Second Chances

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Once a week, Regina took an hour or so out of her day to visit Zelena. They talked about things sisters should talk about and things they missed in each other's lives. They laughed, they argued, they cried. But ultimately, they learned that they had a lot more in common than they ever imagined.

After trust was starting to build between them, Regina allowed their visits to take place outside. They went to the park or by the lake.

"Regina, could I make a request," Zelena asked one afternoon as they walked by the lake.

"Sure," Regina replied, curious as to what her sister was going to ask.

"I know I've hurt you and your family so I'll understand if you say no, but I was hoping I could come over for dinner one evening."

"I'll discuss it with Robin. You'll have to continue to wear the cuff. I may trust you, but it will take more than walks through the park for Robin to trust you again," she explained.

"I understand. It doesn't hurt to ask though, right?"

Regina returned home and immediately discussed it with Robin.

"No way, Regina. Absolutely not. I refuse to allow that woman anywhere near our children," he said. She took his hand to calm him down.

"I know you're worried. She's done a lot of damage, but she's changing. Please, give her a second chance."

Robin saw how much this meant to his fiancé. He was worried, but he trusted her. He knew she would never allow Zelena into their home if she didn't think it was safe.

"Fine, but she wears the cuff and if she tries anything, you have my blessing to rip her heart out," he said with a smirk. She leaned up and kissed him with a smile.

The following week, Regina picked Zelena up from the hospital.

"Do you think we could stop somewhere? I feel rude arriving empty handed," Zelena said, making Regina laugh.

"You're coming to dinner with my family, not meeting the President. Don't worry," Regina replied.

They pulled up to the mansion and the women walked toward the front door. Robin opened it, anxiously awaiting their arrival.

"Hello Robin," Zelena said timidly.

"Zelena," he scoffed, still uneasy about this evening. She took his hand as Regina entered the house.

"Robin, I want to apologize for everything. I was so blinded by my need for revenge that I never thought about how my actions would affect you and especially Roland. I've hurt this family and there is no way I can ever be forgiven for that. But I hope I can spend the rest of my life proving that I am worthy of this second chance."

"Thank you, Zelena. I appreciate that," he said, taking his hand away from her and allowing her to enter the house.

The family sat around the table in silence at first. Henry was weary about Zelena's presence as well, but trusted his mother's instincts.

"Auntie Zelena, want to see what I learned at school," Roland asked, innocently. This made the woman smile and everyone in the room became more relaxed.

"Of course, dear," she said. Roland began reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, stopping a few times to look at Henry who reassured him he was correct.

"Wow, that was very impressive! You're a smart little crumpet, aren't you," she said finishing her meal. The others finished and Regina got up to clear the table.

"Oh please, let me help," Zelena said taking a few plates from her sister.

Overall, the evening was a success. Roland talked Zelena into playing Mario Kart with him and Henry. Even Robin and Regina took turns playing as well.

"I better take you back to the hospital," Regina whispered to her sister who nodded and gathered her things.

"Dinner was an absolute delight, Robin. Thank you again for having me," she said holding out her hand. He took it and shook it gently.

"Of course. You're welcome back again soon," he said, genuinely. The boys said their goodbyes and Regina drove her sister back. They pulled up to the hospital and Zelena took her sister's hand before getting out.

"Thank you, Regina. You have no idea how much tonight meant to me," she said, tears filling her eyes.

"I told you I'd give you a second chance at a family. I intend to keep that promise," she said giving her sister's hand a light squeeze.

Regina returned home and plopped down on the couch, kicking her heels off as she did so.

"You were right," Robin said, handing her a glass of red wine. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you."

"Thank you," she said with a smile.

"To second chances," Robin said holding his glass up. Regina lightly tapped hers against his.

"To second chances."

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