The Love Child

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The night was still, and hours later Steven was still sitting by himself in the sitting room just thinking and thinking and going over many things in his mind. It was at that moment and time when he remembered something.

Lifting himself to his feet, he quietly walked back to his bedroom and searched through the closet for his favorite jeans, knowing in one of the pockets he had placed Anthony's letter in it and had forgotten to take it out and read it.

When he found it, he tiptoed back into the sitting room and sat down, his hands trembled as he stared at the envelope. His vision blurred, and a deep ache settled in the pit of his stomach.

Memories of him and Anthony cruising through Park Ridge in their car, and chasing after the girls filled his mind and he smiled bitterly. Anthony was one of his best friends and it killed Steven that he had died so young.

He slowly and carefully ripped the envelope open and pulled out the letter. He had to choke back his sobs so not to wake his family, as he read the letter.

If you're reading this then I am not with you anymore I'm watching from above and smiling down at you. You are and always were my hero Steven. I loved you like a brother. And I thank you for treating me with love and respect. I am so proud of the man you have become, and hope and pray that all your dreams come true my friend. My decision to leave this world was a tough one, I struggled with it for a long time, but in the end I couldn't see myself living without Claire. I loved her so much and couldn't handle the break up. I loved Bella too, but you know as well as I do that it is never the same. Claire was my everything. I do not blame her and pray that you don't hold anything against her. I am asking you to please take care of her for me, since I can't be there myself to cheer her on, I expect you to do this for me. Please also watch over Bella, I'm sure this was very painful for her too. I never wanted to hurt anyone of you, but I had to leave because I couldn't handle living without her. Please understand that I do not blame her, this is all my fault. Steven I'll be watching from above and you had better be living your life to the fullest, I want to know that you are happy and full filled.
Take care of yourself my friend and remember always that even though we were not from the same parents, you were still a brother to me!

A rivulet of tears streamed down his face, and Steven closed his eyes and took a long deep breath. He will never forget Anthony and his smile, and kindness. Anthony was the brother he never had, and he would honor his request and take care of Claire, Bella, and his daughter Antonia.

It was too bad that Anthony didn't get a chance to meet his precious little daughter before he left this world, but if he was really watching from above, he would know that he had a baby girl and he would be very proud.

Folding the letter, Steven placed it on the side table next to the couch and wiped his tears away. These last couple of years he had spilled so many tears, he thought, tears of heartache and despair. He always considered himself to be a strong man, but when it came to Abby and Anthony he was a crying fool.

Who had he become over the years, he thought, where was the powerful, almighty Steven who was rough around the edges and had the entire world in the palm of his hands?

Who was this man he had now become, he thought, a crying fool, a softhearted father and a possessive, jealous lover who loved Abby so strongly that he couldn't live a day without her. A man that would do anything to protect his little family.

Steven's only wish in life was to marry Abby the woman of his heart, and keep his family together. He didn't care about anything or anyone else. He knew the difficulty of this world, and he wanted to protect and keep his family safe. He was going to marry Abby as soon as possible and then take her and his children to a small, remote town and raise his children without interference of this evil and destructive world.

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