ben and Luna saw it. "Seems like you don't want people to know your business." He said.

Fistrick punches the punching bag, he stops for a bit, looking back at Ben. "Well, this kind of alien tech doesn't just fall off a truck." He said, and continue punching the punching bag.

"I'm sure whoever you took it from isn't too happy about it going missing." Ben said.

Fistrick knocks out the punching bag, making it falling off its chain. "Ahaha. He don't care anymore... bro." He said.

"You steal alien tech and then use alien hostages to charge it." Ben stated.

Fistrick walked towards where his thugs and the captured trio are. "One alien makes it. Another alien powers it. I mass-produce it and sell it to the highest bidder. It's just good business, bro." He said. He saw Rook holding a device. "What is that?" He asked.

"An electron entanglement disruptor." Rook said, he presses on the button, and it frees the three of them.

Ben transforms into Bloxx, he slams onto the ground, making the thug that originally caught them falls.

"Yeah!" Ben(Bloxx) said, he went towards Fistrick.

The thug that was going to attack the trio, when the three were hiding went to attack Rook and Luna. Both the Revonnahgander and half-Necrofriggian dodges.

Rook got out his Proto-Tool, and uses it as a sword.

The thug tries to punch Rook and Luna, with the two easily dodges with their agility. The thug tries to punched them with his right arm, Rook and Luna dodges again, but this time Rook sliced it with his Proto-Tool.

The thug's right arm malfunctions, and wouldn't move.

Luna uses freeze breath on the thug, trapping his right arms and his legs to the ground.

The thug tries to blast the two with his left hand, but Ben(Bloxx) grabs his arm pulling him off the ice forcefully, and throws him away.

"Oh, you just made a big mistake, bro!" Fistrick said to the three.

Ben(Bloxx) transformed back to his human form. "I make a lot of mistakes. Shutting you down isn't one of them." He said.

Fistrick runs away, and Corvo follows a bit late.

Rook aims his Proto-Tool at Corvo, and captured him with an energy net.

Ben, Rook and Luna chased after Fistrick.

Fistrick jumps into a compartment under the floor, and a giant robot suit came out, with him piloting it. "You never asked why we needed so many of these Nosedeenians." He said. The suit closes, as it was powered by Megawhatts behind the suit.

"Let's take this baby for a test drive." Fistrick said, taking a few steps forward. "Looks like I'm getting my workout after all."

Ben, Rook and Luna backs away a bit, startled.

"A class 12 armored mecha-suit." Rook said. "Have you two ever dealt with one before?" He asked, looking at Ben and Luna.

"No, nothing like a class 12." Luna said, shaking his head.

"No. How do you beat it?" Ben asked, looking at Rook momentarily.

"Me?" Rook asked, pointing at himself, confused. "You could try Alien X." He told Ben.

"Stop it." Ben said to Rook. "Huh?" He said, seeing a bunch of red-dots on the three of them.

Fistrick  fires 4 missiles, at the three, who are seen running away. The impact of the last missile behind them, knocks them away.

"Whoa! I love it!" Fistrick said, he continue his way towards the three.

Rook fires at Fistrick with his Proto-Tool, but it hurts the Megawhatts as they cry.

"Wait!" Luna said, stepping in front of Rook, stopping the Revonnahgander's attack. "The Megawhatts, they're in pain." He said.

"Stop shooting! You might hit the Megawhatts." Ben said to Rook.

"If we can't fight back, that does tend to make our job more difficult." Rook said, standing back up.

"Oh, we can fight. We just have to take him down without hurting them." Ben said.

"That won't be easy." Rook stated.

"It never is." Ben said.
"Nothing ever is." Luna said.

"Huh?" Ben said, looking back in front.

Fistrick came out of the smoke and shoots lasers at the trio. Ben, Rook and Luna ducks down.

The alien and half-alien ducked next to each other, Ben was on the other side.

Ben activates his Omnitrix. "Okay, Omnitrix. No messing around. I want Four Arms." He stated. "Do you hear me? Four Arms! I don't want Grey Matter. I don't want Nanomech. Four Arms!" He shouted, and slams down onto his Omnitrix.

Ben transforms into Gravattack, the alien known as Galilean.

Rook and Luna gasped.

"Who's this?" Ben(Gravattack) asked, seeing his new alien.

"That's a Galilean." Luna told Ben.

"You can presto-chango all you want. I'm still gonna squash you like a bug!" Fistrick said, he starts punching Ben(Gravattack), and they both got out of the warehouse.


[Warehouse - Outside]

Ben(Gravattack) and Fistrick are now outside, and their fight continues.

Ben(Gravattack) held his hand out, going to punch Fistrick, but instead finding out about his power. "Gravity powers? Huh, nice!" He said.

Fistrick tries to move, but couldn't since he's mid-air.

Ben(Gravattack) slams Fistrick down onto the ground.

Fistrick tries to stand back up, but couldn't since Ben(Gravattack) is holding him down.

Rook jumps onto the suit's back. While Luna flies on top of it.

"Yeah, Rook!" Ben(Gravattack) cheered, raising his arm, accidentally lifting the Fistrick, Rook and Luna into the air.

"Focus your gravitational field lower." Rook told Ben(Gravattack).
"Ben, let us down please." Luna said.

"Sorry, guys." Ben(Gravattack) said, he lowers them back down.

Fistrick's suit landed onto the ground. Due to the impact, one of the Megawhatts is freed.

Rook and Luna smiled.

A blaster appeared on the side, and aims it at Luna. "Uh-oh." The half-Necrofriggian said.

"Luna!" Rook exclaimed, he pushes Luna away, and was hit. He crashed into a container.

Ben(Gravattack) and Luna got worried. "Rook!" The two of them exclaimed. They went towards the Revonnahgander.

"You okay? Rook, come on, partner." Ben(Gravattack) said. He was grabbed by Fistrick and thrown off.

"Rook?" Luna said, pulling Rook up, and laying the Revonnahgander on his back. He felt his eyes starts to be filled up with tears. He looked towards Fistrick, who is attacking Ben.

Luna's entire eyes turns dark blue, dark blue electricity starts flowing around him. "No one messes with my friends, and gets away with it." He said, angry. He zips towards where Ben(Gravattack) and Fistrick are.

"You... want... some... more... bro?" Fistrick questioned, as he kept punching Ben(Gravattack).

"Not... really." Ben(Gravattack) said, groaning.

"Too bad about your friend. Too bad for you that he got off easy." Fistrick said. He was going to punch Ben(Gravattack) again, but stopped when Luna appears in front of him.

Luna has dark blue electricity flowing through and around him, and his eyes are fully covered in dark blue, from the Megawhatt/Nosedeenian DNA.

"This is for Rook." Luna said, he charged up his attacks from both his hands, he puts them together and attacks Fistrick, electrocuting the mecha-suit.

Fistrick stops moving for a bit, and a crane knocks him away.

Ben(Gravattack) and Luna looks towards the crane, and saw Rook operating it.

"You're welcome." Rook said.

"Rook!" Luna said, happy. He zips towards Rook, and hugs him. "I'm glad you're alright." He told the Revonnahgander, smiling.

"Thank you." Rook said, trying to hide his blush. "And I apologize for worrying you... two. You two." He quickly said.

Fistrick jumps out from where he was. "Weak!" He said.

Ben(Gravattack) was about to continue fighting Fistrick.

"Ben, I think I can separate the Megawhatts from the suit." Rook told him. "But it will be a difficult shot. Try to get the suit to stop moving."

"Yeah, thanks, Rook. I'll get right on that." Ben(Gravattack) said.

"Anything I can hep with?" Luna asked, looking at Rook.

"Yes." Rook said, smiling.

Rook climbs up the crane, and Luna follows by zipping.

Ben(Gravattack) uses his gravity power, lifting Fistrick up and pinning him down onto the dock.

Fistrick was having difficulty getting back up. "Got anything else, hero? Or are you just a one-trick pony?" He asked.

"Hey, it's my first time using this guy." Ben(Gravattack) said. "Now, you might be able to withstand 40 Gs."

The dock below Fistrick begins to break.

"But I don't think the docks can. What do you think?" Ben(Gravattack) asked.

The dock breaks, and Ben(Gravattack) begins lifting Fistrick up and slamming him back down into the water.

"This is like one of those dunk tanks!" Ben(Gravattack) said. "Are you having as much fun as I am? I got it to stop moving." He told Rook and Luna, who're on he crane.

Rook takes a deep breath. He has his Proto-Tool out, and it's in the form of a bow.

"Come on, Rook. Let's do this." Luna said. He is seen holding a bow made out of his dark blue electricity, and electric arrows in it.

Rook nodded. Both him and Luna carefully aim at the mecha-suit, and fired an arrow each. The arrows electrocuted the mecha-suit, and the Megawhatts are freed.

The Megawhatts broke out of the cylinders, and ran.

"Nice shot!" Ben(Gravattack) told both his partners, giving them a thumbs-up.

Fistrick's macha-suit fell back onto the ground. "Power level critical. 12% remaining." It warned.

"Just enough." Fistrick said, he pressed on a button and fires all of the missiles at the trio.

"Huh?" Ben(Gravattack) said, seeing the missiles. He takes control of them, making them moving around him, like the ring around Saturn. "I have my own orbit? That is pretty cool!" He said, excited. "I wonder..." He said, looking at Fistrick.

"Oh, this is not good." Fistrick said.

Ben(Gravattack) floats into the air, and he morphs into a small planetoid, increasing the gravitational pull. The gravitational pull pulls Fistrick in spinning him around.

Ben(Gravattack) sends Fistrick towards a container, crashing into it. He sends all the missiles at Fistrick, destroying the mecha-suit, and defeating Fistrick.

"I think you've had enough." Ben(Gravattack) said.

"Uh-uh-uh... Bro." Fistrick said, groaning.

Ben(Gravattack) transforms back into his human-form.

"That was not easy." Rook said.

"It never is." Ben said.

"Nothing ever is." Luna said.



Rook remotely calls the Proto-TRUK towards where him, Luna and Ben are.

Luna was still in his Alien Form and still has the Megawhatts/Nosedeenian DNA active. The two original Megawhatts were on his shoulders.

The trio, and the two Megawhatts, watches as Plumber agents arrest Fistrick's gang.

"I hear there's a colony of Megawhatts that helps power Undertown." Max said, walking towards them.

"Since when?" Ben asked.

"Since now." Max said, he points at a large tube containing a bunch of Megawhatts. They are all happy.

"Anytime, guys" Ben said.

"Come on, you two." Luna said, looking at the two Megawhatts on his shoulders. "It's time for you to go back to your friends and family." He said, as the Megawhatts jumps onto his hands in front of him.

The two Megawhatts gave Luna a hug, and zapped away. The two landed in front of a Plumber agent, both waving at Luna one more time, before going into the tube.

"I'm gonna miss those guys." Luna said, his eyes turning back to normal, as the Megawhatts/Nosedeenian DNA he mimicked ran out.

"Luna, I think this belongs to you." Rook said, handing the half-Necrofriggian his jacket back.

Luna grabs his jacket back. "Thanks, Rook." He said, hugging the Revonnahgander who blushes. He pulls back, changing back into his Human Form, and putting his jacket on.

Rook smiled at Luna, before turning towards Ben. "The Tennyson legends usually end with some kind of blended beverage." He said.

"Smoothies? Oh, they're more of a daytime thing." Ben said. "At night, it's Chili Fries." He said, walking towards the Proto-TRUK.

"Ugh... Okay." Rook said, disappointed.

Luna patted Rook's back, reassuringly. "Hey, we can get smoothies another time." He said.

Rook and Luna went towards the Proto-TRUK.

"And by the way, Alien X is real." Ben said.

"Why can't I see it?" Rook asked.

"I'm not gonna be a part of this." Luna said.

The Proto-TRUK flies into the air.

"Dude, there are some things you're just gonna have to trust me on." Ben said.

Ben, Rook and Luna fly away in the Proto-TRUK.


Alien DNA Mimics

[Megawhatts/Nosedeenian] (Buzzshock)
Eyes turns fully dark blue
Dark Blue Electricity flows through and around his body

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