Rachel's Turn

By AngelProTN

3.6K 366 206

"Out of nowhere, all the conversations that they had exchanged about life and personal thoughts seemed to fal... More

Author Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 28

61 6 2
By AngelProTN

"Dinner is ready. Everyone, come in the kitchen for the blessing so we can eat." Mrs. Taylor called out.

Usually Mr. Taylor said grace but he looked to Rachel this time. "Rachel, will you say grace?"

"Yes sir. Please bow your head. Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you with thanks and praise for all you do. We thank you for our family and friends that are with us tonight and pray that you will bless and take care of each and every one. We ask that you send angels to lead and protect Ryan and Warren in their travels tomorrow and bring them home safely. Please bless this food that we are about to eat and use us for your honor and glory. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen." Everyone answered with an AMEN.

Ryan grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek and whispered, "Thank you that was beautiful." Her face reddened with his kiss and before they knew it they were ushered in line with plates.

Rachel looked at both Ryan and Warren and told them to get their plates and she would grab their drinks. Crystal Light for Ryan, Coke for Warren and Rachel would have sweet tea. She placed their glasses at the table and motioned to them their location so they could sit in the right spot. She then took her time helping get everyone else's drinks and getting them settled. She was a little hostess.

Warren and Ryan took a seat at the table, the first ones to sit. "Bro, she really is beautiful and likes you a lot. You did well my man. I am happy for you." Warren told Ryan as Ryan nodded in agreement.

Finally, Sara and Rob came to sit at the table with Warren and Ryan. Rachel joined them and Ryan pulled her chair out for her which made her smile and made Sara roll her eyes. All Sara could think was how weird this was and she did not know how to take it. She had never seen Ryan act this way, but he was older too. He really cares for my little sister. Look at how looks at her. He never looked at me that way. He is glowing and so is she. Well, of course Rachel is she always glows around him. No, this was different. Sara's mind was running 90 miles per hour and her husband placed a hand on her leg to snap her from the trap of her mind.

"So, Warren, you have been Ryan's buddy since when?" Sara decided to start talking and get them talking to see what this guy had to say. Maybe he will shed some light on this situation.

"We met in boot camp. He actually saved my a...my tail (good save) a bit from getting beat up for running my mouth and I guess from that point we have been cool. I have heard about this family for years and am so glad to finally get to meet you all. I feel like I have known you for a while Rachel." He laughed and smiled at Rachel.

"Well Warren I can say the same, and I admit I am proud that you are on your best behavior." Rachel giggled and Ryan looked at Warren's face and he knew Rachel knew Warren's potential. Well, she knew enough.

Sara sat there listening to the three of them talking and making jokes and comments as if they were all three old friends and it was starting to irritate her. Rachel usually was the one on the outside having to listen and now it is opposite.. "I did not think you had actually ever met Warren before so how do you all know each other so well?"

Ryan sensed the building tension and gently took Rach's hand and was about to speak when Warren opened his big mouth. "Sara, I have not met Rachel in person. We have talked on the phone for a few minutes over the past 3 years, but only when I tackle Ryan and steal the phone. Ryan, remember when we were in that ..." Ryan kicked him under the table and he realized he needed to shut up on details. "Anyway, I only know Rachel from what Ryan has told me over the years and the few very brief chats on the phone. You have a pretty cool sister Sara. I can't believe no one has scooped her up before Ryan here." He took a big bite of mashed potatoes as Ryan kicked him again.

Rachel started laughing and stood and took her plate and Ryan's too the sink. "What are you laughing at sweetheart?" Her mom asked as she placed the dishes in the sink.

"Nothing really, I think Warren is going to have a few bruises on his shin from Ryan kicking him to shush. Anyway, who wants dessert?" Rachel laughed.

Dinner plates were cleared and desserts where set out with their plates as well. Mom's chocolate fudge cake, Gran's pecan pie, Sara's chocolate oatmeal cookies and pistachio salad were all placed on the counter. Yummy.

"Ok, for those who are new, Warren, mom's cake comes with a warning." Warren's face was priceless as he was trying to figure out why a cake needed a warning. "So, before you eat it you need to know to be careful of pointy objects. Let's just say, if you are in prison mom can make this cake and hid a file in it and no one would know it. Use your fork and take small bits so you do not get a toothpick jammed in your mouth or worse, your throat." The room laughed because it was so very true.

"Ok, I have never in my life had to here a safety speech before eating a dessert. I am scared now, but it looks so dang good, I think I can take my chances." Warren muttered as he picked up a fork.

"Ok, Warren, please remember to take small bites for real. Warren shook the warning off and sure enough he took a big bite and just like that he had a toothpick stuck in his lip and roof of his mouth.

"Da...dang you weren't kidding. Are you serious?" Warren exclaimed as his mouth started bleeding. He looked around and he was being laughed at while he was bleeding.

Mom motioned for Rachel to help him. "Come on you big idiot. I hope you take orders better if you defend our country. Let's get that taken care of follow me." Ryan laughed and shook his head. Rachel took him to the hall bathroom and sat him on the toilet seat while she gave him a wash cloth. Warren was irritated but then he realized he was alone with Rachel. He could not get over how sweet and gorgeous she was. She smelled so wonderful.

"Hold still and open your mouth....steady....got it! NO splinters left either. You will make it. Now here is some peroxide and water for you to rinse your mouth." She stepped back for Warren to rinse with the cold peroxide water combo then washed her hands. "You know for your own safety you should listen and heed warnings about sharp objects in food."

"Well maybe there should not be any toothpicks left in cakes for impending death of a guest." Warren shot back.

Rachel looked at him as she put the towel back on the hanger. "Where would the fun in that be?"

Warren watched her lips as she spoke and he wanted them so badly, but this is Ryan's girl. Ryan is not in here right now. He took Rachel's hand as she walked away and pulled her around and into his arms.

"Warren what are you doing..." Rachel stumbled and fell into him as he planned and hugged.

Ryan had waited for them to be back and he had a bad feeling so he politely said he was going to make sure Warren had not passed out from blood loss, and everyone laughed. Walking down the hall he heard Rach's voice and it sounded stressed. He walked into the bathroom to see Warrens' arms around Rachel and his hand was about to touch her ass.

"Warren!" Ryan hissed at him and Warren quickly through his hands up. "Get your hands off Rach.

"Dude, I was just thanking her for saving my life. Damn bro. chill." Warren nervously stated as he wished Ryan had not come in he was so close to touching her tight ass but no.

Ryan was getting angry. "Rach, you ok baby? Warren I swear I will beat your ass if you touch her again."

"OK you two. Look, keep it down and get over it. No harm no foul. Warren you made a mistake right?" Warren nodded and mouthed sorry. "Ok, we are not ruining tonight so Warren. Go back to the table and Ryan we are going outside for a minute."

Warren obeyed and walked into the dining room as everyone cheered that he was alive. Mom apologized then went on to explain why the toothpicks were in the cake. Others chimed in telling Warren the stories of other victims. Evidentially it seems like an initiation into the clan if you get stabbed by a tooth pick.

Rachel took Ryan out to the front porch swing and placed her lips on his. His hand cupped her jaw as his thumb gently circled her cheek. He lost himself in her blue gem eyes and kissed her softly then they deepened their kiss. Rach's body quietly moaned for more of him and he pulled her closer and gave her neck kisses until he finally pulled away slightly to calm them both down.

"Ryan, don't be mad at Warren, he is harmless. He's Warren ok. Please stop being angry and let's just enjoy each other and tonight." She placed her hand on his wrist as she looked at him, still with her face in his hands and she kissed his lips.

"Rach, the thought of anyone having his hands on you makes me sick. I warned him to stay away from you but he is so stupid. But, at least your mom got him with the toothpick." Their eyes met and they both smiled and laughed in relief. The tension was gone and it was just the two of them. He stood and took her hand and led her to the car. He pulled out a pink gerber daisy and handed it to her then reached back in and grabbed bag with her strawberry shortcake locker caddy in.

"Ryan, you are too sweet. I am going to miss you so much. But thankfully I can have Strawberry keeping me company." She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"I miss you already too, but there is another little something else, he pulled another bag from the car. Open it." Rach's eyes surged with excitement. He loved knowing he could make her brighten up like this.

A Strawberry Shortcake gift bag packed with pink tissue paper sat in front of her. She began pulling the tissue paper and pulled out a gift set of her favorite Victoria's Secret spray Love Spell. "Oh, Ryan, you knew this was my favorite thank you, but you did not have to buy me anything."

"I missed your birthday Rach so consider that your birthday gift and the other thing in there is to, well, take care of you while I am gone." His eyes were timid and a boyish grin decorated his face.

She pulled the next layer out and there was a soft and fluffy brown teddy bear holding something rolled up. The bear smelled like Ryan. The bear was holding 2 navy t-shirts of Ryan's and there was a small bottle of Ryan's cologne. "Oh,Ryan! This is perfect!" Rachel began to cry and she leapt into his arms.

"I thought that since I cannot be here to hug you I needed to give you something to squeeze tight. When you feel sad or miss me you can wear my t-shirts and know I am with you always. Well, the cologne is for the teddy bear because he told me he wanted to smell like me because you liked it. But, hey I better not find that you ran off with the teddy bear ok?" Ryan teased Rach as they embraced and kissed one last time before going inside.

"I have something for you but can I give it to you after everyone leaves? Will you stay for a bit after everyone goes home or come back after you get your Gran home? I know you need to sleep but I just want more time." Tears pooled in her eyes and one spilled down her cheek.

Ryan kissed her cheek as the next salty tear covered his lip. Kissing away her tears, he pulled her close and whispered, "I had already planned on it. Let's get back inside. Go put this stuff in your room and I will meet you in the living room." She obeyed as they walked back into the house. She took her gifts to her room and touched up her tear worn makeup.

Ryan walked to the living room where Warren was entertaining the family. Everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves. Ryan walked over and sat on the couch making sure to leave room for his girl. "So, Ryan, Mr. Taylor was telling me how you swallowed most of Sardis Lake and I saw the pictures to prove it. Dude, that is funny. I had no idea you could fly but when you are tubing you flew!!!!" They were all laughing and sharing stories.

Well, when you are pulled behind a boat by Mr. Taylor, you can talk about how easy it is to hold onto a rope or tube. If a little toothpick in mom's cake almost took you out, then buddy, you better pray that you are never behind that boat." Ryan was still not happy with Warren but he would talk to him tomorrow. This was his night and Rach's.

Laughter filled the room. Rach walked into the room and Ryan motioned for her to sit by him. She sat beside him and placed a pillow in her lap and carefully sat properly as she was in a skirt. Ryan took her left hand into his right and interlocked their fingers as they sat. Everyone seemed to have extra smiles as they looked at the two except Sara. Well, she was not yelling or making smart comments so that was good.

After an hour more of recalling stories and talking about what is wrong with the world, Gran was ready to go. Warren volunteered to help her pack her things. Ryan placed his arm around her and placed a kiss on her head. "I am going to take Gran home and get Warren settled but then I will be back. I promise." Rach looked into those gorgeous oceans that were staring at her and nodded.

Everyone walked outside and were hugging Ryan and telling them how much they missed him and were proud of him. They told Warren that they were glad to meet him and he was welcome anytime. Warren was overly glad to hear that which was weird but oh well he probably has never had a real family like this one. Ryan was about to get in the car when Jack came running outside screaming. We all thought he was still asleep on the couch. "Wyan wait don't leave you forgot to open your present."

Ryan walked away from the car and scooped up Jack. "Buddy I am so glad you remembered. I am so old I forgot. I am glad you are my buddy. I love you Jack. So will you help me open it?" Jack nodded and opened the box and pulled out his favorite little plastic pterodactyl figure. "Oh, Jack this is your favorite, you have to keep it for me but thank you buddy that was nice to think of me."

Jack looked so sad but determined. "No, it is for you Uncle Wyan. I want you to keep it so you don't forget about me and I know you like it because you always play with that one more than me anyway. I love you and miss you. Come back soon and we will go play again." There was not a dry eye in the place watching Jack and Ryan interact. Ryan hugged him and Jack squeezed his neck tight.

"Jack, thank you, I love you too and I will never forget my best buddy. I will take good care of this ok. Thank you, buddy." Ryan waved again to everyone and drove away.


Thanks for reading :)

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