The Walking Dead: Danielle Gr...

By _FirstEdition_

164K 3.3K 316

Follow Danielle Grimes on a Walking Dead journey like no other. An ex delta force, army confederate who stand... More

1. The Camp
5. The CDC
8. The Farm
13. The Prison
22. *
24. *
26. *
28. The Prison Part 2 *
29. The Big Spot
35. The Tracks
37. The Claimers
38. Terminus
39. Terminus Pt.2
40. The Church
44. The Road Trip
46. The Barn
47. The Barn pt.2
48. The Barn pt.3
49. The Barn pt.4
53. Alexandria
57. *
59. *
60. *
68. Alexandria Pt.2 *
72. The Wolves
85. Jesus
88. Hilltop
89. Hilltop Pt.2
96. Negan
97. Negan Pt.2
98. Negan Pt.3
102. Negans Visit
103. Negans Visit Pt.2
104. Negans Visit Pt.3
105. Negans Visit Pt.4
113. The Kingdom
122. The Garbage People
135. Oceanside
138. The All Out War
139. The All Out War Pt.2
156. A New Beginning
160. Six Years Later
162. The Whisperers
171. Training Day
176. The Cave
181. Home
Bonus Chapter 1.*
Bonus Chapter 2.*
Bonus Chapter 3. Jack
Bonus Chapter 4. Hospital
Bonus Chapter 5. Meet The Dixons

3. Atlanta

4.3K 81 20
By _FirstEdition_

Danielle's POV

Daryl turns round and raises his crossbow at T as Rick takes out his python and points it at Daryl's head. I go to say something before Glenn grabs my arm, shaking his head at me.

"I won't hesitate. I don't care if every walker in the city hears it." Rick growls out. Daryl looks at me and I shake my head at him silently telling him to listen. He grunts and puts it down. "You got a do rag or somethin'?" He asks T.

T produces a royal blue one from his pocket and hands it to him. Daryl lays it on the floor, picking up Merles cut off hand and wraps it up. "He must of used a tourniquet, there'd be more blood if he didn't." Daryl tells us looking at the drops of blood on the ground.

Daryl stands up and nods his head for us to follow as he takes the lead through the open door where the blood trail leads through. "Merle, ya in here!?" He shouts out as I take out my claw, taking out a walker who limped towards me.

"He had enough in him to take out these two sumbitches." Daryl tells Rick pointing at the two walkers on the floor. "Toughest son of a bitch I ever met my brother." Rick looks at me before replying. "Any man can pass out from blood loss, no matter how tough he is."

Ain't that the truth.

"Merle!" Daryl shouts again. "We're not alone here, remember." Rick reminds him, quietly. "Screw that. He could be bleedin' out, ya said so yourself." Daryl replies reloading his crossbow.

"Hey, what's that stuff?" Glenn points to a slate that has stuff hanging off it. "It's skin. He cauterised the stump." I explain as Rick picks up the slate looking it over, the slate still looks hot so we couldn't have missed him by much.

Glenn grimaces. "Told ya he's tough." Daryl mumbles to Rick. "Nothin' can kill a Dixon but a Dixon." I smile at that. "Don't take that on faith. He's lost a lot of blood." Rick tells him and Daryl looks at him before walking over to a broken window. "Yeah. Didn't stop him from bustin' out of this death trap."

"He left the building. Why would he do that?" Glenn asks confused. "Why wouldn't he? He's out there alone as far as he knows. Doin' what he know best. Survivin'." Daryl answers him.

"You call that surviving? Wandering the streets passing out. What are his odds out there?" T makes a good point but of course Daryl didn't see it that way. "No worse than being handcuffed and left to rot by you sorry pricks." He snarls, looking at the three men.

He stalks up to Rick, standing in front of him. "You couldn't kill him. Ain't so worried about some dead bastard." Rick squares up to him. "What about a thousand dumb dead bastards - different story?" He asks. "Why don't ya take a tally? Do what ya want- I'm gonna go get him." Daryl tells him going to walk away before Rick pushes him back.

Oh, never put your hands on a Dixon without there permission.

"Daryl, wait." Rick try's stopping him. "Get your hands off me! You can't stop me." Daryl says angrily. "I don't blame you. He's family, I get that. I went through hell to find mine." Rick says to him, both of them glancing at me quickly before looking back to each other.

"Daryl, he can't get far with that injury." I jump in making Daryl look at me. "We'll help you look but only if we keep a level head." He nods his head at me. "I can do that." We then look to T as he looks at me and I give a sheepish look making him hold his hands up. "Fine but not without those guns." We all nod finally agreeing on something.


We're all in an office making a plan to get the guns. Glenn takes the lead as he knows his way around better than any of us. "Even I think it's a bad idea and I don't even like ya that much." Daryl says disagreeing with the plan and I give him a 'seriously' look which he shrugs his shoulders at me.

"It's a good idea, okay." Glenn defends himself as Rick kneels down. "If we go in a group we draw attention but if I'm alone, I can move fast." He moves some objects on the floor. "This is the alley near the tank, that's where me, Dani and Daryl will go." Glenn explains.

Daryl looks at me before looking at Glenn. "Why us?" Glenn gives me a quick glance. "Because your crossbow is quiet, so are her knives."

Makes sense.

"Rick, you and T-dog will be in this alley here." He moves a rubber around. "Two blocks away, why?" Rick asks confused. "Because if I get trapped and can't go back to Dani and Daryl then I will run this way to you and T-dog. Where you'll be waiting." Glenn explains.

"Hey, what'd you do before this?" Daryl asks him making Glenn frown. "Delivered pizzas. Why?" I chuckle quietly as Daryl shakes his head.

Trust a pizza boy to come up with our plan.


Me, Glenn and Daryl climb down into the alley. knives and crossbow at the ready. We get behind a dumpster and Glenn gives me his jacket so I wrap it around my waist. "You got some balls for a chinaman." Daryl mutters as I look back at him. "He's Korean." "I'm Korean." Me and Glenn mumble out the same time making us smile at each other. Daryl looks at both of us shaking his head. "Whatever."

I grab Glenn's shoulder. "Be careful and be quick." I whisper to him sternly. He nods patting my hand that's on his shoulder. He runs out of the gate leaving me and Daryl.

"You two are close." Daryl breaks the silence and I nod my head at him. "Yeah, I guess." Daryl narrows his eyes slightly. "Didn't realise how close." He mumbles and I look at him smirking. "Jealous, Dixon?" I ask and he scoffs at me making me smile looking away. Definitely jealous. "I'm not. Just didn't realise you got together." He suddenly says.

Wait, what?

I look back at him frowning. "We ain't together. He's like a little brother to me." He nods his head with a look that looks like relief. "He's not even my type." I blurt. "Good to know." He mumbles under his breath. I go to say something before a noise behinds us makes out. Me and Daryl look at each other before stepping out coming face to face with a boy who looks no older than sixteen. He holds his hands up. "Woah, don't shoot me."

"I'm lookin' for my brother. He's hurt bad. You seen him?" Daryl asks. The boy doesn't answer instead shouts out. "Ayudame!" He yells in Spanish. "Hey, shut up." I grit out at him.

"Hey! Answer my question." Daryl carries on. "Ayudame! Ayudame!" The boy just shouts again. Daryl whacks him with his crossbow taking him to the ground trying to get him to shut up as I get pushed to the ground making my head bash against the concrete. I go dazed for a second before turning around and kicking the guy in the nuts making him groan.

I spot Glenn come back before the guys rush over to him. They attack him for the bag as Daryl shoots an arrow into one of their asses. The other guy drags Glenn through the gate, the other one following, limping, leaving the guns on the ground.

"Get off of me. Dani! Dani!" Glenn shouts out. I scramble to get to my feet running to get to the gate but it's too late as the car drives off with Glenn inside. I clench my jaw before turning round punching the boy in the face as Daryl pulls me off wanting a turn, but Rick grabs Daryl pushing him back before he puts a hand on his chest to hold him back.

"Whoa whoa, stop it." Rick tells him. "I'll kick your nuts up in your throat!" Daryl continues.

I think he's more pissed than me.

"They took Glenn. That little bastard and his little bastard homie friends. I'm gonna stomp your ass!" Daryl shouts using his redneck tongue before T cuts in. "Guys, we're cut off." He points towards the fence. "Get back to lab." Rick tells us grabbing the guns and his hat before pulling Daryl along with him.

There goes looking for Merle.


"Those men you were with, who are they?" Rick asks the kid. "I ain't telling you nothing." He spits out wiping his mouth. "What happened back there?" T asks me and Daryl, him being the one answering. "I told ya, this little turd and his douche bag friends came out of nowhere and jumped me and Nelle."

"You're the ones who jumped me putos." The kid answers back. "Whoa, hold up, sunshine. Who you calling a bitch?" I question him as he looks me up and down with smirk. "You." I go to go for him before Rick grabs me. "You little shit."

"He was screaming about his brother." The boy continues ignoring my outburst. "They took Glenn. Could've took Merle." Daryl points out.

Good luck to them if they did.

The kid laughs. "Merle? What kind of hick name is that? I wouldn't name my dog that."

Ooh, wrong move kid.

Daryl goes to kick him before Rick stops him. "Damn it Daryl, back off." Daryl walks around Rick grabbing Merles cutoff hand out the bag before looking at me with a smirk making me roll my eyes as I know exactly what he's going to do.

He throws it into the boys laps making the boy exclaim, jumping out of the chair, shock and disgust going through his eyes. Daryl grabs him. "I'll start with the feet this time." He threatens.

Rick pulls him off again. "The men that took Glenn, we just wanna talk and get our man back." The boy looks at me and Daryl before nodding.


"You sure you're up for this?" Rick asks T for like the nineteenth time. He's sending T to be our sniper on the roof in case anything goes wrong. "Yeah, I got this." T reassures before running to take his place.

Daryl hasn't taken his eyes of the boy. "One wrong move you get an arrow in the ass- just so ya know." He warns. "G's gonna take that arrow out of my ass and shove it up yours, just so you know." The kid replies and I shake my head with a small smirk.

Kids got balls talking to a Dixon like that.

"G?" Rick questions. "Guillermo. He the man here." The kid answers. Rick looks at me and Daryl nodding. "Okay then, let's go see Guillermo." We walk through the broken fence towards the entrance of whatever this place is, weapons up and ready.

The gate opens and a Hispanic steps out as I take a quick look at him. Mmm, kinda cute and I'm guessing this is Guillermo. "You okay?" He asks the boy. "He's gonna cut of my feet." The boy tells him, his voice coming out scared.

He looks at Rick. "Cops do that?" The boy shakes his head. "Not him. This redneck puto right here." He says nodding his head at Daryl. "He cut off a dudes hand and showed it to me." Before Guillermo could utter another word, someone else speaks up. "That's the vato right there." One of the guys from the alley steps out. "He shot me in the ass with an arrow."

Before Daryl steps in I do. "Not like you didn't deserve it." I say making him glare at me. Guillermo looks at me up and down before smirking at me. The guy keeps his gun raised but turns it to me. "Chill ese chill." Guillermo tells him.

"This true?" He asks looking at Rick. "He wants miguelitos feet? That's pretty sick man." He says. "We were hoping for more of a calm discussion." Rick tells him. We are? I take a quick glance at Daryl to see him glaring at the men, he clearly don't agree.

"That hillbilly jumps Felipe's cousin, beats him, threatens him, Felipe gets an arrow in the ass and you want a calm discussion?" Guillermo raises an eyebrow. "Heat of the moment." I say making the man look at me as I shrug my shoulders at him. "It's not like I got knocked to the pavement by one of your men and almost got a concussion or nothing, you know." I tell him sarcastically.

He looks back to Felipe before looking back at me. "I apologise for that. That's no way to treat a lady." He says making me scoff as I prefer the term 'bad ass woman.' Rick steers the conversation back to him. "Mistakes were made on both sides." He says and Guillermo complaints for a minute, nodding his head at Daryl. "Who's that dude to you? You don't look related."

"He's one of our group more or less. And she's my sister." Rick tells him. Guillermo looks at
me again with interest.

Thanks for that, Rick.

"She's cute." He tells Rick as I roll my weed. Beside me, Daryl grunts clearly not liking this guys interest in me. "You got my brother in there?" Daryl asks bringing Guillermo's attention off of me.

Ooh kinda forgot about Merle for a minute there.

"Sorry fresh outta white boys. Got an Asian if you're interested." I shake my head. "He's Korean." I mumble. "I have one of yours you have one of mine. Sound like an even trade." Rick answers for us but Guillermo shakes his head. "Doesn't sound even to me."

The kid exclaims. "G, come on man." Guillermo dismisses him. "My people got attacked. And where's my bag of guns?" He asks. "Guns?" Rick questions, raising his eyebrow. "The bag Felipe and Jorge went out to get." Guillermo continues. "You're wrong." Rick tells him. "About what?" Guillermo asks and Rick raises his eyebrow. "About it being yours, it's my bag of guns."

Guillermo shrugs. "Bag was in the street. I'm supposed to just take your word there yours. What's to stop my people from unloading on you right now?" He asks. "You could do that or not." Rick tells him nodding up to where T is making Guillermo look up before smirking. "Oye!" We all look up to see Glenn bound and gagged on top of the roof. I gaze back down to Guillermo angry making him smile at me.


"I see two options. You come back with my bag of guns and Miguel and everybody walks, or you come back locked and loaded, we'll see which side spills more blood." Guillermo propositions Rick. He walks back with a smirk and a quick wink at me.



We enter the lab, and Rick slams the bag of guns on the table, unzipping the bag and rifling through the weapons. He seems willing to go lock and loaded, as was I.

"These guns are worth more than gold." Daryl mutters, pacing back and forth. "Gold won't protect your family or put food on the table. Ya willin' to give that up for the kid?" He asks.
No one answers him, not knowing how too.

"If I knew we'd get Glenn back, then I'd agree, but do you think that vato across the way is just going to hand him over?" T asks, running a hand over his face. "You calling G a liar?" Miguel questions from where Daryl and I sat him down on the ground. Daryl walks over to him and slaps him upside the head. "You a part of this?" He questions.

"Do you trust the man's word?" T ask Rick. "No, question here is, are ya willin' to bet on it? Could be more guns, could be your life. Is Glenn worth that to you?" Daryl asks Rick, stepping forward.

"I'm not leaving Glenn behind." I tell him. He sighs looking at me then back to Rick. "What life I have, I owe to him. I was nobody to Glenn. Just some idiot stuck in a tank. He could've walked away, but he didn't. Neither will I." Rick say matter of fact.

"So, ya gonna hand over the guns?" Daryl asks, mad. "I didn't say that." Rick smiles. "There's nothing keeping you two here. You should get out." He tells them. "And tell your family what exactly?" T asks, furrowing his eyebrows. Rick sighs as Daryl reaches out for a gun and Rick nods in gratitude before passing a gun to T.


We bound and gagged Miguel walking him in front of us. Rick had the guns wrapped round him as he holds a shotgun and T stays with us this time. The gate opens and we walk inside to be met with more men. "I see my guns but there not all in bag." Guillermo says glancing at Ricks bag.

"That's because they're not yours. I thought I mentioned that." Rick responds. You can hear his patience wearing thin in his tone. "Let's just shoot these fools right now ese." Arrow ass man mumbles. "Hey! Want another arrow in your ass? I can make it happen." I tell him, glaring as Guillermo looks at me smirking before looking at my brother. "I like her." Beside me Daryl steps closer so his shoulder is touching mine.

Daryl Dixon's feeling protective.

Rick gives me a glance before cutting Miguel's restraints pushing him to Guillermo. "I think I'm being pretty clear. You have your man, now I want mine." He says firmly. "I'mma cut your boy up and feed him to my dogs. Picked them up from satan at a yard sale. I told you how it has to be. Are you woefully deaf?" Guillermo questions Rick.

Woefully? Who does this guy think he is? Shakespeare?

"No, my hearing's fine. You said come locked and loaded. Okay then, we're here." Rick exclaims clocking his gun, everyone else doing the same.

Ooh, you can cut the tension in here with a knife.

"Felipe! Felipe!" A woman suddenly exclaims. "Abuela go back to the others." Felipe tells her but she doesn't listen and carries on. "Mr Gilbert is having trouble breathing. He's needs his asthma stuff. Carlito didn't find it." Guillermo looks conflicted before answering. "Felipe, go help your grandmother okay."

He tries coaxing her away but it doesn't work. "Who are those men?" She asks before she walks up to Rick. "Don't you take him!" She shouts in a stern voice.

Huh? Take who?

"Ma'am?" Rick questions looking just as confused. "Felipe's a good boy. He's had his troubles but we need him here." She tells us.

Ahh bless her. She thinks we're to arrest him.

"Ma'am, I'm not here to arrest your grandson." Rick gently tells her. "So what do you want him for?" She asks and I step in. "He's helping find our friend, ma'am." She gazes at me and I give her a soft smile. "A fella named Glenn."

"The Asian boy?" She questions and I just nod, not having the heart to correct her. "He's with Mr Gilbert. Come. Come I show you." She grabs Ricks hand as he's the closest to her, pulling him along.

Guillermo sighs. "Let 'em pass." We follow the little old lady through the building out to another building. Looking through some of the rooms I see old people.

Walking into a hall, I spot Glenn standing looking at an old guy. "What the hell is this?" Rick questions looking around. Glenn sighs. "Asthma attack. He couldn't catch his breath." T breathes out angry. "I thought you was being eaten by dogs man." Glenn turns slightly and points at three mini dogs sitting in a doggie bed making me snort.

They're the dogs that Guillermo got from satan. Really?

Rick pulls Guillermo aside while I look at Glenn and pull him into a hug. "You okay?" I ask pulling back to look him over and he nods. "Yeah I'm okay." He says. "Good." I say and he gives me a small smile.


Guillermo leads us into a small room.
"Where's the rest of your crew?" Rick questions. "Here and there. They step in from time to time to check on their grandparents. And to answer your other question We've had trouble with other people before, you know ones who take by force." Guillermo replies.

"That's not who we are." Rick tells him. "How was I to know?" Guillermo questions. "My people got attacked and you show up with Miguel hostage. Appearances." He says glancing at T. "Guess the world changed." T mutters. "No. It's the same as it ever was. The weak get taken. That's why we do what we do here." Guillermo tell us.

They do good here. Not many people like that left in this world.

"The people here look to me now. Why?" Guillermo questions himself and I answer. "Because they can." This makes him look at me with a small smile and I return it. Rick looks at his shotgun before handing it to Guillermo who takes it with a grateful nod.

Let's hope they're worth it.


"Admit it. You only came back to Atlanta for the hat." Glenn jokes with Rick. "Don't tell anybody." Rick jokes back but of course Daryl has to ruin the goodish mood. "You've given away half our guns and ammo and for what. They ain't gonna last anyway. Most of them are old." He does have a point. "How long do you think they've got?" Daryl questions.

"How long do any of us?" Rick questions back before we all stop and freeze to see the van gone. "Oh my god." Glenn mutters. "Where the hell's our van?" Daryl questions. "We left it right there. Who would take it?" Glenn asks us and me and Rick look at each. "Merle." We answer shortly. "He gonna be taking some vengeance back to camp." Daryl tells us.



We're all running, the boys out of breath. I'm used to running long distances thanks to my ex career. It's night time now, the sky pitch black around us. We stop quickly taking a quick break before hearing screams. "That's coming from camp." I tell the guys before we take one last glance at each other before sprinting.

Getting there I raise my claw seeing a walker coming towards me. I take it out making blood splatter on my face. A woosh goes past me as an bolt connects with a walkers head taking it to the ground. I look back to see Daryl aiming his crossbow to where the dead walker was just standing. I give him a nod in thanks, him nodding back.

"Auntie Dee behind you!" I hear Carl scream out. I turn around raising my claw, stashing it inside the walkers brain just in time.

Carl, you absolute Angel.

I take out a walker that was limping towards me, it's ankle broken. I grimace as I raise my claw and stand it's temple, stopping its snarling at me. "Auntie Dee." Carl calls out to me and I turn round opening my arms as he barrels into me. "Are you okay bud?" I ask him and feel him nodding his head on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asks pulling back. "Yeah, thank you for that." I whisper as he gives me a small smile.

I stand up with him in my arms making my way over to Rick, who wraps his arm around me as I stop next to him. I look around for Daryl seeing him all ready staring at me. 'I'm okay' I mouth to him. He nods to me letting me know he's good too.

"I remember my dream now. Why I dug all them holes." Jim says breaking the silence.

What a shit show.

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