TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over Ma...

Da AprilsSmile

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"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get en... Altro

1. Mind over matter
2. Escape plan
3. Escape plan cancel
NOTE: Not an update
Highlights: Chap# 4 & 5
6. No touching at all
7. Chaos in Tankhun's room
8. Tankhun, Pete, Vegas
9. Finding Tankhun!
10. Rock Paper Scissors
11. It's Vegas
12. Pete, the Panther
13. Fan-following!
14. Height of Patheticness!
15. Sleeping Tankhun!
16. Knock, Knock!
NOTE: Not an Update!
17. Sweet Revenge!
18. Amy X Tankhun
19. It's Kinn
Highlights: Have Fun!
20. High-five?
21. Heart issues!
22. Wild Vehement!!!
23. Emergency Party!!
24. The Weekend / Study Time
25. It's Arm
26. Perfect complement :)
27. Beauty's Smile!
28. The Library
29. The Freshmen
NOTE: Not an Update
30. Blue Fire
31. The shopping maniac
32. Group Project
33. The Club
34. Damn Letter!
35. V for Vicious
36. Welcome home, Sister!
37. The Nightmare!
38. Future Fiancé
39. Bustling Life
40. Drama Family!
41. sOOry!
42. Zeal and Zest!
43. Sneak out!!
44. Party Animals!
Highlights: 44. Party Animals!
45. After Party!
46. Confessions!
47. Obsession...!
48. It's Porsche
49. #TeamTankhun
50. The Blacklist!
51. D-Day!
52. The more the merrier!
53. Tankhun's Treat.
54. Selfies Maniac!
55. It's Kimhan
56. Beautiful Heart
57. Second place? maybe not!
58. Stutter Boy!
59. Reciprocate!
60. Official Romance!
61. The Basement!
62. MFC - The Trio
63. Tea...party!
64. The Little Devil!
65. Warmth...
66. Shades of Gray!
67. A Day so FINE!
68. Befriend!
69. It's Leonid
70. The Plan!?
71. The preparations!
72. Just keep Swimming!
73. Mini concert!
74. Affable Meeting!
75. Bon appetit
Highlights: chap# 74 & 75
76. The control room!
77. Bloody Chaos!
78. The closure!
79. Life did a 360..
80. Romantic action!
82. The melodious ride..
83. Disheartened!
84. Sir Kinn! Hot as.....
85. A for Amity.
86. Height of Goofiness!
87. Fallen star?
88. Anti-fragile!
89. Her...Escape Plan!
90. Mirthless smile ):)
91. Insomnolent.!.!
92. Maquillage
93. Wild Vociferous!!!
94. Finding Amy!
95. Tragic Heroine...
96. Demoniac Khun!
97. Rough and tumble?
98. Viva la vida
Highlights: Enjoy! ;)
99. The best is yet to come..
100. The Anchor
101. Beer and skittles!
102. Enchantment!
NOTE: Not an Update :)
103. ...bears the crown!
104. Near and Dear!
105. Crazy Peacock!
106. Young Master!?
107. The Date?
108. Amy the Queen!
109. The Midnight Mirage
110. Amy X Tankhun
It's A.S. Styles^^
Highlights: Mind over Matter

81. Love-Hate!

226 16 18
Da AprilsSmile

Hey Readers,

I'm hella happy because of...

800+ views (on the first chapter)
930+ votes

Feeling appreciated!
What a wonderful day!

-A.S. Styles ^^



"I am having a change of heart."

As soon as I opened my eyes I whispered to myself in a raspy voice.

I lay down straight and stared at the ceiling for a while.

The first thing that came into my mind was..

Where am I?

Well it's the same room that belongs to my junior but it's the first time that I actually lie down on this bed, that doesn't even mine. Hell!

I pursed my lips and took some deep breaths while thinking..

How did I end up here?

Like seriously I don't remember lying down here at all.

A little light was coming from the side of the curtains. The lamp on my side was on.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I leaned forward to hug my knees.

I placed my chin over my knees and looked down at my feet.

I blinked in confusion, seeing my foot covered in bandages.

I wonder who did this?

I scrunched my nose, smelling some ointment or something.

Then I turned around to get my cellphone to see time and to check messages. A thing, Joy wants me to do every day when I wake up. I smiled remembering my nonhuman sleeping routine, all credit goes to insomnia.

I put my bad foot down and stopped smelling something... funny.

I touched my good foot.

Why is it oily?

I hesitate a bit before smelling my oily fingers. It smelled like .... flowers.

I rubbed my hand over my jeans to make the deadly smell go away. Or should I call it fragrance!? Whatever.

Now the question is..

Who in the world did all of this? Ointment and bandages and flowers and all.

I reached out for my cellphone.

"It's six blah blah." I murmur and unlock the device to check texts.

Hold on!

I checked the time again and....


"Damn I overslept..." I slapped my forehead.
"Actually no! I slept at the wrong time." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Actually no! I slept at the right time but forgot to set the alarm."

I need to leave this house at seven to reach the college at that time. But today..

Urgh ~

What a way to start a new day!

I stood up and half ran to the bathroom to freshen myself up, as quickly as possible.

Why didn't the mafia brother come to check on me!?


I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed seeing my messed up hair, my curlish bangs and puffy eyes. I leaned forward to have a close look.

I made a face remembering that last night I didn't even bother myself to remove the makeup.

But wait a minute!

Where did my makeup go?

I touched my cheeks and eyes. No lipstick no eyeliner..not even a sign of anything that I had on my face yesterday.

"That's weird." I tilted my head sideways in confusion.

"Maybe odds are in my favour.." I shrugged and started brushing my teeth.

I gave a wide toothy smile to the girl I saw in the mirror.

I put a little amount of face wash on my palm.

And splash some water on my face using my free hand.

"Hahh!!!" I gasped and stumbled back in horror.

I looked in the mirror at once.

I sighed in relief, seeing colorless water drops falling down my chin.

"Damn it!" I slammed on the basin, hard.

My breaths went nuts as I had a scary flashback. When I splash water on my face, an image appears in my head of myself.... of...blood on my face.

I felt goosebumps as I vividly remember the last man I watched, died closely, right in front of me, his blood splatter on my face.*

I reached out for the face wash bottle with shaking hands and had a palm full of it.

I rubbed my hands together and started rubbing the liquid on my face. There was no sign of any blood but I felt eerie as I don't remember washing my face, at all.

Yeah I remember wiping my face completely, even before the blood dried off on my skin but that wasn't enough to make me feel....clean.

I have no idea how my face ended up this clean, as if someone removed the makeup... off...my face?

I washed my face hastily and stopped to breathe. I clench the edges of the basin to keep myself standing.

I looked up in the mirror, my wet bangs started to poke my eyes.

I pushed them away and saw my forehead.


Lines appeared on it as I tried to remember something.

Something which makes me vex...

I touched my forehead lightly and...

"!!!" I gasped again, my mouth felt open, water droplets started to get inside my lips but I didn't bother to stop them.

For a moment I forget how to breathe or even move.


"What did you do!!!" I opened the tap and started to wash my face with the face wash, again.

I rubbed my forehead harshly for who knows how long.

I splash water instantly when bubbles start to go into my eyes.

I wash breathing hard and my eyes are starting to turn pinkish red. Half from the soap, half from the anger I felt inside.

My forehead was red too. I rubbed it pretty harshly, as if it can unkiss.... damnit!

"I hate you!" I closed my eyes tightly imagining a certain face inside my head.

I grab the folded towel and cover my face then....

"Aaahhhhhh.." I shouted out loud in it for no good reason.

I put the towel aside and ran outside to get my clothes. I decided to have a quick shower despite the fact of being late from college.

I open my bag and grab a full sleeves Tshirt and blue jeans - the first thing that my hand caught.

I ran back inside the bathroom and put my clothes aside.

I tried to finger combed my devastated hair.

Where did the napkin go that I tied at the end of the braid?

The napkin was gone and there was no sign of any braid.


There're already a dozen things I can worry about.

I put my foot near the basin and start unwrapping the bandage.

Ugly cuts appeared in front of my eyes. I wonder how many days it'll take for these to heal up...


Here's another thing that I don't remember...
Why are my jeans folded at the ends?

I watched both my good and bad feet. Surprisingly there were no signs of swelling even though I walked and ran for miles.

I jumped up and down and felt nothing.. no pain, no aching, no stiffness in the muscles, nothing at all.

That means I'm good to go wherever I want.



I took my time to take a shower. I just wanted to make sure I washed all the germs and touches off my body.

I got touched many times yesterday. A full month worth of touches in one day... Damn my life!

'You should be happy to see yourself standing on your own feet Amy!' I thought to myself.

Honestly I am happy that I didn't end up in the hospital. Hurting and bleeding, I can handle but touches....well that's off limits.

Last night, I tried freaking hard to hide and keep the burning sensation to myself as I don't want anyone to suspect my condition or even take me for an abnormal person - that I'm not, not completely at least.


I wore my clothes and dried my hair using a towel.

I got amazed that it only took me half my time to washing and drying my hair.

"Short hair are not that bad after all!" I  solace myself.


I put the towel on the back of the chair and rushed for the hairbrush.

To my surprise it only took me three or four minutes to untangled my hair.

"!!!" I gasped softly, seeing the ends of my hair.

"Shit!" The ends were hella uneven.

"Hell!" I grabbed my hair in aggravation, remembering the moment when I chose to cut the braid off brutally.*

Mama will kill me. And my little devil will record everything and laugh himself to dead. As for dad, he will mourn his sudden loss of kids...

"Urghh!" I stomped on my feet and tried to look for scissors or literally anything that can do magic.

Last time when I was trimming my hair, se.. brother V and Pete came and took the scissors, for some still unknown reason.*

That day I used Morocco's scissors but today I pulled out my own pair of scissors.


An evil smile appeared on my face.

I looked at the door - that I don't even remember closing it - then decided to go back inside the bathroom as I can't take any chances with my own pair of scissors.

I don't want to get surprised if any one of them came barging inside the room, at the right moment.


I section my hair into six and cut the longer parts to make the length equal.

After seeing my hair in a straight line I felt relieved.


I looked at the wall clock but the room was still dark for me to see the time.

I sat on the edge of the bed and checked my cellphone.

Seven and a half of the half...

7:15 am.
I successfully missed the first lecture, but it's fine as I don't have any tests to have or assignments to submit.

"Ohh!" I breathe out seeing the text from Nanon.

The second lecture got cancelled!

"Oh Yeah~~~" I sing out softly and lie back down on the bed.

Now I have enough time to use the hair dryer. I thought to myself but didn't get up to do that. Hehe

I put the cellphone back on the side table and stopped seeing something shiny. I saw some accessories and held the only thing up that looked familiar to me.

I put the necklace back as it didn't belong to me.

I tried to remember where I saw it. Then I gave up while shrugging at myself. Who cares!

I lied down again and turned to face the other side.

"BLOODY HEAVEN!" I moved back while shouting.

I blinked once, twice, thrice...a million times..

But the image of this sleeping beauty didn't vanish away.

"Tankhun?" My eyes widened in astonishment.

What is he doing here!?

When did he come!?

Why is he sleeping here!?

From how long!?

Was he here all along!?

What the..!

How can he...!?

I need to wake him up!

What if someone came and saw him with...me!!! On the same freaking bed!!!

Oh no no no!

I can't be accused of this... whatever this is... It's hella inappropriate.

What in the world do I do to wake him up?

There's no way I could have touched him to awake.

"Khun!! Tankhun!! Khun! Hey!" I tried to keep my voice down while calling him.
"Wake up! Get out! Go to your own room damn it!" I threw a cushion towards him that hit his chest.

He didn't move at all. Great!

"..." I was flummoxed as my eyes stopped on his see-through shirt.

Woah! I blinked to myself.

I remember this pretty boy wearing a net fabric shirt. His fair skin was showing fair and square.

I gulped down, devouring this rare sight.

What if the mafia brother came and found me feasting my eyes on his gorgeous cousin!!??!!

That thought hit me hard. And with that thought I came back to senses.

Oh devil's heart!

Should I kick him off the bed?

Nahh that would be the height of rudeness. What if he got hurt!

Should I call someone for help?

But who!?

Actually no! I don't want to be seen with him.


I leave him here on his own and go to the college later. I will just excuse myself by telling them - if they asked - that I didn't see him here. That's not a complete lie, in a way.

I nodded to myself in resolution, and lay down after relaxing myself.

I placed a pillow between him and I. He looked so calm while sleeping.

Why didn't I see him before? When I was walking around the room... doing this and that.

A little smile appeared on my face.

I like him better with both eyes and mouth closed. Haha

After a minute or two, the smile disappears with a sudden thought.

'I hate you!' I muttered and shook my head to come back into senses, again. There's no way possible that I will like him, not in this life.

I took a deep breath thinking that there's no point ruining my own mood, this early in the morning. He's sleeping soundly, unaware of things I'm feeling or going through.

Not that I want him to know that. I smiled bitterly and tried to think of something else. My eyes stopped at his face.

Now that I'm watching him closely, the ray of sunlight is falling right above his head, his brown hair was bathed with a beautiful hue of honey.

One of his hands was placed near his face. I looked at his long slender fingers, his fine pinkish nails.. he's not wearing his rings.

Now it hit me. Those accessories and  pearl necklace belong to him.

I moved back, closed my eyes, and covered my face in an attempt to hide myself when he started to move slowly.

"Please don't wake up when I'm still here..." I whispered in a small, barely audible voice.

Maybe he listened to my inaudible request and placed his other hand out too. I peeked up slowly and breathed out seeing him still sleeping.

I caught sight of something shiny on his ring finger...

That rose gold ring!

My eyes went for my own hand.

I was wearing a thin ring too, a silver gold ring.

The couple rings!*

Suddenly I don't feel like wearing it, or liking it or even having it.

I tried to pull off my ring but it's kinda stuck. Maybe it's because I have been wearing it for weeks now.

Forget it!

I placed my hand under my head and continued watching his face, unknowingly.

After watching him closely for a long while, I have only one word for him....


Without even trying...


"I still hate you!" I whispered after ogling...ahm ahm.. gazing at him in a complete leisure.

It's not my fault that he crossed the limits. He went too far. He tested my limits to the extent, turning himself into the bad guy in my eyes.

And he was the one telling me to make him my own Villian.* Now he couldn't complain about us being like this, could he!?

A Villian! Yeah I'm fine with that. He gave me a reason to run away from him and everyone else.

Even though I came back - because of my helplessness or should I call it out of necessity - I am not the same Amy I was yesterday or a day before that.


Regardless I came back for a reason,  soon I'm planning to go back to my own house. And I dare all of them to come at me, to change my mind or even try to stop me.

I smiled at my own determination. His Highness was right to call me stubborn.

I am freaking hard-headed.

"Thank you!
Khun,Tankhun Theera-whatever!
You made me change my heart!"

I unwittingly reached out to brush his hair away and trailed one courageous finger down to his straight nose then to his lips...

"You're welcome my beautiful Amy!"


My eyes widened to its extent when his lips moved slowly under my finger tip.

My ears started ringing and my heart stopped hearing his raspy voice.

I swear I got an electrical shock in my whole damn being!

Was he...?

When did he...?

He was awake!!


I started to take my hand back so I can run out of here right away but he seems to have other plans.

He held my hand heartily and kept my finger on his..lips.

Damn his... whatever.

"..." I remained silent while trying to pull my hand out of his firm grip.

He kept his eyes closed and I felt as his lips stretched out in a smile. And my world crumbled when he actually kissed the tip of my finger.

Now I have no heart to keep living this damn life..or even face the world.

Is there anyone who can throw me out of the window!?

"Just go back to sleep!" He whispered and placed my hand on his chest, possibly on his... heart? Nahh he placed it on the right side of his chest.

But wait a sec!

Why the hell am I still lying and doing nothing!?

"Stop troubling yourself! Don't be so anxious! I'm not doing anything!" He scolded me in his raspy voice.

I stopped at once and fell into some kind of trance.

I went into some kind of vegetative state. I'm not sure if I am still breathing or not.

"I'll try my bestest not to hurt you. Just go back to sleep....my beautiful Amy!" He whispered in a wonderful husky voice.

I felt his grip loosen around my hand so that I can take it back anytime I want but I chose to remain motionless.

How asinine of me!

I don't know what got into me to listen to this villain of my life....and heart.

I felt the rise and fall of his chest. Even though my hand was on the right side I can still feel his fast beating heart.

I noticed that he didn't open his eyes, for which I'm thankful. Otherwise I don't know how to react or even face him.

It's my first time sharing a bed with someone I... hate. Damn that sounds so unsuitable, so unladylike!

"Good night my beautiful Amy!" He murmured.

"It's already Seven in the morning dummy." I made a face.

"Is that so? Then good morning!" He moved a little to change his position.

I held my breath when he turned around to face me, still holding my hand over his chest.

I tried to move back but his raspy voice stopped me.

"For heaven's sake! I'm not doing anything! There's a pillow in between, like a border keeping us apart.
And I'm afraid if you don't stop moving back you might fall down.
Just stay still and go to sleep, will you?"

He opened his eyes to give me a sharp look and I saw his reddish eyes - because of crying or simply lack of sleep? Who knows!

"..." I don't know what to say or do so I remained silent while keeping my eyes on him.

"...Trust me.. I won't bite." His lips twitch in a smile making my mouth a little open.

"I hate you!" I clench my fists ready to punch his pretty face.

"I know my darling heart, I know..." He gave me a small smile and closed his eyes leaving me speechless.

"..." I furrowed my brows to think of something to say, to move back, to stay away from him, to leave the room altogether.

'If I treated you the way you treated me...you'll hate me.' I thought to myself.

Silence ~~~

A minute passed followed by the other...

My eyes lids become heavy..

I closed my eyes just for a minute without moving an inch.

"If you think about me like I think about you... you'll yearn for love and attention."

Gawd! he heard my thoughts..

My heart skipped a stupid beat hearing him whispered back.

Damn my heart and your whole being Tankhun!


Tankhun's POV:

I opened my eyes slowly and found her falling asleep.

I smiled and kept gazing at her face.

Her wet hair was lying around the pillow.

I furrowed my brows seeing the little redness at her forehead. Don't tell me she did that because of my k...


What would I do with her?


Last night..

She fainted in my arms and I laid her down on the bed.

I started to take her shoes off and froze.

A napkin was tied on her foot. I opened the knot and was taken aback..


When did she get hurt!?

I touched and felt the wetness.

Fresh blood!

Don't tell me it was because of me!?

I clenched my fists remembering how she was stumbling earlier..* How I pulled her all the way to this damn room.

Damn Khun!!

How could you...!

I felt like punching myself.

I stood up and looked around the room for first-aid box.

I was thinking about calling Pete for some help but changed my mind thinking about my psycho cousin who'll definitely gonna follow Pete all the way here.


There was a little knock at the door. I made a face and went to open it.

"Pete?" I lifted my eyebrows seeing my favorite guy.

"Do..do you need any help Khun?" He asked while peeking inside.

I stood in front of him to block his view of my unconscious beauty.

"Do you have a first aid box?"

"Yes." He held the box up to show me.

Freaking fast service.

"Then bring it inside!"


I felt relieved that Pete appeared at the right time like an angel.

He guided me to wipe the blood of her foot. Then he gave me some tube and I applied the ointment with all the care I can manage at the moment.

I hissed in her place while applying the ointment.

Pete helped me with the bandage and I was done.

"I can't imagine how she managed to run around and walk for... miles." Pete commented in a low voice.

"How did you know that she walked for miles?" I asked curiously.

"By watching her swelling feet.." he pointed at her feet.

I furrowed my brows and agreed with my Pete.


I call Pol and tell him to bring all of my oils in Amy's room. Pete looked confused but didn't get any explanation from me.

I folded her jeans a little up and chose the best oil to massage her feet and ankles.

This was easy to do cause she didn't even move an inch, the whole time.

"Is she okay?" Pol asked in concern.

"Yeah why?" I asked back

"She's not moving at all." Pete pointed out.

"How tired someone can possibly be to sleep like this!?" Pol commented in a heavy voice.

"She's not sleeping." I muttered out loud.

"..." , "..."
I felt their stupid eyes on me.

"She fainted!" I made a face before enlightening them with a short reply..

"WHAT!!" Both of them shouted in sync.

But wait a minute!

Why am I hearing more than two voices?

I turned my neck to look around and found both my cousins standing at the door step.

Arm was standing right behind them. I spare him a scolding glance as he got late to inform me about them being here.

"What did you do?" Vegas took long strides to come towards the bed.

He just glanced at me then stare at Amy.

"..." I just held my chin up. Like seriously! Was he really expecting me to explain myself or anything!?


I turned my neck to see my young lady fainting soundly then I looked up at the stupid crowd.

"Crazy brother! What did you do?" Macau came forward, his eyes widened to see her foot covered in bandages.

"You said she fainted. How? Why?" Vegas asked authoritatively as if I gave a damn about that.

"I..." I started to tell the truth but stopped seeing Pete shaking his head slowly as if telling me not to be honest.

At the end when I didn't get myself to lie, Vegas frowned.

"Nothing!" I replied shortly, ignoring them all together.

A moment later I peeked up and found my psycho cousin turning more psycho while making a worried face over nothing.

I glanced at Pete for some help and found his face was turning red for some reason.

I glanced at both their faces - one looked suspicious of me, the other flushed and shifted hos gaze from me.

Vegas was suspicious of me, I was suspicious of Pete..

All the others just stood behind and watched us like a patient audience.

What an idiotic crowd!

"Pete can you just take my both cousins out." I started to get irritated.

Pete did as I wanted. Macau frowned but listened to Pete like a good boy, he can be only sometimes.

As for Vegas, Pete whispered something secretly in his ear. Vegas watched us back and forth then choose to leave, just like that!

Maybe he was too tired to start an argument with me. Tsk!

"Arm you are free to go too." I utter casually, he didn't move.
"You heard right! Now go take some rest!" I rolled my eyes while dismissing him and felt him smiling - only inside.

When everyone left the room I turned to Pol.

"Go get my makeup remover."

"Here?" He glanced at Amy.



"I'm staying here." I declared.

"...?" He blinked like an idiot.


He nodded in hesitantly and left.


I took my necklace and rings off, and placed them on her side table.

I smiled at the thin ring on my finger. I never took it off, not even once since the day I bought it.

My smile widened seeing her wearing the same ring too. But on the first finger..


"It's okay! I will get you another ring for your ring finger." I whispered to myself "...I will, one day."


I half snatched the things from Pol's hands and closed the door on his face dismissing him at once.

Now it's only me and her.

I took off my coat and threw it aside carelessly. It's not like I'm going to wear it for a second time.

I stood in front of the mirror, took off the small gems from my face and stuck them to the mirror.*

I removed my own makeup and went to do the job for her too.

It was a wonderful experience to do something personal for her.

I hope she will not get mad at me once she wakes up. I'm doing all of this for her. There's no ill will on my part.

I only touched her because it was necessary.

She got hurt badly, her feet were swelling and sleeping with make-up on is no good either.

So in the end I did what my heart wanted me to do.


I took off my shoes and sat beside her on the bed. My back was aching so I dared to lie down slowly.

Just don't kick me off the bed once you wake up. Okay?

I crossed my arms around my chest firmly, stopping myself from touching her anymore.

Touches make her hurt!

I kept reminding myself, and soon fell asleep.


I opened my eyes slowly and saw her sitting beside me while hugging her legs.

What happened!?

I was about to ask if she was feeling okay but she turned around to get her cellphone.


She shouted out loud.

'yeah she's okay!' I tried not to smile and remained motionless.

She ran off to the bathroom and I kept lying waiting for her to come back and see me.


I got startled hearing my own cellphone ringing.

I jumped and answered at once seeing the caller's name.



I kept my voice low.

[Khun are you awake?]


[Okay! Come outside!]


[But you need to...]

He was saying and I hung up. Hehe

What a good time to make a call!

I glanced at the bathroom door and sighed in relief as I didn't get caught.


I got startled again and answered at once without seeing the caller's name.




[You need to come out and get ready.]

"Do I?"


He was about to say something, I hung up.

Within a minute I got another call.

This time I didn't get startled, only irritated.


[Khun! You're getting late for college!]

Arm informed me matter of factly.


[Do you want to get late? Let me tell you Am.. miss Amy will leave you behind if you didn't get ready on time.]

He got a point.

"Fine! I'm coming, now stop calling!"

I replied in annoyance.

I got startled to death when she ran out of the bathroom.

I didn't get the chance to hang up and play dead on the bed.

I don't think she knows that I'm here~

She took her clothes and locked herself inside the bathroom.

I waited and waited and waited..

I heard the door opening sound.

I waited some more before opening my eyes.

"Are you dead!" I heard a cool voice over my head.

I openedy eyes slowly and..

"Aahh.." I was about to shout out loud but a firm hand closed my mouth.

"Sshhh!" Vegas glared at me and I tried to calm myself down watching his creepy face right in front of me.

Damn he almost gave me a heart attack!

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"No! What are you doing here?" He asked back while poking.. no stabbing my chest with his finger.

"Just lying, doing nothing." I answered honestly.

"Get the hell out here." He growled.


"Now!" He pressed on the poor word, hard.

"I can't."


"I need to check if she's okay or not."

"You can check that outside too."

"You're not understanding.. she's acting weird."

"Because you're inside her room!"

"Not that. She didn't even notice me. And I think I heard her shouting earlier." I pointed at the bathroom.

Vegas glanced at the door then narrowed his eyes at me in suspension. I was being completely honest so there was no need to be nervous.

I waited patiently for him to stand up and get himself out.

"Don't say anything rude to her. And if she shares something with you, don't forget to tell me." He moved back and waited for my answer.

"Okay.." I agreed, just because.

"And I don't want you to... touch her." He said... hesitantly?

"Only if she touch me first!" I smiled.

"As if that's ever gonna happen." He smirked to annoy me.. and he did.

"Just close the door behind." I waved my hand, dismissing him at once.

He stopped near the door.

"... keep your hands to yourself!" He didn't forget to warn me in his cool tone.

"Psycho brother.." My lips twitched in a smile after he left, anticipating her reaction once she saw me.


I felt tired of waiting..

She is taking too long and I don't want to leave without talking to her.

Something is telling me if I leave and meet her outside she'll gonna ignore me completely.

And I don't want that so...


A pleasant odour spread around the room when she came out, I squint my eyes to watch her moving around the room.

I saw how she dried her hair using the towel.
I saw how she run her fingers through her wet hair before combing it with the hair brush.

I heard her gasping and cursing out loud while looking herself in the mirror.

I think I know the reason..

She took something from her bag and ran back to the bathroom for the third time.


She came out looking half pleased with herself. She sat back on the bed, her back towards me.

I saw her still wet hair that comes a little down to her elbows.

I clench the sheets beside me. Blame is on me! I make her do that.

Oh I will hate myself for this forever. Or at least till the time when her hair grows back to the length she had yesterday.

I sighed, only inside.

"Oh yeah!" She exclaimed, her eyes fixed at her cellphone.

I wanted to know what she saw on the stupid device to make her half happy. But I know better to ask her that at the moment.

I watched her picking my pearl necklace up and placing that back with a little clatter noise.

I will never wear that necklace again, just put it away in my secret safe inside my wardrobe.

Her soft touch makes it more treasurable.

Suddenly she fall back on to the bed, taking my breath away.

I was waiting for her to see me first, or to left the room completely.

Wasn't she getting late for the college!?

I closed my eyes when she started to turn around.

Finally the moment I've been waiting for..

"BLOODY HEAVEN!!" She shouted a satisfying shout out loud.

I kept a poker face, pretending to be sleeping. It was hard to keep my breathing normal. But thanks to my acting skills, I managed to fool her.

"Tankhun!" I heard her calling my name, making my heart go wild.

I imagined her freaking out. Hehe

"Khun!! Tankhun!! Khun! Hey!" She keep her voice down while calling me, I didn't answer.
"Wake up! Get out! Go to your own room damn it!" Something hit my chest. Ouch!

Even though the pillow cause a impact on me, I didn't move.

Silence spread around the room, making me curious as hell.

I badly wanted to open my eyes to see her expressions, her reactions, her... everything.

After a long silent moment I get to hear her tiny little voice.

'I hate you!'

She hate me?
Yes, she hate me.

But sweetheart,
Don't hate, meditate.

I waited for a minute to get myself together and opened my eyes finally.

"Please don't wake up when I'm still here..." I froze hearing her request.

Don't tell me she...
She doesn't want to face me!

If she doesn't want me to see her then why is she not leaving?


"I still hate you!"

She whispered the same thing, yet again.

I wanted to yell at her. To tell her that I heard her fine the first time, no need to repeat that again and again.

It hurts my feelings. Damn it!


"Thank you!
Khun,Tankhun Theera-whatever!
You made me change my heart!"

She was grateful out of nowhere, and I was dying to know what she meant by changing her heart.

What! Does it mean she doesn't hate me now?

All of a sudden she brush my hair away. I felt a single finger touching my forehead, my fine brows, tracing my nose all the way down to my lips.

Good grief!

Now I can't pretend anymore.

"You're welcome my beautiful Amy!" I heard myself replying.

I imagined her dark eyes widened in shock.

She tried to take the hand back but I'm not willing to let her, not yet.

I was enjoying myself when she started to struggle quietly. I smiled and unknowingly kissed her finger tip.

That surprised us both equally.

"Just go back to sleep!" I suggested, placing her hand over my heart.

It took me a while to make her calm down. I didn't open my eyes as I don't want to start the day while fighting with her.

I know as soon as I opened my eyes she will gonna shower me with lots of questions and give me an earful of lecture over inappropriatness.

Then after hearing enough I will yell back, throw a tantrum, making her angry. Then we'll have the same level of argument. I will go crazy and her maniac mode turned on.

I don't want to have any more regrets than I have now.. about her or me.

Last night was more than enough for me.

She ignored me, makes me cry, hurt my feelings, makes my mood flip, gets me fight, to hurt her equally in any way, and in the end she left me behind.

I clench my jaw remembering for the thousandth time that it was me who pushed her limits to the extent to make her cut her own hair off, with my rival's dagger.

Only if I can turn back the time..

I will not take her with me.
I will come back to the minor mansion with Pol and Pete.
I will not give the idea about my once favourite Michelin starred restaurant.
I will not take interest in our leader's deadly business or his stupid business partners.
I will not fall for her.

Now it's too late!

I've already come too far.

And there's no way I could go back in time so... let's just focus on winning her heart. To make her reciprocate my feelings by hook or crook.

"I'll try my bestest not to hurt you. Just go back to sleep....my beautiful Amy!" I whispered in a romantic but husky voice.

I turn me-gripping-her-hand to me-holding-her-hand. It's my way to give her a little space of making choice. She can take her hand back if she wanted too.

But maybe she didn't want to as I can still feel her palm over my heart.

"Good night my beautiful Amy!" I added happily.

"It's already Seven in the morning dummy." She sounds annoyed. Hehe

"Is that so? Then good morning!" I changed my position to face her directly.

That was a wrong choice on my part as she started to move back, yet again.


Stubborn brat!

She won, making me yelled out at her in the end. I was just afraid that she might fell down the bed.

"... Trust me I won't bite." My lips twitch in a smile making her lips parted.

I love teasing her like this.

"I hate you!" She clench her fist over my chest, breaking my heart with these three brutal words.

I prepare myself for receiving a punch that didn't came.

Well that's new!

I took a deep breath and let it out in a sad sigh.

"I know my darling heart, I know.." I pass her a tiny smile and closed my eyes to hide my watery eyes.

Hate me all you want.... Hating someone is a passionate feeling too.

It tooks a lot to make yourself hate someone.

If she loves me...great!
If she hates me... even better!

As long as she had some feelings for me...

My heart stopped for a moment listening to the last sentence she murmur before falling asleep.


"Just keep your heart open for me, will ya?" I whispered and tuck her hair behind her ear.

Her eyes flicked, her brows furrowed and her lips purses a little.

Yeah she didn't like to get touched, even in sleep.

I smiled sadly thinking about the look on her face every time she said she hates me.


For me the opposite of love is not hate, it's fear.

Fear of losing the one who makes me smile, makes my heart beat in a melodious rhythm.

My trains of thought came to an abrupt stop when she took her hand  away and turned around to face the other side.

A tear fell from my eyes all the way down on the pillow.

I closed my eyes. The last thing I remember was her back towards me.



77. Bloody Chaos

78. The closure

69. It's Leonid

31. The Shopping maniac

80. Romantic action

74. Affable Meeting

~Tears on my pillow,
pain in my heart,
caused by you~

Continua a leggere

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