The Waiting Game

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Robin waited for hours. Occasionally a nurse would come over for medical history and insurance information for their records. He answered as best he could, but was ashamed that he didn't know more. He realized he didn't know as much about his soulmate as he thought and that frightened him. He sat wondering if he'd ever get the chance to get to know those things about her or if this was truly the end.

He knew he should call Emma so she could talk to Henry, but with the scarce amount of information he had, he thought it was best to wait. He thought about their children on the Jolly Roger, Henry teaching Roland everything he knew. Would Regina live to see them grow? Would she live so they could marry? There were so many unanswered questions haunting him as he anxiously waited for information.

A nurse approached with a file in her hand and sat down beside him.

"How are you holding up," she asked.

"Not at all," he replied honestly, rubbing his eyes. They were red and tired from crying and worrying.

"They should be finishing up in the OR very soon. One nurse did come out and asked about any medical issues concerning her reproductive system. Do you have any knowledge about that," she asked.

For once, he did know something. It broke his heart to have to tell anyone else this, but it was important to help Regina.

"She's sterile," he said simply.

"Has she always been sterile or did something happen?"

"Back in the Enchanted Forest, she regretfully consumed an infertility potion," he choked on the words.

"Okay, I'll note the file. Thank you," the nurse stood up. "The doctor should be out any minute to discuss things further with you. Let me know if you need anything."

Robin simply nodded and got back to worrying. He leaned his head back and stared up at the ceiling. He found himself picturing the moon from their night in the vault. Tears streamed down his face once again.

A short while later, the doctor approached him and removed him from his daze.

"Mr. Locksley?"

"Yes," he stood up, meeting the doctor's gaze.

"We were able to stop the bleeding, but I did notice something interesting while I was operating. The nurse informed me that Regina was sterile. Is that correct," he asked.

"Yes, it is," he replied.

"Well, I'm not quite sure how this happened then, but Regina was with child. She is experiencing what is called an ectopic pregnancy."

"Wait, Regina is pregnant," Robin asked, shocked. How could this be?

"She was. Unfortunately, she miscarried. An ectopic pregnancy is when the fetus begins to grow outside of the womb, in this case in Regina's Fallopian tubes. This would explain why she was in such a great amount of pain when you brought her in," he explained. "Her body was unable to support the fetus properly and rejected it, causing her to miscarry. This would also explain the bleeding."

"How is she? When can I see her," Robin asked quickly. All he wanted was to be by her side.

"She's doing well. She lost a lot of blood so we had to perform a transfusion to replace what she lost. She'll be weak and will need some time to heal, but she will have a full recovery. The nurses are making her comfortable in a room here. Once she's situated, they will allow you in to see her."

Robin took the doctor's hand and shook it with great force.

"Thank you," he said with gratitude. This man saved his soulmate's life. There was nothing that could ever repay the debt he owed this man.

The doctor nodded and walked away. Robin sat back down on the chair with a sigh. He was relieved that Regina was alive and that she would have a full recovery. His fears dissipated slightly, but he wouldn't be satisfied until he saw her.

A baby. They were able to conceive a child. It may not have been successful, but it was possible. He knew Regina wouldn't lie to him, especially about something like this. If she was no longer infertile, could they really have the life they wanted? But how was the spell reversed? Had she reversed it without telling him? He had so many questions and was anxious to talk to Regina about this.

A nurse finally approached him and he stood immediately upon seeing her.

"She's still unconscious from the anesthesia, but she's in her room if you'd like to be with her."

"Of course. Please take me to her," he said quickly.

He followed the nurse to a private room where they were holding Regina. He entered the room slowly, finally spotting her there peacefully asleep. The nurse exited the room and closed the door behind her.

He walked next to her bed and sat down beside her, taking her hand in his. He kissed it gently and allowed himself to cry.

"You terrified me, Regina," he whispered. "I thought I was going to lose you."

He stayed like this for almost an hour when her eyes started fluttering. He moved closer when he heard her moan, clearly in pain. Her eyes finally opened, but just enough to see him sitting there beside her.

"Hello, my love. How are you feeling," he asked, gently rubbing her hand.

"It hurts," she tried to sit up, but was very weak.

"No, no. Don't move. Let me help you," he leaned forward and sat her up against a pillow.

"What happened," she asked groggily.

"There was an incident at the park. You lost a lot of blood, but the doctors were able to help you. You'll be in some pain, but you're going to be okay."

"Blood? Was there an accident?"

"Not quite. Perhaps you should get some rest and I can explain it to you once you're feeling better," he said and kissed her forehead. Regina nodded and drifted back to sleep.

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