Carmel By The Sea

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"I was thinking to take a visit to Illinois this week," Jeff watched his wife for her reaction to what he just said, "I need to sit down with my parents and have a long much needed discussion."

"That's fine," Claire agreed, "but I'm coming with."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Jeff admitted, "I'll book us a flight for tomorrow."

"What about work?"

"I don't think they will have a problem, as a matter of fact, I can check on a few business deals while I'm there, maybe we can stay a week, my parents are looking forward to meeting Lexi."

"Yes my parents will be excited too." Claire agreed, "why don't you call for tickets, and I will call my parents and let them know that we are headed out there."

Half hour later, Jeff relaxed on the couch and motioned for his wife to join him.

"Did you call work?"

"I did and I will have to stop by the office before we go to the airport, there are a few files I need to pick up." Jeff explained, "I just hope they don't bombarded me with work, I need to spend time with my family and find out as much as I can."

"Honey why don't you go work with Steven?" Claire suggested, "Steven is leaving the company and will go on his own, you could speak with him and maybe open a company together."

"I thought about that," Jeff admitted, "but not sure how Steven would feel about it."

"I'm sure he will love to work with you," Claire assured him, "you are trustworthy, smart and a hard worker!"

Jeff smiled, "I'm glad you think so." He laughed, "I'll talk to him when we return. Maybe we can open something in California close to home, I don't want anything in the city Claire, I'm not money hungry, my family comes first!"

"I know Jeff, and I agree with you," Claire agreed, "especially if I'm pregnant, I will need your help."

"Of course I will help Claire, but I think we should hire a nanny, you will need help when I'm at work, I don't want you to get exhausted."

"Good idea as long as the nanny is two hundred pounds and over sixty!" Claire told him, and they both of them laughed their hearts out.

"You believe me to be a fool and chase the nanny if she's young?"

"Temptation is very appealing," Claire pointed out, "when the baby is born it will take me time to lose my baby fat and I don't want you to feel tempted and have an affair."

The smile faded, and his eyes darkened, "You think so little of me that I would cheat on you?"

Claire averted her gaze, lately she was feeling insecure, she still carried ten extra pounds from her last pregnancy and was worried she might retain another ten pounds should she be pregnant again.

"Answer me!" Jeff said hoarsely, "do you think so little of me that I would cheat on you!"

Claire started crying, and Jeff cursed out loud, "Have I ever given you reason to believe that I would ever go to another woman's bed?"

Claire shook her head.

"Then why the hell would you believe such a thing!"

A rivulet of tears glided down her face, "I feel fat and ugly, and you're so handsome."

Pulling Claire into his strong and possessive arms, Jeff asked, "You think I don't find you attractive?"

When Claire nodded, Jeff blasted a string of curses, "I love you Claire and not because of your sexy body or your beautiful face, I love you because of this," he thumped on her chest, "I don't care if you're skinny or fat, ugly or beautiful because to me you are beautiful no matter what and I adore you!"

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now