My alpha mate kidnapped me #W...

By catz2010

104K 3.8K 397

Kathryn was living a normal life until Luke shows up, but is the new heart throb of the school hiding somethi... More

My alpha mate kidnapped me
Nooooo my zebra cakes!
Escapes and injuries
Meeting her
Meeting him
The truth comes out... ish
A loss to affect everyone
I've got the magic in me
Someone find her already
P-A-R-T-Y-ish part 1
P-A-R-T-Y-ish part 2
Chapter 15
New story!
The fox
Oh sh*t
Chapter 17
Just a normal day in the life of a magical creature...
Who tf is he?
Someone help meh plz
Dark and Light
(Insert chapter name here)
It Gets Worse
Lets get down to buisness


4.3K 184 4
By catz2010

Xavier's Pov


I get upstairs to see Kathryn sitting on the bed and Luke looking wide-eyed at her.

"What happened?" I ask looking at Luke.

"Her ankle, it's completely healed." He says slowly.

How? I wonder if she's a werewolf too? No, now I'm just being crazy. I would be able to smell it if she was. Actually, on the topic of her scent, it does smell strange.

I walk over to her and she backs up and eventually hits the wall but still tries to back up. Oh, hurtful but I guess I deserved that.

I slowly grab her ankle and sure enough, it's completely healed. Huh, weird, looks like she has a secret.

She yanks her ankle out of my grasp and gets up and walks out of the door. I notice something on her nightstand. I go to pick it up and see that it's a drawing of a fox running through a forest. It's an amazing drawing but I can't help but think that it means something. I get my phone from by back pocket and take a picture of it. The reason I didn't take it is because I don't want her to know that I've seen it

I turn around to see Luke looking at me .

'what is it?' He asks me through mind link.

I hold up the drawing and show him it.

'Wow, she's a really good drawer.' He says through mind link again.

'I know.' I say before I cut off the link, put the picture back, and walk downstairs.


I call my third's sister and ask her to come over and take Kathryn shopping.

She arrives a few minutes later.

"Madison, why are you here?" My third, Luke asks.

"I called her to take Kathryn shopping."

"Did I hear shopping?" Kathryn peers around the corner asking with a huge grin on her face.

"Yes, Hello Kathryn, My name is Madison, I'm Luke's sister. And I am here to take you shopping." Madison tells Kathryn.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Kathryn says excitedly.

Well at least now I know my mate likes shopping, that's a start, right?

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