The Next Chapter

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Their wedding night was a blissful evening for the newly weds, but it was time for them to return to reality. They decided against a honeymoon knowing they had a responsibility to their children. And if Regina did conceive, she wanted to use her vacation time once the baby came.

They were inseparable, even more so now that they were married. Nights were spent making love and days were spent tending to their children or working. Any time they were seen in town, they were hand in hand, not wasting a moment of their lives together.

Zelena was officially released from the hospital and took up a position at Granny's Inn. With Red taking night classes, she needed extra hands cleaning up after guests and keeping the Inn in order. Regina suggested Zelena and Granny hesitantly agreed. She had to continue to wear the cuff, but she was happy to oblige until the town was ready. She seemed much happier without magic and she was content in her new life. She was able to rent an apartment in the same building as the Charming's and often visited for dinners. She even planned a dinner party to which the Charmings and the Locksleys attended.

One morning as the couple passed Granny's diner, a certain smell caught Regina's attention and she turned a deep shade of green. She looked around for a trash can or somewhere less revealing for her to puke, but had no luck. She bent over a bush and threw up her breakfast. Robin rubbed her back and held her hair.

"Are you alright, my love," he asked. She rested her elbows on her knees, afraid to stand up too quickly.

"We need to go home," she said. "Whatever is cooking at Granny's smells horrible."

Robin laughed and helped her regain her balance as he walked her home. They entered the house and she immediately ran to the bathroom to puke again. He went in after her, kneeling beside her and pulling her hair into a ponytail for her.

"Do you think," he began to ask and she looked up at him with a smile.

"Only one way to find out," she said.

She leaned over him and reached into the cabinet below the sink. She pulled out a pregnancy test that she bought weeks ago anticipating this moment. He helped her stand up.

He'd seen Regina pee before. They spent many mornings getting ready together in their bathroom, but this seemed more intimate.

"I'm going to be right outside the door," he said. Truth be told, he was nervous. He couldn't just stand there and wait. He paced as she took this moment for herself.

Regina opened the box and stared at the test before removing the plastic cover. Her hands were shaking. In just a few minutes they would know if their lives were about to change.

When she was done, she placed it on the sink and set the timer on her cell phone. She opened the door and caught Robin pacing. She couldn't help, but laugh at him. He pulled her close.

"Whatever happens," he started to say, but she stopped him.

"We'll deal with it," she said and hugged him tighter. "Together."

The timer went off and they stayed where they were for a moment. Their eyes met, both nervous for what was about to happen. Hand in hand they entered the bathroom.

"One line is not pregnant, two lines is pregnant," she explained. He nodded as he released her hand and she picked up the test. She looked down at it and back at him, the expression on her face unchanging. That worried Robin beyond belief.

"Well," he said. She turned the test around with a smile.

"We're going to have a baby," tears streamed down her face. Robin lifted her into his arms and spun her around. He carried her to the bedroom and placed her on the bed. She leaned back on her hands as he bent over her, his face meeting hers. She saw tears in his eyes and she smiled at him, placing her hand on his cheek. He pressed his hand against hers and closed his eyes, allowing his tears to fall.

"We're having a baby," he whispered, resting his forehead on hers. She closed her eyes as well, taking in this moment with her husband. She felt his lips meet hers for the sweetest kiss they'd ever shared.

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