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Lexi was a little fussy on the airplane and Claire was exhausted, "Can we go straight to my parents house, I'm exhausted and need a little time to rest."

Jeff was hoping to go straight to his parents house, he was anxious to find out the details of the baby his mother had given away all those years ago.

"I can drop you off so you can get the rest that you need, but I'm going to head out to my parents."

He cringed at the look she gave him and he prepared himself for her outburst.

"What the hell!" Claire screamed, not caring that the cab driver was listening to their argument. "You think to dump me and take off?"

Jeff exhaled a harsh sigh, "Ok then, we can visit your parents, leave Lexi their for a nap and the both of us can go to my parents house."

"It's always what you want!" Claire complained, "how about we go to my parents house and stay the entire day and go to your parents tomorrow!"

Clamping his mouth tightly shut, and not in the mood to cause a fiasco in front of the poor cab driver who looked like he was very uncomfortable, Jeff said, "That's fine."

Satisfied, Claire closed her eyes and reminded herself not to raise her voice again for fear that Jeff might be sick and tired of her outbursts.


Claire's parents were elated, they fussed over Lexi and played with her the entire time.

"I need to rest mom," Claire admitted, "I'm exhausted."

"Go to your room dear, it's just as you left it." Her mom said, "I'll come get you for lunch."

"I'll go up with her if you don't mind watching Lexi," Jeff said, and lifted himself off the couch.

"It's our pleasure watching Lexi," his mother in law admitted, "you go upstairs to your wife."

Jeff took the stairs two at a time, he was tired and wanted to rest alongside his wife. Claire was already laying on the bed with her clothes on, and her husband lay besides her and pulled her close to him.

They napped for a few hours and Claire was the first to wake up, "Jeff?"

"Yeah." He said groggily.

"I love you."

"I know."

"I'm sorry."

"I know."

"Want to go to your parents house now?" Claire asked.

"Let's do it." He said, and kissed her cheek before he pulled himself off the bed.

Claire lifted herself up and followed Jeff out of the room. Downstairs they found Claire's parents sitting on the wooden floor playing with their granddaughter

"Mom, dad, we are going to go and visit Jeff's parents now, we will hang out later."

"You guys go ahead, we can watch Lexi." Claire's mother said.

"My parents want to see Lexi too." Jeff explained, as he reached for his baby daughter.

"I was hoping to have lunch together, I can prepare some sandwiches and..."

"No we need to head out," Jeff informed her, "but we can eat together for dinner tonight."

"That's fine son," Claire's father said, as he helped his wife to stand up, "you can take my car the keys are on the kitchen counter."

"Thanks." Jeff said, and with his wife and child they left.


Jeff's parents were very nervous, last thing they wanted was to explain to Jeff what had happened all those years ago. They both thought all that information was better left unsaid, but they knew that their son would not let it go.

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now