My Family, My Life

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After the handcuffs were removed, he pulled Abby into his possessive arms and squeezed her tightly. Very emotional and crazy out of his mind, Steven shed tears. Tears of joy. Tears of hope, and tears of love.

"Abby I love you." He said, not caring who was listening, "I adore you!"

"Steven don't ever leave me again!" She cried, "you swore to me you would never leave!"

"I won't baby, I will never leave you, I swear it!" Steven promised, hoarsely, "we will never be apart ever again!"

The detective was already dreaming of the big fat check he would receive for finding Abby. George warmly watched the scene unfold before him, trying hard not to shed any tears, and Jeff finally came to peace with Abby and Steven, watching the two of them profess their love to each other with such deep emotion, he now understood why Abby couldn't love him and why Steven couldn't let her go. A slow smile appeared on his handsome face, and for once in his life he actually admired Steven.

Letting out a sigh, the police officer who had handcuffed Steven turned to his partner and said, "Come on let's get the hell out of here!" They quietly got back inside their police cars and took off.

George sighed with relief, everything turned out very well he thought. An unexpected turn of events that was pleasing to the soul. He smiled knowing that Jennifer would be elated once her precious daughter was returned to her children.

"Let's go everyone," George announced, "it's time to bring out the champagne and celebrate!"

Jeff jumped in the front seat and the detective, Steven and Abby took the back seat. George drove off happy to be going back to his beloved. Steven had his arm around Abby holding on to her for dear life, not believing his luck that he actually had her back.

"I worship you," he told her in an over emotional tone of voice, and kissed her lips brotherly.

George smiled in the review mirror, Jeff suddenly missed Claire and the detective shifted uncomfortably in his seat, wishing he could find a beautiful woman to love too.


"Oh my God!" Jennifer cried when Abby walked through the door, "oh my dear!"

Stephan ran before Jennifer could reach his mother and wrapped his arms around Abby tightly, "Mama you're back!"

Somewhere in the background Aphroditis started to cry loudly and Abby stopped to listen. There was a look of desperation on her face before she quickly walked to her baby's side and took the infant in her arms and cried her heart out. Stephan followed her and wrapped his arms around her.

It was a touching scene for everyone who was there to watch, but no one not even Jennifer could outdo all the tears and expression of love on their face such as that of Steven's, as he witnessed the mother of his children hold his baby girl in her arms and whisper words of love to her.

"Mama loves you," she cried and kissed her daughter, "mama is back and I will never ever leave you again!"

Steven swallowed back a choking sob, as he moved forward to reach his little family. Wrapping his possessive arms around them, he cried happy tears alongside Abby. This was the happiest moment of his life and he was forever grateful to God for blessing him.


"He stole my wife!" Moss roared.

The officer rolled his eyes, but felt sorry for the scmuck, "She might be you're wife, but she wanted to be with Mr. Colby." The officer explained. "She had the option to come with us back to the station, but chose instead to go with him."

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now