بواسطة checa26

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A LISKOOK ADAPTATION!!!!! DO NOT VOTE!! FOR OFFLINE PURPOSE Lalisa, who spent her entire life as a cold-blood... المزيد

1. The Reason Why I Can't Die
2. I Will Change the Future
3. I Hope I'm Not Too Late
4. I Don't Care If He's a Monster
5. You're Lalisa Blaise
6. I Have Place to Go Back
7. My Greed was Endless
8. I Will Protect My Family
9. Everyone was Dazed
10. Teach Her a Lesson
11. This is the Beginning
12. I Have a Condition
13. Call Me Kookie
14. Are You a Philanderer?
15. How Long Has It Been There?
16. The Future Has Changed
17. I'd Better Make Sure
18. They Looked Amazingly Alike
19. No Other Answer
20. A Short Night's Outing
21. The Only Time
22. Am I Missing Something?
23. I Just Need to Catch Them
24. You're So Beautifull
25. Now Shall We Eat?
26. The Sharpest Sword
27. I have Fallen
28. It Can be Dangerous
29. The Last Moment
30. One to Ten
31. This is Who I am
32. Where Have I Seen This Before?
33. May We Enter?
34. Blinded By Beauty
35. I'm Envious
36. Just Once
37. Madonna at the Ball
38. There's Trouble
39. Top Secret
40. Isn't That the Stench of a Rag
41. Why Don't You Tell Me?
42. Everyone Listen
43. This is Incredible
44. Today She Didn't Cry
45. One Small Bud
46. Are You Nervous?
47. I am Happy Now
48. I Promise
49. Come Here
50. How On Earth
51. She Wanted to Protect Him
53. Remove Your Hand
54. I am Just Too Bored to Let it Go
55. So Cute
56. Its Fine. It was Only Once
57. Just Wait
58. Sometimes Thought of that Memory
59. A Closer Eyes
60. Somehow It Was Omnious
61. Do I Have to Decide?
62. You're Looking Over There
63. This is Going to be Fun
64. Trash
65. Its not as Cold as it was Before
66. That was How it Began
67. If that was What You Desire
68. Don't Run Away
69. I Can't Stop Him
70. Wedding of the Century
71. You're So Beautiful
72. Don't Forget
73. I Will Only Say It Once
74. Our First Night
75. Good Night My Wife
76. I WIll Teach You
77. Test The Water
78. What a Wicked Man
79. Missmatch
80. The name of the Emotion
81. It was Enormous
82. Stop Right There
83. Was it Too Late?
84. I'll See Soon
85. Knew It Would Happen
86. Would You Like a Drink?
87. Playing Dirty
88. Take Responsibility
89. The Person We Choose
90. The Pain Was Good
91. Because of Him
92. Her Own
93. Don't be Late
94. Should be Mine
95. Do You Understand?
96. It Was Love
97. This is Enough For Now
98. The Choice is Yours
99. Tonight We Will
100. Best Gift
101. Have You Already Forgotten
102. I...Love...You
103. Hold On
104. Whatever the Cost
105. Time to Finish Playing House
106. There's No Need to be Bitter
107. The Dragon's Orb
108. The Curse on The Imperial Family
109. You Are Such A Fool
110. A Storm Will Come Soon
111. Please.. Don't Go
112. I've Returned
113. I'm Worried that I'm Happy
114. Not Yet
115. You Don't Know Anything About My Wife
116. The Opening Of The Competition
117. It Will Be Fun From Now On
118. There Was Only One Way
119. Do You Have a Handkerchife?
120. I Won't Lose
121. How Are You Two Together?
122. You Don't Have The Right To Say That To Me
123. Hidden
124. I Wish You All The Best
125. Division Of The Heart
126. The First Trap
127. This is Incredible
128. Why Are You Helping Me?
129. Thank You Very Much
130. You're Different From The Empress
131. The Trap (2)
132. Feeling Trapped
133. A Shocking Development
134. I Won't Miss This Time
135. If Today Is The Last Day
136. Die Together
137. I Love You
138. Time To Act
139. There Are Many Similarities
140. This Wasn't Enough
141. If I Had To Bet
142. Day Of Decision
143. Definite And Quick
144. To Reclaim The Throne
145. The New Emperor
146. A Hidden Enemy
147. Change From The Past
148. My Only Wife
149. Before The Flowers Wither
150. Please Be Safe
151. Starting The War
152. Can't Wait
153. Only One Chance
154. That's Not What It's For
155. You Shouldn't Have Touched Her
156. Beyond His Power
157. Only After One Life
158. Don't Die
159. Trojan Horse
160. We Finally Met
161. I Have To Go Back
162. Do Not Lie To Me
163. The Most Triumphant Moment
164. So Lovely
165. No Matter What
166. God Blessing
167. If I Am With Him
168. Do You Like It?
169. Warm Spring Days
170. A Normal Day
171. Given Another Life
172. The Teddy Bear And The Lady (1)
173. The Teddy Bear And The Lady (2)
174. The Teddy Bear And The Lady (3)
175. [Side Story] A Typical Political Marriage (1)
176. [Side Story] A Typical Political Marriage (2)
177. [Side Story] Child of the Dragon (1)
178. [Side Story] Child of the Dragon (2) [END]

52. I am Sleeping Now

445 9 2
بواسطة checa26

The Crown Prince's palace was quite large. It wasn't as vast as the Emperor's or Empress' palace, but it was still the third largest on the grounds and boasted an impressive size.

Aside from the largest central building on the Crown Prince's compound, there were also various small and large buildings next to it, such as training camps, stables, and the servants' quarters. The same was true of the accommodation that Lalisa and Roseanne had been placed in. It was a quiet building far away from the central area to provide the most comfort and relaxation.

"Are some of the Empress' men still on the grounds?"

Taehyung, who was walking a step behind, answered immediately.

"Yes, they are."

"Put more watchmen over there. They seem to be hiding, but if you find them, take them away."

"Then armed conflict is inevitable, Your Grace. The Empress won't let this stand. What are you going to say?"

"Do I have to explain myself?"


Taehyung didn't understand at all. Jungkook then replied quietly.

"Kill them all. If we don't leave any evidence, they won't be able to prove that we've taken Jimin in our custody."

"But even without proof, she'll know that you're the one. Is that acceptable?"

"It doesn't matter. They've already gotten away with it too many times."

Despite the violence in his words, Jungkook was relaxed as if he were merely taking a stroll.

"...They'll pay the price for recklessly intruding into my palace."

"Yes, sir."

Jungkook's was more hard-willed than expected, but Lalisa didn't speak out against his judgment. From her perspective, as someone who had been on the battlefield numerous times, Jungkook's mindset was that of an excellent general. Society was concerned that this side of him was too cruel, but when he moved into situations of danger like now, he excelled brilliantly. One should never underestimate the enemy, especially on the battlefield.

"I will go watch for the Empress' men–"

Lalisa spoke before he could finish.

"I will go."

Not only was Lalisa confident that she would leave no evidence, but she knew she could get Jimin out safely even if the other soldiers found her first. The more important the task was, the more she wanted to deal with it herself. Jungkook furrowed his brow, however.

"Taehyung, you go."


Taehyung couldn't hide his surprise when it was Lalisa who volunteered to go.

"Don't make me say it again."

"My apologies. I'll go right away."

With a questioning look on his face, Taehyung quickly lowered his head, then fell away from Jungkook's company and disappeared. When he was completely out of sight, he turned towards Lalisa, his icy eyes flashing in the dark.

"...Lali, you're already trying to break your promise."

Laliaa gazed at him, and she imagined he looked like a black jaguar on the prowl, a bloodthirsty predator that kept its prey on edge. The other soldiers following behind Jungkook momentarily lost their breath at the pressure he was exuding.

Lalisa didn't forget the promise she made.

"You can't ignore me."


"I won't get hurt by this kind of mission. I am your sharpest weapon."

She had told Jungkook that she wouldn't get hurt, and that she would be as careful as possible. However, she was not so weak as to get injured by such a mission.

The soldiers' were astonished at Lalisa's words. They had never heard someone speak so confidently. It was not easy to praise oneself even if you were overflowing with skill. Those who talked like this could be divided into two main categories–Either you were really confident in your skills, or you were a big talker...

A small smile spread across Jungkook's as if he were in agreement with Lalisa.

"Still, stay with me tonight. I don't want you to leave yet."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The two were completely casual in their conversation, but the soldiers behind them were not easily convinced. In this situation, was it true that Lalisa was the best of Jungkook's men?

Everyone stared back Lalisa and Jungkook with inquisitive looks. Hoseok, who was walking silently behind them, clapped his hands together and murmured in a soft voice that did not fit his big size.





The started to find small clues as they arrived in the northwest direction of the Crown Prince's palace. It was when Jungkook and his group were following a trail of bloodstains on some branches that someone came towards Jungkook, panting.

"Y-your Highness. Someone from the Empress' palace has formally asked for permission to search your palace."

A faint smile hung over Jungkook's lips.

"After she's already infiltrated it?"

They have already expelled those who infiltrated the palace once. And now that he had already sent Taehyung to surveill them now, it was too late for them to come and get permission.

"Your Highness, what shall I do?"

Jungkook dipped his head and touched his chin in thought for a moment.

They could hear the sound of movement through the forest. His company consisted of highly skilled knights, and even the slightest movement could not be missed.

Lalisa whispered to Jungkook.

"It seems like the Empress' men are already in the vicinity."

While Jungkook was searching for Jimin, the Empress seemed to have sent more forces. Besides the groups under Taehyung's command, there were others in the palace. Perhaps they had also discovered Jimim's trail, and were searching for the blood left in the area.

Jungkook's eyes were steely. Then he spoke quietly.

"I am asleep now."


The man who had run to report to Jungkook had an expression of disbelief.

"I'm deep asleep and I cannot be woken. That means I am not able to grant permission for the Empress' men to search my palace."


"So now they are the men who trespassed the Crown Prince's palace."


The man listening to Carlisle finally realized what he meant and opened his eyes wide. Lalisa was able to understand the prince's meaning as soon as he said the first words.

Officially, the Empress had to ask permission from the Crown Prince to search his palace for the fugitive, so Jungkook intended to delay his permission as much as possible. Furthermore, those who infiltrated the Crown Prince's palace were unidentified men, so they had an excuse to capture and punish them.

Lalisa suddenly drew her sword from her waist.

On this dark night, her sharp blade flashed in the soft moonlight. The other men in the back were confused at Lalisa's sudden behavior.

Lalisa immediately threw her sword into the forest.

It struck an enemy soldier that had been hiding. The sound of metal piercing flesh confirmed that her aim was true.


There came faint praise from someone's mouth. Lalisa turned and calmly spoke to Jungkook.

"I will go and capture all the unidentified men who have infiltrated the palace."

If the men followed them, they would try to escape. It wasn't too dangerous, and no one could seriously threaten her in one-to-one combat.

Jungkook shot Lalisa conflicted glance, but soon nodded.


"Yes, sir."

After this sparse exchange, she ran into the dark forest. As expected, as soon as she moved she could sense the enemy scattering on all sides.

Jungkook turned towards his other men for a moment.

"What are you doing? Are you not going?"

"Yes, sir!"

After Jungkook's words, the other men followed behind Lalisa to capture the Empress' men. The sound of countless collisions of steel on steel rang in the dark. Jungkook did not doubt that Lalisa could capture all of the Empress' men. Although he did not want to admit it, with her ability he knew she wouldn't lose them.

Jungkook was observing the battle with his arms folded when he suddenly realized there was still one person by his side. It was the man earlier who informed him that the Empress wanted to obtain permission to search the palace.

"You should go ahead and tell them I'm too deep asleep to get up."

"Y-yes, Your Highness!"

He had been staring at Lalisa's back and came to himself when the prince addressed him, and then rushed away in a hurry. His mission was to tell them that Jungkook was still sleeping.

Jimin, who had been briefly unconscious, began to stir. The first thing waking thought that came to him was that his whole body hurt like fire. Every muscle was in pain. Not only was he severely tortured in the palace, but he had also used up his strength to escape.

He groaned as he lifted his upper body. From his side came a voice like a singing bird.

"Are you alright?"

Jimin's grey eyes turned towards the unexpected voice, and Roseanne's anxious face swam into view. As he looked into Roseanne's innocent-looking eyes, all the events that happened before passed him like a panorama. The young noblewoman took of her dress and exposed herself for the sake of Jimin. She was Lalisa's sister, and would soon become Jungkook's sister-in-law, which meant that their difference in status was too great for her to ever reach him. And thus, Jimin owed her a debt that he could never repay.

'...Just let me go.'

He was not so helpless that he would give up his own life, but like so many people he had killed, he knew one day he would die. It didn't matter if that moment was today. If he struggled to live but died anyway, it was inevitable.

Jimin stared at her numbly, but she spoke to him with a voice full of concern.

"Would you like a glass of water?"

"...I'm fine."

He refused her drink despite the rawness in his throat. However, when Roseanne heard the way his voice cracked, she quickly left then returned with a glass of water from her room, and carefully tipped it towards his mouth.

As things went on like this, Jimin simply drank the water that Roseanne gave him. It was funny how a sip of water seemed to make him feel more energetic.

After he drained the cup, Roseanne set the glass neatly aside. Come to think of it, Jimin was still lying in the bathroom. Maybe his weight was too much for Roseanne to carry, but his body was covered with heavy blankets, so it was not cold at all. He felt slightly guilty imagining Roseanne heaving all those blankets inside.

"Your name...what is it?"

At her sudden question, Jimin turned his head and looked at her. There was something cautious about her gaze. Or maybe she was too curious that she didn't know what to do. What was his name...

"I don't want to tell you. As you can see, my job is very dangerous."

He wasn't wrong, and he didn't want to continue his relationship with Roseanne any more. However, she had helped him, and if she would receive a gift that would be it.

"I want to know. I promise I won't tell anyone, so...can you just tell me?"


After a moment, he thought it wouldn't make any difference if she would never see him again anyway. He felt bad about being too difficult on her after she just saved his life.


He regretted it as soon as he spoke. He should've have given her an alias. Maybe his head wasn't functioning properly because he was injured.

"Jimin Kasha."

Roseanne repeated his name. The words tickled Jimin strangely, and he forced himself to pull up his upper body. Roseanne held him back with a surprised look on her face.

"D-don't move. The wound is too serious–"

"These injuries are common. And if you don't go now, you and I will be in trouble."

However, something different had caught Roseanne's attention.

"Those injuries...are common?"

Jimin's primary mission before he was assigned to infiltrate the Empress' palace was to keep by Lalisa's side like a silent shadow. He had Roseanne's face from a distance. He could tell at a glance that she was a very bright girl like the sun. A type of person completely different from himself.

He didn't know if Roseanne acted like this everyday, but Jimin felt troubled as her kindness and warmth was turned towards him.

"I'll leave now."

Jimin staggered to his feet. It was not the first time that he had overcome a situation where he thought he was going to die like this. He stumbled straight ahead, and Roseanne quickly went to his side and grabbed him by his arm.

"Can you really go on like this?"

"Yes, this is enough."

He replied calmly as if he were used to this, and Roseanne couldn't help but think how unfortunate this situation was. She was looking up at Jimin with shimmering eyes. It seemed to contain feelings he had never received from anyone. He spoke in spite of himself.

"...Thank you. "

Roseanne's eyes widened. Jimin, who had finished talking, stumbled out of the room. Roseanne went after him, and spoke to his retreating back.

"Since I saved you life, can you grant me a wish?"


Jimin stopped walking and turned his head back.

"Please...let me see you one more time. When you're well, come see me. My name is Roseanne Blaise."


Jimin tightened his lips and turned away without answering. Roseanne stared sadly at him as he left.

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