TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over Ma...

By AprilsSmile

42.2K 1.9K 1.3K

"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get en... More

1. Mind over matter
2. Escape plan
3. Escape plan cancel
NOTE: Not an update
Highlights: Chap# 4 & 5
6. No touching at all
7. Chaos in Tankhun's room
8. Tankhun, Pete, Vegas
9. Finding Tankhun!
10. Rock Paper Scissors
11. It's Vegas
12. Pete, the Panther
13. Fan-following!
14. Height of Patheticness!
15. Sleeping Tankhun!
16. Knock, Knock!
NOTE: Not an Update!
17. Sweet Revenge!
18. Amy X Tankhun
19. It's Kinn
Highlights: Have Fun!
20. High-five?
21. Heart issues!
22. Wild Vehement!!!
23. Emergency Party!!
24. The Weekend / Study Time
25. It's Arm
26. Perfect complement :)
27. Beauty's Smile!
28. The Library
29. The Freshmen
NOTE: Not an Update
30. Blue Fire
31. The shopping maniac
32. Group Project
33. The Club
34. Damn Letter!
35. V for Vicious
36. Welcome home, Sister!
37. The Nightmare!
38. Future FiancΓ©
39. Bustling Life
40. Drama Family!
41. sOOry!
42. Zeal and Zest!
43. Sneak out!!
44. Party Animals!
Highlights: 44. Party Animals!
45. After Party!
46. Confessions!
47. Obsession...!
48. It's Porsche
49. #TeamTankhun
50. The Blacklist!
51. D-Day!
52. The more the merrier!
53. Tankhun's Treat.
54. Selfies Maniac!
55. It's Kimhan
56. Beautiful Heart^^
57. Second place? maybe not!
58. Stutter Boy!
59. Reciprocate!
60. Official Romance!
61. The Basement!
62. MFC - The Trio
63. Tea...party!
64. The Little Devil!
65. Warmth...
67. A Day so FINE!
68. Befriend!
69. It's Leonid
70. The Plan!?
71. The preparations!
72. Just keep Swimming!
73. Mini concert!
74. Affable Meeting!
75. Bon appetit
Highlights: chap# 74 & 75
76. The control room!
77. Bloody Chaos!
78. The closure!
79. Life did a 360..
80. Romantic action!
81. Love-Hate!
82. The melodious ride..
83. Disheartened!
84. Sir Kinn! Hot as.....
85. A for Amity.
86. Height of Goofiness!
87. Fallen star?
88. Anti-fragile!
89. Her...Escape Plan!
90. Mirthless smile ):)
91. Insomnolent.!.!
92. Maquillage
93. Wild Vociferous!!!
94. Finding Amy!
95. Tragic Heroine...
96. Demoniac Khun!
97. Rough and tumble?
98. Viva la vida
Highlights: Enjoy! ;)
99. The best is yet to come..
100. The Anchor
101. Beer and skittles!
102. Enchantment!
NOTE: Not an Update :)
103. ...bears the crown!
104. Near and Dear!
105. Crazy Peacock!
106. Young Master!?
107. The Date?
108. Amy the Queen!
109. The Midnight Mirage
110. Amy X Tankhun
It's A.S. Styles^^
Highlights: Mind over Matter

66. Shades of Gray!

277 14 1
By AprilsSmile

Close your eyes and picture the sun.
That's what it felt like to love her; warmth.



Author's POV:

Tankhun noticed as everyone was in awe to see her fall asleep while leaning and... hugging Vegas's freaking legs.

For the first time ever, all of them witnessed an unsettling sight.

Vegas's flushed face!

Angelite was silent, real silent as if thinking something.

[Good bye, everyone! Have a nice day!]

Angel paused for a moment.

[Take care of my sister... while you have a chance.]

The last point was for Tankhun who nodded his head, making a serious face for once. Vegas noticed as his not-so-crazy cousin wore the mask of annoyance within a second before anyone could witness his true self.

Grabbing the shoulder, Macau lean over his brother to peek at sleeping Amy and was the first to leave the area with half frowning half smiling face. Pete moved to pat Vegas's shoulder with a bright smile and leaves the sofa for his ex-boss to sit. Tankhun glanced up at Pete but didn't move from his place.

Nop moved to come in front of his boss to let him know that he was leaving to do some other duty in the mansion. Before leaving he motioned Pol and Arm to follow him. They glanced at their boss, Khun, for a second but chose to do as their senior asked. 

Before leaving they didn't forget to steal a peek at sleeping Amy. Nop frowned as Pol clicked a picture secretly and hid his cell phone. Arm tried not to roll his eyes at Pol's obvious act of secrecy.

Now only two cousins and a sleeping girl left.

Vegas took a deep breath. Tankhun leaned back and straightened his long legs forward to sit more comfortably.

He kept sitting on the floor because that's where his beautiful Amy was. 


Tankhun's POV:

"So, what's the plan?" I ask directly.


"Wednesday." I turn my neck just enough to see the back of my girl.

"..." He was silent and I felt his eyes on my head.

"Count me in too." I tried my luck.

"Our leader wouldn't like the idea." He growl at the second word a tiny bit - probably, out of habit - but I was more surprised to hear that he didn't reject me on my face.

"I will talk to Kinn myself. Now what's the plan?"

"For not letting anyone know and not taking you out with us for sure." He murmur flatly but I felt the hidden amusement in his cool voice.

"I'm not interested too but when it comes to her..." I point with my chin. "I wouldn't mind fighting a little and going uninvited." I whisper back as my beautiful Amy was sleeping soundly.

I gazed at the back of her neck tilted to my cousin's knee. I won't be surprised if she ends up with a tensed muscle. More than half of me wished that the stupid leg was mine for her to lean on.

"Let me know when you talk to Kinn." 

That makes my fine brows furrowed. Is he pretending to play along as he's sure that my leader for a brother wouldn't allow me to come with them?



Whatever! As if anyone can stop me.

"Also let me know if you have some kind of plan in that crazy head of yours." My psycho cousin mumble. I turn back in wonder.

"I'm allowed to come up with plans?!?!?" I shout out excitedly "No matter how crazy it will sounds?" My eyes turn round-round in anticipation.

His eyes widens in anger as I unintentionally disturbed my Amy's sleep. She moved a little but didn't wake up. We sigh in unison.

Both Vegas and I looked at each other. I chuckle lightly and he just smiled.

"Any plan is welcome, no matter how crazy, if that can getting-rid-of-bloody-Screaigh happens." Vegas growls directly at me. Well, I know what he meant by that.

He's giving me a chance. Even though I don't wanna mess up anything, I feel my heart clenching just by the thought of planning someone's death.

That would be........

Hella fun! I smirk unconsciously and Vegas made a face as he intently stares at my gorgeous face.

"How did you know about...Wednesday?" He ask curiously while glancing at her.

"I have some sources." I smile secretly.

"Arm told you, didn't he?"  

I grinned widely making him roll his eyes but from the corner of my eye, I see his lips twitching.

We were silent for a while. He moved slightly but stopped as he didn't want to disturb the deep sleep of his sister. A corner of my lips lift in amusement as my tough cousin is getting tired. I'll just wait a little more for his leg to go completely numb before taking my girl back. 

Haha, it would be amazing to see him limping out of the lounge area. I want to laugh out as I accidentally imagine the scene in my crazy head.

I lean back to relax my neck on the edge of the sofa. I'm feeling sleepy which reminds me that I woke up too early. I glance up at the ceiling and close my eyes. Mainly because I didn't like the design in the center of it.

As I close my eyes, my mind started to work fast. I am sure as hell that I will manage to come up with the best plan to get rid of Screech or Screwed... or whatever. I try for like a minute to remember the villain's name but gave up before... nothing I'm just too lazy to give a damn.

I need to watch some thriller series... actually movies as we got only three days to watch a variety of things, to get ideas. I will watch some thriller and action movies with Amy and my boys just in case there's some horrifying or troublesome scenes for my soft heart.

I need to get an outfit to fancy up myself for the meeting. I already have some dark colors in my mind.

Dark shades always give dangerous vibes.

I kept my eyes closed and placed my hand beside me and felt a soft fabric near my fingers, I grabbed the material and touched it more to guess what it could be...

Ahaa her linen scarf!

I can tell with my eyes closed that I guessed correctly. I hold on to the corner of fabric and smiled at the stupid ceiling.

"I need to do something about that..." I whisper to myself.

"Did you already come up with a plan?" I get startle by the cold voice so much that my soul half left my body.

I grab the right side of my chest with the corner of her scarf still in my fingers. Damn, I almost forgot about this psycho...

"No, I was only thinking about my outfit for the occasion. As for the plan, I'll get to that part soon." I answer honestly and he gives me THE LOOK. Damn him! 

"What! Do you want me to tell you about that?" I lift my brows too much, just to irritate him.

"How did you know that!" He exclaims with the fakest smile I've ever seen. The smile didn't suit him, not a slightest bit. He even manage to look creepy. Ugh!

"You are my cousin. We are blood related and I hate the fact, but that's another story. For now, I just came up with some darker shades like..." I think for a second to come up with a color as I never wore the shades, I'm talking about.

"Gray?" He helps with a lifted brow.

Why does he make a disgusted face? It's just a color, right?

"Yes!" I smile sweetly. Without his help, I might still be thinking.

"Why?" He narrows his eyes at me.

"Gray is not that bad and I heard there's fifty shades of that color."

"..." He huff for some reason.

Maybe I got the wrong piece of information. But I certainly heard from some guards in my mansion that 'Fifty shades of gray' is worth watching.

I want everyone to take pleasure to behold my presence in the meeting room. Well, the first impression is always important for stupid, or so I heard but for me, I don't give a damn about that. If you didn't notice me as soon as I enter in any area then I highly recommend you to see a doctor.

"First brother!" Vegas call me gently.

"First cousin!" I call him back softly

"Jokes apart but we need to be..." He starts to give me a lecture on precautions and I interrupt him.

"I know!"

"I'm serious." He tries again.

"Vegas! I know!" I call him by his name and make a serious face.

"Alright!" He tries to read my face and give up. Smart!

Sigh~ I sat up on the sofa, leaving a space between him and I. I crossed my arms and legs in style then glanced at the guy beside me who was looking at my every movement quite seriously.

Is he trying to read me!?

Well, be my guest. I turn a little in my seat to let him see my true face.

He furrows his brows while staring at me intently. I half smile as I remember what we were talking about.


I'm the first of our generation, I had - have - more experience than him.

I suffer three and a half years more in this wild-world than him. Even though I don't play around with guns in battle fields, like my brothers, I know what's the real deal and danger out there. I received my part of violence at an early age and I have more than enough scars to show as an evidence. But now I have to step into the field of...whatever, just to save my...

My beautiful Amy.

My beautiful love!

"Anything for Amy!" I state firmly.

"Anything for Amy!" He nods in agreement.

For the first time ever we are on the same page.


Vegas's POV:

"Ugh." It was embarrassing as hell when I wanted to move and couldn't. Even a mortifying hiss escaped my lips. I clenched my teeth as I felt an irritating shock run through my leg, a sign that my leg had gone numb.

My crazy brother ahmm... cousin turned red as he was trying to hold the laugh, building up inside him. I dare him to do let it out.

I looked down at the corpse of my sister hugging my leg like a koala bear. I didn't know if I would laugh or cry at that so I just growled inside.

What should I do now! I don't want to wake her up for sure.

I think for a moment while wiggling my toes to wake my leg up and take out my cell phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling my Pete."

"Why?" I didn't answer him as Pete answered the call.

"Pete, I have a situation over here." I said and the guy beside me scoffs to mock me. Damn him!

"What do you mean you can't come?" I try not to growl and the girl moved.

I was about to say something when my crazy cousin snatch my cell phone.

"How dare-" He holds a hand up to stop me and I glared at him seriously as the device is off limits for everyone including my own family.

"Hey Pete! You don't need to come. There's no situation over here. Vegas is just...pfft, exaggerating. He only gets a sleeping leg and he doesn't want to walk out on his own. Even though, I can give a million to see him limping out, hahahaha."

I try to snatch my damn phone back and he leans backwards to get out of my reach.

I almost hissed as I pulled the same leg again and felt an electric shock through my veins. Damnit!

My crazy cousin bite his fist to stop his uncontrollable laughter.

"What!! You want a million. Then all you need to do is not help your psycho partner. Hahaha" I heard him loud and clear talking to my Pete and I can't believe my own ears.

I didn't see that coming.

How can my anchor, my Pete, betray me like this!!!

I will take my revenge on....

Sigh ~

I can't do that revenge-thing to my sweet Pete or his ex-boss.. not anymore.

"Here!" He gave me the device back without hanging up.

"Pete?" I put the phone on my ear.

"I want that million hehe." Pete chuckled on the other side.



Hang up~

What in the hell just happened!

Suddenly I don't mind disturbing some sleep for once.

If she minds I will make up for that later.

"Where do you think you are going?" I look at the standing up and walking around the sofa.

"What are you doing?" I whispered to the crazy guy sitting down in front of Amy and reaching out to.. wake her up?


He Dare To Shh Me!!

"Amy!" He said in a low voice.

"Zzzz" No answer!

"Amm...mmyy!" He stupidly pulled her name and still got.....

I waited.

Yeah no answer.


"Darling!" He tried his luck. And I rolled my eyes as he could only do that while she was sleeping like a dead monkey.


My eyes widened in astonishment and he looked up mirroring the same expression as me when she actually hmmed.

He placed his hand over his mouth to stop the whatever sound trying to escape. I wanted to laugh as he had to grab too hard to stop his own crazy self. Haha idiot!

He waves the hand out towards her.

I furrowed my brows as I didn't understand what he did.

Then it hit me!

He freaking gives her a flying kiss!!

How dare he do that in front of my damn eyes!!

"She's my sister you freak!!" I can't help but shout.

"You want me to call you psycho brother-in-law?" He asked making a quite serious face as if he really did that.

Well he might!

"Hell No!" I shot him a severe glare.

"Then shut up!" He whispered.. sweetly?

Gawd I want to hit this guy badly.

He reached out ignoring me completely and grabbing her wrist over the sleeves to unclasp them around my leg.

Her eyes moved and he stopped to stare at her long lashes. Ugh!

After he got enough he reached his hand under her neck, being careful to touch only the fabric around her neck.

He looked at his other hand to think where he should put that. Great!

He rolled his eyes to himself and turned to make her sit straight by her neck, only to fall back as the silly girl leaned forward towards him.

He was wonderstruck for a long moment as Amy leaned over his chest where his crazy heart was supposed to be. I can clearly see the flush, the confusion, the excitement, the....love on my cousin's face.

Amy smiled in her sleep and for a second I stopped to admire them. No matter how odd they were they still look good together.

A Fashion freak and a fashion terrorist..


They're like two pieces of puzzle, who looked totally different but fitted well with each other.

Perfect complement!




I can't help but chuckled at my crazy in love cousin who seems to be enjoying her sleep hmming..

After a minute he finally got some will power to do whatever he plans..

He moved her legs to hold behind her knees, grabbed her shoulder tightly, took a deep breath and clenched his jaw before finally getting up with her in his arms.

He smiled widely at his success and glanced at me questioningly while seeing my arms reached out towards them. I did that just in case this clumsy guy dropped her down.

If that happened I would have caught her in time. I won't admit it but I was low-key wanted him to master the skill of lifting up his partner.

I smirked to myself as my mind goes to my lovely guy who was definitely hiding behind the doors and not coming in because of a million.

I'm so done with Pete.

Let's see where he managed to spend the money, let alone put it. I bet he'll send all of that to his grandma as he doesn't even know where he put his wallet last.

It's in the closet inside his pants pocket that he wore once and put back in the wardrobe as if I won't know that.

He put his dirty pants in our closet to rebel against my cleanliness. Haha.

I always find his rebellious action cute and funny and I will not tell him that...ever.

His silly actions are my source of joy and happiness.

"Stop smiling like a creep and move before I somehow manage to kick you away." I heard an annoying whispering right in front of me.

I stopped myself from clenching fists as he was still carrying my half dead sister..

Did she eat something wrong!?

I can't help but feel strange.... I can't think of a word so I turned back, placed a cushion and stepped aside. My first brother put her down on the sofa with so much care that my lips twitch.

He leaned down with his eyes fixed on her. He pushed her hair out of her face and sighed lightly.

Well I don't have to witness his mesmerizing moments, do I?

And I know he would never do anything inappropriate to her.

'He's an honourable person when it comes to consent and gentleness..' Pete told me that last night.

I was walking out and turned to look for no reason. The first brother was standing up but freeze as she grabbed his hand that he placed on the sofa earlier.

He blinked rapidly in confusion as he didn't seem to know how he should react now.

He just sat back to look at her some more.

It's kinda fun to see their story building up in front of my eyes.

I'm sure I'm a part of almost all of their sweet moments hahaha..

I rubbed my face to channel my expression before leaving the area.


Later that evening.

I was sitting in my office working on a new deal. Well Porsche does this paper work thing while I go to the fields but he's busy for his swimming competition so now I had to spare some more time to work on his part too.

He offered to give his share of profit that we got from the deal to me. Even though I don't want him to do that, I didn't say no as we can't say anything about the future. If I have to work too hard and compromise some of my personal time too then I want to make sure it's worth it.

I took a deep breath as something or someone is annoying me.

"Mac?" I called in a normal voice

"Yes brother?" He opened the door enough to lean his head in.

"You have something to tell me." I stated.

"Yes! I...." He hesitated to get my full attention.

"Just say it!"

"Can I....go with my friends to the party?" He asked me to surprise.

"You are asking for my permission?" I wanted to confirm it.

"I think I am!" He made a face as if he didn't even know what to expect.

I lean back in my chair and started a safety interrogation.




"Same as usual."

"How many?"

"Five including me!"

"I want you standing Right There before midnight." I pointed at my door where my brother was standing with his hands behind his back.

"Okay.. wait! What! You gave me the permission? Just like that!"

"You came here expecting a fight?" I mused at his reaction.

"Not to fight but an argument maybe.."

"Just say I'm in a good mood as my little brother didn't sneak out somewhere where I had to hunt him down personally." I smiled and his mouth fell open.
"Now leave before I change my mind!"

"Yes brother!" He said without wasting a breath and shutting the door.

I smiled and the door opened again.

I lifted my eyebrows in question when my brother walked towards me only to give me... a hug?

For a moment I didn't know how to react.

"Thanks brother! You are the best!" He mumbled on my shoulder, I reached up to pat his back a little harder to feel the muscle he got, thanks to the special training I made him do three days in a week.

He moved away with a wide smile showing his small teeth to me and left.

I keep looking at the door for a moment.

Well I know what caused this sudden positive change in my rebellious brother.

I remember the conversation between my brother and sister. She asked him to try asking first before doing something silly.*

I don't want him to go out for partying after how the last week's street party turned out but I don't want to disappoint him.

He was walking outside my door for half an hour, trying to gather the courage before asking me.

I don't want him to think that he shouldn't have asked in the first place.

That would be a little unfair to both Macau and I.

'Have fun!' I typed and sent the text to my little brother.


I looked at the text that I received hoping for a reply.

'Proud of you!'

I smiled widely at the three words that Pete send me.

'Thank you!' I typed but ended up replying with an eye rolling emoji and put the device away to concentrate on the file I was reading earlier.


Around seven a loud knock came at my office door.

I was about to say come in when I heard a irritating voice.

"I'm busy!" I said loudly.

Well it was half truth as I'm checking the numbers in documents to confirm something.

"Then let me disturb you!" The door opened and a crazy cousin entered.

I wanted to say get lost but stop as Pete entered too, both Arm and Pol were outside the door, not daring to step in without my permission.

"What happened?" I asked to lean back in my chair.

"She's gone!" My crazy cousin sounds horrified for a second.

I glanced at Pete who nodded in.... Yes.



Author's POV:

In the Main mansion.

Kinn was checking some documents that he needs for the next week's meeting. He wanted to finish the work as soon as possible so that he can work on something else.

Planning to do something for Amy and his brother, to save the girl and business deal together.

He calculates the loss he'll face in case of losing a business partner.

Screaigh got more shares than he expected and in case of his death all of the power that he got on this deal will transfer to the Italian.

Kinn didn't mind the loss but he didn't want his business partner to get more shares and power than him, especially when he worked damn hard on this new deal.

He clenched his jaw as his partner slash assistant was busy swimming around for a damn competition.

Kinn growled only inside as he can't say that to Porsche's face.

Big came inside after knocking for a while. Well Kinn didn't answer so his guard needed to come in to check on him.

Big tilted his head as Kinn was perfectly fine. Then why didn't he.. Big stopped his curious mind as he never asked unusual questions.

"Khun Kinn?"

"..." Kinn looked at his head bodyguard but remained silent.

"Something is troubling you."

That wasn't a question.

Kinn told him about the meeting, Big knows about already.

About Porsche not being able to attend the meeting because of competition. Big knows that too

About Vegas joining him, this was news to Big but he didn't get as surprised as he already expected that the psychopath mafia would be there without even asking.

About Pete who might miss this meeting because of his best friend's competition. Big wanted to smile at that but didn't.

"What is troubling you?" Big asked again as his question didn't get the answer.

"We don't have a plan to corner Screaigh!" Kinn replied in a deep voice and sounded half annoyed.

"..." Big was silent at that.


Bonus scene:

Report 1 :
"There are two cars. And four young boys were waiting outside the mansion, reason unknown!."

Report 2 :
"Sir the younger brother of the psychopath leaves the house in his car. Two cars of boys followed him."

"Did you see the girl?" The man asked, sitting in a cafe.

Report 3:
"But sir! Another car left after them. This one has four guards in."

"Did you see the girl?" He asked the same question while taking a sip of his coffee.

"Negative!" He heard the voice in his ear plugs.

"Keep an eye! And keep reporting of their movements." He said without moving his lips and smiled at the girls who were ogling him from another table.

'He looked at me!!" One girl made a surprised but happy face.
'Did you see his eyes!?" Another girl exclaimed.
'I love gray!' A girl pretends to whisper to her friend.

Screaigh smirked at his cup arrogantly.

He didn't even spare a glance again as this was usual thing for him.

Even though he feels annoyed by these kinds of attention and comments, he still wonders if she will do the same, admiring his good looks, if they ever get the chance to met... again.

"Copy Sir!" He heard another voice in his ears.



46. Confessions!

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