Secret Reveals (Toman watchin...

By Masumi0629

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the title said it all though this was inspired from tr episodes and from gacha club More

Chapter 01 "In One Place"
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Last Introduction
Chapter 05: Uh Oh
Chapter 06
Episode 1: Reborn
Episode 2: Resist
Chapter 09: Episode 3 (Resolve)
Chapter 10.01: After Break
Chapter 10.02: Re-Introduce
Chapter 10.03: Episode 4: Return
Chapter 11: Episode 5: Releap
Chapter 12: Episode 6: Regret
Chapter 13: Episode 7: Revive
Chapter 14: Episode 8: Re change
The break and the talks
Episode 9: Revolt
Episode 10: Rerise
Episode 11: Respect
Episode 12: Revenge
Episode 13: Odds and Ends
Episode 14: Break Up
Episode 15: No Pain, No Gain
Episode 16: Once Upon A Time
Episode 17: No Way
Episode 19: Turn Around
Episode 20: Dead or Alive
Episode 21: One and Onlyl
Episode 22: One for all
Episode 23: End of War
Episode 24: A Cry baby
No chaoter this week 😭
Season 2 starts
Season 2 episode 2
season 2 episode 3
season 2 episode 4
season 2 episode 5//Happy long weekend
season 2 episode 6//Whip up morale
Episode 31: Sibling Rivalry
Season 2 episode 8
Season 2 episode 9
Season 2 episode 10
season 2 episode 11
season 2 episode 12
season 2 final episode (ep 13)
season 3 episode 1
Problem 😭
Season 3 episode 2
Season 3 episode 3
Season 3 episode 4
Next February 🫤
Part 0
season 3 episode 05
Rise Against
Turn the tide
I know in my head
The blue ogre
Brave Heart
Nothing is left
Paradise lost
Meet his fate; season 3 ends

Episode 18: Open Fire

1.1K 46 4
By Masumi0629

Secret Reveals Chapter 23:

Episode 18: Open Fire

The episode started with few recaps.

The recaps had end.

"Mikey didn't get arrested. Because...Kisaki had prepared him a decoy. Since then, Mikey's heart has fallen into darkness. Valhalla took over Toman. With Mikey as the President and Kisaki Tetta as the acting President, they grew into a huge organization. Thinking back on it now, Kisaki joined Toman...because he had his sights ser on Mikey from the start."

"Please wait a second! Mikey-kun killed Kazutora-kun?!"

Naoto just stare as Takemichi punched the glass infront of him.

"No way! Mikey-kun would never kill someone!"

"Imagine yourself in Mikey's position. Can you be sure you can stop yourself from killing Kazutora? He's the guy who killed his brother. And on that day...Baji was killed in front of his eyes."

Everyone's eyes went wide, some from realization of what might happened to Baji, some in shock from what they beard, and some in reminder of Baji's death.

Takemichi's eyes widened. He lowered his fists and look up at Draken.

"Kazutora-kun killed Baji-kun?"

Baji's DEAD body was shown before faring back to reality.

"You were there too, weren't you?"

Flashback of Kazutora laying dead on the ground and Mikey standing up above him was shown before fading away.

'What is'

"Kazutora..." Baji was shock to say the least, he wouldn't expect Kazutora killed him.

Then it dawned on him. The voices he heard. Kazutora's sob, Chifuyu shouting his name, Ryusei'svoice asking him why...and him thanking Chifuyu.

It all seems like a death died in the future. But of course being a stubborn brat, he shrugged it off.

The opening has been skipped.

Episode #18: Open Fire

The scene changes.

(October 29th, 2017)

Takemichi and Naoto was seen walking on the street, when suddenly Takemichi stops walking.

"Mikey-kun is not the type of guy who would kill someone. I know that...I believe that...But after talking with Draken-kun, it flashes in my mind! The vision of what happened that day! I don't know why it happened, but my mind just overflowed with memories I shouldn't have! Baji-kun lying on the ground. Kazutora-kun. And Mikey-kun, covered in blood. I can't tell if it's all real! But...Mikey-kun looked so sad! I must save Mikey-kun!"


The scene changes once again.

They are now on Naoto's apartment.

"The Bloody Halloween battle ended in Toman's defeat. They lost because Sano Manjiro killed Hanemiya Kazutora. And Kisaki Tetta plooted it all. Sano killed Hanemiya, because Hanemiya..."

"...killed Baji-kun, Mikey-kun's best friend! In that case, I'll save Baji-kun. If I do that, I can stop Mikey-kun from making that big mistake!"

"And you'll put a stop to Kisaki's scheme! Protect Baji Keisuke. That's your mission this time."


Naoto then sighed and smiled

"Just like that time with Ryuguji Ken, this is all we've been doing."

"It's about time we got this settled."

" "About time", huh...You sure say it like it's easy. Considering how difficult the mission is."


Naoto walked to him and offered his hand.

"Please do your best."


'Takemichi-kun...You might actually be pretty amazing.'

Takemichi blushes. Few others agreed with certain some few others did not.

"I'm going, Naoto."

They handshake.


Mikey' picture was shown, he was covered in blood.


Then Baji's picture was shown after

'I promise you... I'll definitely protect Baji-kun!'

Just then he saw Past Hina


It dawned on him. He's now in the past.

"Thank you for walking me home. Could you wait here a bit?"

"Uh, sure."

'What a shock. Hina out of nowhere. Were we walking home from school?'

His thoughts were interrupted when Hina opened the door.

"Back to the past, I see..." Emma sighed

"Here, got you a present."


"I've been meaning to give this to you."

"What's the occasion? Can I open it?"


He opened the bag to see the same necklace he gave to Hina.

"This is...The same one as the one I gave you."

Hina shows him hers.

"Now it's a pair."

A flashback shows up it was the burned necklace of Future Hina.

"It seemed to be her favorite. She always wore it like it's the most precious things. She must've loved you very much." Hina's mother had told him as he cries.

The flashback ends and went back to reality.

Takemichi was seen crying.

"What? You're moved to tears?"


"No! I'm not crying!"

"Ehehehehe You really are a crybaby, Takemichi-kun."

Takemichi turned to her.

"Thank you. I will cherish it."

Hina turned to him and smiled.

"You sure act so mature skmetimes, Takemichi-kun."

"I-I do?"


The scene changes.

Someone was walking down the street.

Kazutora stopped just behind Draken.

"Draken?" Mikey had asked him who shrugged

"Probably gonna talk to him to call the fight o-"

"Which you did." Kazutora cut him off before shrugging.

"Why'd you call me out all of the sudden? Draken."

"It's been a long time. Kazutora."

Kazutora titlted his head smiling.

Draken speaks once again.

"This fight...You wanna call it off?"

Kazutora's eyes widened.

"Whether we win or lose against you...I won't be happy either way. I just don't get it, Kazutora. Why do you hate Mikey? Mikey gave a good testimony for you, you know? You got out early thanks to that. Do you know how he felt --"

"Shut up! Two years...Two percious years of my life...wasted inside those bars. I'm not the same guy I used to be."

"Even so, I'm still your friend."

The two stares at each other for a while.

Kazutora cut off the staring contest as he walked passed by Draken.

"That's the part I hate about you, Draken. We will crush Toman the day after tomorrow."

"Mikey doesn't want this!"

Kazutora smirks and walked away.

Draken stays in his position.

The scene changes. Draken is now with Mikey.

"Shouldn't have said that. Knowing ME I'll enjoy that information." Kazutora shows a fake smile.

'What happened, Tora?'

"Is there really no going back? What will my brother do?"

"Who knows. Why don't you ask your bike? For as long as you like it."

Mikey then ride his bike and drive so fast as the background music started.

Mikey's face was once again seen.

Before switching into a grave where Baji was...Sano Family Grave.

Then it shifts to the top of the building where Kazutora was stabding his eyes covered in shadows as his hands in his pockets.

The scene switched again, inside the train, where Mitsuya was standing wearing headphones.

Then the Valhalla hide out was shown. Hanma was shown smirking.

Then the scene switches back to Mikey as he stares at the ocean (or river?) ending the background music.

The screen fades to black as the scene changes.

"It's so tense damn." Mitsuya chuckles, though everyone could hear or sense the bitterness.

(October 30th, 2005)

Takemichi was seen walking with Chifuyu.

"The fight is tomorrow."

"Oh shit." Baji groaned after all this is a future to him. Kazutora sighed. Ryusei started to have a bad feeling about this.

Mitsuya and Takemichi gulped.

Sanzu smirks as he looks at Mikey, then Takemichi, then Chifuyu, and landing to Baji. As soon as his eyes land on Baji he quickly look away removing the smirk on his face.

Baji was staring at him...glaring at him.

'Don't start with Fuyu or you'll taste my fiat, you bitch!' He had warned with just eye contact making Sanzu shivers.

Chifuyu sighed for like the tenth time, everyone was taking note at that.

They knew something probably happened between Kazutora and Baji, especially with that future.

Kazutora however had his eyes covered by shadow smirking.

'It's starting! fuck! I wish Takemichi hadn't saved me.' He wanted to cry but decided to held back tears.

"Yeah. Before that, come with me, Takemitchy."

"Huh? Where to?"

Chifuyu just turned around and continue walking, Takemichi quickly following behind.

That's when Baji was shown looking at the sky as Chifuyu and Takemichi went upstairs.

"I'm sorry for calling you all of the sudden." Chifuyu begun.

Baji put his head back up making his hair sway around a bit.

He then look and smirk at Chifuyu.

"Chifuyu. Do you want me to punch you more?"

"Of course. He'll call me." Baji facepalmed Chifuyu just sweat dropped.

"But it's very Chifuyu thing to like more punches from Baji~" Ryusei sings as Kazutora chuckles.


"Have you got any lead on Kisaki?" Chifuyu asked surprising Baji


"You're acting as a spy for Toman, aren't you? I did some looking myself and found out that Kisaki is a pretty nasty guy. You don't have to stay in Valhalla anymore!"

"What the heck are you saying?"

"Tomorrow, if the fight starts...Baji-san. You'll become Toman's enemy for real!"

Baji just stare at him.

"You're way too desparate Chifuyu. And way to transparent." Baji said, but when he looks at the boy, Chifuyu is actually looking at Mitsuya.

Mitsuya hand his hand on Draken's arm, eyes widened like he sees a ghost. Draken look at Mitsuya worriedly, when he tries to reach for him Takemichi shook his head stopping him from doing so.

'What the hell happened?!'

"Chifuyu. Didn't I tell you this over and over? Don't trust anybody but your friends. I'm part of Valhalla now. We're gonna crush Toman tomorrow."

Chifuyu just stares as Takemichi speaks.

"Chifuyu. Do you mind if I have a talk alone with Baji-kun?"

Chifuyu look at him first before leaving the two alone.

"I don't have anything to talk about with you."

"Wow you sure treat Takemichi different than Chifuyu" Ryusei deadpanned and Baji knocked him in the head.

"I don't know what you're trying to accomplish. In fact, I don't care about it. Just...Please make it through tomorrow alive. Please... don't die. Because Mikey-kun...will be really sad!" Takemichi started to cry.

"Yeah. But like - dude why are you the one who's crying?" Smiley laughed

"Leave me alone!"

Chifuyu realizes what's going to happen and started sweating with his eyes wide clenching his fist. Only Kazutora and his dear partner noticed.

'I'm sorry. I should've died instead of him' Kazutora wanted to say.

"He's my enemy. I will kill him tomorrow. Tell him that."

Baji then walks away withTakemichi and Chifuyu watching from behind.

The scene switches to Mikey, he's with Takemichi.

"I see. When I was little, I used to play with Baji on this jungle gym a lot. We fought all the time. But we'd always make up right after. But it looks like we will have to fight for real this time."

"I'm sorry I couldn't bring him back."

"It's not your fault. Nothing can be done if Baji doesn't wanna back down. Baji betrayed Toman. The fight is tomorrow. Toman's members are now in battle mode."

It then zoomed in to Mikey's face as he shows full anger.

"I've made up my mind."

'As the President of Toman, Mikey-kun has already take Baji-kun out.'

The scene changes once again it was then night time. It switches to Toman's members before showing Takemichi and Chifuyu, then to Mitsuya, Smiley and Mucho, then Kisaki and finally to Mikey who walked in front of them.

"The pre-battle meeting for our battle against Valhalla will now begin!" Draken started before Mikey speaks

"Thank you for gathering here today. We're going to clash with Valhalla tomorrow. They're the one who started this. There is nothing for us to gain. And Baji has sided with the enemy! We don't go easy on traitors! That's Toman's policy!"

Besides Takemichi Chifuyu whispered

"There's no stopping this now. Takemitchy."

Takemichi didn't respond, just stares ahead.

The mood suddenly change

"Can a kid for a while?"

"Eh?" The members wondered

"Huh?" Takemichi wondered a loud. Mikey then seat in the stage.

"I... don't want to fight my bud." He smiles

Shocking everyone especially Takemichi and Chifuyu.

Draken and Mitsuya just smirks same with Kisaki.

Mikey stands up.

"That's my answer. So everyone, please lend me your strength! Tomorrow, we will crush Valhalla and take Baji back! That's how we fight our battle!"

Everyone then cheers.

Everyone smirks but still worried deep inside.

'Mikey-kun!' Takemichi thought as he along with Chifuyu smirks.

Everyone started to chant "Toman!"

Kisaki stares with wide eyes and jaw almost hitting the floor in shock.

"This is it! The thing I've always wanted!" Kisaki had whispered.

Everyone's eyes went wide, they just went on Kisaki's path! A devil's path!

"Sorry, Ken-chin. Did I fail to act like a proper President?"

"Then this cheer should be the answer."

They keep chanting "Toman!"

The scene changes once again.

(October 31st, 2005
The Day Of The Battle)

In the dumpsite (?) many gangsters had gathered

"Eh? Who are these people?"

"They're all spectators." Chifuyu answered him. "Toman versus Valhalla. Whoever wins today's conflict will be one step closer to ruling Tokyo. This fight's caught the attention of all influential delinquents in Tokyo."

"Yeah, looks like nothing but bad dudes out here."

"Like the two guys over there."

A guy with long blonde/black hair in braids was shown, besides him is a guy with glasses and short blonde/blue hair.

"Fuck!" Everyone was shock to hear Angry cursed out loud his eyes went wide and he gritted his teeth so hard. Inupi went to him "Now, Now. They're on screen on screen." He patted his shoulder.

"Who?" Smiley asked. Takemichi answered him with a sigh "It's the enemies he fought in Toman vs. Tenjiku" Smiley was shock. "The Haitani Brothers." Angry groaned, Inupi sighed and went back to his seat.

"The Haitani Brothers." Chifuyu continues before speaking once more.

"They can summon a hundred men with just one shout. Those brothers are like celebrities in Roppongi."

"A hundred men?!"

"And that fatty over there. He's Leanman. He controls Ueno. I hear he's an absolute juggernaut."

Then someone spoke behind them

"It's party time! Toman and Valhalla ain't worth a damn!" He walks as his members bow to him.

"Good work, sir!"

"I'm the one overseeing today's fight. The name's Hansen, from Ikebukuro Criminal Black Members."

Chifuyu then informs Takemichi.

"He's one of the big fish from the '88 group! He's our overseer today."


"It's like a referee. Hansen, the Haitani Brothers, and Leanman... They're just going to watch today. But they're normally fierce rivals with Toman."

Takemichi gulp 'Are they really just gonna sit and watch?'

"Hey, Who won between Angry and the Haitani bros?" Mikey asked. Takemichi pointed at Angry who pouts in his seat as Smiley look at him a bit shock.

Just then Hansen talks "Are you guys ready? FIGHTERS!!! MAKE YOUR ENTRANCE!!!"

The other gate opened revealing the flag of Toman before showing Toman themselves. Mucho,Noya,Mitsuya, Kisaki then Mikey and Draken, before the screen switches to whole group as Hansen announced.

"Tokyo Manji Gang!"

The other gate opened revealing Valhalla's flag, before showing Chouji, Chome, Chonbo, then to Kazutora and Hanma and finally the whole members of Valhalla as Hansen once again announced.


"We gotta go too, Takemitchy."


Mikey walks infront of everyone.


Other gangsters started to talk.

"It's Mikey."

"The invincible Mikey."

It was silent for a while before Mikey speaks.

"Hansen-kun. Thank you very much for overseeing this fight today."

"If this fight sucks, I'll beat you all myself."

Another guy talks

"Representatives from both teams! Step forward!"

The representatives step forward which to be Kazutora (Valhalla side) and Draken (Toman side).

"A five-on-five with your best guys...or an all-out brawl with everyone. Which will it be?" Hansen asked

"Valhalla picked this fight with us. You decide, Kazutora."


"We just have one condition. To rescue Baji Keisuke."

That removes Kazutora's smirk.

"If Toman wins this battle, we will take Baji back. That's all."

Kazutora smiles again.

"Huh?! Baji joined our gang on his own! You're making no sense."

"We're taking Baji back. That's all."

Kazutora's eyes widened

"You bastard...Bring it on!"

"Hey, don't start just ye--" Hansen tries but Kazutora punches him in the face before punching him in the guts making him falls down on the ground and shakes in pain.

Everyone look at Kazutora "I-oops?" He shrugged. Everyone facepalmed.

Draken have wide eyes.

The screen shows Chifuyu and Takemichi who had theirmouth open and eyes widened.

"So lame! Overseer? Condition? You guys think this is a game?"

Kazutora then turned around spreading his other arms upwards and his other arms downwards with his legs apart as well.

"We came here to beat your asses to death!"

Hanma then smiles wide "Shall we begin, Mikey?!"

That triggers it.

"Let's do this, Toman!" Mikey shout

"Yeah!" they all shout as they run towards Valhalla

"KILL THEM!" Valhalla shouts running towards them only Kazutora remaining still in his position.

It was shown as a full brawl.

The closing has been skipped.

The screen fades to black.

"It started..." Mikey gulp

Draken sighed 'That starting to hurt.'

Draken looked down to his arm to see Mitsuya still clinging onto it but keeps getting harder each time. He then look at Mitsuya who was at nearly tears.

"What's going on?" Pah asked also noticing Mitsuya's reaction. Peh put his hand on Pah's shoulder and just shook his head.

"'s near" Smiley's smile softened as he look at Chifuyu. Everyone following his sight.

Chifuyu's gaze was on the ground, eyes widened and sweat running down his face, his hands are also sweaty and are shaking he keeps muttering something.

'Fuyu...' Baji's eyes went wide never in his entire life he had seen Chifuyu like this. Beside him Ryusei have the same reaction.

'What the fuck happened?' Ryusei grew nervous.

Kazutora sighed. "L-Let's just watch" he fake a smile, hoping everyone won't notice his stutters.

He patted Chifuyu on back taking the boy back in reality.

Takemichi squeezed Mitsuya's hand takeing him back to reality, and making him ket go of Draken's arm.

'What was that?' Draken had asked.

The screen lit up to another episode.


Ah Sheesh. This chapter sucks sorry about that. I just had few problems about school. I wanted to give up 😭😭😭

Oh I may managed to upload 5 chapters this week 😅. That's why I upload late this time.

Thank you for understanding bye bye love you all.

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