Anthony's Relapse

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"What do you mean you couldn't make love to him, are you telling me that you two have not had sex yet?" And when Abby nodded, disbelief was written all over Claire's face, "are you insane, Moss is a dream come true, what is wrong with you!"

Jeff raised an eye brow, "A dream come true?"

Claire rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Abby, "never mind Jeff, he's just jealous."

"I'm not a good person Claire," Abby said, "I have strung Moss along for a full year, he proposed and I accepted, but I still can't seem to sleep with him."

"Do you find him attractive?" Claire asked.

"I've course I do, I'm not blind, the man is gorgeous!" Abby admitted, "but it's just that ..."

"It's the dog," Jeff said, "he is the one she still pines over."

"Cut her some slack Jeff," Claire said, "she's still in love with Steven."

"But he doesn't care if she loves him, can't you see that he is not good for her!" Jeff yelled, "what the hell is wrong with you Abby, don't you want a better life for yourself?"

When Abby started to cry uncontrollably, Claire snapped, "stop it Jeff!"

Walking up to Abby, he placed his hands on Abby's shoulders and said in a more compassionate tone of voice, "I love you Abby and want the best for you, that's the only reason why I say what I say, I want you to find love like me and Claire have found, and Moss seems like he is that kind of person."

When Claire witnessed tears in Abby's eyes, she wanted to make Abby happy, so stood up and said, "Jeff and I are going to have a baby!"

"What!" Abby squealed, "and you wait till now to tell me"

Abby grabbed Claire and hugged her tightly, "Congratulations, I'm so happy for the two of you" she said, and prayed that her voice didn't give her away.

She was happy for them, but she was jealous that she didn't have Steven with her when she was pregnant. Life was not fair she thought as she watched Jeff being very attentive to Claire.

"Claire take a seat I don't want you to get tired standing for too long." Jeff said, as he gently guided Claire to the couch and motioned for her to sit down.

"Stop it Jeff!" Claire complained, "I don't want you to hover over me!"

"You have made me the happiest man in the world Claire," Jeff explained, "please do not deny me this small pleasure of hovering over you."

Claire looked at Abby and shook her head, "Men!" She laughed, "I don't know if I can take this for the rest of the pregnancy."

"You're very lucky Claire to have an attentive husband, most woman would kill to be in your shoes!"

"Why that's the best compliment anyone has ever said about me, thanks Abby." Jeff smiled from ear to ear, "Claire is my queen and she deserves the best of the best!"


"Daddy can we go to the zoo," Stephan asked excitedly, "Alice says there are lions and tigers and bears there, and I want to see one in real life!"

"We can go wherever you like Stephan," Steven responded, "daddy took the day off today just to spend it with you."

"Thank you daddy." Stephan squealed with delight, and threw himself on his father.

Wrapping his arms around his boy, Steven's heart melted with joy. "Go tell Alice to dress you appropriately for the zoo, and we can leave as soon as you're ready!"

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz