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That night Moss pulled Abby into his strong arms and he kissed her tenderly. "Let me love you Abby, do not keep pushing me away."

His words were heartbreaking, but how could she sleep with him after what she had shared with Steven? "Please Moss leave me alone, I am extremely tired, some other time perhaps."

Hurt by her words, Moss pulled away from her and turned around. He was angry and on fire both at the same time. His body needed release and he would not go to another woman to find release, so he got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. After closing the door, he did what he most despised, he masterbated  to release his sexual frustration.

The act of self satisfaction was something he had done when he was in high school, it was not something he liked to do as a grown man. After cleansing himself, he walked back to his bed and lay down angry out of his mind. He decided to sit his wife down tomorrow and discuss the situation.

Abby pretended sleep, but she was wide awake and feeling very guilty. She knew why Moss had visited the bathroom and she also knew that it would be only a matter of time before Moss got his way. Her promise to Steven wouldn't hold up, she wasn't stupid to believe that, but she also knew that Steven would get really upset should he find out that she slept with Moss.


"Sit down we need to have a talk." Moss told Abby, when she came down the next morning to grab a cup of coffee.

With the warm cup in her hand, she slid on to the chair next to him and took a sip of her coffee. Knowing what the talk would be about she wasn't looking forward to it.

"Last night." Moss said evenly, "I did something that surprised me."

Abby wanted to run.

"I played with myself!" Moss yelled, "I fucken touched myself because my wife doesn't want me to touch her!"

His tone of voice scared Abby, he had hardly ever raised his voice to her.

"I'm sorry." She said, and meant it.

Moss slammed his fist on the table and yelled, "I am sick and tired of you saying you're sorry, tell me what had changed and you can't seem to even look at me in the eyes Abby!"


"When you talk to me you don't look me in the eyes anymore, you don't ever touch me and you tense up whenever I try to touch you!"

"That's not true," Abby came to her defense, "I do touch you and I do let you touch me and ..."

"Stop it Abby!" Moss tried to keep his voice low, but failed miserably, "Are you listening to yourself, you turn stone cold whenever I try to touch you in bed! When was the last time we made love?"

Abby had no answer to give him. She remained quiet and waited for him to tell her.

"It has been well over a month and before that many months!" He clarified, "and that one pathetic time we made love you were in lala land and not in the moment with me!"

"I'm sorry you feel that way."

"Jesus Abby, listen to yourself!" Moss stared at her angrily, "all you can say is I'm sorry! I want answers, I want to know why you have completely pulled away from me, what have I done to deserve that?"

Tears glided her eyes and Abby's voice broke, "Nothing, you are perfect Moss."

"Then why?"

"I don't know."

"It's him isn't it?" Moss asked.

The hurt in his eyes was too much for Abby, Moss didn't deserve to be treated like this. He was a wonderful human being and a wonderful husband.

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now