Six Weeks Later

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Six weeks later and Moss and Abby still haven't been found. Steven was crazy out of his mind with worry and he wasn't eating or sleeping, and there were dark circles under his eyes.

"You can't torture yourself like that!" Claire yelled, "you must eat something!"

"Claire is right!" Jeff added, "you will need all your strength once they return, so you can kill him when they are found!"

Claire threw her husband a murderous look, "do not encourage him to kill anyone!" Claire told him, "he is still her husband and he hasn't committed any crime!"

"She is sick and needs help!" Jeff pointed out, "and she wants to be with Steven, he is taken advantage of her sickness to steal her away!"

"Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" Alice asked Claire and Jeff, " I made beef stew and there's plenty to go around!"

"I'm not hungry, thank you, Claire was the first to respond, did Steven eat today?" When Alice shook her head, Claire quickly added, "ok me and Jeff will eat alongside Steven!"

Alice winked in understanding and walked to the kitchen to set the table. "Come on Steven get up, we don't want Alice to get mad at us if the food gets cold!"

They all sat around the kitchen table while Alice served them dinner and then poured the wine. "Alice aren't you going to join us?" Claire asked.

"Alice is family," Steven cut in and said, "she always sits and eats with us." Alice smiled and sat down, and they all ate in silence.

"You're a good cook Alice," Jeff's compliment pleased Alice who beamed with delight at his gracious words. "The stew is delicious!"

Everyone looked at Steven who just stared at his food, unable to enjoy the meal with the pain in his heart twisting and killing him with every second that went by.

"If anything happens to you, where would that leave your precious baby girl and Stephan?" Claire hated the choice of words that came out of her mouth, but Steven needed an eye opener, "Moss will take them and raise them, is that what you want?"

Slowly Steven grabbed his fork and started to eat his food, Claire was right, he thought, he had to maintain his health to be strong for his family.

"It's  crazy that you had hired so many detectives and no one could find them!" Jeff said, "where could they be hiding?"

"She sick and doesn't realize what is happening, this is all Moss!" Steven spat, "and when I find him I will crucify him!"


"Are you hungry?" Moss asked Abby, "as he placed a carton of milk on the table and sat down.

Abby shook her head sadly, "No thank you."

Pouring her and himself a glass of milk, he said, "I was thinking to walk on the beach this morning, the rain has stopped and the sun is out."

"That's fine." Abby answered, her eyes seemed far far away.

"You're going to get better I swear it." Moss told her, and pushed the glass of milk in front of her, "can you at least drink this?"

Abby reached for the glass and brought it to her lips, she took a sip and then placed the glass back on the table.

Moss released a harsh sigh, "I'm making hamburgers for lunch with French fries, would you like that?"

"That's fine." Abby looked drained.

Worried, Moss lifted himself to his feet and grabbed the milk carton and placed it back in the refrigerator.  "Come on Abby let's go for a walk by Scusset beach."

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now