TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over Ma...

By AprilsSmile

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"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get en... More

1. Mind over matter
2. Escape plan
3. Escape plan cancel
NOTE: Not an update
Highlights: Chap# 4 & 5
6. No touching at all
7. Chaos in Tankhun's room
8. Tankhun, Pete, Vegas
9. Finding Tankhun!
10. Rock Paper Scissors
11. It's Vegas
12. Pete, the Panther
13. Fan-following!
14. Height of Patheticness!
15. Sleeping Tankhun!
16. Knock, Knock!
NOTE: Not an Update!
17. Sweet Revenge!
18. Amy X Tankhun
19. It's Kinn
Highlights: Have Fun!
20. High-five?
21. Heart issues!
22. Wild Vehement!!!
23. Emergency Party!!
24. The Weekend / Study Time
25. It's Arm
26. Perfect complement :)
27. Beauty's Smile!
28. The Library
29. The Freshmen
NOTE: Not an Update
30. Blue Fire
31. The shopping maniac
32. Group Project
33. The Club
34. Damn Letter!
35. V for Vicious
36. Welcome home, Sister!
37. The Nightmare!
38. Future Fiancรฉ
39. Bustling Life
40. Drama Family!
41. sOOry!
42. Zeal and Zest!
43. Sneak out!!
44. Party Animals!
Highlights: 44. Party Animals!
45. After Party!
46. Confessions!
47. Obsession...!
48. It's Porsche
49. #TeamTankhun
50. The Blacklist!
51. D-Day!
52. The more the merrier!
53. Tankhun's Treat.
54. Selfies Maniac!
55. It's Kimhan
56. Beautiful Heart
57. Second place? maybe not!
58. Stutter Boy!
59. Reciprocate!
60. Official Romance!
62. MFC - The Trio
63. Tea...party!
64. The Little Devil!
65. Warmth...
66. Shades of Gray!
67. A Day so FINE!
68. Befriend!
69. It's Leonid
70. The Plan!?
71. The preparations!
72. Just keep Swimming!
73. Mini concert!
74. Affable Meeting!
75. Bon appetit
Highlights: chap# 74 & 75
76. The control room!
77. Bloody Chaos!
78. The closure!
79. Life did a 360..
80. Romantic action!
81. Love-Hate!
82. The melodious ride..
83. Disheartened!
84. Sir Kinn! Hot as.....
85. A for Amity.
86. Height of Goofiness!
87. Fallen star?
88. Anti-fragile!
89. Her...Escape Plan!
90. Mirthless smile ):)
91. Insomnolent.!.!
92. Maquillage
93. Wild Vociferous!!!
94. Finding Amy!
95. Tragic Heroine...
96. Demoniac Khun!
97. Rough and tumble?
98. Viva la vida
Highlights: Enjoy! ;)
99. The best is yet to come..
100. The Anchor
101. Beer and skittles!
102. Enchantment!
NOTE: Not an Update :)
103. ...bears the crown!
104. Near and Dear!
105. Crazy Peacock!
106. Young Master!?
107. The Date?
108. Amy the Queen!
109. The Midnight Mirage
110. Amy X Tankhun
It's A.S. Styles^^
Highlights: Mind over Matter

61. The Basement!

283 20 18
By AprilsSmile

Tankhun's POV:

I know I'm doing something stupid to take her all the way down to the basement. But she needs to see what we are, what our world is, what is behind our handsome masks..

I went downstairs and she followed me behind, a little hesitantly.

I stopped at the last step, narrowed my eyes at the door.
Is it too late to go back!?

"Did you see a cockroach!?" She whispered while peeking above my shoulder.

"Yes!" I lied just to scare her for no good reason.

It would be funny if she shouted like a girl and jumped to hug me.. hehe.

"Move! I'll crush it under my sneakers." She folded her sleeves up as if readying for a fist fight with a damn roach.

"..." I was utterly dumbfounded.

"Don't worry! I'll protect you. I've kill tuns of them for my little devil. He hates insect. But that doesn't matter..move!" She was blabbering over my shoulder with so much determination that I wanted to laugh out.

Now I wanted to take her all the way... Let's see how brave she could be to survive in my world.

"It's gone." I said and took the last step to a dusty-rusty heavy door of the damn basement.

I opened the door and clenched my jaw with the nostalgic feeling. I wanted to take a deep breath but didn't as this place was filthy as hell.

I was the first to step in... Obviously.

Another red light room.

I looked around the room... old walls and pillars, paint was peeled off and looked uglier than ever.

She stood right beside me that our arms touched for a second as she was looking around too.

"What is this place?" She asked hesitantly.

"It is...." I trailed off as I saw a familiar pillar.

I walked towards that and knelt down one knee..

I touched two letters with my index finger.


I smiled at that..

"Are you okay?" I felt a touch on my shoulder.

I stood up at once.

"Yes!" I said honestly.

"Then what is this!?" She touched my face with a finger and showed it to me.

"This is....." I think for a second while staring at the drop.

"A tear." She helped.

"Yes." I blurted out accidentally making her eyebrows furrowed.

She looked... weird in red light with her face covered in bangs and shadow fall all over her face. Her dark eyes were shining in red light.

I would get scared as hell if she appears in my dreams like this. I don't want her to be a nightmare. Haha.

"Are you afraid of dark places? If you don't like this place we can leave.." she said softly making me blink.

Like seriously I freaking lived here for a few days.. or weeks.. I don't remember. Tsk!

"I'm fine. You want to see more?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

"There's more?" She looked around the huge room.

I smirked as this is just the first room. The basement is vast as it is under the damn minor mansion.

I hid that piece of information as I don't want her to see some certain rooms.

My envious uncle and psycho cousin are more artistic and imaginative when it comes to creating a torture room.

Uncle Kan... (May his soul be restless in hell!) ..create this place to deal with certain people he hates or wants to get some personal revenge.

And my not so psycho cousin develop this place and took the torture thing to another level. Vegas was the one who thought to use electric shock and tool boxes instead of simple things like knives.

The basement is just the polite word for hell.

This place held the true meaning of the underworld.


I entered the other room.

She looked at the walls with hooks and chains with handcuffs in the end.

I felt her questioning eyes on me but chose to let her wonder on her own.

I know what she's thinking and I know she's smart enough to think right.


In another room..

There's a long table with sharp cutters like knives, axes and saws.

And there's another table of steel, same as you find in hospital operation rooms. But this one has two cuffs on both ends.

"Torture table!" I heard her little voice.

She held out her hand curiously to touch the things on the table but stopped and glanced at me. I shook my head a little and she took her hand back. Good girl!


In another room..

There's a line of four steel chairs fixed on the floors. On the other side were huge pipes attached to a round wheel.

"Water pressure torture!" She exclaimed.

I gulped down as I saw her face.. I saw everything I didn't expect to see.

Why in the hell did she looked facinated!!


In another room there were chairs and tables. She looked around at the red and blue wires attached to clippers.

"Electric torture!" I rolled my eyes as she kept guessing the kinds of torture each room is designed for.


We stopped at two doors.

The right one is locked while left on was...unlocked.

I opened the door using my handkerchief.

I took a step and stopped at once.

My eyes widened as this was one of the certain rooms she didn't need to see.

I was about to turn when she peeked over my shoulder curiously.

Damn her curiosity!

"Let's get out of here!" I started in a low voice.

"Why?" She whispered back.

"There's nothing to see!"

"..." She didn't say anything then..

I leaned on the door to balance myself as she half pushed me aside to enter the damn room.

"Don't.." I started and covered her eyes from behind.

"Tankhun!!" She complained while slapping the back of my hand that was covering her eyes and pulling her back.

"Sssshhhhhh! Come back!"

"You are hurting me!" She half shouted and I stopped at once.

I moved my hand and she stepped away. I watched silently as she rubbed her eyes first with her hands then with her scarf.

I glanced at my hands, they were not dusty as I didn't touch anything.

"Did it feel like burning..?" I asked as I remembered Nanon told me what she felt when someone touched her.

"Huh??" She turned to look at me, I saw shock in her eyes then she blinked and schooled her expressions "No! Maybe some dust got in my eyes!" She smiled sweetly but I saw she was clenching the end of her scarf.

I stare at her smiling face. How can someone look so beautiful while lying!!


"I don't want you to see what's behind you. We are leaving!" I honestly faced her.

"Is there a torture victim??" Her eyes widened to it's extent.

"Quiet opposite!" I smiled unconsciously glancing at the two pairs of eyes, staring behind her back.

She narrowed her eyes at me while turning slowly, I didn't stop her this time as I don't want her to think of this hell after leaving.

"What the...." She exclaimed loudly.

I walked around and stood beside her while placing my hands on my waist.

I glanced at the man lying on the bed. A thin pipe is attached to his arm and IV bottle. His one leg was covered in plaster to his thigh. And his eyes widened to see... the girl beside me?


Why isn't he looking at me?!!!!!

I'm the first son of Theerapanyakul and he heard my name loud and clear with her mouth.. then why?

I rolled my eyes and saw another guy tied to a chair.

I stared down at him and saw his one hand was covered in bandages while his other hand was cuffed to the armrest. His legs were tied too.

I saw as he looked at her in disbelief.

I moved forward to hide her behind my back as I felt disgusted by their stares at her.

How dare they look at my beautiful Amy!?

"Tankhun.." she whispered, and I turned my neck slightly ".. they..." She didn't finish.

"I know!" I whispered back and she looked at me in astonishment.

After she collected herself she took a step.. towards them. I made a face as she didn't seem to be that afraid of them. Maybe because they were tied or maybe because they were incapable of moving.. either way I don't want her to go near them so I followed her closely, half curious to see her reaction as I can't read her current expression.

She stopped a meter away from the bed and the ugly man looked at her silently waiting for her to begin..

"Are.. ahm.." Her voice broke then she cleared her throat
"Are you feeling okay!?" I stumbled on my step of her first sentence.

I glanced around and found I was not the only one looking in awe.

"Do.. you need something?" She looked around the area for some reason.

She found a chair and grabbed it to sit in front of the man.

"My name is Amy. I'm twenty one and I study in college. I am blessed with a perfect family and a peaceful life. Today is the 49th day since my life turned upside down." She was introducing herself and I clenched my fists at her calm tone.

"I can't sleep as I saw your face in my dreams.. nightmares actually." She corrected herself.
"My head aches every time I wake up and I rub my whole face to make sure that I still have eyes, nose, lips...." I shivers to hear that.
"..And the thing that troubles me most is.. I can't seem to figure out what in the world I did to deserve this kind of fate."

She smiled at the last word and I stared at the man's face. He looked horrified and... embarrassed!?

She was quiet for a long minute.

"Did your.. family know.. about you.. being here?" She stammered the words out. I never saw her this hesitant.

She waited for a minute to get a reply or something then I glared at the man, standing behind her.

"No!" He glanced at me and answered in his heavy voice.

"Do you want to inform them?" She asked the man while glancing up at me like I'm going to do something stupid as informing the attacker's family of his well being. Huh!

"No!" The man replied again.

Amy and I exchange a puzzle look.

"As you wish.." She stood up "Get well soon!" She managed to smile at the man who wants to throw freaking acid on her beautiful face.

She held the back of the chair and dragged it to the other guy.

I glanced for the last time at the man and was taken aback as I saw a tear felling from his eyes and disappeared in the pillow. He closed his eyes to hide the shame he felt to see the girl he almost ruined the life..

Damn him!

I turned to her. She placed the chair a meter away from the guy who was glaring at her.

How dare he!?

She felt uneasy and lost the scarf on her neck with one hand. I noticed as the guy's eyes widened at something.

I narrowed my eyes at them and Amy let her arms fall on both sides as she sat.

I saw a pink line on her fair arm. I clenched my jaw at the mark that this guy left.

He shifted his eyes from her.

"I..." She started "How's your hand?"

"Get lost!" He flinched while moving his jaw and sneered almost immediately.

I wanted to slap his mouth with my shoe.

"Okay.." She replied but didn't move from her place. He stares at her and I glare at him.
"I will ask my brother Vegas to let you go, as I can see your legs are fine." She said flatly.

His eyes widened at the mere mention of my psycho cousin's name. Sweet!

"Actually I will ask him to let both of you go, just give me your word.. after recovery you won't come after me ever again." She looked at both of them in hope.

"We don't have any personal issues with you.. we appreciate your kindness but let us stay here, Miss....Amy." The man's voice broke.

"Okay.." she looked around for a bit "I can see he's treating your wounds.." she said softly as if thinking about something.

"Let's get out of here!" I said firmly making her look at me half questioningly. "Vegas will be here in any minute and you don't want him to find you... here."

She stood up without saying anything making me slightly happy.



"Why is he treating them... here?" She asked in a little voice.

I looked at the pathetic idiots who seemed to be holding their breath at her innocent question.

"To hurt them again." I replied shortly but honestly.

"Wh..what do you mean?" She looked at me in horror.

"It's a healing torture!" I smirked making her eyes widen and lips parted in bewilderment.


In the garden area.

Vegas, Pete and Nop were looking everywhere. Pete hung up on Porsche and called Arm to come here immediately as he was getting a strange feeling. Arm was with Kinn, so now Kinn knows too.

Well Kinn knew about Khun living in the Minor mansion since day one when he walked gracefully to his car and ducked down in his seat when his car left the mansion. Kinn and Big watched everything but chose to let him be.. as his Amy is there so it's okay! Right!?

Kinn called for Big who told him that Porsche already left - as he was coming in - for the Minor mansion. That was enough for Kinn to stand up and dash out the door. Both Big and Arm followed him.

Arm wanted to call Pol but didn't as he was off duty and was out having.....whatever!

Big was worried too but didn't show it on his face. Before leaving the main mansion he grabbed a water bottle from a guard who was about to open the seal to drink it.

Porsche was the first to reach. He chuckled to himself as he left Kim behind no matter how much he wanted to drive fast. He tapped his bike with a smile and entered when the gate was open.

He called his little brother Chay who answered at once. He asked for the area where both the little ones were hiding and turned on his heel to go to the compound on the other side of the garden area.

Kim came and a guard pointed with his rifle towards the direction where Porsche went earlier.

Vegas found Porsche running towards somewhere in a hurry and stopped to see Vegas and Pete. Vegas nodded a little and Porsche ran away.

Vegas stopped in front of the off limit area and growled as he found the door unlock.

Pete's eyes widened and he glanced at Nop who became pale. Vegas pulled out his penknife and Pete and Nop held out their guns. They walked in, Vegas allowed only two of them to step in the basement.

The door closed behind them.


A few minutes later all the guards at the gate straightened as the leader of the Mafia clan entered with his head bodyguard. Arm nodded at the familiar minor guards who stepped aside and nodded to the leader.

"Where's Vegas?" Kinn asked in his deep voice.

One of the guards pointed at the direction he sent Porsche and Kim earlier. Big was the first to walk in front of his boss. Kinn lifted his thick brows as he saw a gun and a water bottle in his hands.

Three of them stopped in front of the off-limit area. Well Kinn knew what was behind the damn door. Big step up and opened the door. Three of them looked at each other in confusion.


Amy's POV:

I felt goosebumps at Tankhun's words. Well I'm a movie maniac so I saw many torture scenes in movies. Out of all the kinds of torture, I find this one horrifying.

Hurting! than healing! and hurting again!
I can't believe this comes out of the mafia brother's mind! No wonder Tankhun calls him psycho!

"Before leaving I want to ask you something." I looked at the man lying in bed. As the guy on the chairs felt pain while speaking.
"Why did you come after me? What I have that you want?" I asked and they frowned.

"We were merely following the orders." The man answers shortly.

"Let's go! They are not going to open their damn mouth." Tankhun murmured while standing close to me.

"Let me try again." I whispered to him.

"What Screaigh want from me?" I asked loud and clear.

I saw as the guy clenched his jaw and flinched in pain. I watched as the man turned pale in shock.

I waited for an answer that never came.

"Is there any way that I can contact your boss?" I asked again hopefully.

"Amy!" Tankhun growled my name.

"I bet my brother had your cellphones. Just tell me something... please." I sound desperate.

From the corner of my eye I saw Tankhun glaring and shaking his head as if stopping them from saying anything.

I felt a stupid urge to slapped the back of his head.


I got startled as the steel door behind us flew open, making a loud noise.

I saw as the guy beside me put his hand on the right side of his chest to calm himself down.

We glanced at each other and turned around slowly.

I freeze while looking at Tankhun's psycho cousin.

"I'll be damn!" I heard him whispering to me and I nodded totally agreeing with him.

Mafia brother cursed loudly while glaring at Tankhun then clenched my wrist tightly and dragged me out of the room, leaving everyone including me in astonishment.

"Let go..!" I said while pulling my arm.

I heard Tankhun shout and ask Pete to stop his psycho lover. I didn't even get the chance to react to that.

"Brother..." I tried again..

Pete came around and stood in front of us. My eyes widened as I saw a gun in his hand. He glanced at my surprised face but didn't hide the weapon away. Cool!

"Step aside!" Mafia brother growled in his cool but deep voice, giving me a shiver.

I felt his grip tighten around my poor wrist. I won't be surprised if he broke my bone or something.

"Let me go!" I shouted as he started to pull me towards another door.

We push and pull for a minute and the door opens to make us stop at once.

I blinked as I saw three familiar figures. I felt goosebumps as the grip around my wrist tightened some more and the mafia brother glared at the figure standing in front of him.

"Hey Kinn! Stop this psycho he's taking my Amy.." I heard a high pitched voice behind me.

Sir Kinn spared him a surprise glance then looked at me and my wrist.

I kept pulling my hand and glanced at Arm who walked to stand beside Pete and Big who clenched his jaw and held his gun at freaking brother V's face.

My eyes widened in shock and lips parted to stop Big at once.

"Vegas let go!" Sir Kinn ordered in his deep voice and glanced at his bodyguard but didn't tell him to put his gun down.

I watched as Big lowered his eyes to my wrist and shot a hostile glare at brother V.

"All of you get out!" He roared loudly making me jump a little.

I think it's time for me to leave this damn mansion. I will call my dad and tell him to come and protect his daughter from... everyone.

"I will walk on my own just let go.." I politely requested. He shot me a glare as if my politeness made him angry some more.

"Why is everybody here!?" I heard a familiar voice. I looked at the door and found Porchay's brother... Toyota?

What is he doing here!?

He looked around but no one answered him, making him frowned for some reason.

"Pete takes people from the main family out!" Brother V looked at the cute guy.

Pete looked at Sir Kinn who lifted his thick eyebrows in challenge making Pete look down and then to the other guy.

Porchay's brother walked and stopped beside Pete. He whispered something about 'is this the place?'

Pete bit his lip and glanced at Senior V for a second then schooled his expression as Tankhun came out of nowhere and rubbed his back.

I looked curiously around the room. It was the electric-torture room. Well there's definitely something about the room which makes Pete uneasy.

I was busy observing while trying to divert my mind from the burning feeling I get on my damn wrist. I stumbled forward as my wrist pulled again.

The Mafia brother pushed everyone aside and took me out of the room. Now it's too much for me to handle, my heart was beating too much. I felt my head throbbing and sweat appeared on my forehead under my bangs and a shrieked of pain came out of me.

I know all of them were halted and were looking at me. I felt an aching ball built inside my throat.

"Ahh It's burning, it's burning.." I shouted and tried to blow on my wrist desperately.

His grip loosened and someone pushed him aside. My knees gave up and I collapsed on the floor. I rubbed my wrist too much to stop the burning feeling.

'It's nothing.. it's nothing.. there's no fire.. breath.. breath...' I think to myself while shaking. Someone knelt in front of me but I didn't look up to him.

'Relax Amy.. he didn't meant to hurt.. everything is fine.. the day is bright.. the life is good..' I tried to think of something to divert my thoughts. I was rubbing and blowing when someone appeared on my right side.

I felt something cool on my arm, I glanced up and found the topknot guy staring at me intently. I looked down and found his hand pouring water on my wrist slowly.

I closed my eyes "Th..thank you!" My voice broke.

He poured more than half a bottle and held out the bottle to me. I glanced at the few sips of water and drank it gratefully. The ball in my throat dissolves on its own.

I unfolded my sleeves to hide the visible parts, as I don't want to feel another direct touch.

I tried to stand up and stumbled a little. I saw hands coming from every side to help me but stopped in the air.

"Are you okay?" I heard my pretty boy's little voice.

"Yes!" I said but forgot to smile to assure him.

I looked at Big who shifted his gaze from me and took a step back.

Arm was more focused on the room than me. And I wanted to thank him for that.

Sir Kinn looked at me and I saw concern in his eyes, for a second he looked like Tankhun.

Mr. Goofy didn't look jolly for once. Tsk!

Pete clenched and unclenched his fists while glaring at someone. I turned to see in his line of sight and found...


"I..." Br.. Senior V started.

"You're not my brother anymore." I declared flatly and walked towards the door, Sir Kinn stepped aside and I nod a thanks before stepping out.

As soon as I left the first door I ran for the next and next until I saw the stairs to get out of here.

I skipped a step to run all the way up. I don't know what I'm going to do next but let's think about that later.

First I go to the room and lock the door to pack some stuff then I will call my dad then...

I was thinking when I heard footsteps running after me. Bloody hell!

I'm not afraid of them but for now I don't want to face them. They came to know my freaking secret together, all because of senior V.

I felt uneasy at the thought of being taken as an abnormal or unstable person. Damn it!

"Amy wait!!" I heard a cool shout behind me. I ignored him once.
"Stop!" I ignored him twice
"We need to talk!" I ignored him thrice.

I opened the last door and stepped out in the day light.

What a wonderful day to visit a hell of a basement!

I stopped and closed the damn door behind me. I was out of breath and energy and everything between.

I looked around to see which way I should be going and found three pairs of eyes staring at me.


A loud bang came at the door following senior V's shouting. Oh boy!

"Amy!" Senior V growled my name.

"Hey Vegas! Step aside, she's mad at you. Let me try.." I heard Tankhun's voice. "Amy will you please open the damn door!" He sweetly asked, making me chuckle a little.

I chose to remain silent.

Well I know senior V didn't mean any harm to me, and he cares about me like a family but he needs to learn some lessons.

When I said let go, he needs to let go.. period.

I'm not someone who will bow down to him just because he's a psycho mafia. Huh!

I'm a paying guest here. I don't need to follow him, I respect him as an elder brother and senior.

When I said he's not my brother I didn't mean it literally, I was just being dramatic. Hehe.

In the last few days I observed him, he was too kind and polite with the people he loves and he called me his sister so my seventh sense is telling me he can't do anything to me.

I dare him to try.. haha!

"Mac pulled her I'm gonna break the damn door." He shouted, Milan reached out and pulled me by my scarf.

I lost my balance, three of them reached out to hold me in one place. I flicked my hands away and stepped aside.

Everything happened so fast that I didn't even get a chance to react properly.

The door burst open and a group of handsome guys came out.

I looked left and right. Where's the exit!?

"Don't you dare!" Senior V held out his finger at my face. I stare back at him fair and square.

We did a staring competition for no good reason. Even though my bangs were poking my eyes I didn't give up. A slender finger came and moved my bangs away. From the corner of my eye I saw my pretty boy looking excited for no damn reason.

Bloody hell!

I shot him a glare too. He was the one who took me inside. But on second thought, he did a good job as now I know where to start..

I need to find the cellphone of attackers to get the number of Screaigh. I will send that number to my dad who will handle everything and then everything will be turned back to 360.

I held my head high just like Tankhun would do and turned to leave.

"Where do you think you're going!?" Senior V asked.

I ignored him.

"Amy where are you going?" Tankhun asked sweetly, I rolled my eyes at him.

"To the room." I said shortly.

"Why?" Senior V asked again.

"I don't need to explain to you seniors!" I gave him a poker face while pressing on the last word.

"Amy!" He just said my name..

I stared at him and glanced around as everyone was watching our family drama.

I don't want to ruin my mafia brother's image in front of them. He possessed a dangerous aura, as he's been called Psychopath for a reason. But I know better, he's a nice person and an excellent brother.

Fine! I'll talk to him politely but not give him smiles for a few days. Truth be told I'm not planning to leave the mansion until I get what I wanted.

"I'm going to the room to get fresh as I want to be alone. I'm planning to call my dad. And let's see what happens next." I said politely. "Am I allowed to leave! senior!" I can't help but taunt him in the end. Haha.

"..." Visibly he was silent but I know he was scheming something in his head.

I took a deep breath and relaxed myself. Now I felt as good as new.

The evening is too nice to be mad for long!

"Actually.." I started again "..now that we have guests.. Why don't all of you join us for tea or coffee or anything else.. I don't know everyone's tastes." I glanced at Sir Kinn, Goofy, Han and Big.

I wanted to smile at the last one but didn't. Why does he look at me like this!? I blinked and turned to the nerd.



"Will you please call brother Pol!? I think it's time for his next shift to start." I glanced at Tankhun who nodded in yes.

"Okay!" He said like a robot and stepped away.

"Milan, Porchay go get your books from the table and go inside." I said and both of them looked at their elder brothers and walked away.

"Sir Kinn! would you like to have a cup of tea with me.. ahm..us?" I invited him respectfully and stood straight like a good student.

He glanced at the owner of the mansion but nodded anyway. I almost smiled at that but clenched my fists to stop myself.

Sir Kinn took a step and Big walked too. I turned to follow them but stopped.

"Tankhun!" I placed my hand on my waist.

"Yes?" A smile appeared on his face.

"Do you want an invitation too!" I lifted a brow and it took him a second to get the meaning.

"No!" He grinned and jumped to stand beside me. "Let's go Pete!" He called his ex-head bodyguard.

Pete looked back and forth between his partner and ex-boss.

I glanced at Senior and was taken aback as he was just looking at me. I felt uneasy then shifted my gaze and turned to leave.

Even though I liked and respected him wholeheartedly but... he hurt me...

How can I forgive him just like that..!


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