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Regina was brought back to her room where she was able to rest while Willow was taken to the NICU. Robin left his wife to sleep and stared at his daughter through the glass. She was under a heat lamp and wrapped in blankets.

Regina was able to breast feed after about a half hour of trying to get Willow to latch on. The doctor was pleased that her sucking reflexes were developed. It meant she would be able to go home sooner than anticipated.

Willow was the most beautiful baby he'd ever seen. She didn't open her eyes much yet, but she had beautiful brown hair and Regina's nose, like they saw in the ultrasound. He couldn't wait to see her smile to see if she had his dimples. She had all ten fingers and ten toes, he made sure to count.

Morning was starting to break so he knew the boys would be over with the Charmings soon to meet their little sister. He went back to the room and found Regina sitting up, waiting for him. He walked over and kissed her more passionately than he first intended.

"Good morning to you too," she said with a chuckle. "How's our Princess?"

"Perfect," he said without hesitation. "She's sleeping, but they're going to bring her to us in a few minutes."

Regina moved over so Robin could lay beside her. He put his arm around her and she snuggled close to him. He kissed the top of her head which still smelt like apple crisp even after what she'd just been through.

The nurse brought Willow in and handed her to Regina. The couple stared at their daughter, in awe of her beauty. She wrapped her tiny hand around Robin's finger as he hummed to her.

"Have you even held her yet," Regina asked him. He shook his head. He had to raise Roland, but he was never as small as Willow was. He was afraid he'd break her, but his wife insisted he take her. He held out his arms and she gently placed their daughter into them.

He rocked her in his strong arms; the same arms that would protect her from monsters under the bed and hold her close when she had a boo-boo. Tears formed in his eyes. This was his little girl. His baby. His princess. Willow.

"Knock, knock," a familiar voice whispered, peaking her head in the door. "How's my little niece doing?"

"She's stunning, Zelena," Regina whispered and her sister came over to hug her.

"Congratulations, old friend," Little John entered and shook his pal's hand.

A few months back, Regina had promised Zelena a date with one of the Merry Men. When she brought it up to Robin he had mentioned that Little John had feelings for her sister so she set them up.

No one ever would have thought they'd be a match, but Zelena couldn't have been happier. He was a gentle giant, but knew how it felt to be misunderstood and labeled. He was perfect for her and in essence she was perfect for him; charming, but independent. She was enough woman for him to handle and he wasn't afraid of her one bit.

"She's a bit early, yeah?"

"She is. She was having some trouble with her body temperature earlier, but they've been keeping a close eye on her," Regina said as her sister placed a bouquet of beautiful purple flowers on the side table.

"Could I hold her," Zelena asked.

"I don't know. You're not going to kidnap her, are you," Robin said, teasing his sister-in-law.

"Ha-ha. Very funny," she said sarcastically and came to take the baby from him. She held Willow close and walked her around the room. "She's a precious little crumpet, isn't she?"

Little John came up next to her to see the baby. He rubbed her tummy and talked in a baby voice to her. Regina and Robin exchanged glances with a knowing smile. They could be witnessing the beginning of Zelena's very own happy ending.

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