All of Me ~ #Wattys2015

By ReginasHappyEnding

54.9K 2.2K 372

Why give only a piece of yourself to someone when they deserve all of you? This is an Outlaw Queen story that... More

After the Happily Ever After
The Vault
Under the Moonlight
The Dilemma
The Perfect Happy Ending
The Painful Truth
The Morning After
Picnic in the Park
The Waiting Game
The Awakening
An Act of True Love
Disappearing Acts
A Change of Heart
Second Chances
Fly Me to the Moon
Per Sempre
The Next Chapter
Big News
North, South, East, West
The Royal Treatment


1.7K 69 15
By ReginasHappyEnding

A few weeks went by and the quaint town of Storybrooke was relatively normal for once. No one was fighting and for the first time in what seemed like forever, there were no threats against Regina and her happy ending.

The couple had developed a routine that they were finally adjusted to. Weekday mornings were spent getting the children up and ready for school. Robin and Regina decided it would be best that she continue her job as Mayor and he would take on the role of stay at home dad. While the boys were at school, Robin did his best to keep the house in order and often went out to survey the woods with the Merry Men, a favor he did for the Sheriff to ensure the safety of the town. Regina ran town meetings, often with Snow's help, to keep things running smoothly. People still had trouble trusting Regina, but she understood and allowed Snow to assist her to set a positive example for the town.

After work, Regina would come home to beautiful dinners with her family. She would help with homework when necessary, but Roland seemed to like it better when Henry helped him. The boys were getting along tremendously, which made their parents very happy.

On weekends, Henry spent time with Emma and Killian while Roland went off on adventures with friends or the Merry Men. Sometimes Emma and Hook would take Roland along since he was so attached to Henry. With the kids away, the couple used their time to relax together. Some weekends were spent making love while others were spent in pjs watching TV all day. Every so often, Robin made sure to pamper his soulmate with massages or candlelit dinners. Regina always appreciated his efforts to keep their relationship lively, especially with two boys constantly taking up most of their time.

Things couldn't have been better. This often worried Regina. She became so accustomed to wonderful things in her life being destroyed that she was sure something bad was bound to happen. Robin always assured her that nothing would ever come between them again, but she could never shake the feeling that bad things were coming.

One morning, much like any other, the couple awoke to the pitter patter of tiny feet making their way to their bedroom. Roland jumped on his parents and smothered them in hugs and kisses while they returned the gesture. The three made their way downstairs to prepare breakfast. Henry followed soon after, as he usually did when he smelt the food cooking from below. Just as the family sat down, there was a knock on the door. Regina looked at the clock, confused.

"Emma is early for once," she said with a chuckle as she stood up and made her way toward the front door. She opened it and the Sheriff stood before her in her typical red leather jacket and blue jeans.

"I'm early, I know. I was hoping we could talk for a minute before I take the boys for the weekend," she said, still hesitant about entering the mansion.

Regina didn't say anything. She adjusted her body to motion for Emma to enter and closed the door behind her when she finally did. She gestured toward her study and the two women made their way there for a private conversation.

"Can I get you anything? Apple cider, perhaps," Regina asked with a smile.

Emma rolled her eyes remembering the first and last time she ever trusted Regina to make her a drink.

"What can I do for you, Miss Swan," Regina asked, sensing this was a professional moment for them.

"It's Zelena," Emma said quickly, wanting to get this over with.

"What about her," Regina crossed her legs, leaning closer to the Sheriff.

"As Sheriff, I try to get down to the hospital at least once a week to check on her and Isaac. Yesterday, one of the nurses stopped me and handed these to me," she leaned forward and handed Regina some small pieces of paper. As she read the notes to herself, Emma continued.

"The Author and the Wicked Witch have become good friends. They found a hole in the wall and have been conspiring against you and Robin. But in their notes, I discovered something interesting-"

"She's not pregnant," Regina cut her off.

"She planned to use magic to create the illusion that she was pregnant and thought she'd just kidnap a child when the time came. But her plan went down the shitter when you placed the cuff on her. It's all in the notes," she pointed to the papers in the Mayor's hands.

"So what does this mean," Regina asked, handing the notes back.

"It means there is no baby so now you can really start living a life away from your sister. As long as they're locked away and we know the truth, there's nothing else she can do to hurt you and your family," Emma said proudly. She stood up and Regina followed behind her as they entered the kitchen.

"Hey mom," Henry said with his mouth full.

"Hey kid. Almost ready to go," she asked.

"Roland and I just have to get dressed and then we're all yours. Is Hook with you," he asked.

"We're gonna meet him at the docks. He wants you to help him teach Roland how to sail the Jolly Roger."

Roland shouted with excitement and Henry laughed, happy the boy was willing to learn everything he could with his new big brother. He helped him off the chair and the two boys went upstairs to get dressed and gather their things. Robin stood up to clear the plates the kids were using. Regina noticed his plate was still full and she smiled knowing he wouldn't make her eat alone.

"Everything alright, ladies," he asked, running the plates under the sink.

"Oh yeah. Just had to talk some business before I took the kids for the weekend. I'm sure Regina will catch you up once I leave," Emma replied.

The boys raced down the stairs, Henry pretending to go slower so Roland could win.

"Man Roland, you're getting faster everyday. I'm not sure I can keep up with you anymore," Henry said lifting the boy into his arms and tickling him. Roland let out a squeal as they headed for the door.

"Wait! Where are my hugs," Regina yelled after them and they ran back and squeezed her into a group hug. Robin came over to join them.

"You boys have fun," Robin said.

"And be careful," Regina added.

The house was still now that the couple finally had some alone time. They sat down to enjoy breakfast together before going upstairs to get dressed for the day.

"So what was your meeting about," Robin asked, pulling his jeans up and fastening the belt.

"Um, ya know. Budget cuts. Station expansion. Nothing too exciting," Regina lied. She knew she had to tell him, but she wasn't sure she could just dive right into that conversation with him. But, like always, he knew when she was keeping things from him. He sat on the bed and pulled her between his legs. She was facing him and he wrapped his arms around her hips.

"What is it, my love? Is there a threat in town," he asked.

"Not exactly," Regina began. She paused hoping he wouldn't push the subject, but knew that was a lost cause. She sighed and continued, "It's Zelena."

"Is everything alright? Did she escape?
Is there a problem with the baby?"

"That's just it, Robin. There is no baby."

Regina walked through the conversation she had with Emma and Robin sat there, listening intently. He was happy there was no baby with Zelena because that meant they would be free of her wicked ways. But part of him was disappointed because that meant there was no child; no baby for him to raise with Regina.

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