You Are My Temple

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"We need to talk!" Moss told Abby, as soon as Steven stepped out to make a work call.

"Yes we do." Abby agreed, "and I would like to start with a big fat sorry Moss, I know I was not the loving wife."

His eyes hazed with pain, and he pulled a chair next to her bed and said calmly, "I want o fix this marriage, Abby, it's fixable I know it is."

Shaking her head, Abby couldn't help but cry, "Oh Moss, I love you I do, but I love Steven more, he is the only man I can be with. I want to be with him Moss."

Steven was about to enter the room when he heard Abby speak, but instead he hid behind the door with a listening ear. She had said she loved Moss, hearing that stung, but the truth of the matter was that he was kind to her and he was her husband, so of course she loved him, but she doesn't love Moss more than she loves him and that's a given, Steven thought, for the first time since he has been with her he felt secure and loved, but he continued to listen to what she had to say to him, and he felt sorry for the poor shmuck.

"You say you love me yet you want to leave me!" Moss pointed out.

I love you I do, but like a friend not like a husband Moss, I don't want to live a lie anymore, and I definitely do not want to hurt you again. I know I haven't been a good wife to you, but I swear it, I do care for you."

Moss laughed bitterly, "Care for me?"

"I'm so sorry Moss."

"And what if the baby is mine, what then?"

"We will find out anytime now and we will figure something out. I'm not staying with you Moss I already made my decision." She smiled bitterly, "I need to be with the love of my life, I have loved Steven forever and I'm not going to give him up, now!"

Steven heard Moss let out a string of curses, but he didn't care, he focused more on what Abby had just said and he wanted to run to her and pull her into his arms. He loved her so much that sometimes he couldn't breath.

At that moment the doctor walked past him and entered the room, and Steven followed after him. This is it, he thought, the paternity of the baby would be revealed. She's mine, he thought, of this I have no doubt!

The doctor shifted his eyes from Abby, to Steven and then to Moss. His face did not reveal a single thing, and the anticipation was killing Moss who prayed he would be told that he was the father.

Opening the piece of paper slowly in his hands, the doctor looked up at Steven and said,"She is your daughter, congratulations!" Then he left the room hastily, not wanting to be around the drama that he was sure would happen.

Releasing a sigh of relief, Steven's and Abby's eyes met and locked with joy and extreme love. Moss marched out of the room, he was in tears and the pain for him was unbearable especially that he had to stand there and watch Steven steal his wife away from him.

"You were right!" Abby screamed with great joy, "we have a baby's girl!"

"I knew she was mine I had no doubt!" He walked to her side and looked down at her.

Many deep emotions were evident in his eyes, as Abby looked up at him, "We have a beautiful family Steven. What shall we name her?"

"We will name her Aphrodite's." Steven said, hoarsely, "it means love in Greek and she was made from our love Abby."

Tears glided down Abby's face, "Yes it's a beautiful name."

Steven's eyes dropped to Abby's hand where the ruby shined bright. "I will replace that ring with the biggest diamond in the world!"

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now