My Hanon

By IceBlueCold

45.1K 1.8K 427

"Say you love me", I pleaded her She frowned at the strange request. I want to hear it coming from her prett... More

Amusement Park
Make a wish
Sweet Whispers
Want Me
Biggest Mistake
On my lips
By your side
Only Touch
Don't Want Me There
Awful Place
My Pretty Girl
Break Her Heart
Cunning Pt.2
I Hate Him
Don't Hurt Her
Dose Of Her


1.5K 74 14
By IceBlueCold


Hanon's been working too much these days.

I could only see her when she came back at night and she fell asleep almost immediately from how tired she was. I also saw her in the morning but only to eat breakfast and that was when she wasn't running late.

I felt deprived.

I just wanted to spend a whole day with her.

No, that won't be enough. Maybe a whole month. Or year.

Actually, I wished I could spend my whole life just being with her all day. Then maybe I could get my fill of her.

"Hanon" I mumbled her name as I saw her dozing off once again.

"Huh?" She shook her head and woke up.

"Hanon" I called her name more clearly.

She looked at me with a frown and tilted her head, "What is it?"

"You're so tired these days"

"Oh, I'm sorry Kai-"

"No, what I mean is you need to rest, Hanon"

"Oh? No, it's fine I've just been helping out my coworkers a bit"

When are you going to stop lying to me?

"It's taking a lot out of you, Hanon. Can't you get a day off? You used to have two days off every week"

She looked down with a sad expression, "I didn't realize I was getting too tired. You're right, I should stop working over time for some days"

"How about you take tomorrow off? We can stay home all day and cuddle, nap, watch TV, or we can go out if you want, but It would be better if you rested a little"

"I can't take tomorrow off because I didn't let them know earlier, but I can take the day after off"

I was a little disappointed and impatient, but I smiled and nodded.

"Good, now sleep" I kissed her forehead and stroked her head.


The door opened and this time, I didn't have the time to hug her, because she ran straight at me and tackled me.

Thankfully I caught her and she wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Now we can have a whole day together again" She chuckled.

Her body touching mine, her warmth, her angelic voice with her lips so close to my skin and her soft scent were all making me weak in the knees and I was afraid I would fall and drop her.

I gulped nervously, "Yes"

She pulled away a bit to look at me, with her arms around my neck and her legs still around my waist, "Are you happy?" She asked with an excited smile.

Her smile could make anyone dizzy. I was sure it wasn't just me. How could anyone find this anything less than breathtaking?


"Me too!" She exclaimed and hugged me again.

"Let's go have dinner, yes?" I suggested and she nodded.

"How about we go downtown for a walk after we're done eating?"

I was so happy that I couldn't be sure that wasn't a dream, but I went along with it because I was so desperate for a little time with her that I would take the dream.

"To the kitchen" She ordered jokingly and pointed at the kitchen.

I laughed and carried her all the way there before setting her on the chair.

We ate and we talked about her day at work and the customers and stories like that and when we were done she stood up.

"I'll go get ready"


"Yes, I have to get ready. I want to be pretty for our walk" She smiled cutely.

I felt like my insides were melting with warmth, "My Hanon is always pretty" I couldn't help but say.

Her face flushed in an instant, "Thank you, Kai, but I want to be even prettier. We haven't been out together in a while. It's a special day"

Every day with you is special

I felt like I would blurt out some nonsense if I tried to speak, so I simply nodded and she went into her room with a giggle.

I sighed and sat on the couch.

In my delusional mind, this was a date, although I knew she definitely didn't consider it that.

If things work out the way I want, I'll be able to take her on whatever date she wants, pay for everything and buy her everything she wants.

She came out of her room not long after, looking even prettier than before. Her hair looked smoother and her lips and cheeks looked more red.

"Kai, didn't you get ready?" She asked.

Oh I got so lost in my imagination that I forgot to get ready.

I hastly stood up and ran to my room saying, "I'll be ready in two minutes"

I heard her laugh before I got inside and closed the door. I put on the clothes that Hanon said she likes on me and fixed my hair a little.

She smiled and held my face when she saw me, "You listened to me. See? These clothes suit you so much!" She exclaimed with sparkling eyes.

Her lit up expression made me feel as if I was someone important to her. As if I was way more important than I actually was. Maybe living with Hanon also meant living in delusions.

"Let's go!" She said excitedly and took my hand leading me out of the house.


"-this lady, she comes in every day and gets a coffee and a muffin-"

Hanon was fascinated by people and their lives and it was easy for her to befriend them and learn things about them, so she liked talking about her experiences. Sometimes it led into deep conversations between us, sometimes it was funny.

Maybe it sounds boring listening to someone talk and talk about their experiences, but I could listen to her talk for hours and I would never get bored because her reactions were just so precious. As if she was reliving the situation.

But no matter what, and no matter her amazing storytelling abilities, I could never focus on other people's life because all I cared about was Hanon and her life. Her feelings. Her reactions. My brain automatically filtered everything else out.

She suddenly halted, "Ah, we've been walking for so long. I got tired"  She stretched and then looked around, her gaze stopping on something, "Kai, do you want to get something to eat or drink?"

"I don't mind-"

Before I could fully answer, she took my hand and led me to an icecream shop.

"Hi! What would you like?" The guy behind the counter asked with a friendly smile.

I glanced at Hanon to see her staring at all the ice cream flavors.

She couldn't decide whether to get strawberry or chocolate, but she got strawberry in the end. I got chocolate so that she could have it too.

She let out a small chuckle as we exited the shop, "Isn't it funny seeing a guy like that work in a cute ice cream shop?"

"Do you like that?"

Maybe I should work in an ice cream shop then.

"It's just funny. He looks intimidating but his voice sounds friendly", She smiled.

We sat on a bench somewhere that didn't have many people around.

"Kai" She called my name, "Can I have some?" She asked looking at my ice cream with sparkling eyes.

I held back my stupid smile and picked some up on the spoon, "Open"

Her pretty lips parted and I fed her the ice cream, "Want more?"

She hesitated and showed me a guilty smile. I chuckled and fed her some again, "Thank you"

She gestured that she didn't want any more after that and went back to eating hers.

So greedy, my Hanon.

"Kai, remember when I said the guy I went on a date with was the one who took care of the situation with my other coworker?"

At the mention of that, I felt myself getting angry, but I didn't want to spoil the mood so I just hummed in reply.

"Well, it turned out he lied" She shrugged.

A smirk automatically made its way on my lips as I stared at the ice cream in the cup. I wanted to burst out laughing.

That's what you get you evil, lying scum.

"Well, that's embarrassing for him" I tried not to laugh as I spoke.

"I know, right!? This is why I don't like going out with people. It's like you can't trust anyone"

My poor Hanon probably feels so betrayed.

But at least she would stay away from him now. Actually, I was hoping she would stay away from everyone.

"How did you find out it wasn't him?" I asked.

"Oh, the guy who was being mean to me told me. Isn't that weird?"

This dumb guy did something useful after all.

"Did he say why he stopped bugging you yet?"

"No, he just said he 'thought about it', although I don't know if I should believe him"

This was so perfect. I wanted to laugh at how perfectly everything had worked out, but I held myself back.

"So what about the other guy? You're still working together so it must be awkward"

She sighed, "It is. He keeps trying to lie again, but I keep myself busy to avoid him"

I smiled and looked at her, "Good. I hope you don't feel sad about him"

"Oh no. Actually, I didn't really like him like that, but I was so thankful  that I accepted to go out with him"

"But you had a good time together. That's what you said"

Say you lied.

She scooted closer, leaned her head on my shoulder and looked up at me with a playful smile, "But going out with you is the best"

I felt as if I was about to melt in that moment. Hanon could put me in a daze with her words alone.

She leaned in and kissed my cheek. It was only a second. Not even close to being enough for me. I wanted to beg for more.

I was a mess by now. My face was red and hot, my body was frozen, my mind was in a daze and I couldn't get a word out.

Crazy what she can do to me.

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