My Gay Roommate (L.S)

By SammiBSykes

60.9K 2K 4.1K

Harry Styles is excited to go to University of Reading, being able to live away from home and be independent... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
author's note
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Four
Forty Five

Forty Three

677 24 98
By SammiBSykes

Small hands cling to my leg as I try to walk toward the door.

"Nooo, don't go!" Phoebe persists, trying with all her might to stay routed on the floor.

Louis sighs, prying her hands away from my leg. "Phoebs he's literally coming back this afternoon. We are meeting with Niall and Zayn and Liam at the shops for a bit, okay?"

Phoebe frowns, blows her hair out from her face when it flops into her eyes. "Promise we can play Uno when you get back, Harry?" she asks.

I give a nod. "Of course we will," I reply, zipping up my Chelsea boots. I look in the mirror to sort my hair out and brush a bit of red lint from my purple crop top.

Her eyes light up instantly and she springs off the floor. "I like Harry, Louis," she says in a loud whisper. "Does this make him our brother?" she ponders, making my heart melt.

He smiles softly at her and brushes her hair back. He gives a nod, looking to me then back to her. "Yeah, I guess it does make them your brother. Now go on, get, before Mum moans about how you haven't tidied your room yet."

She groans at the thought and waves goodbye.

Louis turns to me, blue eyes soft, smile easy. "They really love you."

"I've always wanted younger siblings," I admit, pecking him on the jaw. "Guess I'm part of the family?"

He shakes his head. "Harry, you've always been a part of our family."

I blush pink at that and he holds my hands in his, tracing the two yellow and blue bracelets on my wrist. He kisses my knuckles and let's my hands fall to my side.

"Come on, we better get going." He fishes his keys from his pocket.

"Can I drive?" I ponder.

He quirks a brow. "Are you sure you're confident enough? It's different to driving around the block. There's roundabouts involved."

I gasp dramatically. "Be damned of the roundabouts," I exasperate. I roll my eyes, taking the keys. "Just tell me went to floor it and we will be fine."

"Jesus, save me now," he mutters, following me out the house.

"Now you know how it feels before we have to stomach anything you cook," I quip back, running out the way and squealing when he chases me.

He catches up to me as I'm about to open the driver's door, slapping me on the bum making me yelp.

"Can I just say that your legs look amazing in those flares," he compliments as he straps himself into the passenger seat.

I giggle, tucking my head into my shoulder. I look down to my flared trousers which are black, covered in blue polka dots.

"Maybe you should wear some. Might make you look taller," I tease, earning a slap on the arm playfully. "'M getting abused!"

He gasps. "Shut it, Curly, I could never abuse you."

"You slapped my arse then my arm!"

"Maybe it's just a kink." He gives me a wink and I snort, driving onto the block.

"Oh my God took you guys long enough, what were you doing, doggying in the back of the car?" Niall asks when we meet up with them in the town plaza.

Marie laughs but swings her arms around me. I hug her back, brushing her hair out from her jacket.

"Next time, we will invite you to come watch," Louis says to Niall, ruffling his hair.

Niall shoves him jokingly, shaking his head but a grin stays perminent on his face.

Zayn puts out his cigarette and walks in hand with Liam toward us. "Vas happening?"

"Could ask the same for you, lad, what's all this?" Louis asks, pointing to the obvious bruising and teeth marks along Zayn's jaw and neck.

Niall groans. "Please, I had to sleep in your flat last night because these two were being so loud. Lou, your bed is so comfy."

Louis glares at him and we all walk into the shopping centre.

Anne-Marie drags me into H&M pulling me by the arm toward the dresses.

I spot some pink flared jeans, pointing them out to her and she takes some in a small size, handing them over.

"I really want to find a dress," she explains, dragging the hangers along the railing.

I hum, spotting a nice crinkled chiffon dress in an aloe green shade, peppered with tiny white flowers.

"That would look so cute on you," Marie assures, draping it over her arm. "What do you think of this pink one for me?" I look at the design, the straps are thin and the dress seems to fall for just above the knee.

I tilt my head and nod. "Yeah, that'll go really well with that green denim jacket you got."

She squeals and takes me to the dressing room once we've secured some other items of clothing we want to try on.

After we've finished trying the clothes on, and all of them looking fine for when I feel more like a girl, I go to pay and meet the rest of the boys who are waiting outside the shop looking down the banisters to the food court.

I see Louis drop one of Niall's Haribos, ducking down so people won't see it's him from below, the three of them snickering.

"What the hell are you up to?" Marie asks, standing beside Zayn.

He wraps an arm around her shoulder. "We dared Lou to lob sweets at the people downstairs."

I snort at that, nuzzling my nose into Louis' hair.

"And what did you end up buying?" Louis questions, trying to take a sneak peek into the bag.

I hold it out of his way. "Clothes."

"No shit, thought you went in a clothes shop to buy a lamp." He shakes his head, amused. "Am I getting a fashion show tonight of all your new clothes?"

I smile up at him, dimples caving in. "Sure."

We head off towards Waterstones, and I promise myself not to give into the voices inside my head that tell me to buy every book in the shop.

But on the way out, Louis has a book tucked under his arm from where he saw me eyeing up a copy of called My Policeman, deciding on getting it for me, though my protests.

Whilst we finish off at Primark, I'm laughing along to Liam's comment he's previously made, when my phone begins to go off.

I motion for everyone to keep going, that I'll meet them in New Look, fishing my phone out and taking the call.

"Gemma!" I sing, smile creeping in further. "How are you?"

"I'm good, just checking in. How's you going?"

I pick at my nails for something to do. "I bought some dresses for the summer."

"Careful, I might steal them from you. I'm glad you're finally getting comfortable in your own body, H, it's really nice to see it."

I bite the pillow of my bottom lip. "How's work?" I ask, leaning against the side of one of the shops, people casually walking past, not batting an eye my way.

"I got a promotion. I'm being moved to Manchester to one of their sister buildings. It means I'll also be closer to Mum, as well as more pay."

Despite the fact that I feel pride for my sister, there's a tinge of sadness that tampers at my heart. "Oh." My smile falls slightly. "That means we won't be close by anymore."

"I'm still a train ride away," she points out.

I brush my curls back, my ring getting caught in one of the ringlets. "Yeah, but a four hour plus journey instead of half an hour," I state, chewing at my lip.

"You got your boyf to keep you company, and your new friends, you won't miss me that much, Harry."

I sigh, turning, needing to move a bit. As I look up, I see an all too familiar build with the same salt and pepper hair—though this time more salty than pepper— the bags under his eyes more prominent, but the green within his irises oh so much like mine.

You pathetic excuse of a son!

My hands begin to shake and I swallow thickly.

"Gemma," I whisper.

"And like I said before, I'm still a phone call away and–"

"G-Gemma," I try again, heart hammering. She quietens. "He's h-here."

"What? Who's there? Louis? Tell him I say hi!"

"N-no... Des." His name on my tongue tastes sour.

And he must've fucking heard me as he was walking closer past me, because his head whips around and he looks me up and down, before his eyes seem to focus and recognition washes over his hard creased features.

"Shit," I whisper.

"Harry. Harry run! Get out of there!" Gemma yells, neither one of us knowing what he'd do.

Since when was he let out of prison?

His smile is sickening. "Well, well, well, if it isn't little Harry," he coos.

I can't help but stare, my phone lowering from my ear as Gemma continues to yell down it.

"Of fucking course I couldn't get away from you for long," he spits. "What has happened to you? What's with all... this?" His voice is thick with disgust as he motions to my outfit.

I look down to the crop top and flared jeans.

"I-I," I try, but my voice gets lost in my throat.

He shakes his head, scoffing. "I knew you'd turn out as a disappointment. Should've gotten rid of you when I could. You're no son of mine. What even are you supposed to be?" He catches a look at my bracelets, grabbing my wrists harshly with his clammy hands.

It makes me flinch and my stomach to roll. My heart hammers in my chest.

"They and them? Are you one of those attention seeking little homosexuals?" He shakes his head further in disbelief. "Jesus, your mother really failed you, didn't she?"

I notice the way his hands tremble and turn to fists, and I know now that he's mad, and when he's mad it means he's going to hit, punch, harm me in some appalling way.

I squint my eyes shut, being able to smell the alcohol on his skin from those years ago.

"Lou," I whimper, hoping he's close by to hear, though the sound barely even grazed my lips.

"Oi!" Louis' voice growls, quick footsteps sounding louder. "Leave my boyfriend alone!"

Des' hand on my wrist tightens. "Oh so you are a faggot. My God, you should've never been born."

My knees begin to buckle with fear, my mind turning back to when I was just a small boy, and I want to curl in on myself and make myself tiny and non existent.

"What the fuck did you just call him, arsehole?" Louis seethes.

I look over to see Liam dragging Des away from me with strong muscles, throwing him towards the benches behind us.

"Who even do you think you are?" Louis snaps toward my father. "What sick twisted old goat decides to pick on a young person like that? They've done nothing to you!"

Des' laugh is humourless. "Oh but he has. He was born. Life would've been better if he didn't exist."

"That is such a fucking lie and who are you to even say that?" Louis asks, shoving Des back onto the bench when he goes to stand.

Liam comes over, hand reaching out. I flinch, curling in on myself more, tremors shaking my body.

"N-no. Don't," I plead, voice shaking as much as my body does.

"H, do you know him?" Liam asks me gently.

I nod. "Th-th... he- he's m-my father."

Liam's eyes widen. "Shit," he mumbles.

Security comes rushing over, pulling Des up and dragging Louis away from him.

"Let go of me! That man assaulted my Haz!" Louis screeches.

"Sir, you need to calm down," the security guard that's got Louis in his hold warns.

I look over to Louis. "P-please. Lou, I need you."

The security guard looks to me, then to Louis and reluctantly let's him go. Louis rushes over, bringing me into his arms.

"I c-can't breathe," I heave.

Louis brushes my curls soothingly off my face. "H, we are going to call Paul, and ask of his help, okay? Shall we go see Paul? Talk to him about it?"

I nod my head, knowing Paul is able to listen and give advice as my therapist to help.

"Lock that psycho up, he was put in prison once before, put him back in there again," Louis calls to the guard before scooping me up into his arms.

"I'll let the others know you two have gone," Liam says, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Keep safe, Harry."

"L-Lou... I want to go h-home," I cry.

Louis pouts. "We can visit your mum tomorrow, yeah? For now we gotta see Paul."

I shake my head. "N-no. I w-want to go h-home... to the f-flat."

His eyes soften and he gives me nose a kiss. "Alright baby, we can go back home. But Paul first, okay?"

I nod and begin some breathing exercises that Paul has taught me to calm down, all the while wondering if Des is right.

Was it better if I didn't exist?


I'm cuddled up to Louis' side whilst he brushes my hair with my hair brush to keep me calm.

I went to see Paul earlier and he helped me realise, again, that Des' remarks were not true, and that he was just out to hurt others in order to feel better in himself.

Gemma told Mum about the ordeal, and with it, the police were called. We got told that Des has now gone back into a cell, Mum asking for another restraining order against the man.

Zayn settles a hot chocolate on the table in front of us, leaning over to give my cheek a kiss.

"You okay, bubs?" he ponders.

I give a weak nod. "I'm sorry for ruining the day."

Louis' grip on me tightens. "Shush it, Curly, you didn't ruin anything. It was that pig of a father of yours that did so. You had nothing to do with it."

I sigh heavily through my nose, nuzzling deeper into his neck. "Can we watch Toy Story?"

Zayn grins. "Sure, bubs, let's get it all set up."

He puts the DVD in, before coming over and sandwiching me between him and Louis, stroking my arm softly.

Liam saunters in with popcorn, Niall draped along his back, shoving his fingers into the bowl and munching away.

"Movie night, is it?" Niall questions, getting thrown onto the chair before Liam perches himself on the arm rest.

Marie has a cuppa in hand, taking a sip, sitting on the floor. "Did you realise that all of Andy's friends are replicas of him?"

I look at the TV and sure enough, she's right. Which slightly creeps me out a little bit.

I look up at Louis and he cranes his neck a little to look down at me.

"What's up?" he ponders.

I frown. "I promised Phoebe we'd go and play Uno."

He gives me a light squeeze. "I told her you weren't feeling very well and she was okay with it. She said she will have it ready for when we go back next time, so don't threat it, baby."

I nod, snuggling back into his side again, feeling content.

Halfway through the movie, I fall asleep peacefully in his arms.


Today is the lacrosse game against Surrey Uni.

I pull down my sleeves of my jacket, brushing out my dress from where I sit at the bleachers.

Niall comes over with a hot dog, chucking one at me. I catch it, taking a bite and allowing Louis who sits beside me attacking Marie to have a bite as well.

He reaches over with just his head, lips wrapping around it.

"Tease," I mumble and he chokes on the sausage.

"You wish I was choking on your sausage, wouldn't you," he jokes, swallowing.

Heat rushes to my cheeks and I have to look away.

The sound of people chattering echoes around the clouded sky. More than half the uni has come to see the game, and the remaining bleachers are filled with Surrey Uni students, some with face paint on their faces of the colours of their university logo.

The players begin fledging onto the field, helmets on their heads and big padded uniforms broadening their shoulders. Their lacrosse sticks lazily held in the hands as they jog into position.

"Come on Ziam!" Niall yells out, whistling.

All three of us turn to look at him.

"Ziam?" Louis asks.

Niall grins. "Their ship name, duh. Just like yours is Larry."

I roll my eyes. "That's the worst name."

Niall puts a hand to his heart. "My creative genius just got bruised."

"You and Shawn's is Shiall," Marie chimes.

Niall giggles like a school girl. "I still haven't asked him yet."

They finally figured out that Niall has a crush on Shawn, after he drunkenly let it slip out one night a few nights ago when we were playing drunk Twister at home.

Speaking of the bleeding devil.

Shawn whistles over toward us, walking over with Ed and Lewis on his tail.

"Hi!" Shawn greets, sitting beside Niall. "Hope this seat isn't taken."

"Is now," Niall quips.

Marie nudges into Louis and we both turn our heads to see her mockingly kissing the air, making us snigger.

Niall elbows me in the side gently, scowling.

I poke my tongue out at him.

The ref blows his whistle and the game begins.

"Come on Arthur and Scott!" Ed cheers, clapping loudly.

"Liam! Sign my tits!" Niall screams when Liam passes up from below.

He must've heard him because he looks up and grins, miming later, making us all cackle.

I've never really watched games before, but here to support my friends is actually quite fun, especially being able to scream and cheer out without people giving you funny looks.

Louis' hand finds my thigh, giving it a stroke. He links his fingers with mine, brushing his lips against my knuckles.

"Beautiful Princess," he mutters.

"Watch the game, Lou," I say half heartedly.

He shakes his head. "Much rather watch you."

I take the last bite of the hot dog, roll the wrapping into a ball and flick it at his head.

"Go on Liam!" Marie screams and the pair of us snap our heads toward where Liam has the ball and he allows his stick to throw it into the goal.

He scores.

We all stand and begin stomping our feet and cheering. Louis keeps his hand in mine whilst he raises them above our heads.

We settle back into our seats.

The game continues, 2-2 and it's the last few minutes of the game.

The sun sets around us, coral pinks and soft oranges swirling in the sky, dancing within the light blues. The sun covers only half the bleachers now, and it causes Louis' cheekbones to look that little bit sharper with the lighting. His eyes sparkle like freshly fallen snow, though the deep blues are richer than oceans deepest depths.

I bring his lips to mine, him looking very much kissable right now. He's quick to match the rhythm, tongue entering my mouth, hand coming up to cup my jaw, thumb brushing against my cheek lightly.

"Yes Scott, pass it to Zayn, to Zayn!" Shawn screams out.

"Go on Zayn!" Niall laughs out, clapping excitedly. "Go on, or else Liam won't suck your big d tonight!"

The sounds of cheers erupting around us and the buzzer going off to signal that the last of the game is up, is just a mere hum in my ears as all I can think about is how Louis' mouth molds with my own.

His lips soft like silk, warm like a blanket and sweet like honey. The hint of taste of ketchup from the hot dog finds its way onto my tongue from his own and our tongues dance together.

Niall pats me on the shoulder before genuinely ripping me away from my boyfriend. We break apart and my lips feel slightly bruised.

My fingers touch my bottom lip, tingling from where his lips have made an imprint on my own.

I look over to Niall.

"You two seriously just missed the best shot made by Zayn, winning us the game, all because you couldn't keep your hands to yourself for just one minute?" he says, tone accusating. "You two really are sommet else."

"Oh shush and ask Shawn out," I snap back.

His eyes widen. "What if he says no?"

I roll my eyes. "Nothing to lose."

Niall looks to Shawn. He takes a deep breath. "Wanna hang out tomorrow, just us two, grab some dinner somewhere?"

Shawn's eyes sparkle and his smile widens. "I'd love that."

Niall grins, turns and secretly fist pumps the air. I give him a thumbs up.

Things are finally looking up for everyone.


OMG this story is almost to an end.

That actually saddens me lmfao. I think I've got one chapter and an epilogue left then it's finished.

I hope it's okay so far.

Sorry if this chapter was shit!

I'm still sick but I gotta go to work tomorrow cries.



Vote and comment and I'll see you in the next update

Stay Safe xxooxxoxo

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