The Master Plan

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Victoria was fuming, she had called Steven ten times and he didn't answer none of her calls. It's the whores fault, Victoria thought, and I'm going to eliminate her!

It took many weeks to consider her options and come up with a good plan, a plan that would not point a finger at her. Michael chickened out and it was only up to her to get the job done.

She decided she would burn Abby to death so there won't be any proof left to point a finger at her and incriminate her. The master plan had to be executed in such a way that the job will get done on the first attempt.

A slow smile creased her face, when Abby would finally be out of her way she could convince Steven to come back to her and the company. She would send his brats off to boarding school and have Steven to herself.

She loved Michael, but he was too weak, she wanted her men to be strong and powerful and Steven was the only man she had ever met that had the strength and the power to fit into that category.

She would plan into action the following month and pray that she would succeed. Then she would celebrate her success and look forward to a bright future with Steven. Michael could remain her secret boy toy, she wasn't willing to give him up, he was the only man that understood her completely and she did love him.


"Jeff this is your mother, I have called you numerous times and you haven't answered." His mother said, "please call me honey I'm getting very worried."

Jeff listened to the message and swore out loud, he was not ready to return his parents calls, he needed answers, but he wasn't ready to hear the truth yet.

"Please call your mother Jeff," Claire advised, "she's a mother and she is very worried!"

"If she cheated on my father I want nothing to do with her!" Jeff admitted.

"You don't know the truth and you shouldn't judge," Claire told him, "she was young back then and mistakes happen, who are you to judge her!"

"I despise it when a woman cheats," Jeff said angrily.

"Then practice what you preach," Claire pointed out, "because you cheated on Abby when you were married to her!"

"You know why I did that!" Jeff came to his defense.

"And how do you know that your mother didn't have good reason to do what she might have done because we don't even know for sure what it is she has done."

"My mother claimed to love my father!"

"And you claimed to love Abby!"

"Claire stop defending my mother," Jeff yelled, "her situation and mine are completely different!"

"All I'm saying Jeff is to give her a chance to explain," Claire pointed out, "she's your mother and loved you a lot regardless of her past mistakes."

Releasing a harsh sigh, Jeff pulled out his iPhone and finally called his mother. Claire was relieved, everyone deserved a second chance especially one's mother.


"Hello mom." Jeff's voice sounded calm and collective.

"Oh honey I was so worried, is Claire and Lexi alright?"

"Yes we are all doing well," Jeff confirmed, and then got straight to the point, "did you cheat on my father?"

There was a moment of intense silence on the other line and then finally his mother asked, "Why would you ask such a thing?"

"Just answer the question!" Jeff snapped.

"Honey I don't know what to say, I'm confused as to why you would ask me this."

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now