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The night before the wedding was a hectic one in the Mills-Locksley household. Regina scrambled to make sure all the preparations were in order while Robin got the boys packed for their adventure at the Charming's loft. He was traditional and refused to sleep next to Regina the night before their wedding. He wanted to be surprised when he saw her walking down the aisle.

"The boys and I are all packed and ready to go. What time are the girls coming over?"

"They should be here any minute and Emma is bringing my dress so you better get going so you don't see it," Regina said with a smile. Robin pulled her close to him.

"It's going to be strange not waking up next to you," he whispered and bit down on her ear lobe. She sighed and pushed him away slightly.

"After tonight, you'll never have to wake up alone again," she smiled and kissed him. Their kiss was long and passionate, but sweet and romantic. The boys came running down the stairs, Roland beating Henry once again.

"How about letting me win once in a while, Roland," Henry said, pretending to be out of breath.

"Never!" He shouted and ran to Regina. She lifted him into her arms and smothered him in kisses.

"Be a good boy at the Charming's, Roly-Poly. Listen to Daddy and Henry. And be careful around Neal. He's still a baby so he's fragile," she said.

"I know, Mommy," he kissed her again before she let him down. Robin kissed her one last time before starting to leave to pack the car. Henry went to help, but she stopped him.

"Henry, wait a minute. I have to ask you something about tomorrow," she said. He nodded signaling her to continue. "You know you're named after my father, right?"

"Yeah, mom. We visit Grandpa Henry on his birthday every year."

"Yes we do. And do you know why I named you Henry?"


"Because my father was the most loyal and bravest person I ever met. And I knew you'd be just like him. My father was the greatest man in my life until you came along," she felt tears in her eyes, but she continued. "And since he can't be here to give me away tomorrow, I was hoping you would do me the honor of walking me down the aisle?"

Henry immediately embraced his mother and she felt the tears escape her eyes and roll down her cheeks.

"I thought you'd never ask," he said and kissed her cheek. She laughed and shooed him away so the boys could get going.

A few minutes later, Emma and Snow arrived with Zelena straggling behind. Things were so great that even the Charmings were starting to accept her into the family. Emma carried the dress in with Zelena's help as Snow held the door open.

The women sat around drinking wine for a bit and talking about any last minute details for the wedding before Regina finally retired to her bedroom. She was tossing and turning in her bed, too anxious to fall asleep. She decided to call Robin.

"Hello, my love," he answered. She hummed with satisfaction upon hearing his voice. It was a soothing sound that she'd grown accustomed to hearing just before falling asleep.

"I couldn't sleep," she said.

"At least I'm not the only one," he laughed. "The boys fell asleep together in Henry's bed reading from the storybook. He was reading the story of how we met to Roland. I wish you could have seen it."

"Me too," she sighed. "I miss you."

"I miss you too," he whispered. "But I need my beauty rest. I would say you need it, but it's not possible for you to be any more beautiful than you already are."

Regina blushed and chuckled into the receiver.

"Goodnight, Regina Mills. Wow, that's the last time I will be calling you that."

"Indeed it is," she said with a smile. "Goodnight Robin Locksley."

The next morning came sooner than anticipated. Regina's alarm went off and she didn't bother hitting snooze. Today was a day she couldn't wait to begin. She immediately hopped in the shower, thinking about what was going to happen in the hours ahead.

When she was finished she put on her new white lingerie set under a tank top and yoga pants. She exited her room and found the girls awake and cooking breakfast downstairs. She smiled realizing she finally understood what it meant to have friends.

They ate together, laughing and joking about things women found comical. They teased Regina about the wedding night. She laughed along, but was actually slightly worried. She'd been with Robin before so she knew what to expect, but they hadn't made love since her surgery. They pleasured one another, of course, but after what happened they were both so hesitant.

After breakfast, Regina went upstairs to brush her teeth and put lotion on. The women entered carrying her dress. It hung on her closet door as Snow began curling her hair into ringlets. They fell to her shoulders before she pinned them into a beautiful up-do.

"I almost forgot," Snow exclaimed and ran to her bag in Henry's room. She returned with a box in her hands and opened it to reveal a gorgeous diamond tiara. "This is the same tiara I wore the day I married Charming. Consider it your something borrowed."

She placed it on Regina's head and finished pinning the curls up around it. It was a beautiful gesture and reminded her that she is royalty. What kind of wedding would it be if the Queen wasn't wearing a crown?

"Thank you, Snow," she said. She leaned forward to begin her makeup when Zelena stepped forward.

"May I," she asked. Regina shrugged and allowed her sister to give it a go. She made her look absolutely stunning. The foundation blended flawlessly while her eyes were shadowed in neutral browns with thin eyeliner and just enough mascara to make her brown eyes pop. Her blush was subtle, but enough to give her some color. And her lips were a deep brown with just a hint of pink. She had no idea Zelena was capable of something like this, but she was thrilled.

Emma held the dress up when Regina stood up and she smiled upon seeing it. She knew she was going to take Robin's breath away. She slipped out of her yoga pants and tank top and the women held the dress so she could step into it.

It was a beautiful ivory gown with a sweetheart bust and emerald gems around the waistline. It was a corset back which the women took turns closing for her. It wasn't traditional, but neither was this wedding. She decided against white because it reminded her too much of her first marriage. She liked the idea of the emerald gems and ivory because it reminded her of the forest; of her beloved Robin Hood.

Regina sat on the bed and slipped into her ivory pumps while the other women hurried to get themselves ready. There was a knock at the door and she went to the window to see who was there.

"The flowers are here," she yelled out.

"I'm on it," Emma yelled back, toothbrush in her mouth and no shirt on as she ran to answer the door in her bra.

When everyone was ready, the women helped Regina down her staircase. The photographer arrived and took pictures of her descending. He escorted her outside for pictures near her apple tree. After a few with the women, they piled into their car, waiting for Regina.

"There's something I have to do first. I'll just meet you there," she said. They pulled away and she was left alone. A cloud of purple smoke transported her to her family mausoleum. She took a deep breath before entering. She stood there for a few minutes in silence. She pulled a flower out of her bouquet and placed it on her father's casket.

"It is because of your sacrifice that I am able to live this life, Daddy. I will never take that for granted," she leaned down and kissed his name before transporting herself to the forest where the wedding was about to take place.

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