π‘«π’†π’—π’π’•π’Šπ’π’// Lady Lesso...

By Crimsonflower-

114K 5.7K 2K

In a land full of fairytales and magic a never couldn't be with an ever, it was highly forbidden. But things... More

[1] Arrival
[2] β€žCan't sleep?"
[3] Intruders
[4] Hiding in the dark
[5] Words of adoration
[6] Ever, Never and the letter
[7] A princess among wolves
[8] Pure evil
[9] Nights at the windowpane
[10] A (Un)normal Date
[11] Diabolic lover
[12] Suspicions
[13] A trial for the truth
[14] With best wishes from Rafal
Authors note
[16] Leonora of Gavaldon
[17] The new teacher
[18] Evers against Nevers
[19] Deathly shadows
[20] The School for Evil
[21] The Readers of Gavaldon
[22] Love, the death of duty
[23] The Doom room
[24] Partners in crime
[25] He's back
[26] The last duel
[27] Perfect Never Ever After?

[15] Cottagecore vacation

3.7K 211 58
By Crimsonflower-

The tension was big. Ever since Rafal had tried to kill Y/N, everyone was constantly on guard, wary of another potential attack of pure evil. But this attack did not come. Neither a few days later, nor weeks after the incident. And the others slowly but surely began to relax a bit.

And with that, the first half of the new school year was coming to an end. The vacations were upon them, and all the students, from both the School for Good and the School for Evil had packed their bags to return to their families. All, except for one person.

Lesso would be left alone in the dark castle throughout the vacations to look after things. The time there was always a bit lonely, but by now the redhead had gotten used to the emptiness and silence in the halls of her school. Only with the exception that someone else had other ideas for her this year.

As soon as all the students had disappeared, one of her loyal guards came to her. The wolf pointed in the direction of the large entrance door. "Lady Lesso, Miss Y/N is outside and has asked for you" he let his mistress know. Lesso raised an eyebrow a little questioningly, but complied with the request and found herself out in the cool morning air shortly after.
"Y/N, you're still here. Dovey told me you were planning to return to your estate, I thought you had left long ago."

Y/N put her hands on her hips and replied a bit skeptically, "And that's without saying goodbye to my girlfriend? You didn't really think I would have just left without saying anything. And besides... There's something else I wanted to ask you."
Questioningly, Lesso raised an eyebrow and waited for Y/N to continue with whatever it was she wanted to ask her.

"I don't like the idea of you sitting around here alone in this gloomy castle all the time. Join me and come with me. Then you'll finally see something other than these dark corridors of your castle." But Lesso seemed quite skeptical at first and rather averse to this offer. "You want me to come with you...to your castle? You do know that princess stuff isn't something for me, right?"

Y/N knew it wouldn't be easy to persuade Lesso, but she wasn't going to admit defeat that easily. "You don't even know what my place is like yet. You might even like it there. Come on, what's wrong with spending a few days at the estate? Besides, we'd finally have some time to ourselves. Away from school and all the rules. Wouldn't that be nice?" By now, Y/N had put on an almost pleading look. Leaving Lesso here alone was absolutely out of the question.

"As tempting as that may sound, my princess. I will not come with you to your castle."


Not even half an hour had passed and Y/N was on her way to her estate, a satisfied smile had settled on her face as her eyes fell on Lesso who was by her side. "And you still said you wouldn't come with me. I guess I can be quite convincing after all" Y/N teased the redhead a bit. The addressed one gave her a quick glance from the side and merely sighed softly. "You wouldn't have given up until I came along, would you? I had no other chance."
"Or maybe it's because you just can't resist me."

The journey to Y/N's estate took time, and the two had to take a break or two, but the view they had when they reached their destination was all the more breathtaking for it. In the valley that stretched out before them was a huge property. At first glance, it did not look like the castle of a princess, but much more like a huge mansion, but the vast garden with the large apple orchard suggested that appearances were deceiving.

"Well, what do you say? It's not even as awful as you thought, is it?" asked Y/N with a smile, looking over at Lesso, who had been eyeing the property for a while now. "Mhm" she merely made and continued her way to the property. "Not as bad as I thought it would be. At least it's not one of those huge castles full of glitter, kitsch and other stuff."

It was good to be home again, and only now that she was in the familiar surroundings of her home did Y/N realize how much she had actually missed being here. As nice as the school was for good, it was always nice to be able to return here.

"My lady, there you are. We had been expecting your arrival. Welcome back and..." Some servants had rushed outside when they saw their princess from afar. But their gaze was fixed on the person standing behind Y/N. "If I may, my lady but why are you accompanied by Lady Lesso?"
Y/N was glad to finally see a familiar face again. The name of that servant was Isabell and she had been there for Y/N for years and had also taken care of her when she had been a child.

"Please, just don't worry Isabell. Lesso is here at my bidding. She and I... we just want to enjoy some time together before school starts again. I ask you to welcome her, she is a valued guest here with us" Y/N let her know. Isabell seemed a bit skeptical at first, but she merely nodded slightly, indicated a bow and finally made room for the two. "But of course, please follow me in, you must surely be quite exhausted from your journey."

Little had changed since Y/N was last here. The entrance hall still shone with the light of the sun, fresh flowers added some color to the rather plain room, and small candles that had been specially lit flickered on the large chandelier on the ceiling. The silky curtains blew in the fresh breeze as soon as they stepped through the door.

"Come along, I'll show you around a bit." Y/N grabbed Lesso's wrist and pulled her behind her before she could react much. After all, it wasn't very often that she had the opportunity to show Lesso where she had grown up.

"Okay okay, slow down Darling I can barely keep up" came from Lesso, whereupon Y/N slowed down a bit. "Oh, sorry, I'm just so excited to show you around. I can't wait to see what you think of everything here."

Y/N showed her around the large dining room, with its long dining table and ancient wall decor, took her to the dormitory they would share together for their stay here, it was a lot more drab than hers at the school for good, but no less beautiful because of it. But Y/N had saved a very specific room for the very end. "So if you don't like it, then I don't know what else to do." She grinned slightly and opened the large double door.
Together with Lesso, she stepped inside and a large steaming bath stretched out before them, the hot air immediately hitting them.

"Seriously? A huge bath?" Lesso glanced at Y/N from the side, to which she merely laughed slightly. "What? You can show you're doing well, don't you think? Wait until you're in there first, after that you'll never want to go anywhere else."
Lesso couldn't help but roll her eyes a little in amusement. "I'll really never be able to understand you rich people, you really are a very peculiar species."

Y/N wondered if there was a day when Lesso would not make sarcastic comments. But by now she was used to it and knew how to deal with it. She would not put up with it that easily. The young woman let her finger light up and soon a small fountain of water hit the redhead. "Would you like to repeat that?" Seeing Lesso's startled face, she really struggled to hold back her laughter. At the moment, Lesso looked like a cat who hated being bathed.

"You little rotten rat," Lesso hissed softly as she stroked through her drenched red hair. At that moment, Y/N knew it would be better to run. Lesso ran after her, trying to catch her somehow. "Come here, you'll pay for this!" Laughing, Y/N ran away, Lesso was close on her heels and when she reached her, she grabbed Y/N and started tickling her to the extreme. "Apologize."
Y/N desperately tried to free herself from her grip, unfortunately unsuccessfully. She was at Lesso's defenseless mercy. And so she couldn't help but laugh. "Never!"

Lesso didn't even think about stopping tickling Y/N. Little tears formed in Y/N's eyes and she was laughing so hard by now that she had to gasp a little. "Okay, okay! You win, I apologize, but please stop!" And indeed, Lesso actually let go of her in response and Y/N took one deep breath, from all the laughing her stomach was hurting a bit by now. "You really are one of the evil ones."

Evening had fallen and Y/N and Lesso had made themselves comfortable together on the estate's large terrace. With a blanket around her shoulders, Y/N sat next to the redhead and had her eyes fixed on the vast starry sky. From here, the stars could still be seen a bit better than from the school.
A small fire crackled in front of them, giving a pleasant warmth with its endless dancing flame.

Lesso held a glass filled with red wine in her hand, which had just been brought by one of the servants. Thoughtfully, she swayed the glass back and forth, watching the liquid in it almost threaten to spill over. She had been so quiet for a while, and it didn't escape Y/N's notice that something clearly seemed to be bothering her.

"What's troubling you, my love?" she inquired, looking questioningly over at Lesso. The woman raised her blue eyes and just looked at Y/N silently for a moment, as if she was thinking about whether to confide in her. "It's nothing. It just still bothers me that Rafal hasn't given any sign of life yet. Since what happened to you, we haven't had any sign of him or anything else. I have a bad feeling about that."

Y/N now turned his full attention to Lesso. "You're really still thinking about it? Lesso, it's been so many weeks now, as long as Rafal hasn't given any sign of an attack, we have nothing to fear and even if it does happen, we'll be prepared" she tried to reason with her girlfriend, but to no avail. "And what if we are not? What if we are not prepared? Y/N, you have no idea what you are getting into with Rafal. I know him and I know what I'm talking about. We can't underestimate him at all."

There was a moment of silence. A moment that Y/N used to observe Lesso closely. She saw that tense posture, saw the uncharacteristically gentle yet worried features on Lesso's face in the light of the burning fire. "You're still thinking about what happened back then, aren't you? Damn Lesso this has got to stop and you've got to finally get some proper sleep. And don't deny it now, do you think I don't notice how you torture yourself night after night trying to fight your fatigue? Your body really needs rest." That was also one of the reasons why Y/N really wanted Lesso to accompany her. She needed to see something other than the familiar surroundings where she was consumed by her own thoughts for once, so she could finally relax.

"I can't do that, and you know it. Not until I have killed Rafal with my own hands." She averted her eyes and looked quite serious. "But Lesso... Rafal isn't here anymore, and there's nothing at all that can happen." Sometimes it was really difficult to have a discussion with the Dean, because she was so damn stubborn.
"And what if it does? What if that bastard comes back and tries to kill you again? What if this time I don't catch any of it and the only thing I find is your lifeless body?"

So that's what this was all about. So slowly but surely Y/N began to understand and she took Lesso's hand in her own and intertwined their fingers together, a soft smile tugging at her lips. "Oh Lesso... My light already found you last time and it always will. You know I'm not that easy to kill, nothing will happen, so please, try to get some rest and sleep. If something does happen you will be the first to know."

Y/N spread her arms invitingly to welcome Lesso into them. But Lesso looked at her skeptically. "How old do you think I am? 16?" A soft sigh escaped Y/N's lips. "Come here or don't, I don't care, just try to get some sleep."

Silence returned again, but after a moment's hesitation Lesso moved up to Y/N and let herself sink into the the other's arms, eliciting a contented smile from the other.
"I hate you," Lesso merely murmured softly after closing her eyes, which made Y/N laugh softly. "I love you too." And just to make sure that Lesso would actually find some peace and not drown in her sea of thoughts, Y/N let her fingers caress Lesso's arm and she started humming a soft melody she remembered from years ago.

Hey guys, I just wanted to update you real quick that I have a lot of exams coming up the next weeks so I probably won't be able to drop a new chapter every day/night but I will try to write as much as possible 😭
And I do hope you liked this chapter, after everything that happened I thought it might be cute to add a little fluff into this story and besides... I felt the need for a soft Lesso bc she deserves the love too

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