𝑫𝒆𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏// Lady Lesso...

Bởi Crimsonflower-

108K 5.5K 2K

In a land full of fairytales and magic a never couldn't be with an ever, it was highly forbidden. But things... Xem Thêm

[1] Arrival
[2] „Can't sleep?"
[3] Intruders
[4] Hiding in the dark
[5] Words of adoration
[6] Ever, Never and the letter
[7] A princess among wolves
[8] Pure evil
[9] Nights at the windowpane
[10] A (Un)normal Date
[11] Diabolic lover
[12] Suspicions
[13] A trial for the truth
[14] With best wishes from Rafal
[15] Cottagecore vacation
Authors note
[16] Leonora of Gavaldon
[17] The new teacher
[18] Evers against Nevers
[19] Deathly shadows
[20] The School for Evil
[21] The Readers of Gavaldon
[22] Love, the death of duty
[23] The Doom room
[24] Partners in crime
[25] He's back
[26] The last duel

[27] Perfect Never Ever After?

2.7K 143 47
Bởi Crimsonflower-

Red lightning flashed, the schoolmaster's office had turned into a single battle and debris field. The dark and evil magic of Rafal met the wild and uncontrollable magic of Lesso, who, driven and blinded by her rage, launched more and more attacks, reducing everything to ashes.

Y/N could only watch this wondrous spectacle of colors of the darkest and bloodiest red with astonishment, while her body, weakened by the battle, could no longer move. Everything in her resisted letting Lesso fight this battle alone, but no matter how hard she tried, her body would not move an inch from the spot. And so she had no choice but to witness the battle between Rafal and Lesso.

As their magic clashed one more time, it set off something like a shockwave. A shockwave that could probably be equated with a supernova. Just as beautiful, yet just as dangerous.
Y/N's heart was consumed with pain, for she could not bear to be absolutely powerless and merely watch the battle for the fate of all being fought.

Lesso had to win. She just had to. Y/N didn't care what would happen to her. She had already finished with her fate. But Lesso... she was still full of energy and strength. Rafal was not allowed to take her away from her. Everything, but not her.

The redhead was hit by another blow and staggered back. She propped herself against the large desk to gain some footing and not fall to the floor.

Drop, drop, drop

When Y/N looked in her girlfriend's direction, her eyes widened. Dark red blood ran down her chin and cheek and seeped onto the wooden floor. One drop became two, until finally an incredible number of small drops fell to the floor, staining it with its red color.

Lesso was breathing heavily, her chest was rising and falling at irregular intervals, and even though Y/N couldn't see the others' face, she knew that Lesso was at the end of her strength. She just managed to keep herself upright and not go crashing to the ground. Y/N didn't want to think about the pain she must be in.

She knew she had to do something. Otherwise Rafal would kill her. Y/N closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. Her body, tense with adrenaline, was able to calm down a little. It would not be possible for her to heal Lesso quickly, her healing magic was not strong enough for that and there was no time for it, but there was something else she could do.

The young woman reached out her hand and thought back to all the memories she had shared with Lesso. Their dance together under the starlight, the secret date on the riverbank followed by their first flight on the back of a giant bird, the days they had spent together on her estate.... All that now united into one strong feeling. A feeling that was stronger than any magic in this world. With the love Y/N felt for Lesso, Y/N was able to transfer some of her magic with Lesso.

It was as if a warm summer breeze welcomed the redhead and enveloped her in its warmth. The light of Y/N's bright magic played around her like a few swirled petals dancing around her. And for a moment, it was like being embraced most tenderly. The soft voice of Y/N reached Lesso's ear and breathed her name.

"Let me be the light that guides you through the endless darkness."

The soft whisper faded as quickly as it had come. All of a sudden, she felt much stronger than she had a few minutes ago. Her eyes landed on the sword lying on the floor. Lesso had seen this sword a time or two before, and she knew it belonged to the School for Good.

The finely forged silver blade gleamed in the bland light. Its glow seemed to call to her and all at once she knew what to do. Just as Y/N's voice had whispered to her, Lesso let her guide her and picked up the sword from the ground. It was brimming with magic and Lesso could feel how much strength lay dormant in this sword. Bright magic that Y/N had manifested in this sword.

"Let's finish it."

With her newfound strength, Lesso actually managed to stand upright again. The redhead spat some blood from her mouth before walking towards Rafal with her head held high and her sword drawn. "It's about time you finally take responsibility for all your actions!" she hissed and attacked another time, bringing the fight between the two of them to a previously unimaginable climax.

Even though the sword in Lesso's hands was not meant to be wielded by evil forces, Y/N's magic still managed to make the blade feel surprisingly light. Again and again Lesso attacked the evil magician, who from now on had to dodge not only Lesso's magic, but the swift strokes of the sword, whose tip was just waiting to taste his evil blood and deal him the death blow.

Rafal was still in the upper hand despite everything, of course he was. He was, after all, pure evil itself and had studied this art of magic far longer and more deeply than any of them. But upon closer inspection, Y/N noticed that his movements had become slower and more ponderous. To all appearances, this fight seemed to be slowly taking its toll on him.

Hectically, Y/N looked around the room, her eyes wandering over the individual pieces of furniture in the hope of finding something that would be of use to them in some way, and sure enough!

The young woman reached out for the dagger that stood as a trinket on one of the many shelves. With a little help from her magic, she managed to bring the dagger to her. The blade would not be strong enough to stop someone as powerful as Rafal, but it would at least hurt and weaken him.

Y/N gathered all that was left of her strength to stand up. With sheer willpower, she struggled to take her first steps forward before launching herself at Rafal with a loud battle cry.
The magician had not expected this ambush and so he wheeled around to stop Y/N's attack and ultimately kill her, but it was not to come to that.

The moment Rafal was distracted by Y/N's attack, Lesso could hear the soft whisper again, and this time it spoke, "This is your chance, take it."

And that is exactly what Lesso did. It had been a mistake for Rafal to turn his back on her. The red-haired dean lunged at him from behind and pierced his body with the silver sword. The magician stopped what he was doing and merely looked down at himself. Blood gushed from the wound left by the enchanted sword, his breathing became heavier, and he staggered. And then... Then it was over, as Rafal went down and disappeared in a cloud of blood magic, as if he had never existed.

The dark clouds over the School for Good and Evil disappeared and the first rays of sunlight fell through the window. Y/N couldn't believe it yet. They had really done it. Rafal was defeated and that once and for all. The young woman raised her head and looked in Lesso's direction. The redhead dropped the sword on the ground. This last fight had really taken more out of her than she wanted to admit.

Lesso swayed a bit and before her strength could leave her entirely, Y/N was already there, supporting her as best she could. "You did it, Lesso! You stopped Rafal!" Y/N couldn't help beaming, at that moment she was filled with pure joy and she couldn't be prouder at that moment.

But Lesso merely shook her head, her hand resting against Y/N's cheek covered in scratches. "No, we did it. Without your help with the enchanted sword and your brave attack, I wouldn't have been able to stop Rafal." She frowned slightly at the mention of his name. "I hope he burns in hell now."

Y/N couldn't help but shake her head in amusement. Even now, when it was supposed to be a moment of celebration, Lesso was only focused on other things than the fact that they had won.

"Oh shut up and come here."

Y/N gently took Lesso's face between her hands and pulled her down a little to her, connecting both of their lips in a passionate kiss. The dean let out a surprised gasp, but she immediately returned the kiss, her bloodied hands wrapped around Y/N's body and pulled her a little closer. They were both full of dust, dirt and blood, so Y/N didn't mind a few bloody hands.

Only when she couldn't breathe anymore, Y/N slowly released herself from the kiss and leaned her forehead against Lesso's. It was a moment of silence and peace, but it was not to last long.


Agatha's panicked voice made Y/N's head shoot up and she wheeled around to the girl. Rafal's spell had been broken. Had the transformation stopped as soon as he disappeared?

The image that presented itself before her tugged at her heart and put a dim veil over her previous joy in the face of her victory against Rafal. Agatha crouched on the floor, holding Sophie's limp body in her arms. The blood of her wound had dried by now and not a single sign of life emanated from the blonde-haired girl. Rafal had taken her life and the happy ending that awaited her and Agatha was not to come.

Filled with deep sorrow, Agatha crouched over the lifeless body of Sophie and quiet sobs left her lips. The person who was so much more important to her than anyone else in the world had been taken from her. And she had been unable to do anything to stand by her friend in the most difficult time.

Y/N slowly approached the two girls and put her hand on Agatha's shoulder. A sign of her deep condolences. "I'm sorry Agatha, I wish it hadn't turned out this way" the young woman spoke honestly. Whether or not her words ultimately resonated with Agatha, she wasn't sure.

She stepped back a bit to give the brown-haired girl some space. The worst thing about this sight was the fact that it was her fault that it had come to this. Could they have prevented this fate if they had stepped in sooner and talked to the others? But it had happened now and it would be useless to waste thoughts on things that could have been different. What mattered was the here and now.

Agatha brushed one of Sophie's blonde strands from her pale face and whispered softly, "You're my best friend Sophie, I love you so much." The brown-haired bent down a little and breathed a soft kiss on Sophie's lips to seal this hard farewell.

For a while longer Agatha gently cradled her friend in her arms, until her gaze fell on the wound that began to close more and more. "But what...?" She didn't manage to finish her words, when Sophie opened her eyes and began to breathe again. The blonde girl sat up, she looked confused and startled at the same time, but then a smile settled on her lips and she fell around her best friend's neck. "Oh Aggy, you saved me! Thank you."

Lesso also seemed clearly confused, they had seen it with their own eyes after all. Sophie had succumbed to her injuries, so how could it be that she was sitting in front of them without a single scratch. Y/N leaned her head lightly against Lesso's shoulder. "True love always wins in the end," she murmured.

Together with Sophie and Agatha, Lesso and Y/N stepped outside. Single rays of sunlight tickled their faces and high up in the sky, birds were circling and chirping their happy songs.

A portal appeared in front of them, because finally the words of the schoolmaster had turned out to be true. Through the kiss of true love, Agatha and Sophie would be able to return to their homeland. But this was also a moment of farewell. Sophie was already waiting in front of the portal, looking in the direction of her best friend. Agatha, on the other hand, ran up to the other two women one last time and pulled Y/N into a final but warm embrace. "Thank you so much for everything. Without your help, this wouldn't have been possible."

It was a gesture that touched Y/N deeply and so she let Agatha go with the words, "There is nothing to thank, be happy Agatha and Sophie of Gavaldon and enjoy your peace, you have more than earned it."

Agatha and Sophie both disappeared through the portal and Y/N and Lesso returned to the others to check on things. However, none of them could have expected what was in front of them. Good and evil, the two schools that had been enemies for ages, now united. It almost seemed as if they were bound together by a powerful bond of friendship. The long battles and disagreements had finally come to an end.

"Y/N, Lesso! Thank the gods you're all right!"

Dovey approached the two, her gaze full of joy yet at the same time mixed with great concern for them. "What exactly happened?" she asked as she stood in front of the two. Y/N was just so relieved at that moment to see that her best friend was okay that she couldn't help but fall around the Dean's neck. "It's a long story, Clarissa. We'll explain it to you at a better time. For now, rest assured Rafal is defeated and we can finally enjoy our peace."

As the evening approached, a celebration was held in honor of her victory against Rafal. It was also a perfect opportunity for everyone to get to know each other better. After all, now that the two schools were connected, there was no reason not to hold such a celebration together.

The festive ballroom of the School for Good was filled with many students, loud laughter and a lot of good humor. Y/N enjoyed the sight before her. It was a natural sight and it was almost hard to believe that it had ever been otherwise. It was almost as if the two schools had always gotten along so well.

But something was missing from this peaceful idyll. Or should one better say, someone was missing?
Y/N looked around the ballroom, but she couldn't find the slightest trace of Lesso. Where had she disappeared to? The young woman had already guessed that the redhead would not show up here, but there had been hope that it would be different.

Y/N approached the large window and looked outside, and there she saw the shadow of a figure sitting high up on one of the roofs. The red curls that shone in the moonlight she would recognize anywhere.

"So here you are. Mind if I keep you company for a bit?"

Y/N had left the merry atmosphere of the feast and had set about seeking out Lesso. The dean raised her head when she heard her girlfriend's voice. She sipped once from the glass of wine she held in her hands before shaking her head. "I don't. Anyone else I probably would have chased out of here already, but I guess I can make an exception for you." A mischievous grin settled on her lips and with a slight shake of her head, Y/N settled down next to the other.

"What are you doing here all by yourself? I was wondering where you were."
Lesso turned her gaze back to the front and looked at the landscape stretching out before them both. The stars high in the sky were reflected in the great river, providing some light in the darkness. "Such joyous celebrations are just not for me. I have retreated a bit to enjoy the view" Lesso thus answered truthfully.

Now Y/N looked ahead too, before her gaze fell on the bright stars. "The view is really beautiful, I can see why you wanted to come here."

Out of the corner of her eye, Y/N could see Lesso's slight grin. Lesso wouldn't be Lesso if some comment on that statement didn't follow, and Y/N was to be proven right. "Still. I guess the view is nowhere near as beautiful as you."

When Y/N heard those words, she blushed slightly. After all the time they had spent together now, Lesso still really managed to make her flustered. Lightly, Y/N poked her girlfriend in the ribs. "Oh Lesso, stop it." But Lesso could only grin triumphantly. "It's always fun to see you so flustered, isn't it?"

Y/N leaned her head against Lesso's shoulder and let out a contented sigh. After all the weeks of tension, they were all finally able to calm down a bit. "Lesso?" she asked after a while, receiving a low hum from the other as a sign that she was listening. "I'm glad you're here. With me. My life has gotten a lot better since I met you."

They were words that rarely crossed her lips, but it was also something that needed to be said for once. Y/N just wanted Lesso to know how happy she made her.

"What is this going to be? Are we getting sentimental or what?"

Y/N merely rolled her eyes slightly. "I'm serious Lesso. I still find it hard to believe that our happy ending can finally begin without having to worry about someone like Rafal. We can finally focus on us. I'm not getting sentimental, I just wanted to express how much I love you."

Lesso smiled a little and turned her attention back to Y/N. She let her fingers gently move through her girlfriend's hair. "Hmm, I love you too. So much more than I can express sometimes."

It was this moment under the endless starry sky in which the two confessed their love for each other once again, that they were able to enjoy the togetherness and the peace that was emerging. Because at that moment there were only the two of them under the vast night sky and that was all they needed to be happy.

- The End -

Y'all I can't believe it's over, but this is it. That's the end of my fanfiction and I would like to thank you all so much for all this love and support on my work! Sometimes I really struggled with keeping this up but seeing your comments and the way you enjoyed the story between Y/N and Lesso made me keep going.
I enjoyed interacting with you so much and although I couldn't answer on all your comments, I loved reading every single one of them, they really made my day!

It almost makes me sad that this is the end, since I've grown very fond of this story. But worry not, I will take a short break from writing and Wattpad, but when I'm back I'll bring not only one and not two, but four new stories with me, including Charlize Theron content😌 I hope I can see some of you guys there as well!
Until then I hope y'all stay safe and I wish you the very best for the new year <3

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