
By HeatSeekerXBumbleBee

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A continuation of In Between, ShiverTooth meets the Bee Team and develops a little trouble with one of the me... More

<Chapter 1>
<Chapter 2>
<Chapter 3>
<Chapter 4>
<Chapter 5>
<Chapter 6>
<Chapter 7>
<Chapter 8>
<Chapter 9>
<Chapter 10>
<Chapter 11>
<Chapter 12>
<Chapter 13>
<Chapter 14>
<Chapter 15>
<Chapter 16>
<Chapter 17>
<Chapter 18>
<Chapter 19>
<Chapter 20>
<Chapter 21>
<Chapter 22>
<Chapter 23>
<Chapter 24>
<Chapter 25>
<Chapter 26>
<Chapter 27>
<Chapter 28>
<Chapter 29>
<Chapter 30>
<Chapter 31>
<Chapter 32>
<Chapter 33>
<Chapter 34>
<Chapter 35>
<Chapter 36>
<Chapter 37>
<Chapter 38>
<Chapter 39>
<Chapter 40>
<Chapter 41>
<Chapter 42>
<Chapter 43>
<Chapter 44>
<Chapter 45>
<Chapter 46>
<Chapter 48>
<Chapter 49>
<Chapter 50>
<Chapter 51>
<Chapter 52>
<Chapter 53>
<Chapter 54>
<Chapter 55>
<Chapter 56>
<Chapter 57>
<Chapter 58>
<Chapter 59>

<Chapter 47>

40 2 1
By HeatSeekerXBumbleBee

He looked to the beacon and then to Bumblebee "Your actions to preserve this planet's habitability are futile. Human survival and desires are beneath consideration. The mission is all that matters and consequences are irrelevant."

"BULLSHIT!!!" I yell back.

He steps back a bit "Your behaviors are unnecessary. You will come to understand eventually."

I eject my hunter again "Stop.... This.... Now!"

He gets out his hunter "Fight if you dare. It is inconsequential."

I growl "Who gives a scrap!" I run at him and we fight. We fight for the first time.  We missed each other for years and the first day we meet again, we're fighting each other over a planet and its inhabitants. "This is exactly what happened all those years ago!! With Optimus and Megatron! Do you really want this to happen again!?" I scream at him.

"Outcomes will not equal. Humans do not possess the resources to evacuate as many as our planet did." He responds flatly.

I laugh "They have bomb shelters."

He remarks "The shelters can only hold for so long against Decepticon forces."

We fight sword to sword for awhile. I began crying slightly as I hated doing this. I wasn't hurting as I wasn't hit yet but mentally, it hurt badly. I manage to knock the sword out of Soundwave's hands and it lands near Bumblebee. He tries to run for it but I pull Soundwave back and throw him to the ground. The communications officer stands back up and charges at me.

We fight more and more before Wave says to me "Your efforts are irrelevant."

"Yeah and yours are illogical." I say through my tears as I put my hunter away to equally fight him.

I see Bumblebee obtain the hunter and try to attack the beacon but the beacon's shield blocks him. However, it flashed red this time. It must have finally died.

Soundwave saw and yelled to him "You may have eradicated the generator's energy shield but your efforts are futile." He uses one tentacle to hold me while the other moves the beacon generator onto a crane and off of the building and activates it. "Megatron.... will return."

The beacon starts sparking and the sky lights up orange and red. I get out of Soundwave's grasp and try to shoot a missile at it but Soundwave grabs my arm in one of his and my body with the other and the missile shoots the ground by Bumblebee and knocks him off the building.

"BUMBLEBEE!!!!!" I yell out.

I kick Soundwave off and start fighting him again. He says to me "Megatron is your leader. You cannot change who you are. You brought death upon one of them." He flicks his head to explain he was talking about the autobots..... about Seaspray.... "You don't hate us." He continued, pushing my arms back to where my body was bending backwards as he towered over me, his face 2 feet away from mine "We are friends, ShiverTooth. You belong to Megatron. You will be terminated if you do not comply." I ignore it and try to push back but he grabbed my entire hand plus my wrist in his, crushing my servos in his grasp "Be reasonable, ShiverTooth. You are a decepticon."

I push back harder "No... I'm not!!!"

He shakes his helm and the bottom part of his visor lifts showing his smirk on his light toned faceplate. He says softly in his young voice "Wrong answer, pal."  I go shocked, hearing his voice and seeing his face. He continues, laughing a bit at me "You heard me, Shivers. If you do not comply..." his mask comes back down and the radio voice sounds but deeper "You... will.... Be.... Terminated."

His tentacles come up, one placing on my chassis, the other around my neck and shoving me to the ground. I tried to get my hunter out but I noticed it was gone and I saw it behind me on the floor. I felt Soundwave's tentacle tighten and correct me to look at him. It started twisting around my throat, getting even tighter and rubbing against my neck. My vision starts blurring and it got harder to breath.

"You will live to see Megatron. That I can promise." Soundwave tells me one last time. I begin closing my eyes, giving way to the darkness. My hands fall limp on Soundwave's arm. We autobots had lost.

I thought that until I felt it unravel, an explosion happening behind me, Soundwave yelling in pain, and another voice; One of my friends: "Back off, Scrud pile!! He's with us!" Yells Sideswipe.

I pull the tentacles off my body and slowly stand up. Strongarm assists and we watch Optimus and Bumblebee come up to the roof by Prime's jet pack. Bumblebee shoots Soundwave with an Ice beam and Wave falls to the ground, his visor glitching and turning off. We.... Had won..... at least the autobots did. I push them away and transform, flying off.

I heard Sideswipe com to me "ShiverTooth where are you—-"

Bumblebee sounded next "Let him go. He's had enough to deal with for one day."

Time Skip. No perspective

The others got back, Prime left, and Sideswipe, Fixit, and Grimlock decided to put a show of the Halloween show Russel enjoyed, "Showcase of Shivers" and the bots watched them goof off. Bumblebee looks around and noticed ShiverTooth wasn't out with them but Crustacean was.

"Hey Crustacean, where's ShiverTooth?" Bee asks.

He shrugs "He returned and then went to his room. He told me he wanted to be left alone."

Bumblebee nods and turns to Sideswipe "Can you take over with headlights? I gotta go check on ShiverTooth."

Sideswipe nods "Yeah. Yeah. of course." Swipe flicks his headlights on and Bumblebee turns his off to go find ShiverTooth in his room.

He looked around and called out his name. Nothing happened or answered. Bee laid his eyes on a stasis pod that was covered in algae and a bit weathered. He looks inside to see ShiverTooth curled up against the wall of it, his body frosting over from cryo gas and the stasis system. Bumblebee opens it and ShiverTooth wakes up and looks to him.

Bee kneels down and asks "What's the matter? Why are you hiding out?"

ShiverTooth looks away "I-I don't know. Can... c-can I take a break though? My hands kinda hurt and.... Other stuff...."

Bumblebee vents "It's about Soundwave, huh?" Shivers nods lightly, avoiding eye contact.

Bumblebee sighs and reaches his arm inside so he can rub the seeker's arm comforting him. "When can we expect you back?"

ShiverTooth looks up for a second and then looks back down "When the Scrapyard's ready to return to."

Bumblebee nods, pats the seeker's arm, and stands up "I'll see ya, pal."

He closes it and lets the seeker sleep.  He walks back out and Denny asks "How is he?"

Bee vents "Not well. Soundwave's and his interaction really pummeled him. He hated what happened possibly more than the other encounters he's had. Soundwave was one of his best friends. Closer than any of us are."

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