Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader

By thefanfictioncorner

460K 15.2K 3K

As a specialist of war, you know how to keep your brother and his stupidities in check on missions. However... More

Thirty-Two (Smut)
Thirty-Three (Smut)


4.9K 211 6
By thefanfictioncorner

"I'm afraid that's not going to happen.", Alejandro had his eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead.

He was still holding his gun to Valeria's head, Sin Nombre herself.

But she had stopped aiming at you.

Instead, you now had two pistols.

The two guards in the back were both unconscious. You wouldn't have been surprised if they had suffered a concussion from the blunt trauma.

Your gaze locked with Valeria's.

She was grinning. She almost seemed haughty, and that despite the fact that she was the hostage in this situation.

With a deep breath, you let your gaze wander to Alejandro.

"Colonel.", you didn't dare touch him in this upset state. "We're going to stop this car now. We have El Sin Nombre. Mission accomplished."

Through clenched teeth, he stepped on the gas.

The engine howled. Everything in the car moved jerkily.

"Dijos mios, Alejandro!", Valeria scolded him. "Learn how to drive."

"Shut up!", he hissed and put more pressure against her temple. "You've terrorised this country for far too long. The bloodshed ends now!"

His finger flinched on the trigger.

Your hands shot up in the air in an attempt to calm him.

"And it will, once she's in jail.", you insisted.

"Jail isn't good enough for her. The judges are in her pockets!"

Mockingly, Valeria smirked.

As if she had nothing to fear and as if there was no gun to her head, she leaned back in her seat and looked at him out of the corner of her eye.

"You sound like a little boy.", there was no trace of respect for him in her voice. "Kill me. Go ahead. You're no better than me, Alejandro."

He showed her his teeth.

An irritated sound made his chest vibrate.

"Enough!", you hissed and put a hand on the gun, even though you risked being targeted yourself. "Stop the car. Now."

His eyes found yours.

A cold shiver chased down your spine.

There was so much hate. So many old memories and wounds that went deeper than you could ever imagine.

"You know nothing, 100.", his voice was suddenly so quiet, so empty. "These streets are soaked with the blood of Mexican children. Because of her!"

Your grip on the weapon tightened.

"You're right, I don't know shite.", you agreed and took a deep breath. "I grew up in cozy ol' Scotland. The biggest enemy I've ever had to face was my mother and her flings. But for fucks sake, Alejandro, Mexico needs this woman alive unless you want all the drugs and all the different narco clans to go to war. United."

Doubt appeared in his eyes.

He knew that killing her was not a solution. At least not for a long time.

And Valeria seemed to know that too. The grin on her face did not diminish one bit.

Instead, she became haughty. With her chin raised, she bent in his direction and giggled almost spitefully.

Warningly, you raised your own weapon to point at her head.

"Don't make a false move.", you growled as a hammering pain stabbed your injured ear. "Or else we'll dance the last salsa."

Her eyes wandered to you for a moment. Then over your gear.

Eyebrows slightly rose in a hint of surprise.

"I know you.", her expression changed.

She was amused by the sight of you.

With your eyebrows drawn together, you shook your head.

"We have never met before.", you said.

"Si. I don't know you exactly.", she reached out a finger to tap your name tag on your bulletproof vest. "But the name. MacTavish. You're a family of curses, are you?"

"I'm more of a blessing. At least for the side I'm on."

"I'm not thrilled about your brother either."

You shrugged and returned the smirk.

"Johnny is quite a personality."

She huffed.

"Personality won't safe you from stupidity.", all at once, her free hand reached over to Alejandro, grabbed the steering wheel and pulled it down in one harsh move.

Unprepared for her reaction, Alejandro slapped her hand away, tugging the steering wheel in the exact opposite direction.

The car jolted. Tyres squealed.

It felt like everything was going to flip at any moment.
Your fingers clung to the seat in front of you.

One of the guns slipped from your lap and disappeared into the footwell. You clutched the remaining pistol tightly.

"Steamin' shit!", you growled and wanted to hit her in the back of the head.

But Valeria reached over to Alejandro again and began to fight with him over the steering wheel.

With all his strength he tried to push her away but the little lady was stronger than she looked.

She clung to him like a fury, nails dug into his face and left deep red marks.

The car made a jerky movement to the side. For a moment it felt like one tyre didn't touch the ground anymore.

Gripped by the force, you lost your grip and fell. One of the unconscious guards fell on you and pinned your body between himself and the driver's seat.

"Stop this bloody car, Alejandro!", you yelled and tried to aim for Valeria's head. "Sin Nombre, stop this or I'll shoot. This is your last warning!"

"Warnings don't win wars!", with these words she grabbed the wheel and jerked it around.

Alejandro lost the upper hand.

Reflexively, he stepped on the brake, but Valeria grabbed the back of his head and smashed it against the window.

A dull sound filled the tense silence.

He grunted.

A fight started.

Grunting, you tried to free yourself from the trap you were in, managed to raise your hand with the weapon and aimed for the front.

One shot rang out.

Glass shattered.

Cracks danced through the front window.

"I'll shoot again!", with a face of anger you managed to pull yourself up.

In that moment you met her eyes.

They were so full of the commitment to die if it meant protecting the empire she had build.

She managed to grab a hold of the steering wheel again.

The car faltered, pulled to the side.

"See you in hell.", Valeria smirked and pulled it with all her might.

All at once, everything flipped.

The world began to spin without an end.

Glass shattered, shards chased through the air.

You were thrown against the roof, your head hit metal and plastic.

In an instant, everything went black. Pain drowned your thoughts.

The last thought that flashed through your mind was that you and Soap had never really been at peace with each other in this life.

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