SuperFlash Singer

By Superflashfan100

14.3K 386 46

This is a story based on world finest where Barry accidentally goes to Kara's world but instead of trying to... More

National City
Concert part 1
Concert part 2
Dawn or Eli Luthor Allen
Flash Reborn
Wedding and Baby
******** Luthor Allen
Flash Returns
Livewire and Sliver Banshee
S.T.A.R Labs
First Word
God Mothers
Mr Red White and Blue
Newspaper Stands
Going Back
On My Own
Not part of the story
Back to 2049
Kara and Felicity
Not part of the story. Sorry.
Trigger Twins
Nice Suit
Strength Force
Sage Force
Welcome To Midvale
Vision Dream
Fortress Of Solitude
The Phantom Zone And Corruption
To The Phantom Zone
Running Home To You
Baby Stuff
Stopping Crisis


134 6 0
By Superflashfan100

Kenny's house

I've never met another alien that wasn't Kara. Kenny said as he only met Kara that was an alien then asked. Do you honestly always dress this formally? Kenny asked as he wanted to know.

Customarily, it's what we do. Brainy started to explain but his mom opened the door with soup.

Kenny. Mrs. Li said Kenny was shocked that his mom went into his room without knocking.

Mom. Look, I can explain. Kenny said as he thought Brainy was behind him only to see that he was gone.

Explain? Mrs. Li questioned. Explain why you ran in so fast, I have to bring your dinner to you? Mrs. Li said.

Right, um... I was at a study session with Kara, but you didn't have to bring me dinner. Kenny said as he did a small chuckle.

It's no trouble. Plus, I need to take a break from doing the store books. Mrs. Li said as she was tired.

Don't worry about the books. I'll uh...I'll get them done later tonight, as soon as I finish my homework. (Kisses his mom on the cheek) Thanks, Mom. Kenny said as he said that he would take care of everything to let his mom rest.

As his mom exited the door Kenny closed it and there was Brainy right behind it and this gave Kenny a fright.

Oh! my... Kenny said as Brainy said No. Gesturing that he keeps quiet.

Brainy then walked into the middle of Kenny's room as Kenny was still in shock of how Brainy was behind the door.

Pal, time is of the essence. (Puts a hand on Kenny's shoulder) Totes. I'll be out of your hair as soon as I locate your computer. Brainy said as Kenny walked to his computer.

Bro, it's right here. Kenny said pointing to his computer and this made Brainy shocked as it was an old model.

This is your best computer? You... Brainy questioned as he chuckled and then thought this will have to do. It's... Sprock. I'll make it work. All right, next, I need to find access to a 3D printer. Brainy said to fix the Time relay box he needed a 3D printer.

A 4D printer? Kenny questioned because in his time they weren't around much.

Yes. Brainy said as he typed on Kenny's computer while talking to Kenny. Just basic. Nothing fancy. Brainy said, still typing.

Brandon, I don't know what you have on Psycon, but 3D printers aren't basic here. Some aerospace companies might have them under lock and key. Kenny explained and this made Brainy realize what year this is.

This is 2009. Brainy said.

Well, yeah. Still, can't you use your ring to, you know, Dumbledore something up? Kenny suggested.

No. What? No! Brainy said as he realized what Kenny said. It's physically impossible to create something out of nothing, Kenny. Brainy said as he got a bag of chips out of his bag.

Uh...What if I can get you something? Kenny said as he thought of a way to might help them. The building blocks of 3D printing are an inkjet engine and ABS plastic. Right? Kenny exclaimed and Brainy looked at him still eating.

That's correct. Brainy said.

We have all that stuff at our school STEM lab. Plus, on Friday, no one's really there. Kenny said as he thought about sneaking them into the school. Oh, we could sneak onto campus early, and then we'd have the run of the whole place. Kenny explained and this made Brainy drop his bag of chips.

That could work. Well planned. Brainy said as this made Kenny chuckle.

Uh, glad I could help. Kenny said as he sat down.

So, will you be eating all of this? Brainy asked as he was pointing to the soup his mom brought him.

Uh... Kenny was about to say till Brainy cut him off.

Thank you. Brainy said and started eating.

At The Danvers House

Nia was setting up her bed and Kara was sitting on hers and Barry was sitting on his already made bed and mediating and not knowing what was happening around him.

Thanks for this. Nia said to Kara gesturing to the pajamas.

It's nothing. Kara said as she then thought about them leaving a dying planet. Barry said that you, him and Brandon were fleeing a dying planet. Kara said. Does that mean your family, are they... Kara said but Nia spoke.

Um... Her father was able to escape, but our sister, we really , just me and her don't really talk, and, um... our mother passed away before we had to flee. Nia explained as they then looked at Barry still meditating and then looked back at each other.

I'm sorry. I lost my mom, too. Kara said as she didn't know Argo survived. But this (Pulls out a necklace) was hers. It's from Krypton. I still remember what it was like there. I still remember her. I love my Earth family, but it's not the same as being with people who really understand you. Kara said.

I know what you mean. Our powers are random for guys but for the girls are passed down from mother to daughter, but my mom died before she could teach me how to use them. Barry's been doing his best to help me without her guidance...But I am struggling. Nia explained as she was having troubles with her powers.

You won't always feel that way. It gets better. Kara said as she hoped that it would get better for Nia.

Sometimes, I think that if I could just call her, and hear her voice, I might be able to find the confidence to keep going. Nia said as she looked behind Kara and there was a phone that she could use.

So, your brother, you said that it's random and he's still going. I mean running so fast that I can't keep up. Kara exclaimed and this made Nia smile and they looked at him and he was just sitting there.

Barry was a hero on our planet. Nia said and this made Kara have a shocked face. He has saved more lives than anyone has ever done. He keeps going and brings peace, but there never really is. Nia said.

That's true. Kara said. He's cute by the way. Kara said and this made Nia chuckle.

Don't get any idea's his girlfriend might fry you. Nia said when she was talking to a younger version of his girlfriend.

Barry then opened his eyes and they saw lightning in his eyes that were orange, blue, yellow, and purple.

Barry you okay? Nia asked and he just shook his head saying yes he's fine.

So, what can y'alls powers do? I mean beyond letting you be psychic, move the Earth, shoot Lightning vision, running faster than the speed of light? Kara asked and this made Nia chuckle as she looked at Barry and he said.

Go ahead. Barry said.

I can conjure these bubbles that are just about as strong as anything. Nia said as she moved her wrist a little and out formed a bubble.

Cool. Kara said. I can do this. Kara said as she floated a little. Nia then made the bubble bigger and put Kara inside as she was able to be in the bubble without flying and this made both of them laugh as Barry smiled from his bed. Just then the door opens and Alex comes in.

What are you doing? Alex questions as she sees Nia using her powers. Nia clapped her hands together and this made the bubble disappear and Kara landed on Nia's bed.

Uh... Showing each other what we can do. Kara exclaimed as Nia laughed a little.

Well, neither of you are doing that tomorrow. Kenny just texted. He and Brandon are gonna be working on fixing that box thing, so, while he's doing that, we're using Mom's ID to slip into the college, where we can get as much dysprosium as we can. Then we part ways. Alex explained and Barry thought about being in two places at once.

I'll help them. Barry said and this made everyone look at him. Then Barry started to vibrate and now there were two of him.

Woah that is cool there's two of you. Kara said as she saw what Barry could do.

Not exactly it's me but I can be in two places at once and two sets of eyes. I'll go to Kenny's and I will stay here for tomorrow. Barry explained as one of the Barry's took off and Barry sat back down.

Anyway we understand and you're all taking a big risk helping us. Nia said as she and Kara looked at each other. I promise we'll be gone as soon as we can. Nia said.

Thank you. Get some sleep. Alex said as she turned off the lights and all three of them got into their beds under the covers to sleep.

Alex can be a control freak, but you get used to it. Kara exclaimed as both Nia and Kara took off their glasses, but Barry already had and was about to sleep till he spoke.

I already have. Barry said and this made both of them laugh.

Once Nia instantly fell asleep she got pulled into the dream realm and she saw a sign of MIDVALE High School the green meteor and someone with a Midvale high school jersey with his back turned so she couldn't see his face.


Nia gasped awake and looked at the phone and thought about calling her mother. Nia then was about to go to the phone till Kara walked in and in came Alex with Barry behind her.

Nia. Kara said as she had clothes with her.

You're dressed! Um... Uh... Nia tried to say as she was putting on the fake glasses. Is it time? Ni asked.

You could call it that. Barry said as he helped her up.

You and I just need to be back before my mom heads out for work. Alex said as she held up the ID card. Let's go. Alex said as she wanted to get this over and done with.

Come on. Kara said as she, Alex, and Barry walked out of the room to let her change.


No one should bother you two so long as you keep the lights off. Kenny explained.

Not to worry. I once assembled something similar on the planet Neuron, which orbits a black hole, so, talk about, uh... talk about dark. This shouldn't be a problem. Brainy said as he took apart a piece of a computer and then started to design the 3D printer.

That must be so cool, having adventures like that. Kenny said as he wanted to have more adventures.

You have no idea. Barry said as he gathered some things for brainy.

That's... that's what I want to do, actually. I mean, not, like, be in space all the time, but to go around with Kara, helping people. She and I are staying local for college to... to get better at it. In fact, I, uh... I just made us a base. Kenny said and Barry wanted to ask about it.

Base? Barry asked.

Here on Earth we have this alien hero named Superman. He lives in this secret bunker. Kenny explained.

Oh. Sounds ingenious. Brainy said as he started to put the pieces together for the printer.

Yeah, Kara kinda looks up to him. Kenny explained.

I see. So, uh, you built yourself a bunker-in-training. Barry said.

I'm gonna show it to her after graduation. I really, really hope she likes it. Kenny said as he hoped that Kara would. Barry put a hand on his shoulder and then said.

Of course, she will. Barry said.

Yes, there's nothing women like more than well applied physics. Brainy said and this made Kenny chuckle and Barry just shook his head like come on Brainy. That and a modicum of emotional vulnerability. Brainy added.

When I'm with Kara, I feel I could do anything. Kenny said.

Well, when you show her that bunker of yours maybe you will get to go on a lot of adventures. Barry said and this made Kenny look at him.

You think so Barry? Kenny asked.

I know so. Barry said.

Got it. Brainy said as he then pressed a button and it started printing.

Nice. Kenny said as he saw what Brainy made. Oh, uh...Well, I gotta get to my, um... Kenny started to say as he was going to say his classes.

Ah not to fear me and Barry shall stay here for the remaining minutes to complete fabrication. Brainy said and this made Kenny chuckle as he saw that the printer was slow.

I don't know, man. With that print rate, your fab looks like it's gonna take the remaining hours. But, um... don't worry. I'll be back for lunch. Kenny said as he started to leave but then reminded them. Just don't open the door. Or anything like that. Kenny said as he left.

Research Lab

The trio walked into the lobby till they spotted their mom and she saw Alex and not the other three behind her.

Alex. What are you doing here? Eliza asked.

Just checking what you do you know, because you only told me, but never took me here. Alex said as she was making up a lie.

Well, let me show you what I've been working on. Eliza said and then led Alex to her lab, but before Eliza took Alex to her lab. Alex dropped the ID card and Barry slowed down time just enough to get it and run back where he was.


Barry and Brainy were still waiting Barry was just leaning back in a chair while Brainy was watching the printer till he tried to eat more of his chips only to find that it was empty and then went into his bag to get another snack till he saw that all of his snack bags were empty. Brainy then went to the door to try to find something to eat till Barry caught him.

Brainy what are you doing we can't leave. Barry said.

I know it's just there is a vending machine right there and I'm hungry so let's get more snacks and then go back into the room like nothing happened. Brainy said and then Barry nodded.

Alright, but that's it. Barry said as they went to the vending machine.

Brainy and Barry then went to the machine Brainy paid for and then clicked on the buttons to get his snack only to find that it got stuck. Brainy then tried to hit the machine only for the snack to move a little.

Every time I try to use one of these things... Brainy said as he started to shake the vending machine. Come on. Come on. And then Brainy starts to shout and Barry is trying to help and then they both say COME ON! Only for a teacher to hear them.

That is perfect. You two are the tenor our Glee Club needs! Oh! Come with me, now. The Glee teacher said Barry and Brainy were about to see something till she spoke again. Unless there is another class that I can escort you two to? The Glee teacher said.

Sprock. Brainy said and Barry was just shocked till they both decided to follow the teacher.

Research Lab

Barry used the ID card and Nia, and Kara went into the geo room and locked the door. They started to search for the geo till Kara spoke up.

There it is. Kara said pointing to it and both Nia and Barry looked at her and at the geo. Kara tried to open it and Nia and Barry walked up. It's locked. Kara said and then Nia gave Kara her bag.

Here. Nia said. Nia was about to use her power to unlock the geo but Barry noticed that there was an alarm that was ready to go off.

Wait. Barry said and Nia stopped. Look, it's a trick if you use your power then the alarm system will go off. I'll vibrate and get the geo and then put it back like nothing happened. Barry said and Nia nodded and then Barry went up and started to vibrate his hand and got a piece of the geo.

School Baseball field

Brainy just hit a ball and then he saw Kenny.

Kenny. Brainy said as he started to walk over to Kenny.

Brandon, what happened to staying low? Kenny asked.

Well. Brainy was about to reply till it was Barry's turn to bat and got the attention of both Brainy and Kenny.

Hey. Brandon check this out. Barry said as he hit a ball that would have made it a homerun.

Barry. Kenny said as he gestured for Barry to come over to him and Brainy.

What's up my dude. Barry said.

Where have you guys been? I have been searching for you. I thought we were keeping a low profile. Kenny said.

Yeah, why don't you tell him why we are not keeping a low profile Brandon. Barry said as he put an arm on Brainy.

Key events sidelined that goal. We left our STEM lab in search of sustenance and we both immediately got conscripted by a Glee Club Spartan chief. Brainy explained.

And needing to preserve our student cover, we had to agree. But then led us to getting recruited by your math league, drama guild and...Coach Kripkey. Who's desperately in need of someone who can switch hit. Barry explained the rest.

Wow, that is a lot of exposure. Kenny said as he ran a hand threw his hair.

Yes and, given our status, a risky venture, but necessary in order to avoid unwanted attention, or worse, a.m. detention with Mrs. Gormley. Brainy said as he then turned around and then added. But still, I have to say, it has been a revelation. Are you familiar with the emotion of stress? Brainy asked Kenny and Barry was just chilling.

I'm...I'm kind of feeling it right now. Kenny said.

Well, I have been struggling with the emotion, and yet, I have been under the impression that my only options were to stress eat or not to stress eat. Brainy explained as he started doing tricks with the bat and Kenny looked at Barry.

I mean this has helped him. Barry said.

But now, thanks to your school, I see a cornucopia of approaches. Math leaguers factor, drama clubbers soliloquize, and baseballers hit. Brainy said.

Dud, that is fantastic. But now that you've seen all that, do you, uh... do you maybe want to get out of here? Kenny asked as they needed to get out of there as the girls and other Barry could be back anytime. Because if Alex finds out, she's going to flip. Kenny also explained that Alex is not going to like this.

He's got a point. Barry said.

True. Okay. But how do I exfiltrate? We are a vassal of Coach Kripkey. Brainy said as Barry stood next to him.

Just say you're not feeling well and you have to go to the nurse. Kenny explained and then both Barry and Brainy turned around.

Oh, ok, right another way of coping. Chicanery. Yes, I love it. Brainy said.

Yeah we will do it... Barry said as he was thinking of another line drive.

Good. Kenny said as he was relieved.

Right after one more line drive. Brandon you in? Barry asked Brainy and this made Brainy put a smile on his face.

You have to ask because yes I will. Brainy said as he and Barry went to do one last line drive.

Car with the squad

So how'd it go with mom? Kara asked as they were driving to the field.

Great nothing suspicious. Alex said.


They came onto the field and were about to say goodbye.

Well this was an adventure. Barry said.

Yes and thank you for helping us. Nia said.

Yes, and thank you for the experience of school. Brainy said and then Barry was pulled into the mind of the Forces.

Barry, he's close. Nora said.

What I thought he was in the meteor? Barry questioned.

He was never in the meteor that was filled with kryptonite that is why Kara bled when she destroyed it. Bashir said.

Alright where is he? Barry asked.

The football field. Alexa said and then Barry nodded.

Alright. Barry said and then Barry came into the real world.

Barry hey you okay? Nia asked and then Barry opened his eyes and his eyes were a green lightning this time.

He's close. Barry said.

Time. Brainy asked.

Yes, and at the football field I'll be right back. Barry said as he then sped to the football field.

As Barry made it he saw the Still Force standing in the middle of the field.

It's about time. Still Force said.

Yeah sorry about that thought you were in the meteor. Barry explained.

That's alright, but hey time to reunite with the family. Names Deon. The Still Force said.

Well Deon is together now. Barry said as he then shook Deon's hand and green atoms came and went into Barry's spirit.

Wow you guys have a party here. Deon said.

Now that we're together Barry can survive the Crisis. Nora said.

I like that. Barry said and then ran back and was in front of everyone. Thanks again and we will never forget you guys. Barry said till Alexa spoke up.

Barry they can't know about this you have to wipe their mines. Alexa said.

She's right this could change the timeline and it must be protected. Deon said.

Ok. Barry said as he came out of the mine.

Barry then quickly went to Alex, Kenny, and then Kara and wiped their mines of all the events that happened. Barry then puts them to sleep for just a few seconds for them to go back into the future.

Wiped their minds about what happened? Brainy asked.

Had to protect the timeline. Barry said.

Understood, the timeline has to be protected. Brainy said agreeing with Barry.

Let's go home. Nia said as they got in their seats and then went into the future.

As they came back into the future they saw that it was night and everyone was in the Tower waiting for them. Kara was waiting impatiently as then the door to the ship opened and then once Kara saw Barry she immediately went to him and kissed him.

Hey baby, your back. Kara said.

Did you find the Still Force? Alex asked.

Yup. I can survive Crisis now. Barry said.

That is amazing Barry. J'onn said as he was happy.

Yeah and I am exhausted and wanting to have a good shower and a good night's sleep. Barry said.

In the apartment

So how was it? Kara asked as they were now in their bed together.

Got to meet younger you. Barry said.

You did. Kara questioned.

Yeah, you are still the same, and that is why I love you. Barry said.

If I get the chance to go back in time and see you young then I'm gonna take it. Kara said as she kissed Barry.

Let's hope that it's not the time I was dating that girl. Barry said and Kara then got jealous again and made her glare at him.

I'm kidding. Barry said.

You belong to me. Kara said as she snuggled up to Barry.

Always. Barry said

Hey my readers sorry I haven't been updating it's because I am dealing with work and I sick for two weeks but and ready to get back on track.

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