TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over Ma...

By AprilsSmile

42.2K 1.9K 1.3K

"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get en... More

1. Mind over matter
2. Escape plan
3. Escape plan cancel
NOTE: Not an update
Highlights: Chap# 4 & 5
6. No touching at all
7. Chaos in Tankhun's room
8. Tankhun, Pete, Vegas
9. Finding Tankhun!
10. Rock Paper Scissors
11. It's Vegas
12. Pete, the Panther
13. Fan-following!
14. Height of Patheticness!
15. Sleeping Tankhun!
16. Knock, Knock!
NOTE: Not an Update!
17. Sweet Revenge!
18. Amy X Tankhun
19. It's Kinn
Highlights: Have Fun!
20. High-five?
21. Heart issues!
22. Wild Vehement!!!
23. Emergency Party!!
24. The Weekend / Study Time
25. It's Arm
26. Perfect complement :)
27. Beauty's Smile!
28. The Library
29. The Freshmen
NOTE: Not an Update
30. Blue Fire
31. The shopping maniac
32. Group Project
33. The Club
34. Damn Letter!
35. V for Vicious
36. Welcome home, Sister!
37. The Nightmare!
38. Future FiancΓ©
39. Bustling Life
40. Drama Family!
41. sOOry!
42. Zeal and Zest!
43. Sneak out!!
44. Party Animals!
Highlights: 44. Party Animals!
45. After Party!
46. Confessions!
47. Obsession...!
48. It's Porsche
49. #TeamTankhun
50. The Blacklist!
51. D-Day!
52. The more the merrier!
53. Tankhun's Treat.
54. Selfies Maniac!
55. It's Kimhan
56. Beautiful Heart^^
57. Second place? maybe not!
58. Stutter Boy!
59. Reciprocate!
60. Official Romance!
61. The Basement!
62. MFC - The Trio
63. Tea...party!
64. The Little Devil!
65. Warmth...
66. Shades of Gray!
67. A Day so FINE!
68. Befriend!
69. It's Leonid
70. The Plan!?
71. The preparations!
72. Just keep Swimming!
73. Mini concert!
74. Affable Meeting!
75. Bon appetit
Highlights: chap# 74 & 75
77. Bloody Chaos!
78. The closure!
79. Life did a 360..
80. Romantic action!
81. Love-Hate!
82. The melodious ride..
83. Disheartened!
84. Sir Kinn! Hot as.....
85. A for Amity.
86. Height of Goofiness!
87. Fallen star?
88. Anti-fragile!
89. Her...Escape Plan!
90. Mirthless smile ):)
91. Insomnolent.!.!
92. Maquillage
93. Wild Vociferous!!!
94. Finding Amy!
95. Tragic Heroine...
96. Demoniac Khun!
97. Rough and tumble?
98. Viva la vida
Highlights: Enjoy! ;)
99. The best is yet to come..
100. The Anchor
101. Beer and skittles!
102. Enchantment!
NOTE: Not an Update :)
103. ...bears the crown!
104. Near and Dear!
105. Crazy Peacock!
106. Young Master!?
107. The Date?
108. Amy the Queen!
109. The Midnight Mirage
110. Amy X Tankhun
It's A.S. Styles^^
Highlights: Mind over Matter

76. The control room!

214 13 4
By AprilsSmile

Kim's POV:

We reached the restaurant. I told Macau about the rooftop of the building Porsche told me about. But Ace knows better...

He changed the location to another building that was a little far but still facing towards the restaurant.

Giving to his ability and the experience I chose to trust him over Porsche.

Both Ace and Macau left and I went to the restaurant's specific room.


I found the control room of the restaurant in less than ten minutes and opened the door.

"Sir you are not allowed to be here!"

I looked at two men in the control room one of them half warned me politely.

But I came prepared so..

"Take this and leave!" I half throw a bundle of cash on the table.

"..." , "..."
They both looked at each other for a moment then stared at me stupidly.

They're taking too long, wasting my time....

Inwardly Sigh~

"As I said you are not allowed to come here!"

The same guy started to walk towards me rejecting the gift I offered.

Hahh Loyal but idiot!

He was coming towards me possibly to show me the door.

I took a deep breath and..


I grabbed him by the shoulder made him turn around and choked his neck longer enough to make him faint.

He fell on the ground and I set my hair and coat.

"...!" The other guy's eyes widened in shock looking at his unconscious coworker.

"So I was saying..." I walked towards him, slowly.. just to intimidate him.

"D..don't hurt me!"

"I won't if you do as I asked." I stated in my raspy but dangerous voice.

He reached out to take the same gift with shaking hands and ran towards the door.

"Dishonest!" I mock him under my breath and the man halted at the door step. "At least this one was faithful." I walked towards the guy lying on the floor.

I took out another bundle of cash and put that on the guy's chest then held his arm up and placed it over it.

This was a real gift for his loyalty.

I smirked and looked up at the man looking back at me in awe. Well he looked a little embarrassed. Good!

"Now get out!" I said and took the same chair he was sitting on. I looked up the CCTV screens one after one but...

I furrowed my brows.

"Stop!" I said out loud and his hand stopped on the door knob.
"Have a sit!" I kicked the chair beside me. "Now!" I pressed as he looked confused and scared.

He did as I asked and stole a few glances at me.

"What?" I asked getting irritated by his mere presence, watching the footage.

"W.. who are you sir?"

Curiosity!? I lifted my eyebrows a little.

"Me!" I half smile "..someone you wouldn't want to know.." I said and he just blinked.
"Now show me the VVIP room!"

"..." He didn't move.

"Do it!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that!"

"Oh you can... believe me!" I whispered and placed my gun on the table.

"...!?!?!" His eyes widened and mouth fell open.

I watched him sweating and his hands shaking as he was clicking the buttons to enter the password.

How amusing!

I sat back comfortably and placed my feet on the table.

From the corner of my eye I saw him sitting straight looking scared of the gun I left on the table just to show him who's the boss right now.


I watched my brother, cousin and guests sitting in the waiting room and talking about boring stuff.

"Show me some other footage.." I ordered and told him about the time stamp.

I watched two hours ago footage of Porsche eating like a starving bear.


Then I watched an hour ago footage of Kinn and others appearing. I made a face watching Porsche lying around on the couch grinning widely as our leader failed to see him.


My lips parted in astonishment as I watched the half an hour ago footage.

What in the hell my crazy brother Khun is doing here!?

I kinda want to inform Macau that I found Pete.

Wait a freaking minute!

It took me a good minute to believe in my own eyes watching a tall girl wearing a shocking red shirt, standing right beside my brother.

Did Khun bring his Amy too!!!?

"Freaking crazy!!" I cursed out loud making the man beside me startled.

I watched Porsche joining them. Hopefully he will make Khun and others leave.

I tilted my head in confusion as one of Kinn's partners hurried to leave the restaurant.

What happened?

"Hell!" I rolled my eyes watching Porsche talking to the....VVIP room.

What did I expect anyway..! I throw my hands in the air.

Kinn wouldn't like these unwanted guests as for Vegas...

He might want to kill Khun or maybe Porsche for taking them with him.

On second thought, Pete is here too so none of my family members will face Vegas's rage.

I smiled as it was all getting fun. Like Khun said..

The more the merrier!

Haha~ I can't help but chuckle to myself.

Porsche was the first to go inside. At least he still had some consciousness left in him.

It was boring to watch everyone sitting around doing nothing.

I looked at both my brothers on the two screens showing the footage of the current time.

Khun was in the waiting room with his team and Kinn was sitting in the dining room with his sly partner for a guest.

Khun's presence apart, everything is going as planned.

Porsche entered the room and met Screaigh with a business smile, I bet Kinn taught him to smile like that.

"Mr. Porsche! what a pleasant surprise!" Screaigh greeted with a friendly smile.

Porsche smiled and shrugged casually. He set his coat a little and walked towards Kinn. That's when I noticed him wearing a suit. I bet Kinn made him wear that suit too.

"Ah the fifth guy!" Screaigh exclaimed in a little voice.

Fifth guy?

"...?" Porsche and everyone looked at him questioningly but the Russian shook his head as it was nothing important, but still I want to know what he meant by that.

Nosyyy Kim~~

I made a face as I unconsciously imagined Khun's annoying voice in my head.

I made a face again watching my crazy brother gazing at Amy nonstop. She stood up and I low-key expected some fun. It wouldn't be surprising if she scolded Khun and left the room in irritation.

She left..to the restroom.

How boring!

Nothing was going on and I sat back casually.

I took out my cellphone and saw many texts from both Chay and Macau.

I smiled as Chay was asking for my and his brother's wellbeing, I replied to him at once.

Then I opened Macau's texts, he was asking about updates and his own brother. I let him know about Vegas and Khun and Pete being here with Amy.

As soon as he read the text he called me and I rejected it for no reason. Hehe

I chuckled lightly after receiving the GIF from Macau. It was a cartoon character who threw fuel on itself and burnt alive while jumping around.

"Woah!" I heard a little voice and looked up from the device.

Ah my captive! I totally forgot about him.

I turned to look in the line of his vision and found.... Big!... playing a piano?

I watched the screen in disbelief and made the guy beside me turn the volume up.

"That girl!" The guy pointed at another screen and I saw Amy hiding behind a wall.

"What is she doing?" I asked myself.

"Admiring the piano guy secretly. Or maybe just listening to the music..." The guy beside me answered making my lips twitch.

"Right!" I nodded arrogantly and he sat straight coming back to his senses. Haha

I turned back to watch the screen as the music stopped abruptly.

"Who's there?" Big asked out loud and Amy fled at once.

Big stood up and held out his gun. I found it amusing as it was hard to believe that this fierce looking guy can play a soft melody on the freaking piano!

I made a mental note to take a copy of his piano playing footage.


For a while I watched the screens one after another following the movements of both Amy and Big. My captive helps me do that by pointing at the screens.

I get a strange feeling as the dishonest guy is starting to enjoy all of this even then he held his breath in shock when Big took out his gun.

I sighed as Amy succeeded in going to the restroom to hide. Now I can just watch Big walking cautiously here and there cuz there's no cameras in the restroom, obviously.

My eyes widened as Big entered the restroom...

The girl's restroom!

I turned my neck to see the reaction of my captive and found his hands placed over his mouth in surprise.

Now there's no way Amy could hide from Kinn's head bodyguard.

I turned in my seat to pay my attention back to The Dinner.

What the...

My crazy brother was pointing his gun right at Screaigh's head.

When did Khun enter the area?

I recognized the golden gun Khun made Chan to get him at any cost. And then my dad's assistant had to go through many troubles to get that freaking custom made golden gun, which Khun never used, not even once.

Hold on a second!

Did Khun just leave Amy behind!?

I saw Pol standing outside with both Arm and Nop. And Pete inside with Khun and others.

Khun and his craziness!

I run my fingers through my hair. I look at my cellphone and contemplate whether to call Amy or not...

In the end I chose not to as I don't want any one of them to know about me being here, not unnecessarily.

On second thought, Big is with her so she's safe. I know he won't do anything to hurt her because...whatever.

I let the thought go out of my head as it's not important, not to me at least.

I watched Khun taking a seat and observing Screaigh. I knew my crazy brother, he was definitely admiring his rival's outfit.


I furrowed my brows at the thought..

For the first time ever, I don't want to be correct about this strange hunch I got about Leonid and Amy.

No that can't be...

I shake my head as I am against more complicated scenarios.

Obsession is better than falling for real.

I watched Screaigh who was looking at the first son of Theerapanyakul talking nonsense.

It was embarrassing to watch Khun ruining the whole thing. And here I was feeling impressed for the first time by Khun's for pointing his gun at the Russian.

They had a short unfriendly conversation before the dinner got served for Khun.

"Ah Russian salad!" Khun exclaimed and even clapped his hands happily.

I covered my eyes as I can't get more of this. I wonder how Kinn and Vegas are feeling right now.

Screaigh tried to indulge Khun in another conversation and succeeded within a minute. Brilliant!

"I admit you are not someone I expected at first. But that doesn't matter much as I don't want to harm or cause any trouble..." Screaigh was saying in his signature Russian accent.

"And yet you go after her.." Khun gets to the point almost immediately, making everyone alert.

Khun made a crazy long speech, a good one actually. The Russian looked troubled for a second then schooled his expressions.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I scoffed at Screaigh denying Amy shamelessly.

That was enough to make Khun flip, he was yelling loudly at Screaigh and no one tried to stop him from doing that.

Khun shouted and shouted until the Russian lost his cool and slammed the table hard.

"I have never done anything to harm Amy!" The rival shouted back.

Oh huh!

Now it's getting interesting!

"Sir look!" The guy beside me pointed at one of the screens.

"What's that?" I asked, watching Amy walking out of some door.

"Another door to the restroom." The guy answered and I lifted my eyebrows watching Big appearing right after her.

Now I'm curious as hell as to what happened there..

Big would never open his mouth maybe Amy can tell me..

I was lost in thoughts and both of them stopped to listen to the argument the gentlemen were having.

She just stood and listened without showing anything on her face.

No fear, no surprise, no despair, no hurt, nothing at all.

And no....smile.

Big's eyes were half fixed on her as he kept looking at his boss from time to time.

Khun and Screaigh were busy having a verbal fight and the incident of Amy being hurt popped up. That's when Vegas and Kinn spoke up making their guests serious as hell.

"Acid? Stitches? Evidence? Hah. I never did anything like that." He slammed hard on the table.

He was losing his cool in a way that I almost believed him.

The Russian was glaring at everyone with his irritating gray eyes and Amy moved from her place, no one other than me and Big saw her.


Sweet heavens!

"Dope!" The guy beside me exclaimed watching her throwing the soup at Screaigh's freaking face.

Well that was unexpected.. And amazing!

What a turn of events!

I almost wished for a bucket of popcorn while watching Amy fighting with the Russian girl who stupidly accompanied Screaigh all the way to the freaking dinner.

Then Porsche came and took the girl's gun out of her freaking dress.

So she didn't just accompany the Russian she was more like a... personal bodyguard.

"You little piece of beauty!" Amy cursed and snatched the gun from Porsche only to throw it away at the mirror which broke into pieces.

Yeah she's mad now! I smirked in anticipation.

"Ahh~ hotel's property!" The guy beside me sighed in disappointment. Haha

"Good to see you miss Nobody!"

"I wish I could say the same Leo!"

They knew each other!? Why didn't I know about that?


After a good moment later...

"How does it feel? To get hit by something hot?" She asked.

"..like burning!" He replied.

"And yet you sent your men to throw acid on me!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, even dare to grab the Russian Mafia by his freaking collar.

Yeah she's definitely Khun's young lady! She perfectly matches his craziness! Haha

"For heaven's sake I've never!" He shouted back.

"Then what's this huh?" She showed him some marks as proof, that I didn't get to see. But by watching the reactions of everyone I bet it was quite serious.

Even Sly Russian left speechless.

"Leo Screaigh, I don't care if you admit or not, and I'm not expecting any apology from you. All I want is you to leave me alone." She said in an instant normal voice like she wasn't mad as hell a second ago.

"No matter if I tell the truth or anything.. you won't believe me, right?" Screaigh murmured in russian.

Only a few people in the room can understand what he was saying, including me.

"Yeah right! No matter what you say I won't believe you!" Amy said firmly giving me and everyone around her a surprise.

She can understand the russian language too!

"At first I was merely curious about you.." Screaigh started in russian  "..because of this first son of the famous underworld mafia. Then I found myself more interested in you and unknowingly it gets to an extent to even surprise myself.
Once, I thought about arranging a formal meeting with you. I even once sent a man to take you for me but he didn't return and later I was informed that he was found dead.
What a loss of life!" He whispered in disappointment.
"Never once! I repeat never once, I tried to harm you, not even thought of it. Why would I!? And tell me little girl.. why are you so good at disappearing..!"

"You know what! shut up!" Khun shouted finally having enough of his foreign language.

All of those who were listening to Screaigh with interest gave Khun a look, including me.

Khun pulled her towards him and ended up pushed away by her.

Then they start having a meaningless quarrel of shouting and yelling.

"First son or whatever, I don't give a damn about you! You have no right to touch me!" She shouted madly at my elder brother leaving him speechless.

She was busy glaring at Khun when the Russian girl came behind to attack her. I didn't get surprised cuz I already knew about the good instincts Amy had.*

"Savage~" The guy beside me exclaimed in astonishment when Amy flipped over the Russian girl for a bodyguard to the damn floor.

She almost sat on her back and whispered something in a low voice. Without my saying, my captive raised the volume up.

"Stop coming at me already! --- I am not interested in your man! --- He's way older than me." She said firmly making me chuckle at her boldness.


My mouth felt open when she took the glass of water and drank it all.

Part of me is afraid and wonder if they put anything funny in that glass of Screaigh. Hopefully not!

"Don't drink from this! It's mine!" The Russian almost snatched the glass out of her hands, having the same suspicions.

"Relax Leo it's not poisonous!" She said out loud confidently leaving everyone speechless.

What a crazily insane girl!

Then she started to wind up everything as if wanted to leave the place.

"Now I got the culprit, the evidence, and many witnesses. Do I need anything more? The promise maybe..." She looked slightly happy for herself.

She looked at Screaigh and asked for the word in front of everyone that the Russian mafia will leave her alone, as if it was as easy as that.

She even declared that she doesn't want to have anything to do with Theerapanyakul too, in the future.

As soon as she said that Khun eyes widened in horror and Vegas paced towards her.

"Everything is over brother Vegas now I'm free to go." She whispered in a low happy tone.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't see that coming. She's like a free bird. She cooperated with us this much only to get her freedom and peaceful life back.

Vegas ordered her to come back with him to his home, the minor mansion and she simply agreed just like that.

Her obeying without fighting or arguing makes everyone suspicious of her. Both Vegas and Khun watched her a minute longer as if trying to read her expressions and mind.

They were busy staring at her when the Russian man took the chance and grabbed her from behind.

"My alluring Amy! --- you're coming with me!" He declared stupidly, making everyone pull out their guns at him.

My alluring Amy?!!!
Sadly I was correct about him being a rival to my brother. I felt slightly bad for Khun, for no specific reason.

Until now Khun was being patient with his young lady but now...
Now that another guy came into the picture, Khun's gonna force his feelings onto her.

Amy was so disgusted by the touch of Russian that she punched the damn face of the man holding her in his strong arms.

"Cool!" My captive exclaimed for who-know-how-many timeth.

I agree with him as well, watching the blood coming out of Screaigh's mouth.

How satisfying!

Awesome Amy! I chuckled her to myself.

She managed to free herself on her own and Vegas dashed forward to punch the man who dared to hold his sister in front of everyone.

On one side: Vegas, Pete, Porsche and Screaigh were busy fist fighting.
All the guards stood and watched them back and forth.

On the other side: Our gentleman for a leader, Kinn remains seated on his chair watching all the action drama. He rubbed his whole face in exasperation and glanced up at Big who was standing beside him.

Everyone was busy doing their things, even then our Khun managed to make his young lady mad somehow.

I didn't see what he did to make her this angry she was shouting like a......girl.

A furious girl!

She blamed Khun for everything that happened to her in the last few weeks, and she was right to do that in a way.

I think Khun agrees with her too as he didn't argue back, not even once. Wow~

All of them stopped to listen to her shouting like a maniac.

The guy beside me gasped dramatically listening to Amy who apparently had some suicidal thoughts.

Damn us all for making a cheerful, positive girl this depressed!

Even though I'm not as close to Amy as everyone else, I don't want her happy aura to disappear.

She got the charm that makes everyone feel at home. I get that feeling for the first time when she invited us for tea at the freaking Minor mansion.*

That was one of the rare moments we Theerapanyakul brothers had. I'm grateful for that, not that I will confess that out loud.

I looked at the live scene, Vegas came as soon as the sentence left Amy's mouth. He was forcing her to face him but she continues to give lame excuses for leaving the place.

Then Pete came to stop Vegas as he was half scaring Amy, but I'm not so sure about that.

She ignored my psycho cousin and turned to leave only to get grabbed by from behind.

"Don't touch me! Damn it!" She shouted on top of the lungs. The loudest voice I've ever heard coming from a girl.

She lost her calm and cool completely and sat down on the floor as she doesn't seem to be able to control her anger.

Khun tried to talk to her but she held up her hand to stop him then my brother chose another guy who might make her talk and calm.

Pol sat with her and they had a small conversation. No matter how mad she was she still talked respectfully to Pol.

Pol told her something and she stood up a moment later as if joining the game back.

She saw something on her cellphone and looked up at Screaigh.

Then she got a call from someone and went to sit on the freaking Russian mafia's chair to talk.

It turns out it was her little brother who called and I was half surprised half amused seeing the bright smile she arranged for her brother.

They talked for like five minutes and everyone stopped to listen and gave her some open privacy that she didn't even ask for.

I sighed as the fainted guy regained his consciousness, he was startled to see the cash I gave him as a bonus for working hard.

"Y..you!" He pointed at me.

"Shhhh come here!" My captive reached out to his coworker and forced him to sit on another chair beside him.

"W.. what's going on!" He whispered to ask in confusion.

"I'll tell you later now sit and watch."

I smirked at their stupidity and chose to ignore them for now.

Amy's brother mentioned about some Tincan making his sister's smile disappear.

I wonder what's Tincan?

She tried to end the call at once as if avoiding something and I noticed the disappointment Khun's face was showing.

What's up with him?

She hung up and excused herself to leave immediately.

Khun was reaching out to her but his rival was faster to do that.

"You are not going anywhere sweetheart!" He said.

Sweetheart? I bet not even Khun gets the chance or even confidence to call her that.

Khun slapped his hand away and pointed his gun at him, now my brother is getting mad, real mad.

I won't be surprised if he accidentally pulls the trigger.

Screaigh being a sly mafia pointed his gun too but on Amy's head.

Both guys beside me gasped in shock. It was a little shocking for me too. I unconsciously put my feet down from the table and sat straight in my chair.

I called Macau who answered at once.

"Can you see the Russian? Yes? Great! Make sure to shoot him, before he can pull the trigger."

I forgot to hang up, watching those two rivals glaring and shouting at each other.

"She's mine, damn it!" Khun yelled in his high pitched voice with crazy confidence.

"Really! --- I will make her mine." Screaigh declared in his accent.

"What a load of rubbish!" Amy laughed out loud.

I held my breath unconsciously watching the silly girl putting the damn gun over her forehead. Wasn't she supposed to be finding a way to save herself?

Her both - crazy and sly - lovers got thunderstruck by her bold move. I wonder where she got this kind of daredevil kinda attitude!

"I'm mine.. before I'm ever anyone else's." She stated matter of factly.

The guy beside me clapped his hands and almost stood up to give a standing ovation.

Three of us sighed in relief when she let go of the damn gun.

She said something about giving threats and I leaned forward to watch the signs she was making with her fingers, closely.

Thumb and index finger - L
First three fingers - E
And a V sign..


Screaigh's nephew!?

I gasped softly and sat back in my seat.

Freaking Amy!

I can't help but chuckle as she hits right where it hurts. It was amazing to watch Screaigh going pale at once.

"Don't you dare!" The Russian warns.

"Depends on how you behave.. sweetheart!" She smiled sweetly.

I blinked in awe and my captive whistled out loud as if he was watching an action movie starring handsome mafias and a beautiful heroine. I rolled my eyes first at him, then on my stupid imagination.


I got a call from Ace. As soon as I answered I heard some gunshots.

I looked up at the screens and saw everyone sitting on the floor, hiding and taking out their guns.

"Khun Kinn we're under attack!" Big was first to shout while covering his boss.

"What the hell is this!" Screaigh shouted in russian while standing behind a pillar, doing something on his cellphone.

Khun pulled Amy closer and made her sit down, he opened his arms to hide her and smiled at something she said in a low voice.

[Khun Kim?]

I came back to senses listening to the guy on the other side of the line.

"Ace? What's going on?"

I half shouted.

[I'm not sure, I saw some unknown people entering the restaurant.]

"Bloody Screaigh!"

[I don't think it's his doing, he's inside too.]

"Tell Macau to keep pointing at the Russian's head. I'm not taking any chances."

[Yes Khun Kim.]

"Call Vegas to inform!"

I ordered urgently.

Hung up~

"Show me all the emergency exits!" I ordered the men beside me.

They nodded hesitantly and started to switch screens and pointed out the doors and emergency staircases.

I memorized them all and started to call my leader for a brother.

He's the leader, it's his responsibility to take our family out safely and sound.


Author's Note:

55. It's Kim
63. Tea...party!

Even though the chapter is short, it's got its own importance as it reveals some of the missing parts of previous chapters.

74. Affable Meeting
75. Bon appetit


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