Anthony's Torment

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When Stephan was tucked away for the night safely in his bed, Steven stayed up all night in his room going over everything she had said to him the day before on the iPhone.

She claimed that she still loved him, she explained herself why she had kept from him that he was the father of her child and why she had married Jeff and Moss. She also had said that his sister had told her to abort the baby and thanks be to God she had not aborted his child.

He was going to have a serious talk with his sister and put her in her place. Her hatred for Abby destroyed his life.

Was it true, did she still love him? Was everything she had said true? He pondered on the fact that she was having difficulty leaving Moss, but when he gets back to the states he will have a heart to heart talk with her and then they could plan on what they would do, because he was not going to live his life without her, he thought, especially now that he knew how she felt about him.

His mind traveled to the day in Wisconsin when he had made love to her for the first time. She was so beautiful and sexy in his arms. So pure and innocent, and he had loved her so much. He will never forget the brief sweet moments they had shared during their stay in the Dells.

They were both so young and innocent back then, but those were the best days of his life. He had made the mistake of leaving her, and that's where everything went wrong. How young, stupid and insecure he was, he thought, to have loved her so much and to leave her. What had possessed him to get up and leave?


He was jealous of anyone looking at her or coming near her. Steven to this day has not been jealous of anyone or anything except her. He loved her so much that he grew possessive and feared someone taking her from him and because of his insecurities he had lost her.

God works in mysterious ways, he thought, now she is back and he was not going to let her get away again. He was going to make sure that they are together. He will find a way to be with her, it might take a while, but he will get his little family together again.

Abby paced the kitchen back and forth, she was going over everything Steven had said to her and everything she had said to him. Tears glided down her face and she slid her body against the wall all the way to the floor and cried her heart out.

That is how Moss found her when he returned home, and concerned, he reached for her and pulled her into his arms.

"What is wrong?" He asked hoarsely.

Not knowing what to say since he found her in this state of mind, she lied, "I was scared you had left me."

He squeezed her tightly in his possessive arms and said, "I would never leave you Abby."

Oh God, she thought, what am I to do now? "Please I just want to be left alone for a while to gather my thoughts."

Moss let her go and took a few steps back, "Let's talk about it."

"I would prefer not to," last thing she needed was to lie some more, the guilt in her heart was bad enough and she didn't need to add to that, "I think I need to rest."

"Fine go rest and I'll make us some dinner." He watched as Abby climbed the stairs and was happy that she felt bad for what she had done, but he still needed to have a talk to her about that, he thought, as he started to prepare dinner for them.

Abby didn't even bother to undress, she threw her body on the bed and cradled her iPhone. She couldn't stop thinking of the words he had said to her, Steven loved her and she was so very happy. At that moment she received a text. With her heart beating out of control she looked at her iPhone and cried happy tears.

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum