Marry Me!

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"Have you told Abby yet that I'm coming to live with you?" Lily asked.

Steven looked warmly at his lovely sister and smiled, Lily was dressed in a black mini skirt and a trendy matching jacket, with an ivory shirt on the inside, her long hair was draped around her oval shaped face in a small bun at the nape of her neck, and her deep blue eyes that matched Steven's glowed with innocence, "No I haven't had the chance, but don't worry, Abby will be very happy to see you and also to have you stay with us."

"Are you sure?" Lily asked, there was a worried expression on her face, "I would hate to feel like an intruder, but I'm so excited to see the children!"

Steven smiled, he was very happy to save his sister from the vultures, but he knew that moving forward he would also have to protect her from the rest of the world. Abby was sweet and innocent and Steven was worried that someone may try to take advantage of her.

The flight was short, and when they finally arrived, John was waiting for them to drive them home. They got into the limo and Lily was excited, but a little nervous too, not really sure how Abby would welcome her into her home.

Steven was very confident that Abby would be excited to have Lily living with them. It would do her good to have his sister befriend her and hang out together, and even though Abby was back to her good old self, Steven knew that Lily would be and added bonus to their lives.

When Steven, Lily and John walked through the door, Stephan who was playing with Lego's on the floor dropped them and ran into Steven's arms and laughing excitedly.

"Daddy's back!" He squealed with delight. "I'm so glad you're back daddy!"

Steven squeezed his son tightly and placed a kiss on his head, then his eyes turned to Abby who was sitting on the couch and feeding Aphroditis. His stomach tightened and his heart sang with joy.

Alice was busy in the kitchen preparing lunch.

When Abby saw Steven standing in the doorway she immediately placed her baby girl down and rushed to Steven side and circled her arms around him. She kissed him passionately not caring that they had an audience.

Steven wrapped his arms possessively around Abby and kissed her back, missing her extremely. He felt blessed and was overwhelmed with joy. When Abby finally pulled away from Steven, she smiled questionably at Lily, not recognizing her and wondering why Steven would bring a another woman to their home.

"Hello." the beautiful young woman smiled and said.

Noticing the jealousy and uncertainty in Abby's eyes, Steven quickly said, "Abby this is my sister Lily and she will be staying with us."

Abby's eyes brightened and she smiled, "That is wonderful," she said happily, "me and you are going to be best friends!"

Steven released a sigh of relief, he was so proud of the progress Abby has made and it thrilled him to know that Abby and Lily will get along great.

"Welcome back Steven" Alice said as she came out of the kitchen, then her eyes shifted to Lily and she went to hug her, "is it true you will be staying with all of us?"

Lily nodded.

"That's wonderful!" Alice beamed, and then flushed when her eyes set on John and he threw her a smile to die for. "Lunch is ready to be served!" She said, and headed back into the kitchen.

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now