This Love

By Delena--Forever

117K 2.1K 370

Nina and Ian are both falling for each other. They want to keep this a secret from their friends and family... More

Two Can Keep a Secret
Letting them know
All Night Long
Welcome to Paris
I love you's
One Goodbye
The Big Question
The Accident
First Night Home
Snowed In
Home for the Holidays
Christmas Eve
Christmas - Part 1
Christmas - Part 2
A Lot of Love
The Treehouse
It's a...
A New Town
Our First Home
Baby Talk
Date Night
When in Rome - part 1
When in Rome - Part 2
Home Again
I do
HoneyMoon - part 1
Honey Moon - Part 2
Oh Baby
Welcome Harlow
Coming Home
Vampire Stalkers
Another baby?
New Zealand - Part 1
New Zealand - Part 2
Bungee Swing
Back Home
Rain, Love, Friends
What I Love About You
Lake Day
Goodbye and Hello
Everything is Good

When in Paris

3.1K 54 16
By Delena--Forever

Ian's POV

"Ian wake up!" Nina yells and opens the curtains. "Look how beautiful this view is!" She shouts and runs back flopping on to the bed. I smile and kiss her. "Good morning! I guess you got fully energized after that extra few hours." I say and throw the blankets off me and stand up. "Well who wouldn't be when we are in Paris!" Nina lifts up onto her knees throwing her arms around my neck. "Let's shower and get ready." She kisses me again before standing up. I watch as she walks into the bathroom pulling the tshirt over her head. I follow behind her. We step into the shower and I turn the water on. Nina puts me in front of her when the water turns on. "It's cold!" She says and hides behind me. "Give it a second." I turn to face her. She looks up at me and I lean in to kiss her. "So what do you wanna do first today?" I ask as she runs the shampoo through her hair. "Let's find a place to eat, and then We should walk around and take pictures." She says. "Shit. Ow!" I look up and see her searching for a wash cloth. "I got soap in my eyes. It burns!" I grab the wash cloth and place it over her eyes as she grabs it to rub it against them. "You okay?" I place my hand under her chin. She nods yes and opens her eyes. "Your eyes are pink!" "It'll go away." She says. I turn the water off and we get out. Nina wraps the towel around her and lays back on the bed. "I just got tired all of a sudden." She lays stretching her arms up and her legs out. "You better wake up or I'll throw a bucket of iced water on you." I wink at her. "Do that and I won't ever kiss you again." She winks. I walk over and lay over her. "I doubt that. Remember, I'm irresistible." I kiss her lips. I feel her hands on my cheeks as she kisses me back. "True." She begins kissing my neck. "Tonight. I promise." I say and stand up.


Nina's POV

We step outside and I look around at all the beautiful buildings. I grab Ian's hand as we begin to walk. "Did you grab the map?" Ian says. I look into my purse. "Yes." I say and pull it out. I open it up and we stop to look. "So let's go this way. It will lead us to the Eiffel Tower." I point. "Let's get to going." I wrap my arm around Ian's waist and we walk across the street.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" I ask Ian. "Ready for what?" He jokes. "Ha ha. Funny." I laugh at him. "$20 they ask about our relationship." Ian jokes. "Of course they will. We are the talk of the world at the moment." We both laugh. "I love you." Ian kisses the top of my head. We walk up to a bakery and I push him in the door. "I want a scone." I point into the glass with all the baked treats. Starring into it like a little kid. "That looks yummy." Ian points to a cake. We walk up to the register. "Can we have a scone and a slice of that cake?" I point down to it. The lady smiles. "Anything else?" She asks. "No that's everything." I smile back. She hands them to us. "Thank you!" We say as we head out the door. "Omg this smells so good." I sniff the scone again. "Stop smelling your food." Ian says but then smells his cake. "You have whip cream on your nose." I tap my finger on his nose getting the whip cream then putting it in my mouth. I scrunch my nose and smile at him.


Ian's POV

"Should we take the elevator to the top, or do you want to climb the stairs?" I ask Nina as we approach the Eiffel Tower. "Hmmm, let's walk up. And take the elevator down." She replies. I look up at the huge tower. Squinting my eyes. I pull out my camera and snap some pictures. "Ian look! So cute." Nina points over to a sheep dog. "I wanna go see it." She grabs my hand and we walk over to the older lady with the dog. "Can we pet your dog?" I asks as we walk up. The lady smiles. "Yes, of course. She won't hurt a bug!" She pats the dog on the head. "He's so beautiful." Nina comments as she lets him. I bend down and scratch behind his ears. "Where are you two from?" The lady asks. "From The United States." I reply. "I'm Ian, and this is Nina." We shake her hand. "Are you on a honeymoon?" The lady smiles. I smile at Nina and she locks her fingers with mine. "No ma'am, we are just here for work and a little us time." I tell her. "Well you two look so in love. And I'm not just saying that because we are in the city of love. I can tell with the way you both look at each other." We both smile at the lady. "What are your jobs?" "Well we are on a tv show called The Vampire Diaries and we came to be on a morning talk show tomorrow." Nina says. "Wow, that is incredible! I wish you both the best luck. I'll stop with the questions and let you get back to your day!" I give her a hug and we say goodbye. Nina petting the dog as we walk away. "Wow, she was nice!" Nina says.

We are almost to the top of the Eiffel Tower. I stop and look down. "We are so high up." I look over at Nina. She looks over. "Wonder if people could bungee jump off this." She says. "You and your bungee jump obsessions." I say. "Hey now, I'm adventurous." She walks over to me and I pull her into my chest. "A little adventurous in the bed too." I wink. "Ian! Shh." She puts her finger over my lips. I laugh.

"Wow. This is incredible!" We look at the view of Paris all the way from the top of the Eiffel Tower. "It's beautiful." Nina says. "Indeed." I snap a few photos then have Nina pose for me. "Now let's get some of us." I look around for someone to take our picture. "Excuse me ma'am , do you mind to take are picture for us?" "No problem!" I hand her the camera. I pull Nina back with me and wrap my arm around her. "Okay, 1..2..3..say PARIS!" "Paris!" We both yell out. After a few pictures together I thank the lady and look through them. "I like this one. The lighting is amazing." Nina says. "Me too. Aren't I beautiful?" I smirk and Nina slaps my arm. "I'm worn out." Nina sits leans against the railing as we wait for the elevator. "Let's head back to the room." I say.


Nina's POV

We arrive back to the hotel and head up to the room. Ian opens the door and I walk in. Sitting my bag on the table and laying on the bed. I kick my shoes off. "Want a drink?" Ian opens the little fridge. "I'll take a water." He grabs one and hands it to me. "My feet are killing me." I rub my foot. "My back hurts." Ian says. He sits down beside me. I scoot behind him and start to massage around his back and shoulders. "Ahh, that feels great." Ian groans. "I'll do your back if you get my feet later." I joke with him. He tilts his head back. I look at his eyes. "What?" I say. "Nothing." He pouts his lips out and I lean down to kiss him. He pulls me into his lap. I wrap my legs around him. Kissing his neck. I feel the tips of his fingers go under my dress and up my back. He leans back resting on his back. I lay over him and starring at him before I go back to kissing his lips. He runs his hand through my hair. I unbutton his shirt and kiss his chest. He pulls my dress up over my head. He lifts me up and lays me on my back. I feel his lips start down my stomach. His hands running up and down my thighs. I arch my back when I feel his lips go further down. His hand moves up my stomach and I place mine on top of it as he cups one of my breasts. "Oo God Ian." I moan out. He comes back up to my mouth. Kissing me hard. There's a knock on the door. "Fuck. Really? Who in the world could that possibly be." Ian whispers. I shrug my shoulders. Breathing hard. He kisses my neck before getting off of me. He slides his jeans back on and I run into the bathroom with my dress. I hear Ian open the door. "Paul?!" Paul? What is he doing here? I slide my dress back on and brush through my hair. I open the door and walk out. "Hi Paul! What are you doing?" I give him a hug. "I came here with Phoebe for a photo shoot and I got the information where you guys were staying and figures I'd stop by!" Paul says. "Well come in!" Ian shuts the door as Paul walks in. "What are you guys doing?" Paul sits down on the couch. "We just got back from adventuring around the city all day." Ian says to Paul. He sits down on a chair and I sit down on his lap. "Phoebe and I are doing that tomorrow." "Where is Phoebe?" I ask. "She is still at her photoshoot. I left but I'll head back there soon." "We should get together tomorrow night." Paul says. "Yeah we should!" I smile at him. "Only if you will be my date." Ian jokes with Paul. "Only if you wear that dress over there Ian." Paul points to one of my dresses. We all laugh. "Well I'll let you two get some rest or back to whatever you were doing." He winks at us. "Paul. Leave. Now." Ian laughs. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." Paul says before heading out the door. "You and Phoebe can come back around lunch if you want?" I say. Paul nods yes and waves goodbye.

I lay down on the bed again. "Now, back to us." Ian turns the light down to dim and lays back over me sliding my dress back off. "Yes. Please." I kiss him.

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