TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over Ma...

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"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get en... Daha Fazla

1. Mind over matter
2. Escape plan
3. Escape plan cancel
NOTE: Not an update
Highlights: Chap# 4 & 5
6. No touching at all
7. Chaos in Tankhun's room
8. Tankhun, Pete, Vegas
9. Finding Tankhun!
10. Rock Paper Scissors
11. It's Vegas
12. Pete, the Panther
13. Fan-following!
14. Height of Patheticness!
15. Sleeping Tankhun!
16. Knock, Knock!
NOTE: Not an Update!
17. Sweet Revenge!
18. Amy X Tankhun
19. It's Kinn
Highlights: Have Fun!
20. High-five?
21. Heart issues!
22. Wild Vehement!!!
23. Emergency Party!!
24. The Weekend / Study Time
25. It's Arm
26. Perfect complement :)
27. Beauty's Smile!
28. The Library
29. The Freshmen
NOTE: Not an Update
30. Blue Fire
31. The shopping maniac
32. Group Project
33. The Club
34. Damn Letter!
35. V for Vicious
36. Welcome home, Sister!
37. The Nightmare!
38. Future Fiancé
39. Bustling Life
40. Drama Family!
41. sOOry!
42. Zeal and Zest!
43. Sneak out!!
44. Party Animals!
Highlights: 44. Party Animals!
45. After Party!
46. Confessions!
47. Obsession...!
48. It's Porsche
49. #TeamTankhun
50. The Blacklist!
51. D-Day!
52. The more the merrier!
53. Tankhun's Treat.
54. Selfies Maniac!
55. It's Kimhan
56. Beautiful Heart
57. Second place? maybe not!
58. Stutter Boy!
59. Reciprocate!
60. Official Romance!
61. The Basement!
62. MFC - The Trio
63. Tea...party!
64. The Little Devil!
66. Shades of Gray!
67. A Day so FINE!
68. Befriend!
69. It's Leonid
70. The Plan!?
71. The preparations!
72. Just keep Swimming!
73. Mini concert!
74. Affable Meeting!
75. Bon appetit
Highlights: chap# 74 & 75
76. The control room!
77. Bloody Chaos!
78. The closure!
79. Life did a 360..
80. Romantic action!
81. Love-Hate!
82. The melodious ride..
83. Disheartened!
84. Sir Kinn! Hot as.....
85. A for Amity.
86. Height of Goofiness!
87. Fallen star?
88. Anti-fragile!
89. Her...Escape Plan!
90. Mirthless smile ):)
91. Insomnolent.!.!
92. Maquillage
93. Wild Vociferous!!!
94. Finding Amy!
95. Tragic Heroine...
96. Demoniac Khun!
97. Rough and tumble?
98. Viva la vida
Highlights: Enjoy! ;)
99. The best is yet to come..
100. The Anchor
101. Beer and skittles!
102. Enchantment!
NOTE: Not an Update :)
103. ...bears the crown!
104. Near and Dear!
105. Crazy Peacock!
106. Young Master!?
107. The Date?
108. Amy the Queen!
109. The Midnight Mirage
110. Amy X Tankhun
It's A.S. Styles^^
Highlights: Mind over Matter

65. Warmth...

276 14 11
AprilsSmile tarafından

Hey Readers,

Missed me!?
I.. nahh... We reached 65 chapters today..
Many many Thanks for reading!
I've got 9.03K views.
What a wonderful day!

-A.S. Styles^^


Tankhun's POV:

First time in history, Tankhun Theerapanyakul, I mean ME woke up early in the morning on freaking SUNDAY.. just to have breakfast with her.

I mean how can I miss her cooking!

I like to sit with her and enjoy her mumbling while eating. But today was different as she was quiet, really quiet.

I don't know why she's doing this. Last night I checked but she doesn't have a fever or anything. Maybe she's tired as she woke up early to make breakfast for us. I don't know why but her silence makes me uneasy.

She didn't eat much and only had a cup of tea and then went to the kitchen.

"She's still mad." Pete declared in a low but firm voice and I glared at my psycho cousin accusingly as he was the reason that she turned this way.

"We need to do something." My little cousin leaned forward to whispering.

Vegas and Pete nodded.

I leaned forward to show I'm in too.

They all glanced at me but didn't comment. I take that as agreeing.

She came and left, leaving all of us puzzled.

"Is she okay?" Pol showed a worried face. I wanted to yell at him for worrying about my girl but didn't as he's a good and trustable man plus he had a girlfriend. Unbelievable!

I had some doubts about Pol and Denny.. or Dessy.. or Daily.. whatever. Anyways my doubt turned out to be obvious as my beautiful Amy cleared that last evening.

Even though I was sulking, I was paying attention to everyone especially to her. Hehe

Oh I fell for her for the thousandth time when she gave me her mug while making a cute apologetic face!

That tea tastes sweet by the way. Haha

I never take used things from others, and sharing the same cup was out of the question but....

I don't know what took me to sip from the same side as she sipped before.

I accidentally uttered 'indirect kiss' and received severe glares from my overprotective cousins, as if that works on me.. hah!

I hate the fact that she was talking to Big. Why did she treat him like an old buddy!?

What surprised me the most was that our always-angry-forever-frowning Big was talking casually.. in fact friendly unlike his character.

Everything went well and ended on a good note. And let me share a secret..

I was grateful to my beautiful Amy for bringing my family close enough to share the same table without arguing or fighting or any other troublesome thing that can happen..

This was the first time - as far as I remember - when no one talks about business or anything boring. And all of us had fun and quality time together.


Nop came and reported that he saw her going back to her room only to come out later with her stuff and went to the lounge area.

That wasn't that informative but I was still curious to see what stuff she took, and to do what at 6:23 in the morning.

I stood up to leave and stopped in my track as I was not the only one leaving. I rolled my eyes at my cousins and guards but still smiled a little... for no reason. Hehe.


All of us stopped at the door and looked at each other in confusion.

She was talking loudly to someone...

I was the first to enter the area and everyone followed me closely.

We heard a new voice talking about Maths and Playstation...

We walked around a little just to get her attention. She didn't even spare a moment to turn back to see us.

Is she doing that on purpose?

There was silence on the other side, maybe whoever she was talking to saw us.

He asked if she was okay and she...lied. I furrowed my brows too much as I was not the only one catching her lying.

I heard a soft raspy voice - a teenage voice to be specific.

He called her a terrible liar and I nodded unconsciously agreeing with him.

I narrowed my eyes and saw a little boy on her laptop screen. He looked younger and cuter than our Porchay.

That boy was teasing her nonstop and telling her different stories making her laugh from ear to ear.

My lips twitch as some blonde called my beautiful Amy a cool looking dude. Well I cannot deny the fact as she carries a tomboy aura.

She teases her brother for his wallpaper choice and I smiled shyly as I remembered my wallpaper of her picture that I took secretly when she was sleeping.*

I almost shouted out when that stupid boy call her ugly. How dare he..!!! I made a face as she didn't mind his rudeness at all. If I were her I would have kicked him to teach him a lesson.

My Pete patted my hand to calm me down. I think he was just teasing her again as he admits that he didn't mean that, he was about to call her beautiful but she interrupted and changed the topic.

Then he bragged about winning some bet with his friends, I chuckled as he tried his luck with her pictures
I saw as she rubbed her cheeks while laughing hard because of her little brother.

My little cousin was first to walk towards her and sat on the sofa from behind, while folding his legs up.

My eyes widened at his audacity.

Vegas followed his brother's example and Pete did the same and sat on Macau's left and right.

I narrowed my eyes at the cute guy on the damn screen who kept talking and making fun of my Amy.

I rolled my eyes while stepping forward only to stop near the armrest, and waited for a minute for her to notice my presence.

She didn't....

I wanted to shout and throw a cushion at her but ended up clenching my fists and sat on the armrest.

Pete smiled at me unsure making me relaxed a bit. I placed my arm on his shoulder and heard the only conversation happening in the lounge area.

From the corner of my eye I saw my boys standing with Nop.

Her real brother told her about some silly bet, I smiled at how he admits sweetly that he tried his luck by using his sister's pictures and almost choked on air when he laughed out loud as he actually won.

I would like to have a nice look at those pictures too...

She slammed on the table making me startled a little and shouted in astonishment caused by her laughing little devil.

Now I know why she called him that. That boy is naughty!

"Angel!" She shouted when the boy confessed that he gave her number to two girls. I was so done with him..but I like him hehe.

She was scolding him with a happy smile, calling him a little devil who mimicked a laugh of the Devil cutely.

Suddenly the conversation turned to another topic, I was interested in.


She murmured half heartedly that she can't date making me frown.

Little devil mumbled that she can do whatever she wanted secretly and I nod totally agreeing with my brother-in-law.

"As if dad's not gonna know that." She tilted her head.

"At least you're not rejecting the idea.? So who's that not-so-lucky guy?" He smirked cutely.

My brother-in-law asked and I straightened up defensively just to show him that he's wrong and I'm not just lucky but a fortunate guy to have her.

She became a statue at that but I saw as her fine finger was reaching out slowly to touch the button to end the call.

"Excuse me gentlemen! Can you grab a glass of water for her?" The boy said making our eyes widened.

I saw her finger freeze just above the button and she turned around looking at all of us in awe.

I won't buy it if she says she didn't know we were here. And my brother-in-law took the words out of my....mind.

He asked if she's gonna introduce us or not.. And she said no flatly.

She got a good brother who didn't argue back and changed the topic casually.

He told her to trim her bangs and my eyes went to her scarf as I knew what was behind them.

Is it weird if I wanted to see her with her hair left untied or unbraided and moved my finger through them. I felt heat rose in my neck as I imagined the scene in my head.

She was mumbling something about her mood..


"Did they do something to you?" All of us straightened at that question.

She defended us at once.

He told her about their parents and how he will take her away if she only hinted at him.

She rejected the offer politely and told him about escaping on her own if ever needed.

I turned my neck to see Vegas reaction who was clenching his jaw as expected.

My eyes stopped at my little cousin. Why's Macau staring at the screen like this!?

Well I noticed before too as he was picking at his cuticle while sitting. My heart clenched as he looked envious of the happy siblings.

How that teenage boy smiled and laughed freely while talking to his beautiful sister..

How she didn't mind anything that came out of his mouth..

How he teases and laughs, laughs and teases on repeat..

Well I'd be lying if I said I can relate with Macau as I'm the eldest one. But I imagined my own little brother. As Kim never talked this frankly even though he had two elder brothers, Kinn and I.

At her rejection he offered to come instead and she looked happy at the mere thought. Well my brother-in-law is always welcome here and I'm more than happy to take care of him, personally.

He shifted her attention towards us by calling us 'Bunch of good looking companies'. Naughty!

She nodded while admitting that only our faces keep her life going.

Is she for real! I scoffed at that.

Then they talked about the Tea Party. And she admitted openly that only that was the only nice thing that happened yesterday. My lips parted for a moment.
For me our romantic moment was the best thing that happened...*
I felt my cousin's uneasiness and remembered how he half accidentally hurt her.

Suddenly I felt a strange urge to hit the back of Vegas's head. But I knew better than just doing that. He wouldn't mind hitting me back and I can feel some pain by the mere thought. Hehe

He asked something about a fashionista and she glanced at me for a second. She thought I wouldn't be able to notice that..

"I'll tell you later!" She said and the four words were enough to make me curious as hell.

They started to talk about their parents again and her mouth fell open when my brother-in-law enlightened us of my mother-in-law's plan to make her drop out from college as if that was not enough she even wanted my beautiful Amy to shift abroad.

I cleaned my chest with my free hand as my right hand was placed on Pete's shoulder and let out a horrified gasped sound.

I'm trying not to be disrespectful but how dare you mother-in-law...!!

At least my father-in-law is on our side. I let out a silent breath of relief.

Then he talked about some compromise she doesn't even know she was doing.

"You want me to say that in front of everyone?" He asked half hesitantly and all of us - except Vegas - nodded in yes.

She didn't mind us hearing that too.

"It's about you getting engaged officially...after graduation." He started making my blood pressure rise.

"Say no more! I get that!" She yelled out.

I half jumped down and slammed the table too hard. Ouch!

She started for a moment and looked at me questioningly as if she didn't know what I felt after hearing that..

She changed the topic again and I had to force myself from not rolling my eyes at that, even my brother-in-law felt irritated by that.

She was about to disconnect the call when he yelled to stop her making her lips twitch in a smile.

He asked again if she wants to introduce us now.

She was silent for a moment and the boy said he already knows Kornwit all of the eyes shifted to Vegas in question.

"Who's Kornwit?" She asked while looking at us.

Vegas lifted his eyebrows in amusement.

Her brother was surprised as she didn't even know the name of the guy she called brother. Hah! Silly girl.

He exclaimed in astonishment when he realized that there were more than four guys present here.

Did he see me!? When? I was not even showing in the frame of screen as I sat down on the other side. Then how did he..?

"Six boys, one man." She said.

All the guards moved to stand behind the sofa so that the boy could see them.

I didn't move from my place as my legs went numb for sitting in an uncomfortable position.

"Freaking six!!!!" He exclaimed in horror that sounds like an excitement to me.

He was blabbering too fast only to get scolded by her.

"Angel! Language!" She said sternly.


I love it when she gets mad. Her dark eyes looked just perfect when she scolded someone...

"Gentlemen introduce yourself!" He said arrogantly and none of us opened our mouths as that felt like an order.

She rolled her eyes and asked who he wanted to get introduced first. He thought for a second and asked about my little cousin. Well that was expected.

She introduced her junior without giving his name. Wonderful!

She was going to say Milan when Macau interrupted to stop her giving the wrong name.

Then my brother-in-law told us his name.

Angelite... I smiled at the combination of Angel Light.

That's a good name by the way.

Then she introduced our cutie pie, I mean Pete haha. I saw as Vegas tilted his head to hide the smile.

Angel-light said that he's cuter than Pete on his face and no one disagrees.

That boy knows the level of his good looks. Brilliant!

Then she introduced Arm perfectly and I had to bite my cheek when she whispered that my boy runs on batteries. Haha

Then she introduced my Pol boy with a beautiful smile and even offered him to come close so that her brother could talk to him.

I saw as Pol flushed when Angel-light called him brother Pol just like Amy and talked respectfully and thanked him for being good to his sister.

For the first time since we came, he acted like a good boy hehe.

Pol said that they don't resemble much and my brother-in-law agreed while admitting his beauty and teased his sister for the thousandth time.

I think it's just the part of his character to annoy my beautiful Amy.

He called her Miss Amy with an exaggerated tone and she replied while mimicking his tone and called him Mr Devilite.

I liked that name too haha.

Then she introduced Nop and I almost rolled on the floor when Devil-light called him Mr Marshmallow.


I laughed inwardly, everyone shifted to smile too.

Then she started to wind up the conversation making me frown.

I mean where's my introduction!?

I was waiting patiently for her to look at me in the end, like every other time but...

I understand as she left my psycho cousin out because of some personal reasons and her brother didn't ask too as he already knows him.

I made a mental note to ask Pete about how in the world Angle knows Vegas.

Then I had to do something crazy as half snatching the damn laptop.

"I would like to introduce myself, dear brother-in-law!" I smiled sweetly making my Amy surprised to heaven.

At first he was silently looking at me then finally opened his mouth.

[M? Do you want me to know about this guy?]

He asked for her permission first.

"I don't..." She started then saw something on my face and changed her mind. "Yeah sure.." she said loudly as the laptop was in front of me.

I moved to sit beside her so that we could fit on the frame, our arms touched and she moved a little. Pol stood up to go back to stand with Arm, giving her space.

Both Pete and Macau had their legs folded up, while Vegas had his legs down.

Pete and Macau were behind me and her, respectively.

[Who are you?]

I heard a soft raspy voice who was waiting for us to settle in our place patiently.

"I am Tankhun, you can call me brother Khun. I'm her...." I glanced at her, her eyes waver as if she was requesting me not to say anything stupid to embarrass her in front of her brother.

Well I wasn't planning to do that either so I continued.

"I'm her class fellow and friend..." I smiled at the simple introduction of myself.

[Do you like my sister?]

I was taken aback by his straight forward question.

"Yes!" I smiled as everyone in the house liked her.


He asked again.

"Yes!" I confessed softly and felt her holding her breath.


"You should ask her too.. if she likes me."

[I won't. She wouldn't answer that as she...]

He didn't complete the sentence so I helped him.

".. engaged!"

I heard some surprised gasps behind me.

[You knew?]



"She told me herself."

[You mean rejected you?]

He lifted an amused brow and half smiled, I tried my best not to frown.

"Angel! Don't!" She warned him.

[Let us talk! I won't tell mama and dad!]

"Let us talk!" I second that while looking at her reassuringly.

She furrowed her brows as if thinking something but didn't say anything, me and my brother-in-law take that as an Okay.

[So Mr Tincan..]

He started and it took me a second to get that when she chuckled out.

I was about to scold the little devil but stopped as he gave an affectionate toothy smile.

[Now she's fine. So.. how do you two meet?]

"At college, in the parking area, I saved her from an ugly looking guy." I remembered the first day at college.*

[Quite heroic of you!]

She chuckled at that.

[Tell me about your second meeting.]

He leaned forward and placed his pointy chin on his palm.

"The second meeting was on the same day when I put oint.." I was saying and felt a small nudge on my side.*

I closed my mouth as she didn't want me to tell that to her brother. Maybe she hid the fact that she got hurt that day.

"I tried to find him later. I even go to college on my off day in hope to find him, I even tried to look for him on the neighbor faculty..."*

She was saying and I turned completely in surprise as this was my first time hearing that.

Is she telling the truth!?

"Our second meeting was on the other week when I found him in my own faculty and went to thank him for his help. He shouted and treated me quite rudely and didn't even recognize me."*

[He freaking didn't...]

He exclaimed in astonishment.

"Yeah he did!" She mimicked him.

"I had a solid reason!" I mimicked them.

"Like what?" She lifted an brow at me.

"I was getting followed by.. and I didn't want them to see you with me so I just...."

"Liar!" She rolled her eyes while interrupting me.

"I never lied!" I shouted and received some looks from my guards and cousins
"Not to you.." I added.

"You were sitting in the garden area, admiring the nature and all when I came to you."

"Yes you're right!"

"And you shouted and insulted me in front of the whole college!"

"Now you're exaggerating it too much but let me tell you I didn't meant to do that.. it's because of those damn followers.."

"No one sat around while getting followed." She interrupted me again for heaven's sake.

"Let me finish you impatient brat!" I shouted on top of my lungs.

"..." She was silent.

[...] Her brother was silent.

In fact everyone was silent.

Much better!

"The stalker was sitting right behind me, I was just buying the time for my bodyguards to come instead you appeared out of nowhere and I had to act that way I did just to save you. Gawd you make me explain."
I made an annoyed face.

"Anyways she took her revenge by ignoring me the very next day when I was about to apologize to her." I click my tongue while remembering the day she passed by me without looking at me.*

"..." She looked surprised to know all of that. I shouldn't have told the apologizing part. Tsk!

[Then both of you became friends when you found out about classes that you had together?]

"More or less...yes!" I said and she nodded agreeing with me.

[Then you fell for her when you saw how great and interesting she was...]

He clapped his hands together excitedly, creating a movie plot.

"Angel!" She exclaimed.

"Actually no!" I answered anyway.

"..." She spared me a confused glance.

"I was interested in her from day one when I saw her in the parking area. Everything came later."


He lifted his brows as if liking his sister from the first sight was a little unreasonable.

"Yes! I'm not someone who went after others ever.. let alone a girl. But she.." I turned towards her "She's....different." I wanted to say a lot but didn't as she was not ready to hear that.

I shared a little more about our meetings and Angel-Light fell from his seat a few times while laughing.

Well he was not alone as I heard some chuckling sounds behind us.

[What a romantic comedy!!!]

He smiled widely showing his canine teeth, when he smiled like that he resembled his sister as her canine teeth are pointy too.

We were busy talking when Pete shifted behind me.

"Wegath! We need to go..." Pete whispered and Vegas glanced at the clock as they had a morning meeting today probably with Kinn like every other weekend.

Vegas nodded and sat straight to stand up but stopped for some reason..


Vegas's POV:

It was already 8 and I didn't realize it as I was having fun because of my sister's brother.

I smiled as we got a new addition in the family. A naughty one.

The youngest member, Angelite.

I heard his voice often when I talked to Amy's father to assure him that I can keep her safe.

I had to request too much until her father agreed, finally.

I even have to go as far as to send my complete BioData to her dad as if I was applying for a freaking job.

I tolerate all of that as her dad was being completely reasonable, if I were him I would have done the same. Even then I wouldn't let her stay at some Mafia's house. Hahaha

As to why I tolerate everything was because I wanted her to stay with us...with me.

Ever since she came here all of us felt.... good. Good is an underrated word for the way I feel about everything since she came here.

She's like a magnet who pulled us towards her only to end up together. Last evening was a major example of that..

I looked at my hand that hurt her. Only if I can turn back time...


"Wegath?" Pete's voice bring me out of my thoughts.

I nodded and uncrossed my legs to stood up.

Something stopped me.

I glanced at her, then at her hand clenching my pants.


For the first time I didn't know how to react.

It was enough to make me feel warmer.

I sat back and waited for her to say something. She didn't look at me neither let go.

I looked at my Pete who smiled a little as he noticed too.

"Umm.. Angel?"


"He.. ahmm.. I want to.. ahmm. I would like to introduce this devastatingly handsome guy." She cleared her throat and started while pointing at me.
"He's my senior in college, from Business faculty. I met him by chance or...with a chance, I'm not so sure anymore. Anyways he's a witty guy."
She lifted her head to look at me for a moment and I raised an amused brow.
"I met him the same day I went to find Tincan I mean Tankhun to my neighbor faculty.."
My crazy cousin shot her a glare and she grinned like a naughty girl.

"Why do you guys keep calling me that!?" My crazy cousin yelled as expected interrupting and half ruining my introduction.

[M! He's the fashionista right!?]

Angelite asked and she nodded with a playful smile.

"I want an explanation on that too." Khun crossed his arm, hitting her side with his elbow, making her fall to her right, instinctively I held my leg up to stop her and get flustered at my own action as she leaned on my leg.

I heard Angel, Macau and Pete chuckled as they find it funny - others don't dare to do the same.

I waited as she sat back only to hit my crazy cousin on his arm. He shouted and rubbed his arm but didn't complain. Well that's new..

[She told me stories sometimes..]

Angel started taking our full attention on him.

[It's been more than a month since she started a new story of a Fashionista.
It's about a colorful boy named Tincan, who lives in the strange world of black and white.]

All the eyes went to the crazy guy who sat on the floor wearing a unicorn and rainbow printed loose shirt, looking interested in the story like a little boy. Almost all of us rolled our eyes behind his back.

[Anyways.. M! you were introducing that devastatingly handsome senior.]

Little Devil changed the topic, leaving the story behind, making everyone lift their brows with different expressions.

Pete blinked a few times in confusion, Macau frowned at the screen, I didn't look at the others, as for me I wanted to smile widely as I find that topic-changing thing funny.

"He saved my life, and I won't share the details so don't even ask. Just know that he's a nice person. I don't want you to call him by his name, just call him brother as I do the same."

"..." I was speechless.

[Okay I will.. But he doesn't look that older than you so why do you call him brother.]

"Because...I liked it, I guess." She paused for a second "I always protected you like a big bro but..." She took a deep breath.

[You always wanted an elder brother to save you too..]

"Look I found him!" She smiled sadly. "Right at the moment when I needed a big brother the most."

"..." I was... touched?


Angel was silent.

In fact all of us were silent, I glanced at my crazy cousin who didn't open his mouth for once.

"He's a Mafia leader by the way.." she added out of the blue ruining the moment successfully.

[Haha funny!]

"That wasn't a joke."

[I'm not buying that.]

"As you wish but don't whine about it later that I didn't tell you."

[Sister you can't be serious about that..]

The boy became serious and sat straight.

"You can ask anyone." She moved her hand in the air.
"I'm telling the truth. Right Mafia brother?" She looked at me and I didn't know what to say except nod to confirm.

[Woah cool!]

The boy exclaimed and I rolled my eyes as to what we could expect from a teenager. Haha

[Hello Kornwit! I mean brother...]

He looked at us?..me?...her? I can't tell exactly.

"Vegas." I heard a voice.

Wait! Did she just call my name right?

[Yes brother Vegas! Hope you're doing well. You look better than the picture I saw.]

"Where?" She interrupted.

[In.. dad's.. office...]

"Did you sneak in?" She asked and he nodded.
"Angel!!!" She sat straight looking mad for some reason.

[Yeah right! I know, I know. But what can I do I was desperate and worried about you.. and dad wasn't telling me anything no matter how many times I asked and then Mama had a serious argument with him.
I didn't get to hear the whole thing but from what I caught.. it was about dad giving permission to you.. for staying at some unknown place.. with a complete stranger..]

He made a pouty face making her sigh in defeat.

"So how did you know about him?"

[I found his BioData, then tried to find him on IG, FB and searched his name on Google too. I found him in the list of richest people in Thailand. I saw a list of companies and factories under his surname.]

She furrowed her brows.

[Don't tell me you didn't even think about searching for him online?]

"I don't use SNS.."

[What about Google?]

"I... I didn't think of that. Even if I did, I didn't know his name. Even if I knew I don't think I would do that. I always ask directly if I ever feel curious about something. And he answered truthfully - most of the time.."

I smiled at that.

"Enough of my psycho cousin now starts talking about me." An annoying voice hit my eardrums.

Angelite chuckled as he found him funny, but I got a feeling that there's more than just that.

They were talking and Amy didn't interrupt anymore. She pulled her scarf over her neck to set it and leaned back to place her head on the sofa.

I froze as she leaned on my knee accidentally but didn't move after that.

I was wonderstruck and sat as motionless as possible.

She smiled while enjoying the silly conversation between little devil and crazy. Surprisingly their brains work the same, I won't be surprised if they end up becoming best buddies.

I rubbed my face as their age difference hit me.

Angelite is only sixteen, actually seventeen as his Birthday is near and my crazy cousin...

I felt embarrassed to think about his age.. he's going to celebrate his silver jubilee soon..

I felt a light touch on my shoulder and turned my neck to see Pete pointing at the clock.

I glanced down at my little sister, thought for a moment and came to a decision.

'I am not coming. You can start the meeting without me.'

I sent the text to Kinn and Porsche.

There are certain things that I don't want to miss.

And I had some set priorities; my sister is one of them.

I took a deep breath and sat back. Pete smiled at me affectionately as he read my mind.

I hesitated a lot before placing my hand over her head lightly.

She didn't move or flinch by the touch, I started to rub lightly.

She moved a little to sit in a more comfortable position and hugged my leg on which she was leaning over.

I felt a new kind of warmth all the way into my dark soul.

I won't let anyone in the whole damn world hurt this girl, myself included.

I patted her head and felt everyone's stupid eyes on me.

That's when I realized that I was smiling widely in front of everyone.


Somewhere in the damn world.

Leonid looked at his new collection of suits that came from Italy.

He touched the fine fabric of a gray suit and made sure that it was well pressed.

The door opened and he turned to look at his nephew, his heart.

Leonid POV:

"Good morning!" I started and glanced at the tray Lev was holding.
"I told your mother not to make anything for my breakfast.." I said and walked to get the tray gratefully.

He didn't answer and glanced at the suits hanging on a stand in front of the mirror.

"You didn't knock!" I placed the tray on the table.

"M..my hands w..were busy holding the t..tray."

"Then how did you open the door?" I asked while taking a seat.

"I put d..down the tray, t..turn the knob, t..then took t..the tray in."

I looked up only to find him smiling.

"How smart of you!" I laughed out and motioned him to come near so I could pat his back.

He sat beside me and I made him take the first bite of my sandwich.

I cleaned the mayonnaise from the corner of his lips with my thumb and took a bite myself.

He was looking at my suits while chewing and I smiled, waiting for him to swallow and start asking the questions that are rising in his mind.

"D..did y..you have to a..attend s..some important event? W..what's the special oc..occasion?"

Here we go!

"I have an important meeting next week."

"Y..you got a b..bunch of suits f..for one m..meeting?"

"Well there's going to be more meetings and occasions in the coming weeks.." I took a sip of sugar free dark coffee while thinking of Italian and Thai.

He made a face while glancing at my cup with the dark liquid in it.

"W..why is it s..so important? I m..mean you got tailor-made suits on sh..short n..notice."

"Even though I appreciate your curiosity, I'm afraid I can't answer that."

"Y..you're d..dealing with dangerous s..stuff." That wasn't a question so I didn't answer.

"Don't tell your mother... I don't want my sister to get worried over nothing!" I half requested him.

He nodded like a good boy, he is.

"B..be safe!" He stuttered out.

"I will!" I pulled him to my side and gave him a light but firm hug.

"I l..like the d..dark g..gray one!" He pointed at the suit I was checking when he entered.

"Me too!"

He was silent as I finished my cup of coffee, and I know him too well to know where his mind is wondering.

Well my family knows my shady business, they don't need to ask about the overflowing wealth I got.

My sister didn't like me doing this underworld business as it's risky and too dangerous. But I know that it's her love for me that makes her afraid.

My brother-in-law is a nice man and smart enough to mind his own business.

As for my nephew.. he's my life. He's too good and an obedient boy for his age. Sometimes I have to encourage him to act rebelliously as other young boys of his age would.

Even though we are the complete opposite in nature, we get along very well. I'm wild and he's gentle. I'm a huge liar and he's brutally honest.

He's older enough to know what I do for a living. I play hide and seek with death to earn a luxurious life for me and my family. Even though my sister never spent the money I earned.

I never minded her cruel remarks on my lifestyle as long as she allowed me to stay near her son, my nephew Lev.

No matter how dangerous of the mafia I am, she wouldn't hesitate to kick me out from her house. It's all because of my brother-in-law and Lev that I'm able to live in their house.

I know she cares for me too but didn't show it openly.. and there's no way in the world that I can explain the story of my side. Not that I've ever tried or wanted to do that.

"How's your study going?"


"Do you want help for your first test?"


"So how's your cool senior?"



"I d..don't know!"

"I'm still waiting for you to inform me about her.." I reminded him.

"T..there's no n..need. I w..won't see her ag..again." He clenched his knee.

"Because of me?"

"Yes!" He answered without any stammer.


Damn his brutal honesty!

"I act this way... It's only for your safety son!"

"I.. know."


"I w..will keep m..my distance fr..from her. I d..don't want to d..disturb her p..peaceful life."

I undone the first button of my shirt to release some of the tension building in.

I don't want to disturb anyone's peaceful life too. But that doesn't make my mind change as I will never compromise any safety measures when it comes to my family. No matter how much they hate my style.

"Let me know about her first if you ever change your mind about keeping distance." I said softly.

He thinks for a moment then nods in agreement.

"Good boy!" I placed my forehead against his to get some of his goodness and kindness to keep my soul alive.



59. Reciprocate!

60. Official Romance!

4. It's Amy

5. First day

6. No touching at all

9. Finding Tankhun

13. Fan-following

17. Sweet revenge

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