Galactic Empire in New World

By Robotechmania

186K 6.4K 3.2K

What will happen if the Galactic Empire suddenly appears in the New World? There is a technological gap that... More

Part 1 : The Engineer
Part 2 : The Governor
Part 2 Chapter 2 Merging
Part 2 Chapter 3 Waking Up
Part 2 Chapter 4
Part 2 Chapter 5 Aftermath Battle of Yavin
Part 2 Chapter 6
Part 2 Chapter 7
Part 2 Chapter 8 : The End of The Galactic Empire
Part 2 Chapter 9 : Galactic War
Part 2 Chapter 10 : The Accident
Part 3 Chapter 1 The Arrival
Part 3 Chapter 2
Part 3 Chapter 3 : Contact
Part 3 Chapter 4
Part 3 Chapter 5
Part 3 Chapter 6
Part 3 Chapter 7
Part 3 Chapter 8
Part 3 Chapter 9
Part 3 Chapter 10
Part 4 Chapter 1 : Wind of War in Rodenius
Part 4 Chapter 2 The Defence of Gim
Part 4 Chapter 3 Sea Battle of Quila
Part 4 Chapter 4 Sea Battle of Principality of Qua Toyne
Part 4 Chapter 5 Attack from the Kingdom of Quila
Part 4 Chapter 6 Mystery of The Galaxy
Part 4 Chapter 7 Short Road To Jin-Hark
Part 4 Chapter 8 : Battle of Jin-Hark Port
Part 4 Chapter 9 The Siege of Jin-Hark
Part 4 Chapter 10 - The Fall of Lauria Kingdom
Part 4 Chapter 11 Aftermath
Part 4 Chapter 12
Part 5 Chapter 1 Turbulent Water
Part 5 Chapter 2
Part 5 Chapter 3
Part 5 Chapter 4
Part 5 Chapter 5
Part 5 Chapter 6
Part 5 Chapter 7
Part 5 Chapter 8 Incident at Kingdom of Fenn
Part 5 Chapter 9 Gray Jedi
Part 5 Chapter 10 Storm is Brewing
Part 5 Chapter 11
Part 5 Chapter 12 The Topa Affair II
Part 5 Chapter 13 Mu Empire Visit I
Part 5 Chapter 14 Mu Empire Visit - 2
Part 5 Chapter 15
Part 5 Chapter 16 First Casualty
Part 5 Chapter 17 Storm is Gathering
Part 5 Chapter 18 Refugee
Part 5 Chapter 19 A Keg of Gunpowder That Ready to Blown
Part 5 Chapter 20 Naval Battle of Le Brias
Part 5 Chapter 21 The Battle of Le Brias
Part 5 Chapter 22
Part 5 Chapter 23
Part 5 Chapter 24
Part 5 Chapter 25
Part 5 Chapter 26 : 2nd Sea Battle of Le Brias
Part 5 Chapter 27
Part 5 Chapter 28
Part 5 Chapter 29
Part 5 Chapter 30
Part 5 Chapter 31
Part 5 Chapter 32 Attack on Duros
Part 5 Chapter 33 Attack on Duros 2
Part 5 Chapter 34 Attack of Karis Village
Part 5 Chapter 35 First Sea Battle of Esthirant
Part 5 Chapter 36
Part 5 Chapter 37
Part 5 Chapter 38
Part 5 Chapter 39
Part 5 Chapter 40
Part 5 Chapter 41 Aftermath
Part 6 Chapter 1
Part 6 Chapter 2
Part 6 Chapter 3
Part 6 Chapter 4
Part 6 Chapter 5
Part 6 Chapter 6
Part 6 Chapter 7
Part 6 Chapter 8
Part 6 Chapter 9
Part 6 Chapter 10
Part 6 Chapter 11
Part 6 Chapter 12
Part 6 Chapter 13
Part 6 Chapter 14
Part 6 Chapter 15
Part 6 Chapter 16
Part 6 Chapter 17
Part 6 Chapter 18
Part 6 Chapter 19
Part 6 Chapter 20
Part 6 Chapter 21
Part 7 Chapter 1 11 Country Conference
Part 7 Chapter 2 Arrival
Part 7 Chapter 3 1st Day Conference
Part 7 Chapter 4 Battle of Western Islands
Part 7 Chapter 5
Part 7 Chapter 6
Part 7 Chapter 7
Part 7 Chapter 8
Part 7 Chapter 9
Part 7 Chapter 10. 2nd Day Conference
Part 7 Chapter 11
Part 7 Chapter 12
Part 7 Chapter 13 : 4th Day 11 Country Conference
Part 7 Chapter 14
Part 7 Chapter 15
Part 7 Chapter 16 5th days of 11 Country Conference
Part 7 Chapter 17
Part 7 Chapter 18
Part 8 Chapter 1 Elysia World War
Part 8 Chapter 2
Part 8 Chapter 3
Part 8 Chapter 4
Part 8 Chapter 5
Part 8 Chapter 6
Part 8 Chapter 7
Part 8 Chapter 8
Part 8 Chapter 9
Part 8 Chapter 10
Part 8 Chapter 11
Part 8 Chapter 12
Part 8 Chapter 13
Part 8 Chapter 14
Part 8 Chapter 15
Part 8 Chapter 16
Part 8 Chapter 17
Part 8 Chapter 18
Part 8 Chapter 19
Part 8 Chapter 20
Part 8 Chapter 21
Part 8 Chapter 22
Part 8 Chapter 23
Part 8 Chapter 24
Part 8 Chapter 25
Part 8 Chapter 26
Part 8 Chapter 27
Part 8 Chapter 28
Part 8 Chapter 29 Grenda Union Ships
Part 8 Chapter 30 Battle of Star System K17T
Part 8 Chapter 31 Battle of Star System Y6T7
Part 8 Chapter 32 Battle of Palpadia's Research Facility
Part 8 Chapter 33 Battle of Esthirant Bay

Part 5 Chapter 12 The Topa Affair

1.2K 41 11
By Robotechmania

To the west of Terminus Island is the Fillades continent, where the Palpadia Empire is located. In the northeastern part of the continent of Palpadia, there is a large island where there is a country, namely the Kingdom of Topa. The island that contains the Kingdom of Topa is connected to the Fillades continent by a natural land bridge that is 30 kilometers long but only 300 meters wide. In the northeastern part of the Kingdom of Topa, there is another natural land bridge that connects the Kingdom of Topa to the continent of Grameus. This natural land bridge is only 100m smaller but longer, which is 40km. Grameus is a continent inhabited by creatures called demons, and they attack humans, elves, and others on sight. This causes no communication between demons and other creatures in Elysia.

At the end of the natural land bridge between the Kingdom of Topa and the Grameus continent, there is a castle town named Tormis. Tormis was used as the first line of defense against the incursion of demons on the Grameus continent. Its walls blocked off the natural bridge. They had repelled countless demon invasions. Tormis is equipped with a large fortress that covers the entire natural land bridge. The fort was nearly 50 meters tall and built of stone, so it was very sturdy. The best soldiers from the Kingdom of Topa were stationed in Tormis. They were one of the first to be equipped with the arsenal of rifles and machine guns that the Kingdom of Topa got from the Myto Empire.

There is a natural choke point in the natural land bridge, 6 kilometers from Tormis Fort, where the width of the natural land bridge is reduced to 70 meters. The Kingdom of Topa then narrowed it to 50 meters by digging towards the sea and flooding it with sea water. That's where the first defensive fort was made with a high wall shape, initially made of wood, then turned into dirt, and finally using stone. The fortress or defensive wall is called the Doors of the World, a defensive wall that separates civilization from the demon world. Recently, they strengthened the walls and the fort of Tormis using cement and reinforced them with iron obtained from the Myto Empire. There are three watchtowers on the wall, two at each end and one in the center.

After they received weaponry from Myto, each watchtower was equipped with two 12.7 mm machine guns. 12.7mm machine guns were also placed to the left and right of the door leading to the Grameus continent on the wall.The wall is also equipped with 12 7.62mm machine guns positioned equally against the wall. On the wall were placed 150 soldiers from the Kingdom of Topa along with 10 mages, all equipped with rifles.

In the meadow in front of the wall, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Topa, under the supervision of the Myto Empire, planted a lot of explosives on the ground. The 1 kg of explosive was planted under gravel, which was then covered with soil and replanted with grass. The explosives were wired to the defensive wall. There were more than 1,000 explosives planted. Likewise, the ground between the Doors of the World and Tormis' main defensive wall was also filled with explosives controlled from Tormis.

Furthermore, all weapons are mounted on easily removable mounts, allowing them to be taken immediately if the wall cannot be held. Enough trucks have also been provided to be able to transport all the soldiers to the main Tormis stronghold.

At the main fortress of Tormis, the outer wall of the fortress, like the first bastion or Door of the World, spanned nearly 170 meters, covering the end of the natural land bridge connecting it to the Topa Kingdom. In the fort, there are 8 watchtowers, of which 2 are at the ends of the fort and the rest are in the middle at the same distance. The turret, like the Door of the World, is equipped with two heavy machine guns. Likewise, the 3 doors on the wall were protected by 2 heavy machine guns for each door. 30 7.62mm light machine guns were located throughout the fort. Most of them were on arrow slits that were used by archers.

Apart from the outer wall, inside Tormis is also divided into three main sections: the north, center, and south. All of that is separated by a defensive wall, on which there is also a watchtower. The defensive wall separating the northern and central parts of Tormis town has six watchtowers equipped with two heavy machine guns each as well as 20 light machine guns along the entire length of the wall. The center of Tormis defense, Castle Tormis, is on the wall that separates the central and southern parts of Tormis City, to the south of it. The castle also has an additional defensive wall surrounding it. The defensive wall that separates the central and southern sections of Tormis also has six watchtowers equipped with two heavy machine guns each and 16 light machine guns along the entire length of the wall. While the walls of Tormis Castle have five watchtowers, three face north. They were also equipped with two heavy machine guns each and twelve light machine guns. Inside the castle itself, there are also four heavy machine guns and 10 light machine guns. The outer defense wall of Tormis city was 250 meters long and had six watchtowers, each with two heavy machine guns.

All of the forts were still equipped with modified ballistae. The change is where the tip of the arrow is attached to an explosive stick.

Almost all of the machine guns that the Myto Empire gave to the Topa Kingdom were in Tormis City and Doors of the World.


One day, before noon.

Gai, a soldier who was originally a swordsman, is guarding the walls of the Door of the World with his childhood friend Knight Moah.

"Nnnaaa... so sleepy. I wanna lie down..." Gai yawned.

"Come now, the task of monitoring Grameus is imperative for the survival of both humans and demihumans," his friend, the knight Moah, warned him.

The swordsman Gai hung his head. This was his daily life. From the north of the wall all the way to Grameus, there was short grass, so there was a lot of visibility. In this season, the grass was a deep green, so the entire northern part of the continent was filled with fields of emerald. Birds sing and butterflies flutter around. Nothing else would happen today, and they'd soon be relieved of their duties.

Right as Moah and Gai each thought this...


They heard something... something repulsive.

"What was that?!" ask Gai

"Huh?! The ground over there... it's turning black!" Moah yelled as he looked through a telescope towards Grameus. "Those... those are goblins!!! The ground is completely covered in them, and they're headed this way!!! Ah! orcs! There are orcs too! There are... there are over a thousand enemies!!!"

Behind the swarm, they could make out the silhouettes of two giant demons, even bigger than orcs.

"Wh... what?! It couldn't be... those are the Red Ogre and the Blue Ogre!!! Why are those legendary beasts here?!"

Behind those two ogres, there was a red land dragon that was about three times larger than the Papaldia Empire's land dragons. On top of that dragon sat an ogre-sized beast. Moah had once read some ancient records in the archives, and he was now reminded of the contents of those records.

"Th... th... th... that's the Scarlet Dragon, and the Demon Lord Nosgoorah!!!"

Just then, the alarm began to sound on the defensive wall. All the soldiers ran to their respective posts. In many places, the barrels of machine guns began to appear on the defensive walls.

Just then, the knight captain, the leader of the troops on the wall, relayed a report to Tormis over the radio. The report stated that there were around twenty thousand goblins, two thousand goblin lords, and two hundred ogres. After that, the captain knight went straight to the main control room to detonate the explosives that had been planted. In addition, he ordered that all trucks be prepared for the evacuation of the walls if needed.




Tormis City
Command Center

"What's the situation?!" asked the garrison commander.

"Sir! As stated in the communications, there are so many demons invading from Grameus that we couldn't even see the ground!!! There are twenty thousand goblins, two thousand goblin lords, and two hundred ogres, and, based on descriptions I had read in the royal archives about legendary beasts, I also confirmed the Red Ogre and the Blue Ogre, as well as the Demon Lord Nosgoorah riding a red dragon!!!" replied one of the officers.

Everyone was speechless... They simply couldn't have ever imagined an attack like this.

"We don't even have five thousand soldiers in the northern defense regiment! Runners!!!" said the garrison commander.

"Yes, sir!" said a soldier.

"Get in touch with the king! Radio the Palace! The Demon Lord Nosgoorah has revived! We need all military forces to be sent here!!!" the command of the garrison commander. "Immediately order the troops around Tormis to move towards Tormis immediately. Send an additional 500 troops to the Doors of the World!!!"





Meanwhile, at Doors of the World.

The demon army had started to approach the defensive wall at a distance of 4 km. The atmosphere on the defensive wall became very tense as tens of thousands of demon troops approached. At over 20,000 to 150, it was an enormous morale toll on the troops defending the Doors of the World. Currently they have started to enter the area where the explosives are buried.

"Don't blow it up!!! Wait until the red, blue ogre and red dragon enter the explosive burried area." the captain knight ordered.

They were tensely waiting for the demon army to approach at a relatively slow pace. It seemed intentional to lower the morale of the soldiers defending the defensive walls.
10 minutes later, the demon troops had advanced 1 km and crossed the detonation area. The distance between the demon army is only 3 km left. The red and blue ogres have entered the blasting area. But the captain knight still hasn't given permission to detonate the explosives hidden in the ground.

A few moments later, Demon Lord Nosgoorah and the red dragon began to cross the detonation area, but again, the captain knight still had not given permission to detonate. The defense force was getting tense, seeing tens of thousands of demon troops already less than 3 km from the defensive wall.

After 1 minute later, when Demon Lord Nosgoorah and the red dragon were already far inside in the explosive burried field.

"Quickly detonate the explosives adjacent to the three demon army leaders!!! the knight captain ordered

"Yes, sir!!! " replied the explosives operator, who immediately turned on the safety switch and started pressing the buttons associated with a number of explosives.


There was the loud sound of 100 explosives exploding simultaneously around Demon Lord Nosgoorah, red and blue ogre. A powerful explosion was seen covering a large area. Before the sound of the explosion had finished echoing, another explosion followed one after another, covering the entire area occupied by the demon army.

BOOOM!!!!....BOOOM!!!!....BOOOM!!!!....BOOOM!!!!...BOOOM!!!!... BOOOOM!!!!!

Six explosions were heard almost without pause. Each explosion resulted in the detonation of 50 explosives simultaneously. More than 400 explosives were used, including the first explosion. There was smoke and pieces of debris, dirt, rocks, bodies, and body parts of goblins and ogres flying everywhere. The entire battlefield was covered in dust and smoke raised by the powerful explosions.

"Heavy and light machine gunners, get ready to shoot at your discretion!!!" ordered the knight captain.

Moments later, they began to see goblins and ogres scurrying to and fro in panic through the smoke and dust. A number of goblins and ogres were running towards the defensive wall. When they were less than 2 kilometers away, 12.7 mm heavy machine gun fire was fired towards them.


The sound of the heavy machine gun was then followed by the lighter and faster sound of the 7.62mm machine gun.

As a result, all the goblins and ogres that were running towards the defensive wall fell like a swarm of mosquitoes hit by insect repellant. That incident caused the goblins and ogres behind to panic even more, and they dashed back towards the Grameus continent, colliding between themselves.

At that moment, several ballistae on top of the defensive wall also got ready to release ballista arrows, which were also given dynamite sticks at the ends. They were ordered to release the ballista arrows if the demon army approached within 300 meters of the wall. But neither the goblins nor the ogres came that close.

Moments later, the dust and smoke began to clear, and the result was the detonation of over 400 places @ 1 kg of the explosive, which is more powerful than TNT explosive. Goblins and ogres were scattered in almost the entire area, many of whose bodies were no longer intact. Those who were still alive were seriously injured by the gravel flying at high speed from the explosion. There was a heartbreaking scream throughout the area of the explosion. In between were groups of goblins and ogres who were lightly injured but still able to run. They ran randomly in all directions out of panic, and many collided with each other. But no goblins or ogres dared to run towards the defensive wall.

The pebbles that were flung up by the explosion caused a great number of the goblins and ogres to suffer terrible injuries, become pierced like sieves, or even be completely pulverized into bits of meat. The addition of gravel to explosives makes them more powerful and terrifying at the same time. The impact is significantly greater than that of simple explosives. The impact from the explosion on its own is not nearly as powerful as the capacity to kill or harm that it possesses.

"Oh, my lord. What a devastation," said the knight captain, who was also surprised by the results of the explosion of the planted explosive.

It appears that the red and blue ogres were seriously injured by the explosion, and the red dragon, the mount of Demon Lord Nosgoorah, was killed by the explosion, but Demon Lord Nosgoorah himself did not appear to be seriously injured. The red and Blue ogres seemed dazed by the explosion and limped at random.

Just as the Blue Ogre was standing on top of an unexploded explosive charge...

"Quickly detonate more explosives, especially the ones under the Blue Ogre!!! " ordered the knight captain to the explosives operator.

Without answering, the explosives operator immediately flipped the switch regarding the explosives, especially the one the blue ogre was trampling on.


There were four more powerful explosions. The explosion happened right next to the red, blue, and demon lord Nosgoorah.As the dust and smoke cleared, it appeared that both the red and blue ogres were lying on the ground in tatters. It seems they are dead. But Demon Lord Nosgoorah only looked injured. This caused Demon Lord Nosgoorah to become very angry, and there was a scream from Demon Lord Nosgoorah. At that moment, all the demon troops became silent.

The demon lord Nosgoorah looked intently at the Doors of the World, after which he looked at the condition of his troops. His troops also looked back at Demon Lord Nosgoorah for orders from him. After that, it was seen that Demon Lord Nosgoorah turned around and started walking away from the defensive wall, followed by the rest of the demon troops. They went away carrying their injured comrades.

"We made it!!!!!!!! We defeat the demon army!" the troops on the defensive wall shouted with joy and enthusiasm.

However, the knight captain was aware that the majority of their defensive resources had been depleted. There were 1,000 explosives total, and 600 of them were used. And according to what he saw, only a portion of the demon army had been eliminated. There was still more than half of the demon army that had not been eliminated. If the demon army assaulted them again with their full force, there is no way that they could survive.

At least 5,000 goblins and fifty ogres were killed as a result of the explosions and the machine guns, according to a rudimentary calculation that was performed by the forces that were present. This is just a small portion of the full demon army that will be attacking. After learning that, the mood of the knight captain had become darkened, the knight captain issued the following command: "Immediately prepare individuals to be able to replant explosives to replace the ones that have been used."

An aide responded, "Yes, sir, but we only have 150 people here, we'll have to wait for reinforcements from Tormis in order to do so."

"Oh, I see what you mean. Okay, while we wait for the soldiers from Tormis to arrive, we will place more explosives in the area "remarked the knights captain.




Some time later, additional troops from the city of Tormis began to arrive. 500 fully armed troops came to the defensive wall. They carried six 12.7mm heavy machine guns and 15 additional 7.62mm machine guns, along with ammunition. They also carry additional explosives. The knight captain immediately ordered 100 troops to replace the explosives that had been used. 50 people will plant explosives, and 50 people will guard those who are planting explosives. Due to the urgency of the situation, many explosives were simply planted, without gravel, and some were only placed on the ground, covered with a little soil and rocks around them.

After 2 hours, they managed to plant 250 explosives. But while they were working, suddenly a voice came from the demon army.


The explosives squadron immediately ran to the vehicle carrying them and immediately returned to the defensive wall. Shortly after that, it seemed in the distance that Demon Lord Nosgoorah was returning to the wall, but he was currently carrying only a few troops. Only about a few hundred goblin troops accompanied him. On the defensive walls, the sirens sounded again for the second time that day.

After nearly 15 minutes of waiting for the troops to re-enter the defensive wall, the demon lord Nosgoorah appeared to have come to a halt 4 kilometers from the wall, outside the zone where the explosives had been planted. The demon Lord Nosgoorah appeared to have begun to use his magic. A cyclone slowly formed and grew bigger and bigger. Seeing that the Mages of the Topa Kingdom immediately used their magic to counter Demon Lord Nosgoorah's magic. However, because of the strong magic ability of Demon Lord Nosgoorah, all they can do is slow down the creation of the cyclone.

When the power of the tornado reached its peak, the entire battlefield that had occurred earlier was swept away by the cyclone. The bodies, body parts of the goblins and ogres that died in battle were all sucked in by the whirlwind. As a result, the former battlefield became clean of the corpses of the Demon troops. Likewise, many explosives that are not properly embedded or simply placed on the ground are also lifted by the cyclone. It was seen that the explosive was circling in a whirlwind, with the wires hanging all the way to the ground.

Just as the cyclone had swept across the battlefield, it accidentally passed in front of Demon Lord Nosgoorah. That's when the knight captain gave the order to detonate the explosive pulled from the ground.Not all of the explosives are still connected to the center via the cable. However, of the 190 explosives, 53 were still connected and exploded in front of Demon Lord Nosgoorah. As a result, Demon Lord Nosgoorah suffered serious injuries to the front of his body, including his face, which caused his concentration on magic to be lost, therefore, the whirlwind immediately disappeared. The explosion also killed some of the goblins that followed. The demon Lord Nosgoorah screamed in pain and ran away from the battlefield.

From the Doors of the World, loud shouts of victory greeted the demon lord Nosgoorah's run.

"Immediately order our troops to reload the explosives and, if possible, retrieve the explosives that were removed from their place by the tornado from Demon Lord Nosgoorah." ordered the knight captain.

Nearly 200 troops immediately came out of the defense wall to the battlefield, and some returned to installing explosives, while others were looking for and retrieving explosives that were lifted by the tornado. Others guarded the two groups from possible surprise attacks from the demon army. But since it was getting dark, they only had a little over an hour to do that. By that time, only 150 explosives had been placed.

But even so, the Topa Kingdom's army managed to perform a feat that had not been achieved for hundreds of years. They can temporarily stop a massive attack from the demon nation, which includes the very feared Demon Lord Nosgoorah, and are able to kill the notorious red and blue ogres.

That night, the troops on the defensive wall could rest enough because there was no more attack from the demon army. But before they rest, they have guests who bring additional advanced combat equipment...


The capital of the Kingdom of Topa, Berngen.
Main military command center

The news of a massive attack from the demon nation panicked the general staff in the capital. They immediately ordered the mobilization of the entire Topa Kingdom army.

Currently, all the generals and chiefs of staff of the armed forces are gathered at the military command center to discuss this demon nation's attack.

"The number of troops that attack is too large, especially with Demon Lord Nosgoorah, who has great magic ability, and it will definitely lead to the defeat of our troops," said a general.

"We don't have time to mobilize troops and deploy them to the city of Tormis. Around the city of Tormis, there are only about 5,000 troops who have been ordered to immediately head to the city of Tormis. But it takes at least 8 hours to do that" replied an aide from the army.

"We also don't have enough modern weapons from Myto. There are still a lot of our troops who still use the sword and bow. There's no way they can defeat the demon army using a sword and bow." said a general.

"We have to start gathering mages as well to help in the war. But this also takes a lot of time. We still don't have many vehicles to be able to transport both our mages and troops. But immediately order every mage in our country to gather in the capital and be ready to help defend the Topa Kingdom!!! ' ordered the chief of staff of the armed forces.

"Yes sir, we will do it immediately." answered an aide.

"Because of this, we need to tell all the countries on the Philades continent right away, especially the Principality of Netz, which is our neighbor."We have a diplomatic agreement to be able to ask for help from the Palpadia Empire and the Myto Empire. Immediately send word to all countries and ask our embassies in Palpadia and Myto to ask for help from those two countries." replied the chief of staff of the armed forces.

"Yes sir. We will send news soon." replied one of the staff.


Terminus Island.
Makassar Military Port City, north of Terminus Island.
2 hours after the Myto leadership meeting.

By order of Governor Ira, a small fleet was prepared to immediately leave for Topa Kingdom to help Topa Kingdom deal with the demons. An amphibious assault ship of the Thor class, accompanied by two Mardut-class destroyers, will depart for Topa Kingdom. Inside the amphibious assault ship are 20 tanks, 30 IFVs carrying 300 Dark troopers and 60 soldiers, and 5 rocket projectors. Also brought in 20 probe droids to assist the troop.

In addition to the troops that will be deployed using tanks and IFVs. There are also an additional 100 troop personnel and 500 Dark Troopers who can be transported into battle using utility-type airspeeders. For this mission in the amphibious assault ship, apart from carrying 24 fighter-type airspeeders, 16 utility-type airspeeders were also brought, two times more than under normal conditions. Excess airspeeder tied down in flight deck.

Previously, Governor Ira had also informed the Topa Kingdom government regarding Myto Empire's approval to assist Topa Kingdom. Myto Empire is allowed to go straight to the city of Tormis, they will make an amphibious landing on the coast closest to city of Tormis.
The relief force for the Topa Kingdom was led by Colonel Tarou. By order of the governor of Ira, Colonel Tarou is permitted to use all weapons, and if required, a corvette will provide orbital support. If desired, it is also permitted to use orbital bombardment using the turbolaser medium owned by the corvette. But that can be avoided if possible, to prevent the spread of knowledge about the space capabilities of the Myto Empire.

An Atlas-class carrier starship was seen approaching the small fleet. Soon the small flotilla was all picked up by the transport ships. The transport ship quickly moved towards the Topa Kingdom at speeds exceeding the speed of sound by adjusting the shape of the ship's shield so as to create a more aerodynamic shape.


Palpadia Empire.
Office of 3rd Foreign Affairs Department

The Topan ambassador was currently at the 3rd foreign affairs department requesting reinforcements. The Typhoon ambassador had to wait long enough and bribe the receptionists at 3rd foreign affairs to be able to run all matters in order to meet officials from 3rd foreign affairs.They should have been able to request reinforcements because the Topa Kingdom had a diplomatic agreement that stated that in the event of an attack by the Demon nation, the Topa Kingdom could request assistance from the Palpadia Empire.

"As previously explained, the legendary Demon Lord from our myths has revived. Our knights are engaged at full strength; if the Demon Lord is truly as strong as the legends say, then we fear we will be unable to defeat it. We believe that your portable magic cannons will be effective against it. If you could dispatch a small platoon of them..."

"That is impossible," the 3rd foreign affairs representative answered immediately.

"Wh... Can you not at least consider it? If my country falls, the entire continent of Fillades will be at the mercy of the Demon Lord's army." Topan ambassador said. "The magic abilities of the demon king's leaders, including Demon Lord Nosgoorah, are very high. There is probably no mage who can compete with him right now.Therefore, the safety of all residents and countries on the continent of Fillades will be threatened."

"The empire is currently a bit occupied... I am unable to say why, but it is difficult to say that we are busy. Even if it is only a small platoon, there is no reason for us to dispatch our army to aid other countries. This is not to single out your country, the policy applies to all countries. Besides... if a demon that made a name for itself before there were even countries in the Fillades tries to throw its weight around now in the modern era, it will quickly learn its place. If they do end up invading Fillades, the empire will simply eradicate them then."

"How heartless!!!"

The Topan ambassador was unable to secure reinforcements from the Papaldia Empire.

"Now we can only hope for help from the Myto Empire. Hopefully they will help us." said Topan ambassador.

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