The day her heart shattered 2

By Ryncesss

429 33 59

Picks up right where part 1 left off --------------------- When Kailey ends up getting pregnant by the person... More

Who's Sean?
JJ to the rescue
Back to California
Don't know what love is
Where's Kailey?
She's sick
Something important
Positive or negative?
Name fighting
Who's child?/killing
With Carson
Pissed off Kailey
Too many emotions
Killing someone?
Goodbye Sean
Sarcastic Landon and crazy Kailey
Serious Landon/ Get out of my life
Goodbye, Little One
Depression and regrets
Not twins
You're a bitch
The final goodbye
I'm sorry
The final blinding white light

How are you doing?

25 1 21
By Ryncesss

*2 years later- July 20, 2023*

Jamie's pov:

Today is Luna's and Kailey's birthdays. They're supposed to be 21 today.

Right now, the five of us; me, my husband, and the triplets; are all getting ready to go to their graves.

It's been five years since Luna committed, and four years since Kailey committed.

I'm still confused as to what happened with Kailey, and why she committed, but I've learned to stop questioning it.

Every time I try to ask the triplets, and have them explain it to me a little bit better, they get pissy and walk away, saying they don't want to talk about it.

I've got to say, I truly do miss the girls. I'm kind of disappointed that they chose to do this instead of talking about it with someone, but I understand that they had their reasons.

All they wanted was for the pain to disappear. And the pain wouldn't wouldn't just magically go away just because they talked about it.

But it doesn't change the fact that this is still what they did.

I'm pissed at myself for not realizing what Luna was fully going through. I'm pissed at the fact that I didn't realize just how depressed she really was until it was too late.

I'm such a terrible mother. I should've known. I should've seen the signs. But no. I wasn't paying that close attention to her. All I knew was that she was depressed, but just didn't know how much.

I'm sorry, Luna. I hope one day you'll forgive me for not realizing sooner. I love you, my baby girl.

And I'm sorry, Kailey. For not being there for you when you needed it. I'm sorry for not knowing what you were going through.

I hope you won't hold this against me. I love you, sweetie.

I love you and Luna.

I'll love you two forever.

Logan's pov:

Today is the girls' 21st birthday. Right now, I'm trying to hold back my tears as we head to the cemetery to visit their graves.

This truly isn't normal for me. I'm not typically one to cry. But if you ever see me crying, you'll know that something terrible happened, and there's no getting over it.

Yes, it might've been a few years since they both committed, but that doesn't mean I'll just get over it.

I understand what happened with Luna. She missed her best friend -or sister, whatever you want to call her- so she began cütt!ng.

But then she got that phone call, and it happened to be her breaking point.

I'm upset for not realizing what she was truly going through. I knew something was going on with her, I could see it in the way she acted.

But I never would've guessed it was this. I blame myself.

If I would've confronted her, and asked her if she was ok and if she wanted to talk about it, maybe I would've figured it out sooner, and I could've stopped her.

I had tried to mention that I knew something to my family, but they didn't listen to me. They all just kept saying that she was only acting like that because she missed Kailey.

They had said that so much, that I had started believing it. I started thinking that I was just making things up, and nothing was actually going on.

If only I had listened to my gut in the first place and just talked to her.

Kailey on the other hand, I'm not entirely sure what happened to her.

From what the triplets said, I guess somebody had set her up, and basically planned her whole sûícïd3. I'm not quite sure how that works or what happened, but I'm pissed that I wasn't there for her.

But it wasn't my choice. If I had the choice, I of course would've stayed with her and the triplets. But no.

When JJ and his brothers came to take Kailey back, they took Jamie and I, as well as the triplets.

They locked Jamie and I in a room together, in a completely different part of the building from where the kids were.

All I know is that the four of them; the triplets and Kailey; were all locked in a room together, and that's where Kailey committed.

I'm not sure how she did it without them realizing, but she somehow did.

I miss you kids. I miss you so much.


Landon's pov:

We're officially on our way to the cemetery to visit the girls.

It's been four years since Luna, and three years since Kailey.

I miss them like hell, and I wish I could've stopped them. Instead, I just decided to keep being a dumbass and an asshole, and not even thinking about it.

When we get to the cemetery, I immediately head to their graves, and sit on the rock in front of them. I open one of the 3 bottles of wine we brought, and I dump some on both of their graves.

They're officially old enough to drink now.

I sit there and watch as the ground slowly absorbs the wine.

As I'm watching the wine soak into the ground, I decide to take a swig of what's left in the bottle.

I then raise the bottle in the air towards their graves, and say, "bottoms up, girls," right before my siblings and parents come over.

I miss you two so much. I'm sorry for being an ass of a brother, but just know, I love you guys. So much.


Lucas' pov:

I walk over and sit next to Landon on the huge rock, before looking at the girls' graves.

'I can't wait to see you again, and when I do, you'll get the biggest hug.' Lily's says.

'Don't think of me as dead. Just think of me as living in my final home.' Kailey's says.

"Alright girls," I say as I open the bottle of wine that I brought.

"You're old enough to drink now," I say before pouring almost all of the wine on their graves.

I then drink the last of the wine in the bottle, and watch as the wine slowly soaks into the ground.


Lily's pov:

I walk over to where my brothers are, and see that they already dumped out their wine.

"What the hell? I thought we agreed that the three of us were going to dump the bottles together?!" I say to them while glaring.

"Sorry, Lil. You were just taking too long," Landon says with a shrug.

"Then I guess that means I was too, speaking since you didn't wait for me either," Lucas says while glaring at Landon.

"Sorry guys," Landon says with a smile.

"Whatever," I say, sitting on the other side of Landon on the rock.

I open up my bottle of wine and dump it on their graves, just like my brothers did.

I then touch the top of the bottle where there's a couple drops of wine, and then I dab the tiniest bit on my ring, and my bracelet.

In my ring, are Luna's ashes, and in my bracelet, are Kailey's ashes.

"Drink up you two. I brought my favorite kind just for you," I say with a small, sad giggle, as tears begin to roll down my cheeks.

I then drink the last of the wine -like I assume my brothers did- before setting the bottle down, and leaning my head on Landon's shoulder, as I start to cry.

"I miss them, Lan. I miss them so much," I say.

"Me too," Landon says as he leans his head against mine.

"Me three," says Lucas, and I know he's leaning his head against Landon's other shoulder.

"Alright you three," I hear mom say from behind us.

"Why don't you guys go sit either next to, or behind the girls' graves, and your mother and I will take a picture," dad says, causing my brothers and I to immediately stand up.

I sit beside Luna's grave, Landon sits beside Kailey's, and Lucas kneels down behind the two, but make sure he's tall enough so the camera can see him.

"Alright. 3...2...1... and done," my parents say at the same time.

"You do know that this probably won't be the best picture of us, right?" Lucas asks as he stands up.

"The three of us are all crying, and had fake smiles plastered on our faces."

"It's alright kids. We just wanted a picture," dad says while Landon and I also stand up.

"Now, let's get a picture of you two," I say to my parents, while taking moms phone.

Mom sits by Luna's grave, and dad sits by Kailey's.

"Ok. 3...2...1... perfect," I say as I hand the phone back to mom so she can look at the picture.

"Thanks, Lily," mom says as she kisses my head.

"Thanks kiddo," dad says as he ruffles my hair as if I'm Landon.

"Dad, I'm not Landon," I roll my eyes.

"I know," he says with a chuckle.

Instead of sitting on the rock this time, the five of us decide to sit on the ground in front of their graves, but not too close, because we don't want to sit in wine.

"I miss them," my mom says with a sigh as she leans on my dads shoulder.

"Me too," dad, my brothers, and I all say together, glaring at one another.

"I can't wait to see them again one day," Lucas says.

"I don't know about y'all, but I'm going to march straight up to the hells devil, and tell him to send the girls to hell," Landon says with a chuckle.

"Landon!" Lucas and I yell as we hit him on the head.

"Goddamn. Stop doing that!" He yells as he rubs his head.

"I was just kidding. I'm going to immediately go find them, and give them the biggest hugs, and then yell at them," he says, looking satisfied with his new answer.

"I'm not even surprised," my dad says, and we all laugh.

I hope you girls are looking down upon us. I hope you two aren't in pain anymore, and I hope you two have been reunited.

But it's been 3 years now, so I'm sure you've already found each other. But if not, I hope y'all find each other soon.

I love you, I say in my head.


*up in the other world*

Kailey's pov:

I'm sitting here, talking with Luna, when I suddenly feel a familiar presence from down below.

I look down, and there I see Logan, Jamie, and the triplets, all sitting in front of the graves they made for Luna and I.

I see the triplets all dumping bottles of wine on our graves, and that's when it hits me: today's our birthday.

Today we turn 21.


I've been dead for 3 years now, and Luna for 4.

How did I forget?

"Luna!" I call over to her.

"What's up?" She asks when she gets over to me.

"We're 21 today," I say.

"Today's our birthday...." I say, my voice breaking.

"Oh my god," she says.

"That means I've been dead for 4 years...." She says, her thoughts trailing off.

"Look. Everybody's down at our graves right now. Logan, Jamie, and the triplets," I say, tears streaming down my face.

"I miss them," Luna says as she begins crying.

"I never meant to hurt them. But I couldn't deal with it anymore. I was super depressed the whole time you were gone. But then I got a phone call from somebody. They called me from your phone, and told me you were dead. That you had been killed," she says as she looks up at me.

"Oh, Luna," I say as I pull her in for a hug. "I'm so sorry that happened to you. And I miss them too."

"You want to know what I'm thinking?" I ask as I break the hug.

"What?" She asks, raising a brow, knowing I'm up to something.

"We should do something. Give them some sort of sign to tell them we're here. To let them know that we're listening, and that we're safe," I say.

"That's a good idea!" She says. "But what are we going to do?"

"That's an amazing question...." I say, staring at nothing as if that will help me figure it out.

"What if we all of the sudden just send a really big gust of wind right at them? But only in their spot?" Luna suggests.

"I think that's perfect," I say.

"Alright. Here we go," she says, and then we send the wind their way.

They look a little confused at first, wondering where the sudden burst of wind came from, but then Lily's face lights up when she realizes.

"Guys, I think it's them! I think it's a sign!" She says, getting excited.

"There was only wind right here. And it only just started. There wasn't wind anywhere else," she explains, and this makes Landon and Lucas get excited.

"If this is you two," Landon yells up at the sky. "Tell the devil at the gates of hell that you're supposed to be down there!"

"Landon!" Lily, Lucas, Jamie, and Logan, all say together as they smack him.

"Of course that's what Landon would say," Lily rolls her eyes.

"Typical dumbass Landon," I say with a giggle.

"Fine," Landon huffs at everybody before looking back at the sky.

"If that's you two, just know that I miss you like hell, and I hope you're safe. I love you so much, and I can't wait to see you again! Goodnight, Angels!" He yells.

"I think that's the closest to 'sweet' we're ever going to get from Landon," Luna says, and we both laugh.

"Probably," I agree.

"I love you two so much, and I hope you two have finally been reunited during these 3 years! I miss you!" Lily yells at the sky as well.

"Keep each other safe! I love you! You'll always be my little princesses!" Lucas yells.

"We love you!" Jamie and Logan say at the same time, and all five of them start laughing.

"We love and miss you guys too. So much," I say with tears in my eyes.

"Thank you for the best 4 birthdays you've given me since I've been here," Luna whispers. "I love you guys."

After the five of them leave, Luna and I turn back to each other.

"I miss them," I say as I sigh.

"Me too," Luna says with a sigh as well.

"Let's go home. They already went home, and now it's time for us to go too," I say as I stand up, and grab her hand.

"Let's go," Luna says.

And with that, we head back towards the final blinding white light.

One thing I've learned from being up here, you can walk in and out of this light, but you can't go anywhere else.


Ace's pov:

It's been 3 years since Quintin told me Kailey was dead.

Apparently, he saw Landon when he was leaving his childhood house, so he chased Landon down the street, demanding to know where Kailey was. Landon took Quintin to his house, explaining that she's dead, and what happened to her.

I guess Xavier, Oliver, and JJ found out Quintin was back in California, so they went to Landon's house, and took Quintin as prisoner.

I hadn't heard from him for a whole week after that, until I suddenly got a phone call from Xavier.

He put Quintin on the phone, and Quintin explained everything to me.

I still haven't seen Quintin.

Xavier and his brothers are keeping him hostage, and I can't do anything about it.

I've tried to break him out, I've tried to give the brothers millions of dollars to let Quintin go. I've tried everything, but I haven't been able to get him back.

But I'm still going to try, because I'm not losing another child.

But after hearing about Kailey, that broke my heart. She was only just getting used to me, and only just meeting her real father.

Not one that abuses her, tortures her, locks her in rooms; but one that cares for her instead.

I'm currently on my way back to California so I can find Luna's family. I want to talk to them for a little bit. Talk to them about Kailey, Xavier, his brothers, and Xavier's crazy ass sister.

But most of all, I'd like to go visit her grave. I'm not entirely sure where it's at, therefore I'd also need to ask them about that.

But I would just like to be able to 'see' her one last time. Apologize for never being there for her. Apologize for not protecting her, not finding her in time, and lastly, apologize for never getting to know her.

I'm so so fucking sorry, Kailey. I hope one day you'll forgive me for everything.

I love you my beautiful daughter....


Quintin's pov:

"Fuck you!" I yell at Xavier who is currently beating the shit out of me, while I'm chained to the wall.

This has been my every day life for the last 3 years.

This is what I get for betraying him.

This is what I get for telling dad everything.

This is what I get for going against Oliver and Xavier.

He's also still trying to get information about dad, and still trying to figure out a way to take him down. This is also why he's beating the shit out of me; because I won't tell him anything.

"Just fucking tell me what I want to know!" He yells as he punches me again.

"I told you a million fucking times already. I've told you every fucking day for the last three years; I'M NOT TELLING YOU SHIT! YOU CAN THREATEN ME, AND YOU CAN BEAT ME ALL YOU WANT, BUT I'LL NEVER TELL YOU! I WON'T EVER BETRAY MY FATHER LIKE THAT!" I yell back at him.

"Wrong answer," he says as he kicks me in the stomach.

"Well that's the best answer you're going to get from me," I spit out.

He's about to kick me again, but then his phone rings, stopping him.

He looks at who it is, and rolls his eyes before answering.

"What do you want, Oliver? I'm busy," he says.

"Yes, I'm with the fucker right now," he glares at me.

"Fine. Alright, bye," he hangs up and puts his phone in his pocket.

He then turns around and walks out the door, locking it behind him.

Yeah, like I can go anywhere anyway. I'm chained to a damn wall, I think to myself as I roll my eyes.

I've been here for three years now.

The night I was at Luna's house, talking with the triplets and their parents, Oliver, Xavier, and JJ suddenly walked in.

How they found me, I still don't know. I've asked multiple times, but nobody ever tells me. All they say is that they 'heard a rumor that the young Spade was back in town.'

They said a few things, and then walked over and restrained me, before leading me outside, and shoving me into their SUV.

We then got on a private jet, and went somewhere. I'm not sure where, because I was sedated, but we're somewhere.

And this somewhere is far away from Kailey, I know that.

While Luna's family was explaining the things to me about Kailey, and telling me that she was dead, all I could think about was visiting her grave.

But that's clearly not a thing now, since I'm being held hostage.

Oh, Kailey. I hope you're up in heaven with Luna, and I hope you two are happy. I hope you're not in any pain anymore, and I hope that Sean was sent straight to hell.

I hope you've been reunited with mom and Em again, and I hope you take care of them. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you, sis.

And I'm sorry I didn't come visit your grave.

Trust me, I wanted to, but I didn't get that option.

I'm so, so damn sorry for everything. I know you'll never forgive me for the things I did, but I don't care anymore.

All I care about is being happy that you're finally free from Alex, Tyler, and Sean.

I care that you're safe now.

You may be up in heaven, but you're safe from them at last.

I love you so much, Lynn.

I'm ready for when I see you again.

I'm ready for when I'll be with my other half again.

I love you so fucking much, Kay.

Until I see you again.

Happy birthday, big sis.

Happy 21st.

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