Rich Radiant Love: Steven's h...

由 Soulmates2

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Book three: The love story of Steven and Abby continues. The heartbreak, the pain and suffering, the hatred... 更多

Life Goes On
Anthony's Relapse
Deep Regrets
Poisonious Secrets
Hard Core Misery
Mickey Mouse
Lions and Tigers and Hippos
Anthony's Torment
The Preparations
The Funeral
The Letters
Pregnancy Test
Baby Girl
You Are My Temple
Six Weeks Later
Lost and Found
My Family, My Life
I'm Done!
Marry Me!
The Love Child
The Christiening
Make up Sex
The Master Plan
Carmel By The Sea
It's Complicated
A month later
The Truth
A New Begining
Orange Flames of Fire
A Time For Sorrow
Marry Me!


149 8 0
由 Soulmates2

Victoria slammed the door shut to her apartment and marched to the bathroom where she opened up the medicine cabinet and grabbed the birth control pills. She threw them in the garbage with a vengeance.

"I'm going to have your baby Steven wether you like that or not," she swore angrily, "and then I will own you from then on!"

Victoria slipped out of her clothes and stared at herself naked in the mirror. Her body was flawless, she was petite, with velvety skin, round and firm breasts, and soft curves. Her face was exquisite, she thought, thick, long, blonde hair that framed her beautiful face. Green eyes, a dainty nose, and plump lips. What more could a guy ask for!

Slipping into the shower, Victoria turned on the water and closed her eyes. The gentle stream of warm water danced on her skin, as she thought of Steven. She was on fire, and allowed her fingers to glide up her thigh and slip into her private domain.

A soft moan escaped her lips, as she continued to pleasure herself, until spasms burst throughout her body and she trembled with lust. Reaching over to the side she hurriedly grabbed the vibrator and thrust it inside of herself.

Her body slammed up against the tiled wall and she continued to thrust the vibrator harder and faster, her other hand wrapped around her breasts and then she exploded into tiny fragments of pleasure and screamed out loud as she was having one of the finest moments of her life.

If Steven couldn't pleasure her when she needed it the most then she would have to do it herself, she thought, as she rinsed herself and stepped out of the shower.

Her private domain was still throbbing and wanted more. She wrapped herself with a bath towel, grabbed the vibrator, and hurried to her bedroom where she sprawled naked under the covers and fucked her brains out with her little friend. It was the wee hours of the morning before she finally placed the vibrator on the nightstand and only because she had run out of battery, and closed her eyes. There was a satisfied grin on her beautiful face, as she fell into blissful sleep.


"The steak was damn good!" Moss said, and opened the door to his house.

"Yes it was." Abby agreed, and followed Moss inside his house. "But we forgot to get dessert, and that cheese cake that the people next to us were eating looked scrumptious

Moss walked around the room and turned on all the lights, "I'll give you dessert," Moss said hoarsely, as he pulled Abby into his arms.

Abby's eyes opened wide and she wiggled out of his embrace, "Can you pour me a drink?"

Moss studied her face before he asked, "How
long are you planning on keeping me at bay, we are engaged now Abby, and it time we got to know each other more intimate don't you think?"

Abby knew what he meant, she had avoided sleeping with him, but now realized that he wasn't going to let her keeping him away.

Moss took her quietness to mean that she had given in, and his fingers glided down her back and unzipped her dress. When it dropped to the ground, he took a step back to admired her body. She wore a black laced, French silk bra and panty, and he immediately got the biggest hard on he had ever had in his entire life.

"You're beautiful." He said hoarsely, before his lips crashed over hers.

The kiss was possessive and demanding, it was passionate and hot, and left Abby weak in the knees. For although it didn't measure up to Steven's lovemaking, no one would ever measure up to Steven, she thought, this kiss was the next best thing.

When Abby returned the kiss with passion, Moss swept her up in his arms and quickly climbed the stairs to the master bedroom. Placing her gently on the queen size bed, he swiftly undressed and climbed on the bed next to her. Wasting no time, and leaving no room for regrets, Moss swiftly removed her bra and panty and a masculine moan escaped his sculpted lips.

Her nipples perked in anticipation, as his tongue glided over each one, before it glided down her velvety skin. Abby closed her eyes and tried her hardest to enjoy the moment, but failed miserably. Moss seemed to be a very skilled lover, but he wasn't Steven and she had to fake it.

When Moss was about to part her thighs and dig his tongue inside of her he felt her stiffen, raising his head back, he looked at her and did not miss the tears in her eyes.

Swearing under his breath, Moss pulled himself off the bed and walked to the window. He threaded his fingers through his hair, and released a harsh breath.

Worried, Abby rushed to him, wrapped her arms around him and pressed her cheek against his back. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

Moss stiffened, but said nothing.

Abby tightened her hold on him, "I never meant to hurt you Robert, I love you I do."

"But you love Steven more!" He said hoarsely.

"Please I'm sure in time I will love you just as much."

Moss pulled her hands away and turned around to face her, "I do not like playing second fiddle, I asked you to marry me because I love you, and you accepted, but if you are having a hard time to love me back then we need to end this now!" He told her, his gaze piercing into hers.

There was pain etched on his handsome face and Abby knew that he was suffering, "l love you Moss, I would never have accepted your proposal if I wasn't ready to marry you!"

"Then why?" He asked, his deep blue eyes were hazed with pain, as he waited for her to answer his question.

"When I was married to Jeff I forced myself to make love to him, and I ......"

"You thought it would be the same with me." He finished her sentence for her.

"Not exactly, but I..."

Moss's hold tightened on her shoulders when he asked, "What do you feel when you are in my arms?"

"I feel good, I love you Robert, I do," she told him, "this is not about you, don't take it personal please, let's go try again."

Moss shook his head and dropped his arms to his side, "I will never touch you again unless you ask me of it, it must be you initiating it, I will not beg Abby."

She watched him walk away from her and pick up his clothes. All the muscles on his body flexed as he moved to dress himself and Abby swallowed. She was very attracted to him, how could she not be, the man was gorgeous and he loved her.

Moss left the room and went back downstairs and poured himself a double shot of whiskey. Abby quickly dressed and ran after him.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No I'm not mad at you, but I am upset about this whole incident." He told her and then swallowed a the entire contents of his drink in one gulp.

When he went to pour himself another, Abby stopped him by placing her hand on his, "Please don't do this."

"Please don't do what?"

"Don't get upset with me. Don't turn me away. Don't get drunk!" Abby told him.

Raising an eye brow, he asked, "Why not."

"Because I love you and I don't want to see you suffering."

"It's too late for that." He told her, and sat himself down on the couch, "I thought me and you were in love and to be married, but now I'm not sure anymore."

Walking around the couch, Abby sat next to him, and rested her hand on his thigh, "We are in love and we will get married, and I'm sorry, please let's go back to the bedroom and try again. I will....."

Moss swiftly jumped up from the couch, "When you love someone you don't need to try, it's suppose to come natural, let's just call it a night." He told her, "come on I will drive you home."

Abby was disappointed at herself, and she prayed that Moss wasn't very upset with her. When he drove her home he didn't even kiss her goodnight. She removed herself from the car and went straight to the mansion. Moss waited until she was safely inside her home before he drove off.


Moss was disturbed with how the evening played out. It was clear to him that he loved her more than she loved him. She was still carrying a torch for Steven that was very obvious tonight and Moss wasn't sure that he could move on with the engagement until he was for sure that she wanted it just as bad as he did.

He drove home upset and angry at himself for giving her a ring before she was ready. As he walked into his stylish home, the iPhone rang and he quickly pulled it out of his pocket hoping it was Abby, but it wasn't.


"Something wrong you sound down." His best friend Katie said.

"No I'm fine," he was quick to answer.

"Are you in the mood for a night cap?" He didn't sound well and Katie suspected something was amiss, "I'm coming over Moss, and I won't take no for an answer!"

Ten minutes later his doorbell rang and Moss answered the door, he didn't even smile when he saw her and Katie wondered what had him in this state of mind.

"So what has you depressed," Katie asked, "and don't say nothing because I won't believe you!"

Moss released a harsh breath and went to pour himself a drink. "Abby."

"Abby what?" Katie pressed. "What did she do or say to have you depressed."

"It's not her fault it's mine," he was quick to say, as he poured a drink for Katie and handed it to her.

"Are you going to tell me what happened or are you going to make me pull it out of you!" Katie said, and dropped herself next to Moss on the couch.

"She's in love with another man and hasn't gotten over him yet."

Katie's eyes opened wide, "Then why the hell did you propose to her?"

"I didn't know she hadn't moved on," Moss admitted, "plus I am madly in love with her."

"Why would you place yourself into a situation that will make you feel this way, you're right, you did this to yourself!"

"She didn't even want to have sex with me!"

The pain in Moss's eyes worried Katie, "Oh no that doesn't sound right."

"I'm confused," Moss said, "she seemed like she was in love with me but each time I've have tried to make love to her she freezes. I'm not sure that I'm strong enough to keep enduring this kind of behavior from her, but I know for sure that being away from her is not an option for now."

"Then you have yourself a huge problem my friend." Katie told him, "and how are you relieving your sexual frustration?"

"Masturbating has become my new thing." Moss admitted sourly.

"You have lowered your standards Moss," Katie replied, "and it doesn't look good. You will one day wake up and understand that she is not good for you and then you will hate yourself for wasting your time."

"Can we talk about something else, I'm not in the mood to talk about Abby any more."

"Can I relieve you of your sexual frustration?" Katie offered, "no strings attached, it will be like the good old days." When Moss didn't respond, she continued, "oh come on you know you want to."

"No actually I don't," he said easily, but when he noticed her hurt expression he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly, "don't take it the wrong way, you are beautiful, but I love Abby and I will not betray her like that."

"And does she feel the same way?" Katie asked, and pulled away from his hold, "will she stay faithful to you if her ex came to her?"

"I don't know the answer to that we will just have to wait and see won't we?" Moss said bitterly.

"Poor Robert, in love with a woman who can't return her affection." Katie said sourly, "I hope it works out for you Moss, I sure don't want to see you alone amd miserable one day."

Moss closed the door after she left and went back and poured himself another drink. It's going to be a long night, he mused, a long insufferable night!


"Want a drink?" Jeff asked Claire, after having a scrumptious dinner they settled into the sitting room .

Claire watched Jeff pour vodka in a glass and take a sip, "No thank you."

Raising an eye brow, Jeff laughed, "Thats a surprise."

When Claire sat quietly looking up at him with a sparkle in her eyes, he placed the glass immediately on the coffee table and walked over to her, "are you feeling ok?"

Claire nodded.

"Then why are you not having......." His heart skipped a beat, "Claire speak to me now!"

"We're pregnant!" She squealed with delight.

"What!" Jeff screamed happily, "you're having a baby?"

Claire nodded vigorously, "we're having a baby!" She corrected.

"Yahooo!" Jeff screamed and pulled Claire into his arms and whirled her around a few times.

"I love you Claire!" Jeff said hoarsely and placed her back on her feet.

"I love you more Jeff." Claire declared, before her lips pressed against his and they kissed passionately.

When Jeff pulled away from Claire, she watched fascinated, as he walked over to where the liquor was located and he grabbed the two bottles and went straight into the kitchen.

Claire followed after him and watched, as he poured the liquor down the drain. "Are you serious?" Claire asked, "that was the most delicious liquor, the crème ala crème and you're spilling it down the drain?"

"I don't want liquor in our house as long as you're pregnant!" Jeff said, "not until you have our baby!"

"And you're going to go without a single drink for eight more months?" Claire laughed.

But Jeff was not laughing, his expression was serious and he took Claire's hand and guided her back to the sitting room. He motioned for her to sit down and then he sat down next to her.

"Having a baby is one of the most beautiful experience in life Claire, and I will make sure that this pregnancy goes well, I will cook you healthy food, I will squeeze fresh orange juice every morning for you and you will not do any housework until you deliver that baby!"

Claire's eyes sparkled with tears, she loved this man more than life, she thought, "Please don't go over board Jeff, I can still drink a glass of wine once in a while, Im not crazy about orange juice, and I will do house work I need the exercise. It's just a baby Jeff, it's going to be alright I promise you."

"It's not just a baby," Jeff said hoarsely, "it's my baby and I want my baby to have the best!"

"And I love you for that," Claire told him, "but I would appreciate it if you don't suffocate me Jeff, I need my freedom, to go where I want, to do as I please and to eat and drink what I want."



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