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Victoria was on a rampage screaming and yelling and breaking everything in her way,

"You need to calm down or you'll give yourself a heart attack!" Michael told her.

"I will rot in hell before I sign those papers!"

Michael raised an eye brow and asked, "I thought you love me and want to marry me."

"One day maybe," Victoria admitted, "but I will not let Steven off the hook so easily, the company will go down the drain if he leaves!"

Michael raised an eyes brow, "And why is that?"

"Because he is the only one that can deal with overseas, no one else in the company knows how to make good deals with them, but Steven!"

"Then why don't you train yourself and do the job yourself!"

"I have tried, but I'm not good with the international business deals, they don't understand me!"

"You mean they don't want to sleep with you!"

A crystal vase came flying over his head, but Michael ducked just in time and the vase crashed against the wall.

"Why are you upset, everyone knows you sleep with most of your customers and get them to sign the contracts. The European men don't mix business with pleasure, and they also don't do business deals with women!"

"Bastard!" Victoria hissed through her teeth.

"I'm not sure this thing what ever it is we have between us will work out Victoria," Michael looked skeptical, "me and you do not seem to be on the same page at all."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"Just look at you, you act like a man sometimes and that's not appealing to me."

He couldn't of said anything more to piss her off, "Get out!" She screamed, "get out of my fucken house!"

Michael sighed heavily and walked towards the door, "Call me when you're over your tantrum and not a second before!" With those words he opened the door and left just in time, something crashed against the door just as he closed it and he shook his head in disgust and headed to his car.

"Bastard!" Victoria yelled, and grabbed her iPhone to dialed Steven's number.

"What!" Steven said coldly on the other line.

"We need to talk!"

"We have nothing to say, just sign those damn papers and it will be all over."

"I'm not signing those papers Steven."

"Then we have nothing to say me and you, I'll see you in court!"

"Just wait don't hang up!" Victoria begged, "can we compromise?"


"You once loved me."

"I never loved you!"

"Please Steven come back."

"That will never happen in this lifetime, me and you are over and done with sign the damn papers so I can move on with my life!"

"I will sign the papers only if  you still continue to work for the company!"

"Sorry that will never happen I'm done with the company and I'm done with you!"

"You will lose all your money!" Victoria spat, "cause I will destroy you!"

"I don't care about the money, but you who worships money will get destroyed." Steven pointed out, "you will fall too if the company goes down."

"Help me Steven!" She yelled, "you owe me!"

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now