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"I will have to leave for a few days," Steven said regretfully, "I want your mother to come stay with you while I'm gone. I hired a temporary nanny to help you with Stephan, when we move to California, Alice will be their nanny. She is experienced with children and she is very loyal."

"Business or pleasure?" Abby raised an eye brow, "Victoria?

"Victoria is irrelevant to me," Steven admitted dryly, "I have a few meetings that I can not miss and I also want to check up on Bella, she is due any day now and I need to keep an eye on her. When Steven noticed Abby's eyes blurred with tears, he walked to her side and asked, "why are you crying?"

"I'm fat and undesirable to you, and ...."

"You are not fat, you just had a baby," Steven corrected, "and even if you were ten thousand pound I would still love you and only you!"

"Yeah sure," Abby said, and averted her eyes so he wouldn't witness her spill more tears.

Steven placed his fingers on her chin and turned her to face him, "After all this time, you still don't understand my love for you do you?" His voice was thick with emotion, "tell me Abby, what do I have to do or say to make you realize how much I adore you?"

Abby swallowed a choking sob, "I'm not sure I will ever feel secure with you Steven," she admitted, "you're just too handsome, and besides you did leave me once."

Closing his eyes tightly, Steven released a harsh sigh before he opened them again.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to make you angry at me." Abby quickly apologized.

His deep blue eyes were hazed with love and adoration, but Abby was too upset to notice them, "I'm not angry with you Abby, I love you and it's frustrating to me that you can't see this!"

"Every time you walk out the door," Abby admitted, "I fear you will not return."

"You think so low of me that I would leave and never return?" Steven asked, "even though I have explained to you what lays in my heart, you think I would leave you and my family again?"

Abby threw her face into her hands and cried relentlessly, Steven was disturbed by the way she was reacting to him leaving and he pulled her into his possessive arms and rocked her back and forth.

"I'm sorry." She cried.

"You did right by telling me what is in your heart Abby, but I'm concerned about you." He admitted, pulling her at arms length, he looked into her eyes and sighed, "I want you to see a psychiatrist."

"What?" Abby asked, a little too abrupt.

"You might be going through postpartum depression." He pointed out, "I'll find a good doctor for you Abby and I want you to see him as soon as possible!"

Abby pulled out of his arms and walked away angrily, "Right, I'm the crazy bitch who needs to see a doctor and take pills to calm down!"

"Stop it!" Steven yelled, and went after her, "no one said you are a crazy bitch, I'm worried about you and need to make sure you are healthy before I leave for California!"

She laughed so hard that she had tears in her eyes, "Listen to yourself Steven, you think I'm sick!" Abby snapped, "how about the fact that you left me in Wisconsin without giving me the benefit of a doubt, you accused me of loving Jeff and ...".

Steven stared at her with disbelief, "That was six years ago!" He told her, "we were young and made mistakes, but I never stopped loving you, why are you bringing up the past?"

"Cause I'm scared Steven." Abby admitted, "I'm scared out of my mind that history will repeat itself, you want to leave me and go to California to another woman who needs you, what about me, I need you too!"

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now