Teen Witch; Stiles Stilinski...

By _ashley_writez

34.8K 917 74

"Look, I get it. You probably think I'm a total weirdo now. Just please, don't tell anyone. Including Scott."... More

Episode 1 Chapter 23
Episode 1 Chapter 24
Episode 2 Chapter 25
Episode 3 Chapter 27
Episode 3 Chapter 28
Episode 4 Chapter 29
Episode 5 Chapter 30
Episode 6 Chapter 31
Episode 6 Chapter 32
Episode 7 Chapter 33
Episode 8 Chapter 34
Episode 8 Chapter 35
Episode 9 Chapter 36
Episode 10 Chapter 37
Episode 10 Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Episode 11 Chapter 40
Episode 12 Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Teen Witch Series

Episode 2 Chapter 26

529 17 0
By _ashley_writez

It was yet another chemistry class with Mr. Harris. Cassie hasn't even been in Beacon Hills for long and she already hated two people with every bone in her body. Jackson and Mr. Harris. Of course, she didn't show it, she wanted to, but didn't. Stiles was sitting next to Cassie again while Scott was sitting at the table on Cassie's left.

"Why would Derek choose Issaac?" Scott asked.

"Well, the bite either kills you or turn you into a werewolf. Maybe teenagers just have a better chance of surviving," Cassie suggested.

"Does being a teenager mean that your dad can't hold him?"

"Well, not unless they have solid evidence. Or a witness," Stiles replied.

She furrowed her brows at the statement and turned around to where Danny was sitting.

"Danny. Where's Jackson?" she asked.

"In the principal's office, talking to Stiles' dad."


"Maybe because he lives across the street from Issaac."

She turned back around to the boys.

"Witness," Scott said.

"We gotta find a way to get to the principal's office," Stiles said.

"Everyone please turn to page 73," Mr. Harris announced.

She smirked mischievously when she got an idea. She ripped out a piece of line paper from her notebook and crumpled it up. She winked at Stiles and Scott before throwing it directly at Mr. Harris's head, earning a few scattered laughs from the class.

"Who did that?" he asked, turning around to face the class.

Cassie pointed at Scott, who pointed at Stiles, who pointed at Cassie.


Cassie, Stiles, and Scott were sitting outside the principal's office, eavesdropping on the conversation inside. Well, more like Scott and Stiles eavesdropping. Cassie was leaning her head on Stiles' shoulder, zoning out onto the wall in front of them.

Once Noah and another deputy came out the office, Stiles scrambled trying to find a magazine and covered his face with it.

Noah sighed, obviously knowing it was Stiles. "Hi Scott, Cassie." He raised his eyebrow at his son and walked away with the deputy following.

Just as they walked away, another person came out the office. "Boys, girl." They looked up to see Gerard Argent, Allison's grandfather. "Come on in."

They all hesitated before standing up from their seats and walking into the office. They sat down on one side of the desk while Gerard sat down on the other.

"Scott McCall. Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you have become quite the star athlete," he said, reading a file. He set down Scott's file and picked up another one. "Miss Williams. Oh, amazing grades, all A+'s. I'm quite surprised you're here since the last time you got sent to a principal's office was in the fourth grade. You're just a perfect student, aren't you?" She smiled awkwardly and nodded. Scott and Stiles both turned their heads to her, shocked by the fact she basically was a perfect student. Gerard set down Cassie's file and picked up the last one, which she assumed was Stiles. "Oh, perfect grades, similar to Miss Williams, but little to no extracurriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse."

"Oh, actually, I'm already in-"

"Hold on," he interrupted. "McCall, you're the Scott that was dating my granddaughter."

"We were dating, but not anymore. Not dating, not seeing each other or doing anything with each other at all."

"Relax Scott. You look like you're about to crack cyanide pill with your teeth," he chuckled.

"Just a hard breakup."

"Oh, that's too bad. You seem like a nice kid to me," he said. "Now listen guys and girl, yes I am the principal, but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy."

"Heh, is that so?" Stiles scoffed, earning a harsh nudge from Cassie, telling him to shut up.

"However, this being my first day, I do need to support my teachers. So unfortunately, someone is going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention," he said, ignoring Stiles' little comment.

Both Scott and Cassie looked in Stiles direction. He noticed and gave them a glare before saying he would take the fall.


"I still don't understand why I had to take the fall," Stiles whined, walking to detention with Cassie.

"I'm sorry, Stiles, but you know Scott has the full moon tonight."

"What about you? Why couldn't it have been you?"

"Well, like Gerard said, I'm practically a perfect student. I don't want to mess up my school record by getting detention."

"One little detention isn't gonna change anything," he argued.

"To you, maybe, but to me? My whole life is basically set on being "little miss perfect"." They got to the classroom and stood in front of it. "Text me when you get out."

And with that, she walked away to the parking lot where her bike was parked.


A few hours later, the full moon had risen. Em and Cassie were sitting on the couch, with their second large bowl of popcorn, having a Twilight marathon. they were currently on the third movie.

"Honestly, Jacob's such a dick for kissing her without her consent," Cassie said.

"Exactly, vampires are always the better choices," Em agreed, popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth.

"Yeah, and his personality?"

"Such a red flag. Like, "no Bella, I'm the right one for you, not that stupid vampire Edward", like shut the fuck up."

"My thoughts exactly. I mean, if he wants to win her over, he should have more reasons to explain why he can win her over. It's always just "I'm the better one", like that's not even a proper argument or reason."

Em hummed in agreement.

A few seconds after their little rant why they'll never be team Jacob, the doorbell rang. Cassie waited for Em to get it, but she never did, so she got up from the couch, rolling her eyes, and got the door. She opened the door and saw Stiles standing there.

"I need your help."

"I'm sorry, Stiles, but I'm hanging out with my sister right now-"

"Not anymore! Go make out with your boyfriend!" Em yelled.

"For the last time, we are not dating!" Cassie yelled back. She sighed and looked back at Stiles who had bright red cheeks. "Fine, just let me get my jacket."


"Hey, did you slow him down?"

"You could say that."

"Alright, well, Cass and I are heading to the station right now."

"Where's Scott?"


"Does he have a plan?"

"Yeah, but not a very good one. And unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to come up with anything better," he said before hanging up the phone.

Cassie sighed, rubbing her temple. Stiles had filled her in on the way. He glanced at her before looking back onto the road. They drove in silence to the sheriff's station, picking up Derek on the way. Of course, Derek had forced her into the back seats. They pulled up in front of the sheriff's station, parking in an empty parking spot.

"Okay, now the keys to every cell are in a password protected lockbox in my dad's office. The problem is getting past the front desk," Stiles explained.

"I'll distract her," Derek said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... you? You're not going in there." Stiles grabbed Derek's upper arm, pulling him back. Derek looked at the hand and then at Stiles up and down. "I'm taking my hand off."

"I was exonerated."

"You're still a person of interest," Stiles argued.

"An innocent person!"

"You? Yeah, right," he snickered. "Okay fine, what's your plan?"

"To distract her," Derek simply said. Cassie facepalmed due to his lack of plan.

"Uh huh, how? By punching her in the face?"

"Heh, by talking to her."

"Okay, alright, give me a sample. What are you gonna open with?" No response. Another facepalm earned by Cassie. "Dead silence, that works beautifully. Any other ideas?"

"I'm thinking about punching you in the face-"

"For god's sake, just shut the fuck up! Both of you!" Cassie snapped. "Stiles, let the man go and do whatever he wants. If he fails, that's on him. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can help Issaac, alright!" She took a deep breath to calm herself down and leaned backwards on the seat.

"You heard the lady, go," Stiles mumbled, a little turned on by her sudden outburst.

Derek got out of the car and walked into the sheriff's station with Cassie and Stiles sneaking behind him.

"Good evening, how can I help..." the woman officer paused to admire Derek. "You."

"Hi, um, I had a question," Derek said with the biggest smile on his face. The two rolled their eyes at his attempt of flirting with the officer and snuck off to the sheriff's office. "Um, sorry, I'm a little- a little thrown. I wasn't really expecting someone-"

"Like me?"

"Oh, I was gonna say "so incredibly beautiful", but yeah, I guess that'd be the same thing."

Cassie bit the inside of her lip to try to not burst out laughing at bad flirting. They snuck into the office and Stiles walked to a lockbox on the wall with a keypad. She assumed that was where the keys were. He unlocked the lockbox but saw that the keys were already gone.

"Oh no," he muttered.

"What? What is it?"

"The keys are gone," he said before grabbing her wrist a pulling her to Issaac's cell.

On the way there, they bumped into a limping officer with a syringe that had a dark substance in it.

"Oh, uh... just looking... um..." he trailed off when he also saw the syringe. "Oh shi-"

Stiles and Cassie tried to run the opposite way, but the officer caught Stiles and dragged him back. Cassie tried to go back to Stiles, but he objected.

"No, Cass, run! Tell Der-" his mouth was covered by the officer, cutting his sentence off. Cassie hesitated to leave Stiles before running off to find Derek.

Just as Cassie was running to the front desk, she met up with Derek.

"What's going on-"

The fire alarm started to ring, interrupting Derek's question. They both shared a look with each other and sprinted to Issaac's cell.

They came into the room where his cell was and saw Issaac in his werewolf form. Cassie instantly ran to Stiles' side and helped him up off the floor. He nodded at her, seeing the look of concern in her eyes.

Derek stomped on the syringe the officer had, shattering it to pieces and gaining Issaac's attention. Issaac spotted Cassie and Stiles and Derek noticed it. As Issaac started to walk towards them, Derek stepped in front of them, roaring loudly at Issaac. He immediately backed down and sat down next to the knocked-out officer, pressing his knees to his chest. He looked back at Derek, now back in his human form.

"How did you do that?" Stiles asked.

He looked back at the two. "I'm the alpha."

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