Summer of Jonnor

By warpaintteam

141K 3.9K 1.9K

A fanfic novel of what we might see happen to Jude and Connor ("Jonnor") after Season 2 of "The Fosters." More

Almost Summer
Connor and his Dad
Talking to Stef and Lena
The LGBT Parent's Group
Jude and his Sisters
Beach Date
Pancakes and Skateboarding
The Jonnor Mission
Last Chance Dance
The Day Everything Changed
Santee Lakes
Sophia's Party
Day Trip
Where You Belong
Reunited with Girls United
Alone and Not Alone
Down Along the Waterfront
All the Things He Said
No Place to Hide
The Taylor Stratagem
That Plaidboy Fragrance
Save Connor
The Connor Conspiracy
Fifty Scents of Connor
Callie's Most Improbable Day
The Seven Deadly Sins
The Secrets That They Keep
You'll Get Caught by the Lies
Ronnoc and the QuinnTessence
What You Leave Behind
Tell the Truth
Weapons of Protection
Loose Ends, Dead Ends
Hidden Cove
Down the Cliffs
The Getty Principle
Love the One You're With
Self-Inflicted Punishments
On the Edge
Feeling FINE
Bravin' the World
Sensations in Skin
Little Planet
If You Only Knew
The World Outside
Mirror Image
Save the Date
Unsafe Harbor
El Mellizo Bueno
We Sail at Dawn
The Only Place That Matters
To the Ends of the Earth

In Danger

1.5K 51 23
By warpaintteam

Author's note: my friend has a new fanfic check it out!

Stef screeched to a stop in her police SUV in front of Connor's house. Connor and Jude jumped into the back seat, closed the doors and buckled up. Stef hit the lights and siren and headed for Sacred Cross. "How is she?" Stef asked, looking in the mirror at Connor. "Was she hurt badly?"

"I'm not sure," Connor said. "Dad just said they're working on her now."

Stef nodded grimly. "It looks like you were right, Jude. "El mellizo bueno may be after Connor and his father. I don't know why else someone would have tried to shoot him."

Connor was breathing hard. "Yeah, that bullet was supposed to hit him."

Jude took his hand. So often in the past Connor had reassured him when he was scared or he had to try to do the same for Connor, who always seemed to be the strong one...he squeezed Connor's hand supportively and Connor gave him a little smile.

Stef pulled up to the emergency entrance of Sacred Cross and killed the siren but kept the lights going. The three of them piled out and went into the hospital. Mike was there talking to Adam. Connor dashed for his dad and hugged him. "Are you okay?" Connor asked.

"I'm fine, son. I'm okay." He patted Connor on the back.

Connor detangled from him. "What about Ella? How is she?"

"They're fixing her up now. She's going to be okay. The bullet just grazed her shoulder."

Stef looked at Adam grimly. "And she said you had a laser sight trained on you?" He nodded. "I can't believe this is happening," Stef said.

The nurse came out and talked to Mike. "She's ready now."

"I'm gonna get her statement," Mike said to Stef. She nodded and Mike followed the nurse into the room where Ella was being treated.

"What do we do?" Adam said to Stef.

She sighed in exasperation. "We need to find this so-called 'Good Twin' and get him off the street. I talked to Turner on the way over to your place and they were able to get some good leads from the picture and the information Jude gave them, and the raid on the warehouse. It was full of drugs, not surprisingly."

"Why would he go after my dad?" Connor asked.

"Probably because his brother was killed in your rescue. Revenge killings are a common thing in the Mexican cartels. You two may have to go out of town or somewhere else safe for awhile."

"What about the Getty place?" Jude asked. "It's not easy to get to and could be protected easily."

"Good idea. Want to try calling her?"

Jude nodded and wandered off to the side. He dialed on his phone.

Robin answered. "Hi Jude, how are you?"

"Okay. Hey, I wanted to ask you a favor. Connor and his father need a place to lay low for awhile, do you think they could stay at Hidden Cove?"

"Let me check with my soon-to-be ex-husband, but I'm guessing it'll be okay."

"Thanks, let me know. Is everything good with you?"

"Yes, Jude. Thanks for all you did. I'm glad Robert's out of jail and that he and Jill are trying to work it out. And you can call me Robin Gates now-I petitioned the court for my maiden name back in the divorce papers."

"Okay, sure. Thanks for being willing to help."

"Of course, Jude. Take care of Connor and we'll talk soon."

"Bye," he said. He hung up and thought for a moment. He dialed Taylor.


Connor gently gave Ella a hug on her left side as she came out of the treatment room, being careful not to disturb the bandage on her right shoulder.

"Thanks, Connor," she said. "I imagine you can relate to this," she added, pointing to the bandage.

"Oh yeah, definitely. And Stef probably can too, she's also been shot."

"I'm going to take her to our place," Adam said to Connor. "We'll need to pack up for Hidden Cove."

Jude's phone rang and he took it. He talked for a moment and then hung up. "That's Robin. It's okay to use the Hidden Cove house and Robert said we can take the QuinnTessence there."

"Is he going to pilot it?" Stef asked.

Jude shook his head. "He said I could since I already know the way."

"We'll be right behind you," Stef promised to Adam. He nodded and he and Ella walked out. "Let's roll, Mike," she added.

Mike stopped chatting with the desk clerk and followed Stef, Connor and Jude out. They got into Stef's SUV, Mike on shotgun, Stef driving and Jude and Connor in the back.

"How long do you think we'll gonna have to stay in Hidden Cove?" Connor asked.

"I dunno," Jude said. "Hopefully they catch Rodriguez soon. I'm gonna ask moms if I can stay with you there." He took Connor's hand again. "I don't want to apart from you, not if you're in danger again."

Connor squeezed his hand. "Whatever it is, we'll face it together, cakes."

Stef drove to the Adams Foster house and they all got out. Connor's phone rang and he picked up. He talked to his dad and hung up. "Ella's feeling pretty sore. He wants to do some packing tonight and go to Hidden Cove in the morning."

"I'll arrange for some units to watch the Stevens house," Mike said. "And I'll stay here on the couch, we can take shifts tonight."

Stef nodded. "Connor, you're staying here with Jude." They went into the house. Lena was already fixing dinner. Callie came in from the living room. "Jude, can I show you something?"

He nodded and looked at Connor. "I'll help with dinner," Connor said.

Jude followed Callie into the living room and she grabbed the remote. She started the DVR. One of the local news programs was on.

"We're here now with our own Nicole Gomez, who's been looking into this story. Nicole, what can you tell us? We're all dying to know more about Ronnoc!"

Gomez smiled. "The whole city is buzzing about what's shaping up to be the event of the summer. What we've learned is that it's going to be at the Jefferson Selfridge mansion and some big names are going to perform. We haven't heard who just yet, but we've heard that armbands are going on sale Wednesday morning at 10am and can only be bought online, just go to our site and click 'News Links' for the link. Also, we've heard that the man himself, Jefferson Selfridge, is going to have a big news conference on Friday morning, that we're going to carry live."

Callie hit pause. "Sounds like it's gonna be quite a party. Have you been down there yet?"

"No," Jude said. "Taylor just filled me in on some of the details this morning."

"Well, you should check it out if you get the chance. The decorations are amazing."

Jude nodded. Connor came in. "Hey, you want to help with the salad?"

"Sure," Jude said, following Connor into the kitchen. He washed his hands, then bit his lip and he shredded the lettuce and watched Connor mash potatoes. Was it really a good idea to go forward with Ronnoc if Connor and his dad were in danger? What if Connor and his dad were stuck in Hidden Cove and Connor couldn't even come out to Ronnoc? What if Rodriguez wasn't caught and figured out that Ronnoc was just the name Connor spelled backwards, and decided to crash the party?


Jude brushed his teeth and went into the bedroom. Connor was reading stuff on Jude's laptop. He closed it and set it on the side table as Jude came over. Jude snuggled into Connor but facing him instead of away like he usually did.

"So there's gonna be some big party this next weekend," Connor said to him.

Jude froze and tried to look as expressionless as possible. "Oh?"

"Yeah, I think we should try to go. I'm gonna try to get armbands for it. You think your SA could handle a big party?"

Jude pursed his lips. "Sure, I think it'd be just fine. What if you're still in Hidden Cove though?"

"Oh, I'd come back for this. Supposed to be the biggest party of the year!"

"Cool, I don't know if there's internet access down in Hidden Cove though. Want me to get the armbands?"

"Would you?" Connor asked. "I hope we get some, they're gonna go super fast."

Jude nodded. "Yeah, Mariana's taught me some tricks, I'm sure we can get them."

"Oh cool," Connor said. "Everything okay babe? You look sort of worried or something."

"I am TBH, about you and your dad. Rodriguez is a scary dude and he already tried to kill your dad."

Connor nodded seriously. "I know. It's definitely scary, I agree."

Jude snuggled closer to him. "I'm just used to feeling really safe when we're together like this, but it's because you're here. It just doesn't feel like I can make you safe."

Connor stroked his chin with his finger. "Hey, you're here and I'm here, and that's all that matters, everything is great as long as I'm with you."

Jude nodded. He kissed Connor slowly, feeling them both heat up and the pheromones burst up his nose. "We never did get to finish what we started when you had me on the ground, Mr. Adams-Foster."

"No we did not, Mr. Stevens. And I think we should finish, as soon as it's that time of the night."

"Uh-huh," Jude said, and kissed him again.

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