TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over Ma...

By AprilsSmile

40.2K 1.9K 1.3K

"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get en... More

1. Mind over matter
2. Escape plan
3. Escape plan cancel
NOTE: Not an update
Highlights: Chap# 4 & 5
6. No touching at all
7. Chaos in Tankhun's room
8. Tankhun, Pete, Vegas
9. Finding Tankhun!
10. Rock Paper Scissors
11. It's Vegas
12. Pete, the Panther
13. Fan-following!
14. Height of Patheticness!
15. Sleeping Tankhun!
16. Knock, Knock!
NOTE: Not an Update!
17. Sweet Revenge!
18. Amy X Tankhun
19. It's Kinn
Highlights: Have Fun!
20. High-five?
21. Heart issues!
22. Wild Vehement!!!
23. Emergency Party!!
24. The Weekend / Study Time
25. It's Arm
26. Perfect complement :)
27. Beauty's Smile!
28. The Library
29. The Freshmen
NOTE: Not an Update
30. Blue Fire
31. The shopping maniac
32. Group Project
33. The Club
34. Damn Letter!
35. V for Vicious
36. Welcome home, Sister!
37. The Nightmare!
38. Future FiancΓ©
39. Bustling Life
40. Drama Family!
41. sOOry!
42. Zeal and Zest!
43. Sneak out!!
44. Party Animals!
Highlights: 44. Party Animals!
45. After Party!
46. Confessions!
47. Obsession...!
48. It's Porsche
49. #TeamTankhun
50. The Blacklist!
51. D-Day!
52. The more the merrier!
53. Tankhun's Treat.
54. Selfies Maniac!
55. It's Kimhan
56. Beautiful Heart
57. Second place? maybe not!
58. Stutter Boy!
59. Reciprocate!
60. Official Romance!
61. The Basement!
62. MFC - The Trio
63. Tea...party!
64. The Little Devil!
65. Warmth...
66. Shades of Gray!
67. A Day so FINE!
68. Befriend!
69. It's Leonid
70. The Plan!?
71. The preparations!
72. Just keep Swimming!
73. Mini concert!
74. Affable Meeting!
75. Bon appetit
Highlights: chap# 74 & 75
76. The control room!
77. Bloody Chaos!
78. The closure!
79. Life did a 360..
80. Romantic action!
81. Love-Hate!
82. The melodious ride..
84. Sir Kinn! Hot as.....
85. A for Amity.
86. Height of Goofiness!
87. Fallen star?
88. Anti-fragile!
89. Her...Escape Plan!
90. Mirthless smile ):)
91. Insomnolent.!.!
92. Maquillage
93. Wild Vociferous!!!
94. Finding Amy!
95. Tragic Heroine...
96. Demoniac Khun!
97. Rough and tumble?
98. Viva la vida
Highlights: Enjoy! ;)
99. The best is yet to come..
100. The Anchor
101. Beer and skittles!
102. Enchantment!
NOTE: Not an Update :)
103. ...bears the crown!
104. Near and Dear!
105. Crazy Peacock!
106. Young Master!?
107. The Date?
108. Amy the Queen!
109. The Midnight Mirage
110. Amy X Tankhun
It's A.S. Styles^^
Highlights: Mind over Matter

83. Disheartened!

227 14 2
By AprilsSmile

Author's POV:

"Are you planning on stop being pathetic yet?" Joy started to yell, after seeing enough tears of Nanon.
"Stop crying already, I'm running out of tissue papers."

All of them were sitting in the garden area, trying their best to comfort their heartbroken friend.

"Shut up Joy! He is not being pathetic. He's just suffering from a rejection." Tankhun patted the weeping boy's back while wearing Nanon's sunglasses.

"You just broke his heart a little more. Idiot!" Joy made a face while seeing her friend, a little bit more sadder because of Khun's honest observation.

"Nanon I think you should stop crying.. everyone is looking at us." Amy mumbled while sitting half a meter away from them.

"Yeah she's right! Get yourself together dude! You will find someone more pretty and better than her." Joy tried a little softly.

"She was pretty...and better." Nanon argued while covering his nose with another tissue paper.

"Then you need to find someone smart..." Amy started ".. smart enough to know how nice and lovable you are."

Nanon looked up and found both Khun and Joy nodding, as they agreed with Amy.

He thought for a second about Amy's words then a little smile appeared on his face.

Thank heavens!

"That's the spirit!" Joy and Khun high-fived, then realized their folly.

Both made a face to each other while Khun did a little extra as to make a disgusted face and wipe his hand with tissue paper, provoking Joy to hit him with something.

Nanon wipes the last tear away and chuckled out, watching his crazy and nutty friends fighting and teasing like Tom and Jerry.

"So are we okay now?" Amy moved a little closer to Nanon.


"Good!" She smiled a little in uncertainty.



"You have something to say?" Nanon asked.

"Are you in the mood to answer?" Amy asked back.


"What happened exactly to make you cry rivers? I know you had a crush on her, but it wasn't that deep to make you like this. A mere rejection shouldn't be enough to cause this much sadness."

"..." Nanon's shoulders dropped, as he didn't see this coming.

All eyes were on him so he looked down and start picking on the grass. He felt a little exposed.

"You don't have to answer, you know!" Amy moved back.

"She... She didn't just rejected my feelings. She... She insulted me...in front of everyone."

"..." Amy was quite.

"..." , "..." Joy and Khun stopped too.

Amy felt a sudden silence, she looked up and found both Tom and Jerry sitting still while staring at Nanon.

"Amy?" Nanon started "Am I not good looking?"

"No!" Amy replied and heard two stupids gasping dramatically.

Amy rolled her eyes and chose to ignore them. She turned to look at the boy who's eyes teared up, yet again.

"What! I'm being honest with you. You're my friend. And it's true you're not good looking..."

"AMY!!" Both Khun and Joy shouted out but she continues.

".. you're best looking." She winked leaving three of them speechless.



"What you like to most in me?" Nanon blinked with his wet eyelashes.

"Ahan! a very good question! But do you know what attracts me the most?"

Nanon shook his head while Tankhun leaned forward as if he was about to hear some heavenly secret.

"A smile. A charming one. And you my friend! You are best because you are gifted with.. dimples." Amy smile widely showing her perfect teeth.

Watching her smile, hearing her words, makes him smile too.

As soon as he smiled, his dimples appeared on both cheeks.

"Wow!" Amy blurted out. "See! I told you! you are the best looking guy I've ever met." She encourage him like he was a little boy.

Nanon face flushed red as tomato.

"I agree." Khun sat back.

"I agree too." Joy smiled.

"I agree three." All of them looked up at the owner of this familiar voice.

"Hey Joy!" Bright smiled brightly.

"Hey Bright!" Joy smiled a little shyly.

Nanon chuckle out seeing Khun pretending to be throwing up at these cringy lovebirds.

"What's up man!" Bright looked at Nanon who just pass a little smile.
"Hey Khun! You left early, yesterday." He turned to look at the second guy.

"I have some other plans." Khun replied and glanced at Amy.

Amy looked up just in time then shifted her gaze to Bright. She noticed that Bright didn't greeted her, but again it was her own choice to sit more than one meter away from them so she can't complain, right?


Amy was busy reading some book that she borrowed from library while others talked for a bit then Bright turned to Nanon.

"I actually came to see you." Bright started.

"You heard?"

"Rumors travelled fast around the clubs." Bright let out a breath.

"Uh huh!" Nanon nodded a few times, acknowledging the universal truth.

"Rumors do travel fast ... faster than the bullet." Khun nodded a little too in acknowledgment.

"I have a question!" Khun raised a hand up.
"What was the reason the girl gave while rejecting you?"

Joy was the first to slap her forehead looking so done with Khun and his outclass question.

"What! I'm curious!" Khun lifted his chin up. "..and don't tell me you don't want to know too." He narrowed his eyes at Joy who cleared her throat and look away.

"Maybe I was not good enough.." Nanon shrugged casually.

"Now this couldn't be the reason." Joy interrupted.
"Maybe she was already taken. And you're didn't know that.." She suggested thoughtfully.

Bright and Amy nodded a little at the possibility.

"I still don't see the reason..." Khun made a puzzled face.

"Look there are only two reasons that a girl would reject some guy. First he's not good looking. Second she's already had a BF...or fiance."

Amy stopped for a jiffy and tried to pay more attention on her study.

She placd the book on the grass, hugged her knees and continued reading.

No one noticed how Khun steal a glance at her.

"Not the first reason.. definitely." Bright tilted his head, grab Nanon's chin to observe his facial features.

Amy glanced up, smiled a bit then turn the page over.

"Don't tease me!" Nanon flicked his hand away.

"Yes! It couldn't be the first one." Khun nodded thoughtfully.

"You guys are saying this because I'm your friend." Nanon made a pouty face.

"Obviously! Why would we waste our time on someone else's broken heart otherwise!" Khun rolled his eyes
"But let me tell you.. I don't do friendship with ugly looking guys." Khun stated arrogantly.

Amy bite her cheek to stop herself from laughing. Joy and Bright exchange looks while Nanon chuckled out loudly.

"You are the silliest guy I've ever known." Nanon moved forward to gave him a hug.

"You mean the handsomest guy!" Khun corrected while hugging him back tightly.


"Hello everyone!" Day came with some girl and sat beside Khun.

"Excuse me! Can I talk to you for a second?" The girl said out loud.

"Me?" Khun pointed at himself and she nodded a little shyly.
"Go ahead."

"Umm.. can I click some of your pictures?"

"No!" Khun instantly denied for a reason.

The girl looked at Day for some help but she shrugged casually as if telling her 'I told you so..'

The girl didn't gave up and tried again.

"Please! Don't get me wrong. I am in the art club and I'm asking this because of my project. If you don't mind..."

"The Art club?" Khun thought for a second then glanced at Amy who seems to be paused for a moment too as of waiting for Khun's answer.

"Okay!" Khun smiles brightly and moved a little back from his friends.

"OMG thank you!" The girl cheered up and held her cellphone up.


Khun remain sitted on the grass and make different poses, looking gorgeous in each and every picture.

Joy, Bright, Day and Nanon watched this handsome model's performance like an expert audience.

Joy took out her cellphone and clicked some of Khun's pictures to share at IG and that secret girl's chatroom.*

On the other side Amy just gaze at Tankhun - visibly lost in thoughts.

The girl thanked both Day and Khun then left.

Khun came back and sat between Amy and other four.

Bright turned his neck to see the solitary girl who seems to be peeking at them from time to time.

"What's her deal?" He leaned to whisper among his friends.

"What do you mean?" Joy asked back.

"She keeps looking at us... mostly at Khun." Bright informed them secretly.

"Really!" Khun cheered up like a happy kid focusing on the second part.

"So what?" Nanon asked in confusion.

"I don't know. It felt kinda weird to being watched by someone...." Bright mumbled while making an uncertain face.

"Dude that's Amy!" Nanon can't help but chuckle as he finds it funny.

"It's just how she is..." Joy took Amy's side, not really getting Bright's point.

"Wait! That's AMY?" Bright made a surprised face and speaks out quite louder.

"...?" Hearing her name, Amy raised her head.

"Woah! I didn't recognize you, leader!" Bright uttered, Amy blinked in confusion then fake a smile.

"You changed your look." Day commented.

"A little bit...yes." Amy tried to smile some more while holding herself back from glancing at Khun.

"Yeah she's not wearing her scarf today." Joy chuckle out.

"And left her hair open." Day added.

"She got a haircut too." Nanon pointed out. "Even though you look stunning, I'm missing your long hair." He made a sad face.

"You knew?" Joy's eyes widened, Amy was surprised too.

"About her being a real life Rapunzel? Yes!"

"Why didn't you mentioned it before?" Joy snatched the question out of Amy's mouth.

"How can I.. when she tried her best to hid her beauty away." Nanon smiled at Amy making her flushed.

"In any way she look beautiful like a ravine." Day tried to end the conversation, feeling Amy's uneasiness.

Amy passed her a small grateful smile then picked her book up.

"Yeah this new-look look wonderful on you, Amy." Bright gazed at her face for a moment.

"She just changed her hairstyle. No need to stare at her face!" Khun seemed watchful and slightly defensive.

"It's just that she's even wearing a lipstick today." Bright pointed out, Amy lifted her brows, as if wrongfully accused of doing something illegal.

"Is she?" Khun reached out and wiped her lips with his thumb in a trice.

Amy got startled to death, stared at him aghast, unable to speak.

"No she wasn't!" Khun was busy looking at his clear thumb when everyone else gasped in silent shock.

Amy clenched her fists tightly. In a frenzy of rage, she tried not to hit him.

"Are you okay?" Joy was the first to break the silence.

"I... can't.. breathe.." Amy clenched her chest, tiny drops of cold sweat appeared on her forehead, hid by her bangs.

"What did you do!" Joy sneered at Khun in horror.

"What did I...." He started casually then his eyes widened, seeing his beautiful Amy having some kind of minor panic attack.. because of....him.
"Oh I'll be damn!" He looked at his hell of a hand which touched her - actually hurts her unconsciously.

"Excuse m..." She covered her mouth felt like kecking then gather her stuff hastily and tried her best to stood up.

"Where are.." Khun started to get up with her but Nanon grabbed him to stop.

Amy took the chance to run away.

"Don't run! Your foot...." She heard Khun shouting but didn't look back.

"Joy go after her!" Nanon said out loud in worry.

Joy nodded and ran after Amy, leaving her stuff behind.

"Nanon let me GO!" Khun fighted to get out of his thin friend's grip - but failed.
"Where did you get this hulk-like power anyway?" Khun shouted in his high pitched voice.

"Stop fighting Khun!"

"Not before you let me gooooo.."

"You don't understand...you need to let her go."

"Shut up and let me go Nanoooon!!" Khun tried his best to escape so that he can go after his Amy.
"Are you using some kind of athlete privilege on me?" He cried out loud, getting the attention of all passersby.

Some of the students laugh at Khun and Nanon who were now rolling on the ground.

Day felt embarrassed to even see them like this so she took both, her and Joy's bags and left.

Bright was contemplating if to separate his friends or not.

He was damn sure that he was reason behind all of this mess.

He promised not to comment or even notice any girl wearing lipstick, not even Joy.


Few meters away...

Pol was about to go and help Khun but Arm stopped him as they were not fighting for real, plus they're good friends.

Arm didn't said out loud but he was on Nanon's side, only inside.

After having enough of Khun's screaming and shouting, Arm left to follow Amy silently.

As there was nothing else to do...Pol took out his phone and start recording everything.



I closed myself in the restroom, occupying the whole place for myself.

I left my stuff near the door and ran for the basin.

I felt like throwing up all of my organs out.

Joy keeps knocking and shouting at the door, asking if I was okay or if I need any help.

I ignored her..

I don't have time to spare or even energy to assure her of my wellbeing.

I gaged for a while but nothing came out. Now this reminds me that I haven't eaten anything since yesterday - except the chocolate bars.*

I grab the edge of the basin and sat down. Damn I used all of my energy over nothing all because of....

Dumb Tankhun!

I clench my teeth, I should have punch him before coming here.


"He didn't do it on purpose...." I tried to calm the pathetic girl I saw in the mirror down. "He doesn't know my problem."

"Hell with the purpose ... He bloody cross the line with me." I touched my lips and a shudder went down my spine.

"He freaking touched me! In front of everyone!"

It's not like he's dirty, or disgusting or anything... He just caught me off guard.. And that was enough to make me feel disgusted to the bottom of the hell.

How dare he touched me ...

I am not HIS to touch!

"Damn you khun!" I cursed out loud and started to wash my face, mostly rub my lips harshly.

Am I looking that easy to him?

"Ouch!" Something cut my lower lip, a drop of blood appeared.

Ugh my thin ring!

I wiped the blood then pressed my lip to stop bleeding.

One after another...
Trouble, troubles...


After making myself calm and acceptable, I left the restroom only to Joy and.... Arm?

What is he doing here?
Is his boss is here too?
I hope not...

"Amy! What happened to your lips?!? Are you okay?"

"Yeah!" I smiled and sighed.

I need to get a mask for myself.

"Stop smiling! I heard all the noises, alright! you were throwing up. Are you really okay? I don't think so. Let's go to the nurse's room."


"Joy I'm fine."

"No you're not!"

"Can you just stop! I'm tired of telling everyone that I'm bloody FINE!"


Shoot! I get angry.

"I didn't mean to shout.... It's just that I'm discomposed and embarrassed.." I looked down then tucked my hair behind the ear.

"I understand!" She smiled a little.
"But that doesn't mean I leave you alone!" She pointed a finger at me.
"If I heard any throwing up sounds..." She made a eww face
"The next thing you're gonna see is a hospital!"

"Got it!" I chuckled lightly.
"Now with your permission.... I'm getting late for my club."

"Be safe!" She said softly while making a 'I'm watching you' sign with her two V-shaped fingers.

It was funny so I laughed out.

She smiled too.


I was on my way to the club when someone appeared in front me.

Now what does he want?

"Hello Amy!"

"Hello Arm!"

Before he starts to ask about my health issues, I started to move forward.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

"..." I thought for a bit

He doesn't talk much. And he's the most reasonable person I know. But if he starts to talk about Khun I swear I...

"I've something to..." He started.

Here we go!

"Look! I'm not in the mood to hear anything about Tan... your boss. So don't even try!"

"I know he shouldn't have done that. He was wrong to cross some kind of line. And you're right to be mad at him."

"..." Well that was unexpected.

"But I'm here for some other reason."


"I wasn't around yesterday, busy doing my duty. But Pete told me that you didn't ate anything since yesterday. Even skip your breakfast.."


"So he asked me to give you this." He held out a lunchbox?
"It was in his car so he didn't get the chance to give it to you earlier. But he asked me, so here I am."

He was saying and I was like..

Woah~ Arm's talking and even explaining himself. I've never heard him speak this much.

I glanced at the lunchbox, my conscience was smiling at Pete thoughtfulness.

"Thank you!" I accepted the box but couldn't bring myself to smile.
"I will thank Pete later."

"..." The robot stand still.

"Is there something else you want me to know?"

"Pete.... Well Khun didn't eat anything too.."

"I'm leaving.."

"Khun said he won't eat before you."

I halted.

"He kept himself hungry so that he knows when you're starting to feel sick."

"I don't see any logic.."

"Me too! But it's Khun! His way of thinking is quite different from others.."

"..." I agreed.

"Khun planned to force you to eat.." I rolled my eyes "..only if he needs to.." he added "..once he himself felt like fainting.."

"Nonsense." But I see a silly logic in this.

"Anyways I won't take much of your time. Make sure you eat everything in that box, no need to share it with Khun."

"Got it!" I turned around and left.

No need to share anything with that silly guy. Let him starve himself to..... unconsciousness.


I was on my way to the Art club when I saw a familiar girl.

"Hi there!"

"Hi Amy!"

"You know me?"

"Yeah we're in the same club!"

"Oh.. right!"

"And everyone who knows Khun, knows about you too."

"Excuse me!"

"You and he are together."

"Really!" Well this was a news to me too.

"Well that's what I heard. It's true, right?"

Now what can I say?

"Hey did you mind that I clicked those pictures."

"...?" Pictures?

"Rest assure! I only clicked his photos because of the art project. I couldn't find anyone better than him for my model. Even though he's gorgeous and rich, I don't have any love interests."

"..." I'm regretting saying hi to her.

"He's out of my league." The girl mumbled to herself. Even though I heard her clearly, I played deaf.

My conscience was laughing while looking at her despair.

"Wait! Why didn't I thought about it before...?" She hit her forehead.


"You and that golden boy are together so..." She trails off.


"He's your model right!"

That wasn't a question, I'm sure.

"He's not!" I tried not to make a face at this chatter box.


"Look! You can use him as your model all you want."

"Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah... You have my blessings!" I faked a smile, remembering how happy Khun was when SHE took his pictures. Damn his happiness!

"Then who's your model?"


"Your model! For project."

"Ohh..." I thought for a second.
"That's a secret!" I whispered the lie.

But in reality..
I need to find someone.


I hate this kind of art projects.

I've already used my little devil and Dad as models so this time I need to find a new face.

Mafia brother?

Nahh he wouldn't agree. Plus I'm not sure if I can draw his devastatingly handsome face.

Then who?



Now I don't feel like... or even want to go to this art club!

I turned on my heel and walked the other way.

Around the corner I felt something wet inside my shoe.

I don't even want to guess it.

I sat down and wiped the blood on my foot, using tissue paper then took out a few new bandages from my pocket.

I changed the bandages, threw the dirty ones in the trash bin.

I started to walk but felt a little dizzy. Maybe now it's time to enjoy that lunchbox.


I tried to focus on the blurry screen.

Golden boy calling!

Suddenly all the rage surges through my body. Anger raised to my head, threatening to get the best of me..

First I pushed the red circle on the screen then I changed his name to Tincan.


Tincan calling!

Bloody hell!

I switched off the device and throw it inside my bag.


A moment later..

When I felt my anger melting down,
I sighed in exasperation before taking out the device.

I stare at the poor thing in my hand then switch it back on..

No matter how mad I am, I can't risk my own safety.

It's not even 24 hours... I still remember the gun shot sounds.

So there's no way I can act stupid.

I clenched my cellphone and just stare at the glowing screen emptily.

Thousandth Sigh of the day!

In the end..
All of my troubles and sufferings are because of HIM.

His Highness caused everything BAD - directly or indirectly.

'I will take my revenge on you!'

I stomped on my good foot then turned to go to the Business Faculty.

I'm planning to do the same thing every other girl-in-trouble would do; calling brother for help.

It's time to look for my Mafia Brother.

The only guy who can actually do something about crazy Khun.



24. The weekend/study time.

79. Life did a 360..

~ Clicked ~

Bonus Scene:

He stood in front of the mirror.

He looked left and stretched his lips.

He looked right and twitched his lips into a smile.

He looked up and tried a toothy smile.

He looked down and pursed his lips into another smile.

But the thing he wanted didn't show up.


Double Sigh~

"What good of a beauty ..
ye have
There's no dimples to attract a darling heart..."

Tankhun composed his face and waved his hands in the air dramatically delivering the soliloquy in despair.


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