Never Let Go - Danisnotonfire...

By phangirlingweirdo

1.7M 65K 124K

- won first place in the summer 2015 x reader fanfiction awards - You feel like your life is one big existent... More

a/n: disclaimer
Introducing You...
Landlord Peasant
And So It Begins...
Don't Stalk Me!
Hello Internet!
Too Many Innuendos...
Twenty Questions
"My Rambling is... Cucumber?"
The Interview
"What is my life?!"
Abused... Bruised... Alone?
The Aftermath
Diagnosis and a Tour
Pizza and a Close Call
Annoying Cashier
Advice with Dan
Skyping Feels
Spaghetti and Damp Clothes
Stay with me...
Soggy Cereal
Artistic Attempts
Heart-to-Hearts in a Cupboard
Awkward... >.<
Llamaaaa :3
Guitar Hero
Danosaurs be craaazzzyyy
"A winky friendship is a good friendship."
Movie Marathon
Advice with Phil *cue jingle*
Shiz happens.
"You're ruining my liveshow!"
Waffles and Horror Movies
Awkward Experiences
Cooking and Arguments
Friends Again...?
Phan... Sorta.
The Inner Badass
Twister and Ice Cream
The Deep, Dark World of Tumblr
The Fairground
Looking for the Lion
The Postman ruins Everything.
Announcements and Turnips
Third Video!
Mario Kart and Liveshows
a/n: omg!
Shopping and Cereal
Stirfry and Complete Failures
Zoe's Party - Part One
Zoe's Party - Part Two
The Worst Party Ever?!
Twitter Troubles
Making Up and Strange Dreams
Phil's Date
Piggy Backs
Salted Caramel Brownies
a/n: 2k?!
The London Eye and Games
Phangirls and Embarrassing Phil
Anxious Thoughts...
Nostalgia and Vegetable Pie
Coincidence? I think not...
a/n: 3k! omw 0-0
Search and Find
Sudden Realisations
Morning Breath Kisses
Hiccups and Phone Conversations
Midnight Magic
Nightmares and Lucky Charms
a/n: 5k! :D
Cards Against Humanity and Codes
Decoding and Panicking
Sickness and Cuddling
Noodles and Theories!
The Big Reveal...
Cookies and Queries
Teasing ^v^
Decorating and Christmas!
Brighton Beach
Never Let Me Go
Bonus Chapter - Minty's Real Name
Answers to the Character Ask

Sherlock is Bae

18.6K 820 748
By phangirlingweirdo

You get inside, Dan's arm still around you.

You go up the stairs and collapse on the sofa.

"Are you tired?" Dan asks, leaning against the door frame. 

"Yesh," you reply, your voice muffled by the sofa.

"I'm guessing you won't want to watch Sherlock with me then," he says teasingly. "Shame."

You perk up and glare at him.
"I'm watching Sherlock with you."

He laughs his adorable laugh. "Thought so."

You realise you still have his jacket on. "Oh, here's your jacket," you say, taking it off and giving it to him.

He takes it and puts it on.

Dan's POV: 

She hands the jacket to me. I think of letting her keep it... but then again, it smells like her. Woah, not creepy at all, Dan.

I put it on and sit next to her.

"I'm going to go get my pyjamas on," she says.

I nod and smile at her as she leaves. 

"Phil! You coming to watch Sherlock with us?" I call.

"Yeah, hold on!" he replies.

"Hurry up!" I shout.

He comes in and jumps onto the space beside me. Y/n comes back, wearing pyjama bottoms with emojis embroidered on them and a white strappy top. Her h/c hair is in a bun (A/N: Or just down if you have short hair!).

She sits down next to me and I put on Sherlock. After a while I feel Y/n's head on my shoulder. She sighs softly.

My heart explodes with - something I can't identify. I don't know. I clear my head of those thoughts and turn my attention to the TV.

*le time skip*

Eventually, I hear Y/n's breathing deepen. She must be asleep. I guess I'll be carrying her to bed again.

Not that that's any problem, of course.

After Sherlock ends, I pick her up and walk to her room. She lets out a cute little snore. I smile down at her. I lie her down on the bed and cover her with the duvet. She snuggles deeper into the bed.

"Am I pretty?" she mumbles. She still has her eyes closed.

I stare at her, confused. Is she sleep talking?

"Yes, you're beautiful," I find myself saying. I blush, although she can't see me.

"Good," she replies and turns over.

I chuckle softly and get up from the side of the bed. I turn off her light and walk out.

A/N: This is short, sorry xD

Buuut I won't give you two chapters this time because the next few chapters are very dramatic! So you'll have to wait until tomorrow...

Mwhahaha >:3


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