After the Happily Ever After

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"Perhaps I could take you for a walk in the moonlight," Robin said to his beloved Regina from across the table in Granny's. She smiled at him, that same smile he always dreamed about.

"Perhaps," she said, playing coy.

She looked at Henry who was seated next to her looking through his storybook. She took a moment to admire how much her son had grown. He was no longer the little boy she tucked in at night. He was becoming a man. She wondered how long it would be before he was bringing his first girlfriend home to meet his 'Evil Queen' of a mother. She smiled at the thought. Her former title would be useful to ensure any girlfriends didn't break her little prince's heart.

She kissed the top of his head and he looked up at her, proud that she was the hero in his life. Regina would do anything for Henry and she proved it by sacrificing her life for him in the alternate reality they just escaped from. She was proud of herself for finally being the person Henry deserved to have as a mother.

Robin stood up and reached out his hand for his soulmate. She took it with ease and stood up to follow him out the door.

They walked hand in hand through the streets of Storybrooke, Maine. As much as Regina enjoyed her castle in the Enchanted Forest, Storybrooke felt more like home to her than anywhere else in any realm. It was where she felt happiest. She had her son in this world and now the love of her life. Things were far from perfect, of course, but at least she finally had a place she could call home.

Their walk was spent mostly in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. They were at peace in each other's company. Robin looked at Regina often, wondering what thoughts were running through her mind. She looked back at him, assuring him that they were nothing, but good thoughts.

They reached the park near the lake and sat down on a bench together. It was the same bench Robin told her he chose her. The same bench where they watched Marian collapse to the ground, freezing to death. The same bench where Regina thought she had found her happiness and lost it all within seconds.

Her heart skipped a beat as her thoughts grew colder. Robin could sense the change in her as her body language reflected this. He adjusted himself to face her. She continued to stare out, lost in the memories of this place.

"Regina, my love, what is it?" he asked with genuine concern in his voice.

"It was my sister the whole time, Robin," she began. "I feel so stupid for not realizing it sooner. We could have saved ourselves all the trouble if we just let her die here." She was surprised by her words, but she meant them. Regina may have become a hero, but the darkness in her heart remained.

"Regina, there was no way for us to know. You did what you thought was right. We both did," he explained.

"I know and I would do it again if it meant being the person Henry always believed I could be. But it doesn't make living with it any easier," she said.

"Like you said at Granny's, we'll deal with it," he smiled, hoping it would ease her mind. She returned the smile, but Robin could sense there was more troubling her. He also knew she wouldn't be so quick to share these feelings with him unless he pushed her to. She was always so stubborn and closed off, but he was always willing to break down those walls. That's what kept him coming back for her. The mysterious nature of the Queen intrigued him from the day they met in the Enchanted Forest.

"It was hard for me too, you know," he began. Regina looked at him, listening to his words intently. "I lost hope in New York. I thought I would never see you again and it was torture knowing I could call you at any moment. But Regina, what kind of life is that? Having you, but not really having you. Spending every waking moment thinking about you while living with someone else. I had to make a choice and without you in sight, I decided to give my marriage a chance. I chose to free myself."

"I know, Robin. You don't have to explain yourself," she said.

"But I want to," he replied. She nodded for him to continue. "When I saw you that day in New York, that was the happiest I felt, but also the saddest because I knew what I had done. Whether that really was Marian or Zelena, I had broken a promise I made to you. I chose you, but was selfish in my actions. And now I am lucky enough to be given another chance with you, but you are forced to live with the consequences of my actions. What's done is done. I know we will have to deal with this for the rest of our lives and for that burden, I am truly sorry."

Regina stared at him for a moment. He was regretting his actions with the person he believed to be his wife. She couldn't blame him for trying to move on. If she wasn't so wrapped up in trying to find him and protect him, she probably would have done the same.

"Thank you," Regina said. It was all she could think to say at first.

"I'm having a child with someone else when all I ever dreamed of was to share that with you," he admitted. This caught Regina by surprise. She thought back to the infertility spell and frowned. She knew it would be wonderful to have children with the man she loved, but she knew this would never be a possibility for her. She couldn't tell him. Not yet. She knew she would someday, but today was not that day.

"We don't need children together to know what we have is real. All I need is you," she said. "And we already have children and we will raise them together, as a family. You, me, Henry, Roland, and this new baby. We can have the life we want, just a few adjustments here and there."

He smiled as she spoke. She truly was an amazing woman. He admired her strength and passion always, but particularly so in this moment. She was selfless now and for that he would always be grateful.

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