All of Me ~ #Wattys2015

By ReginasHappyEnding

55.8K 2.2K 372

Why give only a piece of yourself to someone when they deserve all of you? This is an Outlaw Queen story that... More

After the Happily Ever After
The Vault
Under the Moonlight
The Dilemma
The Perfect Happy Ending
The Painful Truth
The Morning After
Picnic in the Park
The Waiting Game
The Awakening
Disappearing Acts
A Change of Heart
Second Chances
Fly Me to the Moon
Per Sempre
The Next Chapter
Big News
North, South, East, West
The Royal Treatment

An Act of True Love

1.5K 73 12
By ReginasHappyEnding

The week went by quicker than they anticipated. Some days were easier than others. After two days, the couple decided it would be best if Henry stayed with Emma so they could focus on Regina's recovery. Emma took Roland for a few days and the Merry Men pitched in as often as they could.

Snow stopped by a few times with questions about the town meeting coming up so everything would be prepared for when she returned to work. Robin's main focus was making sure Regina was comfortable and in as little pain as possible.

As the days went on, Regina's strength slowly returned. She was able to climb the stairs on her own only when it was necessary. Robin took the doctor's orders very seriously and didn't allow her out of bed unless she needed to use the bathroom or if she wanted a change of scenery. He pampered her with beautiful meals and massages, continuing to treat her incision for her. He helped her bathe, knowing she couldn't stand long enough for showers at first. Even when she could, he helped her anyway.

Her frustration grew when she wanted to do things like tend to her apple tree, but found that Robin wouldn't let her. She understood it was best, but she was too stubborn to care. They sat outside together for a few hours a day so she wouldn't be cooped up and become more frustrated.

Finally, when Regina was feeling up to it, the couple decided to take a short stroll throughout town. They stopped at Granny's for lunch and the people were actually happy to see her out and about.

"It's good to finally see you around town again, Madame Mayor," Granny said with a smile as she approached the table to take their orders.

"Thank you," she replied.

"Will it be the usual?"

"Yes, please. Thank you, Granny," Robin said smiling at her. His gaze returned to his beloved soulmate as he took her hand from across the table.

"It seems the town is finally opening up to you," he said.

"Or they're happy to see I'm actually human," she retorted. He made a face that told her to stop being so stubborn and accept the fact that she was a hero now.

"If you're in any pain, we'll leave, alright?"

"I actually feel great today. A little pain here and there, but nothing I can't handle," she began. "I was hoping we could stop by Gold's shop today."

"You're sure you're feeling up to it," he asked.

"I want answers, Robin. Answers that hospitals and surgeries won't provide. If anyone knows what happened it would be him. I'm ready," she said.

They finished their lunch and made their way to see Rumplestiltskin. The couple entered the shop, the familiar sound of the bell above the door signaling their entrance.

"Ah, the Queen and her beloved Outlaw. I doubt you've come to peruse the shop for home decor," Mr. Gold said, entering from the behind the curtain at the back of his shop.

"We've come to ask you a few questions," Robin said, approaching the counter behind which the former imp was standing.


"An infertility potion," Regina said.

"Ah yes. That fateful night in which you consumed it to hurt Cora. What a climactic moment for you, Regina."

"Save it," she snapped. Robin placed a hand on her back, helping her to remain calm. There was a long history between the Evil Queen and the Dark One, but she needed to remember why they were here.

"What can I do for you," Gold asked.

"I thought the effects of the potion were permanent," Regina began to explain, but was interrupted.

"Unless the person who consumed it experiences an act of true love," he said.

"But I've experienced true love with my son before even meeting Robin. The spell would have been reversed then if that was the case," Regina rebutted.

"Not just true love's kiss dearie. An act of true love making between soulmates. If in the moment the one who consumed the potion and the one they have chosen to copulate with are performing this act out of true love, only then can the spell be reversed."

It all became clear. That night in her vault. Not the first time, but after their walk in the moonlight. Robin told her he loved her and for the first time, Regina admitted her love for him as well. They reversed the spell on their own just by making love to one another. The couple looked at each other, sharing their realization.

"Is there a new baby Locksley on the way to have caused these questions," Gold asked, curiously.

"Not yet," Robin said taking Regina's hand and exiting the shop.

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