Hard Core Misery

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Steven threw himself vigorously in his company, Colby's enterprises hit the roof in ratings. It was now officially a billion dollar industry. Empowered by his status and the drive that lived inside of him, if Steven wanted too, he could bring down the sun and the moon.

"You have exceeded every expectation!" His father slapped Steven on his back, "I knew you could do it son!"

Steven knew it too, but he had paid a high price to get here, he had to sign away his life and sacrifice himself in order to reach the top and make his father proud of him and his money hungry wife Victoria, happy.

Yes she was now his wife, he had married her under pressure, as soon as he had returned from Massachusetts one year ago after he had realized that Abby was never going t0 return to him, because she had given herself to Moss, he had made the decision to signed away his life to his fathers company.

Victoria was a bitch in heat, a money hungry, people eater, non human robot, who worshiped money and success. Steven hated her, but he hated himself even more. The two of them made a good pair, they were both cold hearted, and out to win.

But Steven didn't worship money, he only did what was expected of him. He had tremendous pressure from his father. Deep in his heart he would have thrown it all away for love. He would have happily accepted a simple life with Abby, but she wasn't interested in him anymore.

"Mr. Colby," his beautiful secretary fluttered her eyes lashes flirtatiously at Steven. "Your son is on line one."

Steven never took calls in the morning, but when ever Stephan called, he dropped everything to speak to him. Walking to his desk, he picked up the phone, "Hello buddy."

"Daddy daddy guess what!" Stephan said excitedly.

Steven's heart melted, "What?"

"My tooth came out yesterday and I put it under my pillow and this morning I found twenty dollars under my pillow," Stephan said excitedly, "mommy said the tooth fairy came while I was sleeping and placed it there!"

"Wow Stephan that's awesome!" Steven missed him so much that his heart ached, "are you ready to come and spend the summer with me?"

"Yes daddy I'm excited." The young boy responded. "Oh and guess what daddy!"

"What?" Steven asked.

"Robert is taking me to see toy story tomorrow!"

Steven stiffened, he hated that man with a passion, that man took everything from him. "That's wonderful honey, have a good time!"

When the call ended Steven was left with a sour taste in his mouth. Pulling out his iPhone, Steven called Abby.


"Keep him away from my son !" Steven growled!


"Moss!" Steven yelled, "I don't want him near my son!"

"That's impossible and you know it," Abby snapped, "Robert is my husband and step father to Stephan!"

"He is trying to take him away from me!" Steven barked.

"That's not true," Abby corrected, "Moss is a wonderful human being and you should be thankful that he treats your son with love!"

"I'm picking him up Sunday!"

"No you're not, you get Stephan in two weeks and not a day before that!" Abby argued.

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat