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Thankful that Steven had left hours ago to go to the hospital to check on their precious daughter, Abby was able to answer Moss's call. "Hello?"

"Abby," Moss sounded as if he was in tremendous pain and Abby hated herself for hurting him.

"Moss what's the matter?"

"I don't know how to live without you!"

Her heart raced, thinking of what had happened to Anthony when Claire had left him, "Moss please, I don't want you to suffer, I want you to be happy!"

"I can't be happy when my wife is with another man!"

"Please Moss, move on with your life, you are handsome and rich, kind and gentle, many women would love to be with you!"

"I don't want them I want you!"

Tears flooded her eyes, "I love Steven and I am not willing to leave him again, I'm going to marry him Moss."

Steven swiped the iPhone out of her hands and said, "If you call Abby again I swear I will kill you!"

Freaking out, Abby yelled, "Why did you do that, he is very vulnerable and I'm afraid he will do something to hurt himself!"

Throwing the iPhone on the couch, Steven pulled Abby to her feet and held her by the shoulders, "I don't like coming home and finding you on the phone with him, I'm not playing this game with you again Abby, first it was Jeff I had to deal with and now Moss!"

Abby stared into his eyes and fear struck her, "What do you mean by that, you told me you would never leave me again.....:

Steven kissed her brutally, reminding her who she belonged to, "I mean I will not let you have anything to do with Moss ever again."

He let her go and grabbed her iPhone back, and dialed the phone company. He changed the number and then he blocked Moss number from the iPhone.

"You will never speak to him again!" Steven commanded, "I will take care of the divorce settlement, and then you will be done with him once and for all, I will not share you with him, do you understand me?"

"I was not asking for you to share me with him, all I'm saying is ...."

Releasing a harsh sigh, Steven explained, "He is trying to manipulate you into feeling sorry for his sorry ass, why can't you see this!"

"I've hurt him and he is suffering," she replied, "I don't want him to suffer Steven, he was very good to me and Stephan."

"He is a grown man and will get over it!" Steven said, "and besides if he is suffering it's his own fault, he knew from the start how much you loved me, it was only a matter of time before you and I got together again, I wasn't going to lose you forever."

Not wanting to argue anymore, Abby changed the subject, "How is Aphroditis?"

Steven's eyes warmed, "She is hanging in there, gained a pound and the doctor says soon she will we able to bring her home!"

"And when is Stephan coming home?" Abby asked, "I've missed him."

"I was thinking he might stay with your mother a few more days so you can rest, then I want to take you, Stephan and Aphroditis back to California with me." Steven said, "there is no need for you to stay here for the divorce, I have five lawyers working on it, so there is no need for you to go to court all will be handled by them."

"I would prefer to not pick up and leave so fast, Stephan starts school in a few weeks and ..."

"I have to go back to the company and I will not leave you here even for a second with that vulture!"

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now